Yep, at least twiceYou've posted that before in another thread haven't you? I'm sure I've seen it before. You get another awesome for it though, because it's very cool and I like that map
Back before launch, the online map had zone borders on it, which I annotated. They removed the border lines for the current version. The only differences between the original and this one, aside from my annotations, are the border I put down the side of the VH zone, the border between RS and WG, and the border between BF and ST, which are where those borders exist on the in-game map but were missed off this one:
Zone code key is inside the below spoiler. Further analysis can be found on my UESP page.Spoiler
- AL Alik'r
- AN Anequina (including the Rimmen city area, shouldn't be called this as Reaper's March also includes part of Anequina, but this name is in the text files)
- AU Auridon
- BE Betnikh
- BF Bal Foyen
- BI Bleakrock Isle
- BK Bangkorai
- BW Blackwood (as seen in Oblivion)
- CL Craglorn
- CH Colovian Highlands (also could be West Weald)
- CY Cyrodiil
- DE Deshaan
- EM Eastmarch
- FA Falkreath (as seen in Skyrim)
- GC Gold Coast (as seen in Oblivion)
- GL Glenumbra
- GS Greenshade
- GW Grahtwood
- HJ Hjaalmarch (as seen in Skyrim)
- KR Khenarthi's Roost
- MM Murkmire
- MT Malabal Tor
- NB Nibenay Basin (as seen in Oblivion, although the text files just calls this Nibenay, which is inaccurate)
- NV Nibenay Valley (as seen in Oblivion)
- PA The Pale (also includes the Winterhold area)
- RE The Reach (also includes the Haafingar area)
- RI The Rift
- RM Reaper's March
- RS Rivenspire
- QR Quin'rawl (from the text files, although that says Quin-rawl, which is incorrectly puntuated)
- SF Shadowfen
- SH Stormhaven
- SM Stros M'Kai
- SO Solstheim (as seen in Bloodmoon, Dragonborn)
- SS South Summerset (No source for name; I made it up)
- ST Stonefalls
- SU Sunforge (from the text files)
- TE Tenmar (from the text files, this area includes the Corinthe city area)
- TI Topal Island (from the text files)
- TM Thornmarsh (as stated in the Loremaster's Archive)
- VH Velothi Highlands (the northwest Morrowind area with Blacklight, but the in-game map doesn't currently allow for the correct geographical shape)
- WD The Weeping Desert (from the text files)
- WG Wrothgar
- WR Whiterun
I'm not sure about Clockwork City, but Abah's Landing and the Spiral Skein (Mephala's Realm) are looking likely to be the "Eyevea" locations for the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. There's no reason they can't add in small off-map locations in addition to still having plans for the zones.I have a feeling that they abandoned this map after deciding to change to B2P. At QuakeCon, the zones in development were still on track with Wrothgar and Murkmire. The new ones shown at the B2P announcement - Clockwork City, Abah's Landing, Mephala's Realm - are all possibly smaller than a full zone and don't contribute to Tamriel's map.
Oooh. If Mephala's realm is that kind of zone for the Dark Brotherhood, it would be very interesting indeed. I'm not sure it'd be so overt, though.I'm not sure about Clockwork City, but Abah's Landing and the Spiral Skein (Mephala's Realm) are looking likely to be the "Eyevea" locations for the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. There's no reason they can't add in small off-map locations in addition to still having plans for the zones.
Yeah true. Datamining has shown the apparent connection between Abah's Landing and the Thieves Guild content, but the connection between the Dark Brotherhood content and the Spiral Skein is more speculatory. There's a strong connection between Mephala and the Morag Tong, as she is their patron, but less of an obvious connection between Mephala and the Dark Brotherhood. If there's any accounting of the times though, the DB are only around 250 years old, and are heavily in conflict with the Tong at this time. Even if the Spiral Skein is not "DB's Eyevea", I think it's quite likely that it will be part of the DB content. I can't see the connection myself, but maybe Clockwork City could be DB's Eyevea, and the Spiral Skein will act like those bits of the Shivering Isles we visited during the Mages Guild content.Oooh. If Mephala's realm is that kind of zone for the Dark Brotherhood, it would be very interesting indeed. I'm not sure it'd be so overt, though.
I have a feeling that they abandoned this map after deciding to change to B2P. At QuakeCon, the zones in development were still on track with Wrothgar and Murkmire. The new ones shown at the B2P announcement - Clockwork City, Abah's Landing, Mephala's Realm - are all possibly smaller than a full zone and don't contribute to Tamriel's map.