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Why does the map have a million different symbols and yet the legend only says what a handful are?

Stupid. For example what does the symbol over ash mountain mean? Sort of looks like a torch with a man in front of it
  • Krycek89
    a single torch is a solo delve, a mountain symbol/ or cave symbol is the group delve though this can be soloed as u dont require a group to enter it - with one per zone, the gate looking symbol is the group dungeon - one per zone.

    now i believe what you are looking at is a crafting station- a little campfire symbol -

    as for other "symbols" they are just settlements or locations - quest hubs-

    either way simply playing the game and determining what they are - you know self discovery - the best part of a new game - you know what EVERY new person does when they enter; or if you have such a hard on to know look it up on the web.

    Dont simply jump to the forums and start throwing complaints and whinging.
    Edited by Krycek89 on June 15, 2015 10:15PM
  • MaulRx
    I did look it up. No legend out there lists even half of the symbols the map offers. The forums are open and free; I'll complain and whine as I see fit.
  • MaulRx
    Oh and it's not a crafting station. It's says you have imprisoned balreth. Don't be so quick to defend a game that is clearly unfinished and unpolished. It's one thing to say figure it out yourself but another to actually do it when the game gives you no way to accomplish that.
  • Elijah_Crow
    He has a point. I always wondered why different quest areas used all these various symbols and there seemed to be little consistency in these. I mean the legend for the standard ones are fine, but it's the open world map symbols not the "in town" symbols which are a bit excessive.
  • Xendyn
    MaulRx wrote: »
    Oh and it's not a crafting station. It's says you have imprisoned balreth. Don't be so quick to defend a game that is clearly unfinished and unpolished. It's one thing to say figure it out yourself but another to actually do it when the game gives you no way to accomplish that.

    You answered yourself with that bolded part. It's a quest area that you have completed if it's white, not completed if it's black. Different symbols for things like Ayleid ruins, Towers, etc.
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • MaulRx
    Except I didn't imprison anything. It appeared the first time I came close. Am I to understand that every quest on the map gets its own symbol? I can't believe they would make such a stupid design choice.
  • MaulRx
    Yep, it's fine. You can't login half the time, the frame rate is around 20 when you can, the game offers no guidance beyond the rudimentary. Oh and it's boring. Fine indeed.
    Edited by MaulRx on June 15, 2015 11:05PM
  • BobOfTibia
    MaulRx wrote: »
    Yep, it's fine. You can't login half the time, the frame rate is around 20 when you can, the game offers no guidance beyond the rudimentary. Oh and it's boring. Fine indeed.

    ZM can't perfect every flaw that could come up. I have no problems with any version of the game (Exempting PS4 as I do not own that version). But I have not encountered low-frame rate on the console. Nor on my computer. If it is computer related, it more than all likely is not their fault, as they cannot predict every outcome for the millions of different parts and graphics cards and combinations between those and OS.

    As for the queue, most if not all MMOs have them for their servers when they get over filled. Patience is key.

    The game being boring on the other hand is quite subjective and your own opinion. Many people quite enjoy it, but I'm sure you're a somewhat mentally sound person and can figure that out for your self.

    As for the legend, a simple google search yielded pages and plethora's of results, requiring but a click each, maybe two:





    http://s225.photobucket.com/user/Yukusue/media/Elder Scrolls Online/d564d3aa-faf2-417c-ae1d-5e6ac6637198.png.html?t=1396706857

    Anyhow, enjoy your day.
    Edited by BobOfTibia on June 15, 2015 11:16PM
  • MaulRx
    Again those legends do not list all the icons by a long shot.
  • MaulRx
    Which tells me one thing above all else: the map icon system is too complicated
  • Legoless
    MaulRx wrote: »
    Again those legends do not list all the icons by a long shot.

    Here, an up-to-date one.
  • StaticWax
    MaulRx wrote: »
    Which tells me one thing above all else: the map icon system is too complicated

    I agree.

    For you it is way too complicated.
    I wish nothing but joy for everyone.
  • MaulRx
    Ah thanks. Just goes to prove my point about the game being unpolished. I should never have to break the experience and go else where for the information I need.
  • MaulRx
    Although to be fair that one doesn't have all the icons on it either.
  • Pendrillion
    Probably a player who hasn't played a single ES game.

    The Icons kind of try to look like the actual place you are going to visit. There are Ayleid Ruins Deadric Ruins imperial Ruins Nature spirit places, Caves Delves Public Dungeons Cities and towns. Special crafting stations. Special places all together. (Eyes) oh and Group Dungeons and World Bosses not to forget Skyshards. Then you have special symbols for various shops and also for the Outlaw refuge... And that on top of my head. If you have one of the symbols black, that means they are unfinished. if they are white you have completed them.

    EDIT:Forgot Dark Achors
    Edited by Pendrillion on June 15, 2015 11:41PM
  • sPark101
    Since we're on the subject. I noticed when i buy something from a guild store i never get it unless i log out and come back later. The map symbols are not accurate and during combat the mobs frequently run back, mid-fight, to their spawn points un-harmmed. Doing the provisioning craft equals instant crash.

