You do know ESO is set 1000 years before Skyrim, right? Landforms change, cities move, etc.
As far as we know, no significant geological changes happened during that time period.You do know ESO is set 1000 years before Skyrim, right? Landforms change, cities move, etc.
No, Blacklight isn't in ESO.Is Blacklight even in ESO?
It could be argued that these are cartographer maps... and they're not entirely precise.
ESO II: Daggerfall is the game most deserving of the Tamriel Unlimited subtitle.
If you aren't okay with Skuldafn's location then that means you aren't okay with the others. Because, if you change Skuldafn you'll have to change the others too.After looking at some maps... I'm actually alright with the ESO locations of the cities, all except Skuldafn... that's where Blacklight should be.
But the fact that all of these maps aren't exactly the same lends some credence to the idea that they are just cartographer errors.
As far as we know, no significant geological changes happened during that time period.
Also, magical world or whatnot, 703 years are not enough to make changes of that scale in the world, unless it's something REALLY violent, and that would completely destroy any signs of civilization in that area (which we know it doesn't happen).
Windhelm and Skuldafn didn't move. They've always been in the same place.
Skuldafn is a Nordic Temple located high in the Velothi Mountains between Skyrim and Morrowind, and most certainly not next to the sea. It was built by the Dragon Cult in the Merethic Era.
Windhelm, is the oldest continuously inhabited human settlement in Tamriel, and was founded by Ysgramor himself in the Merethic Era.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »LoL ! Daggerfall's never been an online game and actually it was called TESII : Daggerfall ! :-)
Unless you mean ESO II but then you're very talented for seeing into the future.
East march appears to be far too east on the world map. When considering the location of Skuldafn in Eastmarch:And Eastmarch's location on the world map of ESOIt appears that there is a bay directly to the north of Skuldafn. The issue is, Skuldafn doesn't have a bay directly to the north, it has mountains.
and where is Blacklight? Looking at the map of Tamriel that came with the Elder Scrolls Anthology we see that Blacklight is to the Northeast of the Velothi Mountains on the northern shore of the western-most province of Morrowind in the Velothis District (if that's what it's even called).
Using that same map, overlaying the ESO zones, we see that there is a whole landmass between Eastmarch to the north and to the east that just seems to me missing in ESO.Concerning the area to the east, where Blackight should be, is ESO going to consider Blacklight to be south of Skuldafn in the unrealased zone?It seems that Blacklight should be about where Skuldafn is and Skuldafn, along with the Velothi mountains, should be further west. This is further supported by overlaying the ESO Zones of East March and The Rift over the Skyrim Map.This map also supports the province of Winterhold being to the north of Eastmarch. So Eastmarch not only seems to be too far east, but too far north.
Is there an explanation for this? Have the waters receded since the time of ESO in the main TES series? Perhaps there is more landmass in the TES series because the water level is lower.
Or perhaps this is a videogame and I shouldn't be nit-picking it so much.
Please note: This doesn't have to be read in it's entirety... just a summary of the question and an explanation would be more than sufficient.
With an estimated size of 62,394 square miles, ESO II: Daggerfall is the game most deserving of the Tamriel Unlimited subtitle.
But that trip from Northern Rivenspire to Sentinel would take forever... so creative liberties are taken.
Don't you mean TES II: Daggerfall?ESO II Daggerfall is absolutely massive as a game all around.
Don't you mean TES II: Daggerfall?
East march appears to be far too east on the world map. When considering the location of Skuldafn in Eastmarch:And Eastmarch's location on the world map of ESOIt appears that there is a bay directly to the north of Skuldafn. The issue is, Skuldafn doesn't have a bay directly to the north, it has mountains.
and where is Blacklight? Looking at the map of Tamriel that came with the Elder Scrolls Anthology we see that Blacklight is to the Northeast of the Velothi Mountains on the northern shore of the western-most province of Morrowind in the Velothis District (if that's what it's even called).
Using that same map, overlaying the ESO zones, we see that there is a whole landmass between Eastmarch to the north and to the east that just seems to me missing in ESO.Concerning the area to the east, where Blackight should be, is ESO going to consider Blacklight to be south of Skuldafn in the unrealased zone?It seems that Blacklight should be about where Skuldafn is and Skuldafn, along with the Velothi mountains, should be further west. This is further supported by overlaying the ESO Zones of East March and The Rift over the Skyrim Map.This map also supports the province of Winterhold being to the north of Eastmarch. So Eastmarch not only seems to be too far east, but too far north.
Is there an explanation for this? Have the waters receded since the time of ESO in the main TES series? Perhaps there is more landmass in the TES series because the water level is lower.
Or perhaps this is a videogame and I shouldn't be nit-picking it so much.
Please note: This doesn't have to be read in it's entirety... just a summary of the question and an explanation would be more than sufficient.
@vaanomega which particular Cyrodiil errors?And the Cyrodiil Errors ?
Nobody noticed the Cyrodiil Errors?
Sure, that works! I wasn't sure where to put Bleakrock, but I was always opposed to it being at the end of the Inner Sea, so where you have moved it to makes more sense. And even more so if that's what it says in-game.@Enodoc
If you'd allow me to make some changes in your map:
Solstheim should more to the North and Bleakrock as it is said in the game is "between Windhelm and Solstheim".But other than that's exactly how the map should look!Spoiler