@Dubhliam Dodging and rolling is important when attacking a target that can't and wont attack you? Just for the fun of it? It wouldn't frustrate you if every time you went to a target dummy, someone was on it?
There are gear sets that proc out of dodge rolling.
I am just saying that it would be better not to constrict dummy training. You should be able to do anything you usually do in a fight - targeting a nearly indestructible opponent.
You would "occupy" it much in the same way when you duel somebody (in other games). Meaning when you "accept" the duel, the dummy becomes attackable but no other player can attack the dummy. The duel is finished if you leave the duel area.
I wouldn't be opposed to that at all... I think it would work just fine that way. If they do that ZOS should allow you to enter your action bar to swap out skills without "un-occupying" the Dummy. It would really suck to leave the dummy because you wanted to try a different build, only to have it taken by another person.
if you hit the dead horse will it splash blood?
I would just settle for a personal dummy that could be summoned and unsummoned at will.
Types of dummies for DPS.
Normal Mobs
Elite Mobs
Healers' dummy to parse heals.
Dummies for tanks to test their durability.