Suggestions - New weapon ideas!

Now first off, we want to keep these ideas close to lore. It doesn't have to exist per say, just possible with ES lore.

If you have weapon ideas, post them here! Even if someone posts the same idea for a weapon, go farther and give ideas on how ZOS can implement it. The more input the better!

For my ideas, I was thinking a crossbow (Fighter's guild crossbow skill can be renamed to pocket crossbow or something). They could also do something completely different and split off the skill lines into a magicka and stamina version of the weapon, so everyone can try it out and not feel left out! For the stamina version of the crossbow, it could be Dwemer technology stuff like: vials of poison injectors, explosive bolts, and other stuff, get creative but lore friendly! For the magicka split off version of the crossbow skill line, it could be a Wild Elf magic weapon, like summoned weapons but made out of magicka, I think that's lore friendly. The Wild Elves could have copied the Dwemer or something xD

Other weapons that could be elaborated on: spears, pikes, wands - Didn't really think of any ideas for those, but feel free if you have ideas! Let's see what we can come up with ;)
Edited by Dragsooth on April 26, 2015 5:52AM
  • Nutronic
    I made a crossbow/short bow skill tree that works off the bow tree:
    Current Active Abilities

    Poison Arrow - Shoot an arrow coated in Baandari poison, dealing 6 Poison Damage and an additional 16 Poison Damage over 10 seconds.
    -Poison Injection - Poison effect deals more damage vs low health enemies.
    -Venom Arrow - Interrupts spells, putting the caster off balance.

    Volley - Launch a multitude of arrows into the sky to rain down, dealing 1 Physical Damage to enemies in the target area every 0.5 seconds for 5 seconds.
    -Arrow Barrage - Increase range and radius.
    -Scorched Earth - Arrows light ground on fire, dealing area damage.

    Scatter Shot - Blast an enemy with an explosive arrow, dealing 6 Physical Damage, knocking them back 6 meters, and leaving them disoriented for 5 seconds.
    -Draining Shot - Enemy snared when disorient ends.
    -Magnum Shot - Deals increased damage and knocks you away from target.

    Arrow Spray - Fire a burst of arrows in one shot, dealing dealing 6 Physical Damage to enemies in front of you. Also reduces enemies' Movement Speed by 40% for 5 seconds.
    -Acid Spray - Deals poison damage. Adds damage over time.
    -Bombard - Affected enemies are also immobilized.

    Snipe - Plant a masterfully aimed arrow in an enemy's vital spot, dealing 15 Physical Damage.
    -Focused Aim - Reduces enemy armor and allows them to be hit from further away
    -Lethal Arrow - Deals poison damage and applies the poison status effect. Reduces enemy's healing taken.

    New Active Abilities

    Quick Shot – Quickly take aim and shoot. Based on the type of ammo deals 6 poison, 20 bleed over 8 seconds or .
    -Injection Shot – Unique ammo effects last longer and have additional effects. Poison deals more damage to low health targets. Barbed causes bleed. Enchanted do magic over time.
    -Heavy Shot - Interrupts spells, putting the caster off balance.

    Volley - Bows launch a multitude of arrows into the sky to rain down, dealing 1 Physical Damage to enemies in the target area every 0.5 seconds for 5 seconds. Crossbows make 3 quick shots which deal 2, 4, 8 area damage.
    -Arrow Barrage - Increase range and radius with bows. Cross bows gain 1 second cast time but shoot 6 shots over 1.5 seconds dealing 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 8 damage.
    -Scorched Barrage - Arrows lit on fire ignite the ground, dealing area damage. Bolts dipped in burning oil cause 3 fire damage over 3 seconds and snare enemies.

    Scatter Shot – Blast an enemy with an explosive arrow or bolt, dealing 6 Physical Damage, knocking them back 6 meters, and leaving them disoriented for 5 seconds.
    -Draining Shot - Enemy snared when disorient ends.
    -Magnum Shot - Deals increased damage and knocks you away from target.

