PlayStation 4 EU – Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

  • jay5787
    Soul Shriven
    Vampire Bite Wanted



    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]

    Psn Jay5787
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 2:37PM
  • Hcod
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Vampire bite :smile: plz, cant find the perfect moon to spawn
    PSN: Hcod
    Ally: Aldmeri Dominion
    Server: EU
    plz add me ingame and i will OWE u one

    Thanks in advance
  • Skullyfunk
    Looking a vamp bite!

    PSN: Jamarky1337
    Faction: Aldmeri dominion
    Server: EU

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 2:38PM
  • xXscopexXkingxX
    Looking for either bite
    Please for free
    Eu server

  • Flint1985
    EU server
    ID: Flint1985
    Aldmeri Dominion

    Online now, please help be stalk the night
  • Vroren
    Soul Shriven
    Hello everyone!

    Looking for a vampire bite aswell. A tasty bite would be greatly appreciated :wink:
    Let me know if you can help me out. Thanks alot in advance!

    PSN: VanHelsing1897
    Ebonheart Pact
    PS4 EU
  • Farlin
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for either bite. I'll be coming back here to pass it on if someone gives it to me. Just message me and I can meet you.

    Id: EoN_Farlin

    Server: Europe

    Aldmeri Dominion

    Thank you. :)

    Edited by Farlin on June 24, 2015 2:11AM
  • TheBlaziken
    still looking for a vampire bite
    psn The_Blaziken
    alliance: ebonheart
    server EU
  • snakeyez
    Soul Shriven
    looking for warewolf bite

    ps4 eu

    psn name:

    for free. then will also spread for free.
  • TheBlaziken
    looking for a vampire bite
    psn The_Blaziken
    alliance: ebonheart
    server EU
    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 2:38PM
  • akhanvict
    werewolf bite.

    Psn na

    Tad alliance

    friend me with a msg saying werewolf bite

    Psn Akhanvict

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our policy on WTB/WTS posts]
    Edited by ZOS_Tarina on June 24, 2015 5:31AM
  • cousinss25
    Soul Shriven
    looking for a vampire bite
    psn Cousinss25
    alliance: daggerfall
    server EU

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 2:38PM
  • Mishkamiche
    Soul Shriven
    looking for a vampire bite, you know you want to bite me :blush:
    psn Mishkamiche
    alliance: daggerfall
    server EU PS4

    Little pressie after bite :smiley: x
  • Kittievamp
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Vampire bite.
    Aldmeri dominion
    NA Server
    PSN: Kittievamp


    Please and thank you <3
  • sapperTHING
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Vampire Bite
    PSN: sapperTHING
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Server: NA

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules for this thread]
    Edited by ZOS_Ann on June 25, 2015 2:39PM
  • willdawg
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for Werewolf bite

    Aldmeri Dominian
    Psn: Downywilldawg

    Please and thank you.
  • peej65
    Soul Shriven
    Bite me!

    Looking for free werewolf bite Ebonheart pact
    Psn Monkeybob2000
    I will spread the infection to others :wink:

  • Lestat_Rudric
    PSN: Flynneus_Knight
    Daggerfall Covenent
    EU server
    Looking for a Werewolf bite.
  • Anubis_Sobek
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for vampire bite.

    Ebonheart Pact

    EU (makes sense since it's a freakin' EU thread, yet I add it since some people seem to lack a firm grasp on the obvious)

    I've put a lot of effort into blacksmithing, I can craft any style other than Imperial. So a trade is an option. (I'm level 43 at the moment) Blacksmithing is maxxed out.

    I'll be spreading it for free afterwards, if only to prove a point.
    A friend of mine fronted 15k (!!!) to some guy who said he'd infect him afterwards, only to see him fast travel away with his gold...

    Come on people, let's spread a disease to cure another ! Rotten communities are the downfall of online gaming ! Open your eyes, you over-competitive ****** (that was not a nice word I had in mind, so I'll censor it myself)

    Add me on PSN: Tom_V_M

    If I get it before you get it, I'll let you know. I expect nothing less in return.

    With regards,

  • MokaMacaroon
    Soul Shriven
    Hello guys,

    I'm looking to see if anyone is willing to give a Vampire bite away on Ebonheart pact, EU.

    Many thanks :)

    PSN: MokaMacaroon
  • Ultro_Warrior
    Soul Shriven
    Need werewolf bite:
    Daggerfall Covenant
    PSN: Ultro-Warrior
    been searching countless days for a werewolf bite... Would appreciate it if someone could help me out. Message me via PSN. Thank you.
  • LordKaan
    Soul Shriven
    Would appreciate a vampire bite. Would be more fun if could infect ppl agaisnt there consent lol.



    Lord Kaan

    Just drop me a mail in game or something. Will make a donation after being bitten purely for the reason that you are helping me out. Will owe a favour bite/general favour too.

    Also looking to join a cool vampire/werewolf guild so if know any if you could give me a heads up much appreciated.
    Thank you
  • Finafaranell
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a vampire bite. Been trying to get a bite but other player vampires killing the mobs when they spawn is frustrating. I can pay some in game money if you want!! I am willing to pass bites on for free.

    PSN name: X-Tz_Stalker (a old psn name)
    Server: EU
    Faction: Aldmeri Dominion.

    Add me as a friend if you are willing, and just drop a comment in the friend request reminding me its for vampire bite!

    I will be on after six pm GMT

    I am happy to join a vampire guild also, thanks in advance!!
  • UggiAffe
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for vampire bite. Will bite others for free after reaching the level for it.

    PSN name: Ackercheck
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Server: EU

    An ingame or PSN message would be nice.
  • richonb
    Soul Shriven
    Hey I really wanna get a ware wolf bite free plz.
    I will continue the ware wolf lineage.
    Psn laughaturpain.

    Character name. Meaneyes.
  • TheBlaziken
    looks like no1 is getting what they want
    plus ppl from NA server coming here, as the title says EU server lol
  • UkMonge
    looking for a werewolf bite/guild




    thanks guys!
    If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.
  • Robben87

    - Alliance: EbonHeart Pact
    - System: PS4
    - Server: Europa
    - Character Name: Crazyslash
    - PSN ID: xXRibentoXx (Add/Message me and we can meet up at the shrine and I will bite you.)
    PSN: xXRibentoXx
    PS4 EU | Ebonheart Pact
    Character name: Crazyslash | Templar | Nord | VETERAN | VAMPIRE | WEREWOLF
    Guildleader: Immortal Kings
  • Rysiris
    Looking for werewolf bite for myself and to spread to guild mates please massage me :smiley:
    I will also owe you a favor like a raid or help in a mission when ever you want

    Alliance: Ebonheart pact
    level: Champion rank 2
    Server: EU
    PSN: Rysiris

    NVM 5 min after posting I found a warewolf :)
    Edited by Rysiris on June 24, 2015 11:58PM
    Ebonheart Pact
    Dragon knight (It would help me a lot if you pm me some skill builds for PVP)
    Warewolf (Friday is bite day)
    Lv: VR6
  • SethNAjver
    Soul Shriven
    Lf a vampire to bite me

    Alliance: Ebonheart pact
    EU server
    Character name: Ezeda
    Psn: SethNAJver-2

    I am online now and is at the altar
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