Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Blood Guard (Vampire and Werewolf Guild) PVP Ebonheart Pact

We are a Vampire and Werewolf PVP guild that are looking for members. We are on the Haderus server for PVP. If you wish to join please leave a note on the forum and I or an officer will get you started. If your not a vampire or werewolf yet don't worry we currently have members who are trying to spread vampirism and lycanthropy. We don't charge but do require you to be in the guild and turn another player when you unlock the passive. We will also be doing events from getting bites though bloodfiends and werewolfs to large scale PVP. We are growing rapidly and would like to keep it that way.
Edited by Vance.Frost on June 28, 2015 12:15AM
  • dblurxd_ESO
    Invite me please, my gamertag is dBluRxD!
  • Vance.Frost
    I'll get you in a few minutes.
  • iownanorby
    Soul Shriven
    Invite me gamer tag iownanorby have a character on Daggerfall also that is a blacksmith so I can make gear
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    We will add you shortly.
  • ruga_riz
    I would like to join gt- Riz not4theweak
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    You should be invited now. Welcome to the guild.
  • masoncu
    Mercurrie xD. - vampire
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    You should be invited now. If you aren't please send a message to XCallMeSenpaiX on xbox.
  • ruga_riz
    Thank you how can I get a ww bite
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    Please understand there might be a long wait time for bites because of overwhelming guild growth. If everybody contributes to the guild by infecting other members it will go much quicker.
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    We will change the guild message of the day to notify members when we will be giving out bites.
  • ruga_riz
    Oh ok that's understandable...I just put 100 gold in the guild bank
  • PainedBike21
    Hey guys my Gt is PainedBike and I wish to join, I'm looking forward for Vampire bite for my DK also I have Lycantrhopy in another char to bite someone.
    Edited by PainedBike21 on June 19, 2015 3:33AM
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    Thank you for your patience and for contributing to the guild.
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    Welcome to the guild.
  • filsingerjon
    Please add me to the Guild...

    Gamer tag: JEAF7
    Xbox One
    Gamertag: JEAF7
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    You should now have an invite.
  • PainedBike21
    Thanks dude I was wondering how long is the waiting list
  • filsingerjon
    Thx for the invite
    Xbox One
    Gamertag: JEAF7
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    We can't say for sure how long the list is because we don't know how many people will leave the guild right after they get infected.
  • PainedBike21
    Well, hope they wont leave
  • Cozzaa89
    Psn Cozzaa89 EU ebonheart I am a werewolf but would like a vamp bite I still have my bite this week so if u invite me in ill trade bites n help out
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    Sorry but we are on Xbox.
  • Cozzaa89
    Oh ok
  • PainedBike21
    I probably think I'm the number 20+-. Also I got some WW's friends that would like to join.
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    Please post their gt and we will add them shortly. Thank you for contributing to the guild growth.
  • Tribunal_Grace
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join and become a vampire. My gamer tag is DANGRH1V0LTAG3. Look forward to hearing from you!
  • CensoredMars0
    Soul Shriven
    Would like a invite GT: CensoredMars0
    Already have Vamp and WW EP toons
  • filsingerjon
    We have an website?
    Xbox One
    Gamertag: JEAF7
  • XCallMeSenpaiX
    Welcome to the guild.
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