    Arrow/Bolt Spray – Bows fire a burst of arrows in one shot, dealing 6 Physical Damage to enemies in front of you. Crossbows fire six shots in a fan knocking enemies back 2 meters. Also reduces enemies' Movement Speed by 40% for 5 seconds.
    -Cone of Arrows/Bolts – Deal additional damage based on ammo type. Adds damage over time.
    -Bombard - Affected enemies are also immobilized and gain minor defile, fracture, or breach.

    Snipe - Plant a masterfully aimed arrow or bolt in an enemy's vital spot, dealing 15 Physical Damage.
    -Focused Aim - Reduces enemy armor and allows them to be hit from further away
    -Lethal Arrow - Deals ammo based damage on hit and applies minor defile, fracture, or breach.

    Current Passive Abilities

    Long Shots - Gives you a damage bonus of up to 6% against enemies at longer range.
    Accuracy - Increases Weapon Critical rating by 3.
    Ranger - Reduces the Stamina cost of Bow abilities by 10%.
    Hawk Eye - Increases the damage of your Bow attacks by 8% when striking off balance enemies.
    Hasty Retreat - Increases your Movement Speed by 15% for 2 seconds after you execute a dodge roll.

    New Passive Abilities.

    Ranger - Reduces the Stamina cost of Bow and Crossbow abilities by 10%. Also added effects from different ammo types: Normal ammo can have a poison applied for 100% poison chance. Barbed quivers have a 25% chance for bleed damage. Enchanted quivers cause magic damage and have 5% chance for minor mangle.
    Skilled Shots - Gives you a damage bonus of up to 6% against enemies at longer range With a Bow. Gives you a damage bonus up to 5% increased damage with Crossbow if up close.
    Accuracy - Increases Weapon Critical rating by 3 on Bows. Increases weapon speed by 2%, 4%, 6% on Crossbows.
    Hawk Eye - Increases the damage of your Bow/Crossbow attacks by 8% when striking off balance enemies.
    Haste- Increases your Movement Speed by 15% for 2 seconds after you execute a dodge roll with a Crossbow or 10% for 1 second after landing a critical hit with a Bow.

    "I changed a few names to better reflect how the abilities are used or make them more open. The main idea here is that there could be some cool customization in this skill line instead of adding a whole other line. Namely if they added Quivers (possible weapon slots for jewel crafting), those would be your "arrow/bolt" types. I think it might be a tiny bit confusing at first, but mixing and matching the different ammo types with the different bow/xbow effects would be fun. This also leaves room for them to add short bows if they so choose.

    Anyway, the main difference between Bows and Xbows should be the rate and power of fire. Bows have a variable amount of power to them, but should be a bit more precise and overall better for longer shots and light attacks. Crossbows I think should behave in 1 of 2 ways: Either they have a slightly slower light attack and slightly faster/stronger heavy attack OR they should behave like restoration staves: slowish light attacks but a quick succession heavy attack due to a magazine clip. Either way, I think this is something fun to discuss and let Zos chew on maybe for next year :)"

    There were some other suggestions in the thread I posted it in. I can post that if anyone gets interested.
    Edited by Nutronic on April 26, 2015 6:42AM
  • Huggernaut
    Honestly ... boring.

    Longbow, shortbow, x-bow ... all still bows. We've all been there, done that a million times.

    Sorry, just my opinion as I see it.

    Personally, I feel that if we are going to bother someone, somewhere, about adding a new weapon type to the game ... let's do something that isn't seen in a million other games.

    For example, whips are really an under-utilized weapon in a great deal of fantasy games. These could simple leather whips, or some cooler retractable metal ones, or even really crazy magical ones that are alive and can bite / constrict / etc.

