PlayStation 4 EU – Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

  • Callmekevio
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there, would anyone be able to offer me a free Vampire bite? I don't believe in paying for this particular service so i'd only seek to pass the gift on (i appreciate the struggle of trying to get it).

    Please add me on PSN: Callmekevio

    I currently reside on Ebonheart Pact in EU,
  • Trowie_UK
    Nice to see NOONE is offering since these threads where made, zenimax you may as well remove them. People are only saying they'll bite for free IF they get bite. They don't.
  • lennyrs
    Soul Shriven
    Lf werewolf bite. im veteran rank 1 (and still NO WEREWOLF spotted!!)
    if someone could help me out, i would be very gratefull!!!

    Psn: lennyRS
    Alliance: Aldermeri dominion
    European server
  • kevto
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite. I will definitely owe you one.

    PSN: onlinegamer499
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Server: EU
    onlinegamer499 PS4/EU
  • jay5787
    Soul Shriven
    Lf vampire bite



    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on WTS/WTB posts]
    Edited by ZOS_Racheal on June 22, 2015 11:22PM
  • jay5787
    Soul Shriven
    Psn jay5787
  • Gaiji
    Soul Shriven
    PSN freaki-kz

    Looking for vampire bite

    Server EU

    Aldmeri dominion

    Plz and thanks.
  • one wizard
    one wizard
    Soul Shriven
    looking for werewolf bite
    eu server
    daggerfall convent
    message me on psn XxSiBeRsHoTxX

    thanks in advance

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on WTS/WTB posts]
    Edited by ZOS_Racheal on June 22, 2015 11:23PM
  • iTzStevey
    Trowie_UK wrote: »
    Nice to see NOONE is offering since these threads where made, zenimax you may as well remove them. People are only saying they'll bite for free IF they get bite. They don't.

    Exactly, once they have a biye they never come back to this thread to pffer it to others, wouldn't surprise me if someone who got a bite through these threads was a person now scamming people.
  • Lesnar X
    Lesnar X
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for vampire bite

    PSN: Damon8641
    Ebonheart Pact
    North American server
  • mpec82
    Looking Vampire Bite (will help spreading once Vampire)

    PSN: mpec82

    If someone is willing to help can contact me via PSN private message or in game mail. Thanks you in advance. ;)

    I'm online at the moment.
  • leepalmer95
    iTzStevey wrote: »

    Exactly, once they have a biye they never come back to this thread to pffer it to others, wouldn't surprise me if someone who got a bite through these threads was a person now scamming people.

    Well considering they need too get to rank 6 first is maybe why, its also likely the reason why theres more vamp requests than werewolf ones.

    Also they could just add them directly or pm them, why would they reply to a post saying 'i'll bite', thus hoping people check back and then being spammed with requests off others.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • TheBlaziken
    still looking for a vampire bite
    psn The_Blaziken
    alliance: ebonheart
    server EU
  • Maotti
    Giving away three werewolf bites on the EU PS4 server.

    2 in Aldmeri Dominion and one in Daggerfall Covenant!

    Send me PM here.
    PC EU
  • ShizStirrer
    Hey guys, looking for a Werewolf bite and will definitely pass it along, for free, not going to rip people off.

    PSN: ShizStirrer

    Server: EU

    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion

    Thanks to anyone who gets in touch.
    - LF: Vampire Bite
    - Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    - Server: EU

    [Moderator Note: Comment edited per our rules on WTB/WTS]
    Edited by ZOS_ArtG on June 23, 2015 12:05PM
  • m1ck10v1n
    Looking for Vampire Bite.
    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant.
    Server: EU
    PSN: m1ck_l0v1n
    or reply to me on here and ill add you.
    Will tip.
  • Baragan
    Soul Shriven
    WW bite?

    msg me your offer

    PS-ID: Jay21Tea
  • Flint1985
    Looking for someone willing to bite me and turn me into a vampire. On the PS4 EU server, with the Dominion alliance
  • Callmekevio
    Soul Shriven
    Please bite me, WW or Vampire

    Ebonheart Pact


    Callmekevio is my psn
  • troner2
    LOOKING FOR VAMP Bite, Purely RP ^^ ( and ofc the sick ultimate for my dw sorc <3 )


    PSN: alfybaby1993

    thanks a lot, also if any one wants to add me just for friends, feel free :)
  • Trowie_UK
    Looking for vampire bite Aldmeri Dominion. Will pay you in kind. Message trowie-uK
  • ramonvanjaarsveldb16_ESO
    Searching for vampire bite already lost 20k

    Psn: nomar1998
    Server: eu
    Ebonheart packt

    I hope to hear from Some one that not scams
    Thank you

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Naming & Shaming Comments]

    I lost now 35k i have no money anymore thank you scammers
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 2:36PM
  • jay5787
    Soul Shriven
    Is nothing going to be done about the guilds specifically set up to camp at all the spawns kill all the vampires and werewolves then sell the bites for an extortionate fee which most of the "sellers" take then disappear without giving you what you paid for?
  • Caeruleus
    Giving away Vampire bites. (almost level 6)


    EU Server

    PSN: CaerulusAurum
    Edited by Caeruleus on June 23, 2015 2:02PM
  • Javz_
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for WW bite, would be much appreciated I've lost to many hours searching already aha

    PSN: Javz_
    Server: EU
    Daggerfall covenant
  • one wizard
    one wizard
    Soul Shriven
    still looking for ww bite been waitting so long now please

    daggerfall convent
    eu sever
    psn xxsibershotxx
    please please please
  • Trupah
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Werewolf bite, willing to pass on when/ if I get it for free

    PSN: Trupah
    Player name: Trupah
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
    Server: EU

    Please add me if you are willing to give one for free :smiley:
  • br4nd0n16b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    PSN: Smokle
    Character: Taco Taco
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Server: US
    Console: PS4
    Bite After: Vampire

    After being ripped off twice now for bites and camping their spawn points every chance i get i have yet to come across them, looking for someone to end my suffering
  • Hcod
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Vampire bite :smile: plz, cant find the perfect moon to spawn
    PSN: Hcod
    Ally: Aldmeri Dominion
    Server: EU
    plz add me ingame and i will OWE u one

    Thanks in advance

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