    Other than that, the game looks good.

  • MaulRx
    I've played all of the elder scrolls game since the first. If anything that just makes the flaws in this one even harder to swallow. They may "kind of try" to look like what they are but not all of them do. So a legend is in order but oh wait, the legend only explains a few of the symbols. Why half ass the legend? Lack of polish. Another example? You can't see a total armor rating for your character anywhere. Lemme guess, it's my fault for not wanting to do the simple math in my head.
  • MaulRx
    Oh yea and that running back thing is just plain annoying. I've gotten enemies down to a blow or two left and then they just haul ass away from me. Kind of hard to chase them down when the game is stuttering like a flip book
  • Darkrosesus
    You do realise that many of these issues you seem to have will eventually be addressed seeing as this is the first ever online version? If I'm not mistaken hasn't it's release been delayed as it is? I expect many more patches to come but I don't care ... I'm loving it so far. I spend my time fishing and gathering potion and cooking ingredients in between a few quests as I'm in no hurry and hope to be playing it well into the end of this year. I clocked up over 1000 hours on Skyrim even with a few glitches etc.
  • MaulRx
    A problem eventually fixed is still a problem. Paying full price for a game that still needs work is no good.
  • Enodoc
    I think they didn't put in a legend for all of the different place types because it's not really relevant, they're just there to be representative. Every one of the icons that isn't on the legend indicates one thing: somewhere to go. Those that have special situations are the ones on the legend. There's no legend in-game in Skyrim that tells you what is a Pass and what is a Tower either.
    MaulRx wrote: »
    Although to be fair that one doesn't have all the icons on it either.
    What icons do we not have? I'm pretty sure I added them all.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • JSylvan
    MaulRx wrote: »
    I've played all of the elder scrolls game since the first. If anything that just makes the flaws in this one even harder to swallow. They may "kind of try" to look like what they are but not all of them do. So a legend is in order but oh wait, the legend only explains a few of the symbols. Why half ass the legend? Lack of polish. Another example? You can't see a total armor rating for your character anywhere. Lemme guess, it's my fault for not wanting to do the simple math in my head.

    Your character's total armor rating is on the Character page along with all your other relevant character stats. Although it's not labeled as such. I'm not in front of the game right now so I don't remember the actual name ... 'Physical Resistance' or something like that. Bottom right corner of the character screen.
    Edited by JSylvan on June 16, 2015 8:53AM
  • Trollwut
    @MaulRx I really dislike your negative attitude. Sure you are free to whine whenever you want, but if you want a fitting answer, call the proper question.

    Now to you problems:

    What do the symbols on the minimap mean?

    This has been answered in the tutorial tips that have been shown to you. (I guess they're in the lower right corner, but I don't know if they changed their positions in the consoles' version.)
    These symbols - shown in the General area here - are named "Quest Hubs". These are places where some quests are linked or belong to the same aim. Like a city is being sieged and you have to retain it.
    So the first quest may be to help the besieged townsfolk, the second one to restock arms for the commanding General there.
    If there is an open quest in this area and the aim is not solved, this symbol stays black. It turns white as soon as you solved all the problems there.

    MaulRx wrote: »
    Yep, it's fine. You can't login half the time, the frame rate is around 20 when you can, the game offers no guidance beyond the rudimentary. Oh and it's boring. Fine indeed.

    If it's boring, then two options come to my mind:
    1. This game is simply not your type.
    2. You're frustrated because of several small things and you just want to cry about - what you have said you can whenever you want to.

    I can't help at the framerate problem, but I do think it's exaggurated by you.

    Why is none of the symbols explained?

    They are. Your "torch with a man in front of it" is also being explained in the tutorial tips.
    Then again, they're pretty self-explanatory. If you have to help farmers to get creatures out of their crops, you've got a farming symbol 48px-ON-mapicon-Farm.png. If you help a village get rid off some villains, you've got a village symbol 48px-ON-mapicon-Town.png.
    All icons, which have a deeper meaning - like Skyshards, dungeons and PvP sites - have their meaning explained in the legend.
    If they would use the legend to explain that a house is a house and mine means mine, you would be crying, too.


    Your overreacting to not knowing what a simple symbol on the minimap, which in addition is self-explanatory, your problem has another root. I do more guess that you were buying that game, have not invested enough time to get into it (or just relax and let it get into your mind), are disappointed and know seeking to let off your steam.
    If you REALLY seek help on the forums, then please ask with respect and don't blame other here for "defending an unpolished game", which simply is no precise argument. It's just throwing unprecise things into the air.
    So get that Kwama out of your ass, dry your tears and get yourself together.
    You talk here with other people and if you want to be treated like a child then keep acting like one. If not, it's your turn first.
    Edited by Trollwut on June 16, 2015 9:29AM
  • alainjbrennanb16_ESO
    MaulRx wrote: »
    Which tells me one thing above all else: the map icon system is too complicated

    the map icon is very easy makes sense to me have no problems, and as for no guidance beyond the rudimentary, this is an eso game or open world game you are never given them, hand holding is not an option, and further more if you are only getting 20 fps it means you are trying to run the game beyond your systems limits lower things like bloom etc your frame rate will increase, also having to many add ons reduces fps as well
    Main character dk - Vanikifar whitestrike
  • MaulRx
    Trollwut wrote: »
    @MaulRx I really dislike your negative attitude. Sure you are free to whine whenever you want, but if you want a fitting answer, call the proper question.