    I'd like to see some other cooler looking options for mages besides staves as well. Every sorc has the same item, boring. Let's shake it up and add in things like grimoires, focus crystals, rods, wands, etc

    Maybe even empowered items like magical rings, gauntlets, etc.

    It's a fantasy game, let your imagination run wild =)
  • Arcanasx
    Imagine if they added flails/morning
  • Chuggernaut
    What would be cool is if they implemented Longbow, Shortbow, and Crossbow the same way as destruction staff, in that all 3 would use the range combat tree, but depending on the equipped weapon, the skill would change. Some changes could be longbow would stay same, but short bow would lose snipe, and crossbow would lose volley and arrow spray. ROF should also be faster for the long/shortbow, but Crossbow should hit way harder.
    My comrades have returned. I erect the spine of gratitude. You are a hero today. - Bura-Natoo
  • TheShadowScout
    I would love to see crossbows in ESO, though I wouldn't want a new skill line just for them, I mean, two-handed axes don't get their own skill line from two-handed swords either... and two-handed has options for swords, axes and mauls, so why shouldn't the bow skill be renamed "archery" and get options for longbows and crossbows...?
    A crossbow might do the same as a normal bow, just with a good deal of bonus armor penetration and to balance an "reloading" time after each shot... and then let the archers pick and choose their favorite.

    What else I would like to see...?
    Polearms. Now those would require a new skill line, there are some animations already in the game, between the "aedric spear" skill line and the NPCs practicing near the skywatch fighters guild... it would be nifty to have them as skill line, adding spears, halberds, quaterstaves, pikes, naginata, whatever to the game armory. And I am sure anyone who saw fights like "Achilles Vs. Hector" (troy) or "Red Viper vs. Mountain" (Game of Thrones) would be itching to have a character swinging a polearm around...

    Alternate destruction/restoration options. No new skill lines, just different tools to cast the spells, with different animations:
    "Focus" like a holy symbol or magic crystal, gemmed skull or ornate spellbook, or whatever, that characters wear on their hip, and then rise up with one hand while making mystic gestures with the other to cast spells? Would be perfect for a great many magical mayhem dispensers or healers, especially the ones enjoying playing "priest" types...
    "Wand" like in D&D (or faery tales, or harry potter for that matter) that people use to fling spells around? It would be so enjoyable to have more options for ones caster characters then the big ole staves... designs could go from wizards wands to legate batons, from runesticks to shamals rattles, from crystal rods to ornate scepters... think of the possibilities!

    Unarmed? I for one would like to have an unarmed skill line, with some matching weapons (Yes, I am aware this is something of an oxymoron... :tongue: ) - like brass knuckles, punch daggers, cestus gloves, etc. Maybe a "brawling" skill line? The attacks however should in No Way be equal to proper weapons in terms of damage, while the skills shoulds focus more on CC and such... it would be great to have for barroom brawls and possibly upcoming arena battles (Tamriel Heavyweight Championship, anyone?), but definitely shouldn't be competetive in PvE/PvP. (would be neat if it added bonus depending on your character size - big and strong get bonus damage, small and skinny bonus dodge...)

    Flails? Another common medieval weapon missing from our ESO armory, I can see why they left this one out, flexible weapons might be a tad difficult on the animation... on the other hand... DK flash lash does it, so why not medieval flails, akaviri nunchaku, etc.? Might get added to the possible options for the existing skill lines... perhaps with some tweaks (technically flails are hard to parry since they can "strike around the blocking weapon/shield", but can be dangerous to the user as well since the flailing around business end can sometimes strike the user themselves... could be done somewhere around this line, say, half weapon damage gets through all blocking, and a 5% chance of doing half damage to yourself on any strike...)

    Slings? Another ranged weapon that is often forgotten, or considered ineffective (we tried to get a comment from mister goliath on that account, but alas... our necromancer failed in the spiritual summoning), these might be worth a whole new skill line with "special" bullets one can fire with them, from powder-filled eggshells to small magical bombs...

