Sorcs are going to be god-mode once nirnhoned gets fixed. ZOS should leave it as is. I'm still getting hit for 10k frags wearing 3 pieces of nirnhoned. I'm not a fan of nerfing a specific class but if they nerf nirn than sorcs need to be nerfed with it.
Teargrants wrote: »
Teargrants wrote: »
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »I hit 48.9K the other night with the build I was playing around with. I got hit by a Crystal Frags by Prett.
It didn't crit, so... 3Kish.
Meanwhile, in my 5 piece heavy (reinforced on the large pieces) I still get hit for 17K with a dragon leap or 15K with a snipe.
Sorcs are going to be god-mode once nirnhoned gets fixed. ZOS should leave it as is. I'm still getting hit for 10k frags wearing 3 pieces of nirnhoned. I'm not a fan of nerfing a specific class but if they nerf nirn than sorcs need to be nerfed with it.
Joy_Division wrote: »Joy_Division wrote: »Your suggestion has merit but the designers clearly wanted Spell Resist / Spell Penetration to be a common mechanic and not copy this with physical damage / resist. They wanted spell and physical to have some different mechanics and counterplay so I don't see them throwing their hands up in the air and abandoning this idea to solve the nirn "problem". I really dislike the idea that one armor trait is so much better than all the others that it becomes the only choice. On top of this, I have no problem adjusting my build and my game style to your build, the 5 skills you choose to put on a bar, your weapon choice, etc.. But I should not have to completely reorient my build because of a few armor traits that you can just slap on with little opportunity cost.
What the hell are you talking about? Where or in what world did they want spell resist/spell pen to be different from the physical counterpart? They use the EXACT same formulas, hardcaps, etc..... Since its so obvious I would love you to cite a source on that.
So I ask again... what the hell are you talking about?
I am not being facistious or insulting here. I find that your posts are often insightful and it is clear you have a very good understanding of the game. But how can you not see this? Is it that incredulous of a notion that you have to reply to me as if I am talking about a different game?
I know they use the same formulas and hardcaps. That does not mean ESO's gameplay teats them the same.
Think about it, there are many more options for a player to counter magic/spells than physical stamina attacks.
- The light armor skill harness magicka completely absorbs X amount of spell damage and it useless Vs. physical attacks. The heavy armor comparable, immovable, does not make such a distinction and provides a generic increase to armor and spell resistance.
- Now look at the light armor skill tree - there are passives devoted entirely to spell resistance and spell penetration. Whereas the heavy armor tree offers a generic increase to physical and spell resistance while offering no passive to bypass armor. It should be noted that the medium armor passives, the line devoted to weapon damage dealers, also offers no physical penetration bonus.
- If you look at the weapon passives, all of them have generic X increase to damage or some bonus to some specific situation, such as distance (bows) or vs. CCed target (dual wield). The destruction staff offers a specific passive that increases it spell penetration without offering a similar generic damage increase.
- The is a specific Mundas stone devoted to spell penetration whereas the Stamina mundas stone once again offers a generic power bonus.
- In the champion system, there is a specific star I can pick that will increase my spell resistance whereas there is no such star for armor. (note: I am surprised there is a star to piece physical resistance, but naturally there is also one to bypass spells as normal).
- How many passives are the akin to the Templar's Balanced Warrior? It gives me the common theme of generic weapon damage and specific spell resistance. I can think of one, the DK scaled armor passive, which is a misnomer because it does not grant armor, rather spell resistance. I don't think there is a passive to increase armor at all.
- Spell users have readily available counter-play to all these means of defense, namely the aforementioned Apprentice Mundas stone, wearing 5 pieces of light armor, and a specific weapon trait that only helps penetrate a specific defense rather than a flat buff to damage.
The addition to Nirn and its specific spell penetration Vs. spell resistance mechanic was merely augmenting an existing mechanic in the game. Physical / armor are treated generically where it is difficult to gain specific strengths and weakness against it whereas spell attack vs defense is sort of a game within a game; one could more easily gain defenses against this form of attack and likewise penetrate those defenses.
Now I am not saying I agree with this gameplay philosophy, rather I am merely acknowledging it's existence and the implied intent behind it. I am also not denying there aren't exceptions: someone is bound to point out that bone shield only resists physical damage. OK, there is bone shield, but this is a short duration skill that must be activated and is has a more general survivalist component in its synergy - this one skill is in no way equivalent to the more enduring and general ways one can increase spell resistance.