    Now to you problems:

    What do the symbols on the minimap mean?

    This has been answered in the tutorial tips that have been shown to you. (I guess they're in the lower right corner, but I don't know if they changed their positions in the consoles' version.)
    These symbols - shown in the General area here - are named "Quest Hubs". These are places where some quests are linked or belong to the same aim. Like a city is being sieged and you have to retain it.
    So the first quest may be to help the besieged townsfolk, the second one to restock arms for the commanding General there.
    If there is an open quest in this area and the aim is not solved, this symbol stays black. It turns white as soon as you solved all the problems there.

    MaulRx wrote: »
    Yep, it's fine. You can't login half the time, the frame rate is around 20 when you can, the game offers no guidance beyond the rudimentary. Oh and it's boring. Fine indeed.

    If it's boring, then two options come to my mind:
    1. This game is simply not your type.
    2. You're frustrated because of several small things and you just want to cry about - what you have said you can whenever you want to.

    I can't help at the framerate problem, but I do think it's exaggurated by you.

    Why is none of the symbols explained?

    They are. Your "torch with a man in front of it" is also being explained in the tutorial tips.
    Then again, they're pretty self-explanatory. If you have to help farmers to get creatures out of their crops, you've got a farming symbol 48px-ON-mapicon-Farm.png. If you help a village get rid off some villains, you've got a village symbol 48px-ON-mapicon-Town.png.
    All icons, which have a deeper meaning - like Skyshards, dungeons and PvP sites - have their meaning explained in the legend.
    If they would use the legend to explain that a house is a house and mine means mine, you would be crying, too.


    Your overreacting to not knowing what a simple symbol on the minimap, which in addition is self-explanatory, your problem has another root. I do more guess that you were buying that game, have not invested enough time to get into it (or just relax and let it get into your mind), are disappointed and know seeking to let off your steam.
    If you REALLY seek help on the forums, then please ask with respect and don't blame other here for "defending an unpolished game", which simply is no precise argument. It's just throwing unprecise things into the air.
    So get that Kwama out of your ass, dry your tears and get yourself together.
    You talk here with other people and if you want to be treated like a child then keep acting like one. If not, it's your turn first.

    Oh no random person on Internet doesn't like my attitude and thinks I'm a child! Whatever will I do?! Oh I got it I'll do nothing because this is the internet, I don't know you from Adam and more importantly, don't give two *** what you think! Forums were designed for people to complain on; pretty sure that's why they invented the Internet. Dont like it? Not much I can do there.

    Some points about what wassaid...

    The symbol in question is not in the help tutorials. Try again?
    There is no rating for total armor or physical resistance on the screen.
    I can't be running the game wrong in regards to the frame rate because it's a console.
    Game is unpolished garbage.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    MaulRx wrote: »
    Stupid. For example what does the symbol over ash mountain mean? Sort of looks like a torch with a man in front of it

    If you hover over the icons, they tell you what they are.
  • MaulRx
    MaulRx wrote: »
    Stupid. For example what does the symbol over ash mountain mean? Sort of looks like a torch with a man in front of it

    If you hover over the icons, they tell you what they are.

    Not all of them. That's the complaint. The whole game feels like it offers a million different things none of which were completed or finished.
  • MCMancub
    How can anyone look at the icons and not get some sort of inclination as to what they might mean? They're pretty self-explanatory.
  • MaulRx
    MCMancub wrote: »
    How can anyone look at the icons and not get some sort of inclination as to what they might mean? They're pretty self-explanatory.

    Was that a serious response or no? That's like asking how anyone can look at a different language written and not derive what it says. It may in fact look like something to me and give me an idea of what it may be, but does that mean it is? I didn't make this garbage, they could have used a swastika to denote an inn for all I know.
  • MCMancub
    MaulRx wrote: »
    MCMancub wrote: »
    How can anyone look at the icons and not get some sort of inclination as to what they might mean? They're pretty self-explanatory.

    Was that a serious response or no? That's like asking how anyone can look at a different language written and not derive what it says. It may in fact look like something to me and give me an idea of what it may be, but does that mean it is? I didn't make this garbage, they could have used a swastika to denote an inn for all I know.

    Icons are used to symbolize or represent something. They do exactly that. It's pretty easy to look at an icon and see a ruin and think "There's a ruin there" or see a torch and think "Dungeon here."
This discussion has been closed.