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Ebonheart Heros guild 100 strong - We have Werewolf and Vamp members

Join the Ebonheart guild. We are a growing guid that has some werewolf and Vampire members. Don't make this just about the bite. We are working on getting bites to those who want one. Be patient. Some of us are PC transfers with high level characters who can craft. We eventually want to start bidding on guild stores and are in need of members to grow. We want this guild to be about team work on levels (group dungeons,PVP,PVE Trading ETC) Post your Xbox one gamer tag and I will add you!!
Edited by rumonkey74 on June 15, 2015 6:02PM
  • mjargolic
    I have three friends who would be looking to join, MInuite is my toon's name.
  • RobotofSociety
    Soul Shriven
    Can I join? I beta tested pc, and I'm an elder scrolls veteran. My gamer tag is RobotofSociety
  • rumonkey74
    Thanks Roboto and mjargolic. Yes you both can. I need gamer tags for the xbox like Roboto sent. Should have specified, I will edit the post to reflect. I am also looking for Sergeants to actively recruit so we can get to 50 members for a guild store. We are around 25 right now.
  • CircusJoker
    Soul Shriven
    Circus Joker
  • blankzz
    Soul Shriven
    Me and my friends r lookin for a guild. My gamertag is blankzrb6
    theres like 5 of us
    Edited by blankzz on June 12, 2015 9:14PM
  • rumonkey74
    Sweet adding you guys now as members you can then add members
  • blankzz
    Soul Shriven
    Ok thanks im at work right now when i get home i will accept and add everyone
  • blankzz
    Soul Shriven
    We all have headsets too
    And if u give me a high rank in the guild i will recruit my butt off
    Edited by blankzz on June 12, 2015 10:37PM
  • mjargolic
    Sorry about that, xARGOLICx, bumrush555, Charlie 12 o'clock are the lot of us. The xARGOLICx is me. I will let them know to accept the invitation
  • mjargolic
    That's charlie12oclock, damn auto correct above
  • rumonkey74
    I will add you all now.
  • BrogarBearsBane
    Soul Shriven
    GT is Blue
  • Daevyn
    GT Daevyn
    Packmaster Daevyn Fenris GT: Daevyn,
    XB1 Guild: Wolves of Wraithwinter.
    We have werewolves and vampires
    Looking for more, honest ones.
    Wolves of Wraitwinter also in GW2, Neverwinter, and Destiny.
  • rumonkey74
    I got your message Talohmir. Send me the clan name and I will join and help you with that as soon as my low level can provide it for your guild.
  • nataliepaige21
    Looking for another guild to join. Gt: igotemfixedbaby
  • Daevyn
    Sure thing, if you can send me a message on xbox
    Packmaster Daevyn Fenris GT: Daevyn,
    XB1 Guild: Wolves of Wraithwinter.
    We have werewolves and vampires
    Looking for more, honest ones.
    Wolves of Wraitwinter also in GW2, Neverwinter, and Destiny.
  • Daevyn
    My bad, I thought this was my forum, just saw the notification pop up.
    Packmaster Daevyn Fenris GT: Daevyn,
    XB1 Guild: Wolves of Wraithwinter.
    We have werewolves and vampires
    Looking for more, honest ones.
    Wolves of Wraitwinter also in GW2, Neverwinter, and Destiny.
  • dblurxd_ESO
    Invite me, my gamertag is dBluRxD! :)
  • ThantosDI
    Soul Shriven
    Gamer tag is ThantosDI I would be intrested in joining the guild! need some more people to play with haha
  • ShiftedTurtle
    Can i join? GT is ShiftedTurtle :P
  • WisdomChains
    Soul Shriven
    GT / WisdomChains
    CHAR / Kaljier
  • byCrux
    Would I be able to join? Gt: byCrux I also have 2 other friends that would like to join
    Xbox NA
  • rumonkey74
    Just getting on now guys and will add you all. Be sure to utilize the guild store that is now open.
  • EBONHEARTdrifter
    Soul Shriven
    is this EU servers? i'm looking for a guild! got friends but not enough to use the actual Bank...
    we get on quests and find stuff we don't even need so would be good to find other people in need instead of destroying them.
    GT is regshmurda ! cheers
  • Daddai
    Soul Shriven
    Please add me, gamer tag Daddai
  • mctwyzzler
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a guild. Gamertag is FZN Twyzzler
  • Wattsy789
    Soul Shriven
    Could I join? Looking for an active guild to be a part of! + I would enjoy getting a werwolf bite!, But mainly the active guild :) Gamertag is WATTSY789
  • rumonkey74
    EBONHEART drifter. It is a NA server. I added you. I am not sure if you can use the guild store and bank even though your not on the server. I have also added the rest as well.

    Wattsy the plan is to provide bites to those who want them. It will take time as 7 days between bites is a long time. But as more are bitten it will go faster. I did notice wolves out last night in game. Players were getting scratched . So with a little luck perhaps they will be out again today in game.
  • delong212
    Soul Shriven
    this sounds pretty cool, do you chat and quest together? add me my GT: is delong212
  • Duelkiller
    add me gt JRGuzman96
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