Maybe it's not obvious - I never claimed it was - but I think the intent is not exactly hidden when contrasting how the game treats physical and magic attacks and defenses.
I'll go down your list.
1. The counterpart to harness magicka is not in the armor line, it is in the undaunted tree. Bone shield (absorbs only physical damage).
2. Yes light armor is the only penetration passive, but point for point technically the medium armor passive such as %incresed weapon damage is actually better (higher damage). It also does not suffer the negative of overpenetration.
3. You're right on the weapon passives, I'd assume that you chalk that up to them putting different flavors to each weapon, but you are welcome to draw from it as a point.
4. Once again you are right, no physical penetration mundus stone (although a few months ago they did come out saying they will be adding mundus stones to equalize such as having a stamina regen mundus, etc. etc.)
5. There is a champion system star that increases your armor, it just depends on which armor you are wearing. The sad thing here is the math is buggard and you can get 25% spell resist buff from champ, but only like ~18% from armor (lol thanks Zeni for making thing equal). Same problem with having a physical pen champ, but no flat damage reduction to counteract like magicka damage has.
6. I actually asked them in a meeting why Balanced Warrior did not also give spell damage when they homogenized a bunch of other passives to give both (and abilities). Their response was to bluntly put it would be overpowered as a passive, especially in terms of buffing templar heals from a skill line that isn't dedicated to healing (go figure).
While there are most definitely differences, I think I disagree with you on intent. I feel the intent of these differences we can see through how they have evolved from game intro. Stam/physical damage builds sucked for a long time. They tweaked the medium armor passives. They tweaked in game sets. They kept stacking the deck until 1.6 in which case now we have these disparities.
Plenty of abilities stamina abilities doing more damage than Crystal fragments to people yet everyone wants to focus on a single ability in a rare scenario (someone stacking spell penetration, dual wield and spellpower) as a justification for breaking an entire damage mode.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
NPK Daniel wrote: »The problem isn't nirn, it's that there's not an armor equivalent.
Make reinforced work like nirn, there, balance done.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Plenty of abilities stamina abilities doing more damage than Crystal fragments to people yet everyone wants to focus on a single ability in a rare scenario (someone stacking spell penetration, dual wield and spellpower) as a justification for breaking an entire damage mode.
the problem is that CF has some issues allowing you to stack absurd dmg modifiers into it (sure its luck dependend) allowing you to hit anybody in some extreme situations even 4+ nirn user for nearly 20k dmg ... wich needs to be fixed alonsgide nirn.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Plenty of abilities stamina abilities doing more damage than Crystal fragments to people yet everyone wants to focus on a single ability in a rare scenario (someone stacking spell penetration, dual wield and spellpower) as a justification for breaking an entire damage mode.
the problem is that CF has some issues allowing you to stack absurd dmg modifiers into it (sure its luck dependend) allowing you to hit anybody in some extreme situations even 4+ nirn user for nearly 20k dmg ... wich needs to be fixed alonsgide nirn.
Not really, what are the issues with CFs? Care to be more specific?
The only damage modifiers you can add are Major Sorcery (spell dmg incr) and the Empower buff. Eveyrbody is buffed by Major Sorcery or Major Brutality all the time, no difference there. As for Empower, Snipers do that too with Radiant Magelight, NBs do it Ambush and Wrecking Blow grants Empower itself meaning WB spam is always empowered.
Also it depends who is stacking the nirn. You need the high base resist for nirn to work its once you take out the penetration provided by light armour passive and elemental drain fro example.
If you're wearing light armor, you can stack 8/8 (or 9/9) nirn items have over 30k spell resist and if I put an elemental drain on you I still hit you as if you're naked. Loads of people don't know how penetration works.
I agree with people saying the Empower buff needs to go. Remove that becuase it boost the highest burst abilities to an obscene amount. Remove empower, fix nirnhorned and let those changes sink in for a few weeks. Observe average TTK and if needed increase the Cyro HP boost by another 5k.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Plenty of abilities stamina abilities doing more damage than Crystal fragments to people yet everyone wants to focus on a single ability in a rare scenario (someone stacking spell penetration, dual wield and spellpower) as a justification for breaking an entire damage mode.
the problem is that CF has some issues allowing you to stack absurd dmg modifiers into it (sure its luck dependend) allowing you to hit anybody in some extreme situations even 4+ nirn user for nearly 20k dmg ... wich needs to be fixed alonsgide nirn.
Not really, what are the issues with CFs? Care to be more specific?
