lordrichter wrote: »No, I do not think they will ever fill in the entire map that we can see in the game today.
Hmm, you know MMOs have lifespan of 10+ years. Considering they have single playing ES games supporting this on regular basis, this game isnt going nowhere.
Hmm, you know MMOs have lifespan of 10+ years. Considering they have single playing ES games supporting this on regular basis, this game isnt going nowhere.
There are a good... 25+ more Zones to be made in Tamriel... and one of the areas they're working on now isn't even a zone, it's beneath a zone. So ZOS isn't even focused on releasing the overworld zones at this point.
+25 Zones... Lets say 30 to include things like the Clockwork City and the inevitable Shivering isles DLC. That would be 3 DLC a year... 1 every 4 months. Do you really foresee ZOS releasing a FULL DLC Zone every 4 months @Sausage?
With expansion maybe? Some developers add content and make expansions too.
I see your point though.
stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »We can dream, but I seriously doubt the lights will stay on for 10 years to come. Successful MMOs live for 10 years or more, but so far, this isn't one of them.
stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »We can dream, but I seriously doubt the lights will stay on for 10 years to come. Successful MMOs live for 10 years or more, but so far, this isn't one of them.
bertenburnyb16_ESO wrote: »nah they dont care anymore about new content since btp, only crown store items to make some quick cash, I would be happy if we even get IC, wrothgar and murkmire
If you think the IP of ES and also how important ES is to the whole game industry, it will live long time. ES is iconic in game industry, every damn nerd gets shivers when he thinks ES.
All too true.That's the concern. Why spend 10,000 man hours on a new Zone to sell for $30 when you can spend 100 mam hours on a mount skin that will sell for $25.
stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »
I'm not sure that the iconic nature of ES works in ESO's favor here. People come to the game expecting a high quality product, and the owners of the Elder Scrolls lore are probably not happy with ESO on the PC platform being a disappointment. Let's hope the console versions fare better.
bertenburnyb16_ESO wrote: »nah they dont care anymore about new content since btp, only crown store items to make some quick cash, I would be happy if we even get IC, wrothgar and murkmire
lordrichter wrote: »Nice map, Enodoc.
People wonder why some people think that Argonia will be the location of TES 6. They should just look at this map and see what is missing from the map and supporting files.
When did ES become high quality? Have you seen the first ES Arena from 90s? I dont know what is iconic if 20+ year old series isnt, and by the look of it, ES lives at least 10 year more.
TheShadowScout wrote: »All too true.
Although, if they -don't- add new zones, they will loose the very people who'd also buy the mount skins to show off their characters in those new zones... while if they do add new zones, those people will stay and visit the crown store more often as time goes by, and spend money there on mere fluff and style as well... especialyl when they make their alts following some new character idea, and suddenly decide they need a new mount that fits their desired theme better... etc.
You've posted that before in another thread haven't you? I'm sure I've seen it before. You get another awesome for it though, because it's very cool and I like that mapBack before launch, the online map had zone borders on it, which I annotated. They removed the border lines for the current version. The only differences between the original and this one, aside from my annotations, are the border I put down the side of the VH zone, the border between RS and WG, and the border between BF and ST, which are where those borders exist on the in-game map but were missed off this one:
Zone code key is inside the below spoiler. Further analysis can be found on my UESP page.Spoiler
- AL Alik'r
- AN Anequina (including the Rimmen city area, shouldn't be called this as Reaper's March also includes part of Anequina, but this name is in the text files)
- AU Auridon
- BE Betnikh
- BF Bal Foyen
- BI Bleakrock Isle
- BK Bangkorai
- BW Blackwood (as seen in Oblivion)
- CL Craglorn
- CH Colovian Highlands (also could be West Weald)
- CY Cyrodiil
- DE Deshaan
- EM Eastmarch
- FA Falkreath (as seen in Skyrim)
- GC Gold Coast (as seen in Oblivion)
- GL Glenumbra
- GS Greenshade
- GW Grahtwood
- HJ Hjaalmarch (as seen in Skyrim)
- KR Khenarthi's Roost
- MM Murkmire
- MT Malabal Tor
- NB Nibenay Basin (as seen in Oblivion, although the text files just calls this Nibenay, which is inaccurate)
- NV Nibenay Valley (as seen in Oblivion)
- PA The Pale (also includes the Winterhold area)
- RE The Reach (also includes the Haafingar area)
- RI The Rift
- RM Reaper's March
- RS Rivenspire
- QR Quin'rawl (from the text files, although that says Quin-rawl, which is incorrectly puntuated)
- SF Shadowfen
- SH Stormhaven
- SM Stros M'Kai
- SO Solstheim (as seen in Bloodmoon, Dragonborn)
- SS South Summerset (No source for name; I made it up)
- ST Stonefalls
- SU Sunforge (from the text files)
- TE Tenmar (from the text files, this area includes the Corinthe city area)
- TI Topal Island (from the text files)
- TM Thornmarsh (as stated in the Loremaster's Archive)
- VH Velothi Highlands (the northwest Morrowind area with Blacklight, but the in-game map doesn't currently allow for the correct geographical shape)
- WD The Weeping Desert (from the text files)
- WG Wrothgar
- WR Whiterun
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »
Arena has very little to do with the modern reputation of ES, and I don't quite see the relevance of bringing that up. I saw Arena in 1994, I played it, but I didn't really like it. Perhaps I was too deeply entrenched in the FPS genre at the time, but that game didn't leave me flabbergasted. I played Daggerfall for a while, and it was better, but I never really spent a lot of time with it. Those two games were good enough at the time to make an impression, rich in lore and with lots of content, but not stellar.
When I said that people expect high quality products from the ES franchise, I was talking about Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, the games people would be most likely to have played and the titles that defined the series. Morrowind was a smash hit, and I remember forgetting to go to bed because of it. At the time of its release, it was an amazing game in almost every respect, possibly excluding some of the character graphics and the clunky animations. Oblivion blew me away once more, and I still have Skyrim installed on my computer.
I'm sure ES will live on -- it's a fantasy world with great fame and depth. I just don't think ESO is going to be more than a short and fairly unimportant parenthesis in this. The game already seems to be dying on the PC platform, and I see a remarkable lack of anticipation for the imminent console release. The game that will carry the ES torch into the future will not be ESO. It will be TES VI, whatever that will be.
However, I would not expect too many zones in the next few years, since they seem to be content on adding new items into the crown store rather than actual content and improvements, now they say they are focusing on console release so you can think about that as you will. We'll have to see how it goes after console launch.