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• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Ebonheart Heros guild 100 strong - We have Werewolf and Vamp members

  • Prisoner2012
    Soul Shriven
    Prisoner 2012

    It'll be nice to actually be in a guild that isn't super small.
  • blizzard9
    Soul Shriven
    add me Gankasaurus 609
  • DeathShade
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like you have a solid following bro and I'm more interested in the family that you now experience that I want with my favorite game.

  • SoliahLegion
    if you wanna add me my gamertag is PxROUNDSxPEEN
  • PintsizeArmand
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join please, had vet characters on PC. Looking for a good guild to trade with. Gamertag is PintsizeArmand. thank you
  • m_bachynskib16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Looking to join, been playing since pic beta test but missed the character transfer deadline due to personal issues,

    GT: Freedom ZERO1
  • MirceaTheElder
    Soul Shriven

    I'm wondering if you have an application process or if you're open to taking new members.

    Working on my Nord Templar as a Tank/Solo for dungeons. Also really focusing on Blacksmithing and Enchanting skills. I'd be able to supply custom heavy armor and weapons to guild member who need an upgrade. Or ones who are looking for a specific build.

    ESO Name: Mircea The Elder
    Xbox Live GT: Feedomland (no r)
  • rumonkey74
    Mircea. I am adding anyone who wants to join for now. We are working to make the guild very rounded in all areas PVP,PVE, grouping, trading etc. I will add all of you who have asked. Looking forward to seeing you all in game.
    Add me: NJxRINZLER
  • ironman53190
    Soul Shriven
    Ironman00047 is my gamer tag I'm a vet player with a lvl 50 dominion character on pc starting new in the ebonheart pact
  • Zazaaji
    I am interested if there is a werewolf that can bite me in the Aldmeri faction. If I get one, I'd be happy to give other people bites for free when I can. If Aldmeri is doable, gamertag is Zazaaji.
    English is not my first language, Finnish is.
    Please don't heap on me for grammar problems.
  • jbruc009b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join! Right now I'm a solo player just adventuring my rear end off.

    Gamertag: Dntmndmyawsmnss

  • Torqz
    Soul Shriven
    Send me an invite Torqzzzz EP Dragon Knight
  • FireFistAbe
    Soul Shriven
    Hit me up GT Fire Fist Abe
  • Woggums
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love to join! GT: Woggums
  • macedonianlion
    Soul Shriven
    Would love to join the guild. GT: Macedonianlion
  • Cozzaa89
    Add Cozzaa89 Looking for both and to join a guild to run with too willing to pay 5000
  • Veloxitty
    Soul Shriven
    gt: Veloxitty
    would love to join thanks
  • 'Gilgamesh
    Soul Shriven
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Vampire Nox

    I'll admit, I do need a Vampire bite, but I'm always looking for a good Guild. :)
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • mccarjcb
    Soul Shriven
    GT: EPG x PR3D4T0R
  • ccd167
    Soul Shriven
    add me please OccupiedDread76
  • I_like_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Fatmonk74
  • dblurxd_ESO
    Invite me please, my gamertag is dBluRxD!
  • Hans Yolo
    Hans Yolo
    Soul Shriven
    Love to join you guys GT: PeterGriffin152
  • rumonkey74
    All of you above have been added. Sorry Zazaaji Ebonheart server and players in higher levels perhaps we will open it up.
  • Veloxitty
    Soul Shriven
    gt: Veloxitty
    would love to join
  • Hans Yolo
    Hans Yolo
    Soul Shriven
    Could you resend invite, didn't receive it sorry
  • CommanderoO
    Soul Shriven
    I'm also hoping to join, just send me a message please, im new to ESO but already am Veteran rank 1
  • CommanderoO
    Soul Shriven
    My gamertag is Commander o O
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