EU (makes sense since it's a freakin' EU thread, yet I add it since some people seem to lack a firm grasp on the obvious)
I've put a lot of effort into blacksmithing, I can craft any style other than Imperial. So a trade is an option. (I'm level 43 at the moment) Blacksmithing is maxxed out.
I'll be spreading it for free afterwards, if only to prove a point.
A friend of mine fronted 15k (!!!) to some guy who said he'd infect him afterwards, only to see him fast travel away with his gold...
Come on people, let's spread a disease to cure another ! Rotten communities are the downfall of online gaming ! Open your eyes, you over-competitive ****** (that was not a nice word I had in mind, so I'll censor it myself)
Add me on PSN: Tom_V_M
If I get it before you get it, I'll let you know. I expect nothing less in return.
Need werewolf bite:
Daggerfall Covenant
PSN: Ultro-Warrior
been searching countless days for a werewolf bite... Would appreciate it if someone could help me out. Message me via PSN. Thank you.
Would appreciate a vampire bite. Would be more fun if could infect ppl agaisnt there consent lol.
Lord Kaan
Just drop me a mail in game or something. Will make a donation after being bitten purely for the reason that you are helping me out. Will owe a favour bite/general favour too.
Also looking to join a cool vampire/werewolf guild so if know any if you could give me a heads up much appreciated.
Thank you
Looking for a vampire bite. Been trying to get a bite but other player vampires killing the mobs when they spawn is frustrating. I can pay some in game money if you want!! I am willing to pass bites on for free.
PSN name: X-Tz_Stalker (a old psn name)
Server: EU
Faction: Aldmeri Dominion.
Add me as a friend if you are willing, and just drop a comment in the friend request reminding me its for vampire bite!
I will be on after six pm GMT
I am happy to join a vampire guild also, thanks in advance!!
- Alliance: EbonHeart Pact
- System: PS4
- Server: Europa
- Character Name: Crazyslash
- PSN ID: xXRibentoXx (Add/Message me and we can meet up at the shrine and I will bite you.)
PSN: xXRibentoXx
PS4 EU | Ebonheart Pact
Character name: Crazyslash | Templar | Nord | VETERAN | VAMPIRE | WEREWOLF
Guildleader: Immortal Kings
Looking for werewolf bite for myself and to spread to guild mates please massage me
I will also owe you a favor like a raid or help in a mission when ever you want