The only damage modifiers you can add are Major Sorcery (spell dmg incr) and the Empower buff. Eveyrbody is buffed by Major Sorcery or Major Brutality all the time, no difference there. As for Empower, Snipers do that too with Radiant Magelight, NBs do it Ambush and Wrecking Blow grants Empower itself meaning WB spam is always empowered.
Also it depends who is stacking the nirn. You need the high base resist for nirn to work its once you take out the penetration provided by light armour passive and elemental drain fro example.
If you're wearing light armor, you can stack 8/8 (or 9/9) nirn items have over 30k spell resist and if I put an elemental drain on you I still hit you as if you're naked. Loads of people don't know how penetration works.
I agree with people saying the Empower buff needs to go. Remove that becuase it boost the highest burst abilities to an obscene amount. Remove empower, fix nirnhorned and let those changes sink in for a few weeks. Observe average TTK and if needed increase the Cyro HP boost by another 5k.
and the insta proc 20% dmg increase wich can be stacked with itself under some circumstances
Nirn needs a fix, and its coming, but not too soon. Im a mag sorc and when fighting nirn users I pick up on it imediately because my dmg plummets by 30-40% compared to those that dont use it. By a simple trait on armor, this is clearly OP.
Those that use nirn, knowingly because its in its current state are...well....whatever. Its not their fault, its hard to resist getting harder to kill. Personally, ive opted to not use it, as I did when the nirn weapon trait was op too, I used sharpened.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Plenty of abilities stamina abilities doing more damage than Crystal fragments to people yet everyone wants to focus on a single ability in a rare scenario (someone stacking spell penetration, dual wield and spellpower) as a justification for breaking an entire damage mode.
the problem is that CF has some issues allowing you to stack absurd dmg modifiers into it (sure its luck dependend) allowing you to hit anybody in some extreme situations even 4+ nirn user for nearly 20k dmg ... wich needs to be fixed alonsgide nirn.
Not really, what are the issues with CFs? Care to be more specific?
The only damage modifiers you can add are Major Sorcery (spell dmg incr) and the Empower buff. Eveyrbody is buffed by Major Sorcery or Major Brutality all the time, no difference there. As for Empower, Snipers do that too with Radiant Magelight, NBs do it Ambush and Wrecking Blow grants Empower itself meaning WB spam is always empowered.
Also it depends who is stacking the nirn. You need the high base resist for nirn to work its once you take out the penetration provided by light armour passive and elemental drain fro example.
If you're wearing light armor, you can stack 8/8 (or 9/9) nirn items have over 30k spell resist and if I put an elemental drain on you I still hit you as if you're naked. Loads of people don't know how penetration works.
I agree with people saying the Empower buff needs to go. Remove that becuase it boost the highest burst abilities to an obscene amount. Remove empower, fix nirnhorned and let those changes sink in for a few weeks. Observe average TTK and if needed increase the Cyro HP boost by another 5k.
and the insta proc 20% dmg increase wich can be stacked with itself under some circumstances
What do you mean by stacked with itself? Getting the buff twice? Or getting 20% of the 20% extra (i.e. 4% extra)
I've not heard of this before, which of course doesn't mean it might not be happening. Is it reproducible? Cause it's kinda hard to now if it's happening since that 20% is added to the base damage of the skill.
What I know is that if you have a small bit of shield left, the remainder of damage (after taking away the bit swallowed by the shield) will hit your HP unmitigated. Which I believe is true of all attacks.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Edit: Also the 20% damage increase from the proc was added to counter the 20% damage reduction in Cyrodiil. A lot of other skills (Flame Lash, Bit Jabs etc) had their base dmg boosted to negate the Battle Spirit effect too. Frag procs in 1.6 hit as hard (given same spell dmg & max magicka) as in 1.5. Channeled attacks are weaker by 20%. It's the removal of softcaps and the empower buff that has been the culprit for the arguably too high damage of frag procs.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
LegendaryMage wrote: »Nirn needs a fix, and its coming, but not too soon. Im a mag sorc and when fighting nirn users I pick up on it imediately because my dmg plummets by 30-40% compared to those that dont use it. By a simple trait on armor, this is clearly OP.
Those that use nirn, knowingly because its in its current state are...well....whatever. Its not their fault, its hard to resist getting harder to kill. Personally, ive opted to not use it, as I did when the nirn weapon trait was op too, I used sharpened.
Exactly. It's always sad to see great players go the easy way and use a straight up broken trait to become unkillable. I never used the nirn stuff on my gear, or my staff (might try staff now that it's fixed). When sharpened was broken way back in the past, I used another trait intentionally. It feels like cheating, it is cheating and it shows who's got good character and who only cares about winning no matter what. Respect to all players who aren't exploiting.
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »To be fair, I don't think it's an exploit. Plus as you once said, it's nice to fight nirn users because htey are the best sort of practice :P
Thing is, even after a nerf it'll still be one of the best traits for PvP since Impenetrable died. So people investing in nirn gear feel safe that it'll still be very useful afterwards.
Lava_Croft wrote: »Fixing Nirnhoned is a great thing, since it will only make the Sorcerer's status in Cyrodiil more apparent.
Pixysticks wrote: »This is what happens if you don't wear nirn:
Teargrants wrote: »
and the insta proc 20% dmg increase wich can be stacked with itself under some circumstances
mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Plenty of abilities stamina abilities doing more damage than Crystal fragments to people yet everyone wants to focus on a single ability in a rare scenario (someone stacking spell penetration, dual wield and spellpower) as a justification for breaking an entire damage mode.
the problem is that CF has some issues allowing you to stack absurd dmg modifiers into it (sure its luck dependend) allowing you to hit anybody in some extreme situations even 4+ nirn user for nearly 20k dmg ... wich needs to be fixed alonsgide nirn.
Not really, what are the issues with CFs? Care to be more specific?
The only damage modifiers you can add are Major Sorcery (spell dmg incr) and the Empower buff. Eveyrbody is buffed by Major Sorcery or Major Brutality all the time, no difference there. As for Empower, Snipers do that too with Radiant Magelight, NBs do it Ambush and Wrecking Blow grants Empower itself meaning WB spam is always empowered.
Also it depends who is stacking the nirn. You need the high base resist for nirn to work its once you take out the penetration provided by light armour passive and elemental drain fro example.
If you're wearing light armor, you can stack 8/8 (or 9/9) nirn items have over 30k spell resist and if I put an elemental drain on you I still hit you as if you're naked. Loads of people don't know how penetration works.
I agree with people saying the Empower buff needs to go. Remove that becuase it boost the highest burst abilities to an obscene amount. Remove empower, fix nirnhorned and let those changes sink in for a few weeks. Observe average TTK and if needed increase the Cyro HP boost by another 5k.
and the insta proc 20% dmg increase wich can be stacked with itself under some circumstances
What do you mean by stacked with itself? Getting the buff twice? Or getting 20% of the 20% extra (i.e. 4% extra)
I've not heard of this before, which of course doesn't mean it might not be happening. Is it reproducible? Cause it's kinda hard to now if it's happening since that 20% is added to the base damage of the skill.
What I know is that if you have a small bit of shield left, the remainder of damage (after taking away the bit swallowed by the shield) will hit your HP unmitigated. Which I believe is true of all attacks.
well my cf do 6700 tooltip delve(within cyrodiil) one week ago i oneshotted another player with over 24k crit frag, for reconstruction its seems to be rather difficult but not impossible.
a NB attacked my groups templar as i had an empowered insta frag ready i switched my target towards him send him my frag into the face as he was running away from us, as his innitial burst didnt kill my group mate, out of my range i switched again used a crushing shock wich procs another CF wich made me reuse degeneration for empower wich aswell proced another CF a milisecond befor the impact of my first frag wich scattered the NB over the ground with nearly 25k dmg. thats obviously extreme luck but 1 additional proc can happen quite often increasing the dmg of frags into values that are still to high.
just for the ease of math using major brut as a flat 1,2 modifier
6700 *1,2[major brut]*1.2[innirtial proc]*1,2[empower]*1.2[2nd proc by CS]*1.2[3rd proc by degeneration]*1.6[crit increasment]=26674 close enough for his 25k life to be depleted.mike.gaziotisb16_ESO wrote: »Edit: Also the 20% damage increase from the proc was added to counter the 20% damage reduction in Cyrodiil. A lot of other skills (Flame Lash, Bit Jabs etc) had their base dmg boosted to negate the Battle Spirit effect too. Frag procs in 1.6 hit as hard (given same spell dmg & max magicka) as in 1.5. Channeled attacks are weaker by 20%. It's the removal of softcaps and the empower buff that has been the culprit for the arguably too high damage of frag procs.
thats the same incorrect math we faced in SWTOR
to keep it simple 100base value, 20% buff and 20% reduction
100*0.80*1.2 != 100 but actually 96...