    (throwing weapons we kinda have covered in the game with the throwing daggers of the dual wield line, though I sometimes wish we had a third weapojn slot for a "special attack" weapon, that could either be the throwing dagger skill pried loose from dual wield, or some other type... thrown darts, thrown rocks, thrown shuriken, thrown grenades... yes I wrote grenades, though not exactly the black powder kind... it would be a thought...)

    Mounted combat.
    Another thing that's not even in sight, but which I'd love to see sometime... people on their horses able to use weapons. (maybe with severe penalties to hit, and a skill line that can be raises to migrate such penalties...) Horse archery. Knights charging at each other with lances and raised shields. That sort of thing. Maybe even chariots and war wagons, though those actually were kinda multi-person contraptions, not sure how difficult multi-player mounts would be to code...
  • Arcanasx
    What would be cool is if they implemented Longbow, Shortbow, and Crossbow the same way as destruction staff, in that all 3 would use the range combat tree, but depending on the equipped weapon, the skill would change. Some changes could be longbow would stay same, but short bow would lose snipe, and crossbow would lose volley and arrow spray. ROF should also be faster for the long/shortbow, but Crossbow should hit way harder.

    Honestly for a skilled marksman trained for it, bows were the superior weapon compared to crossbows in most cases. Crossbows were mostly used because it was much easier to become sufficient with them compared to bows, which took years of training and exercise.

    Edited by Arcanasx on April 26, 2015 7:25AM
  • TheShadowScout
    Indeed, becoming good enough with a bow to be worthy in medieval battles takes years, while pretty much every rew recruit could hit something with a crossbow with a few weeks of training, that was the crossbows main strength. Its secondary strength was that it could easily be fored from behind cover, or even while lying prone, and still had enough punch to drive a bodkin bolt through armor.
    The main disadvantahe was that is took quite a bit to reload - while a skilled bowman could fire shot after shot, tales tell of as many as two per second, a crossbowman would have to spend several seconds to even ready his weapon again. A crossbow has to be spanned with either a belt hook and a footrest, using the archers whole body to span the bow, or with a goats foot and the wonder of leverage. Some crossbows were even strong enough that nothing but a small winch could span them, which of course took even longer...
    ...hmmm... would be interesting to have such arbalest style heavy crossbows in the game too, but I guess difficult - they'd have to do a hefty amount of extra damage, which wouldn't make if very fun in PvP for people who get one-shotted with them... I doubt they'd find "...but now the archer has to spend fifteen seconds to rewind" very much of a drawback, from where they respawn... so, I guess we'll just have to keep to ballistae for those who want bigger crossbows ;)
  • Dragsooth
    Huggernaut wrote: »
    Honestly ... boring.

    Longbow, shortbow, x-bow ... all still bows. We've all been there, done that a million times.

    Sorry, just my opinion as I see it.

    Personally, I feel that if we are going to bother someone, somewhere, about adding a new weapon type to the game ... let's do something that isn't seen in a million other games.

    For example, whips are really an under-utilized weapon in a great deal of fantasy games. These could simple leather whips, or some cooler retractable metal ones, or even really crazy magical ones that are alive and can bite / constrict / etc.

    I'd like to see some other cooler looking options for mages besides staves as well. Every sorc has the same item, boring. Let's shake it up and add in things like grimoires, focus crystals, rods, wands, etc

    Maybe even empowered items like magical rings, gauntlets, etc.

    It's a fantasy game, let your imagination run wild =)

    I see where you're going with this, but the things you listed also fall under your "over-used" list. Plenty of MMOs have foci and wands! I don't know if grimoires fall into lore though, unless the mage is an idiot and needs a book to remind him xD

    Good ideas though, there's no wrong answers here. ZOS aren't stupid, they can put together some stuff with our fragmented ideas =3
    Edited by Dragsooth on April 26, 2015 6:07PM
  • Cheveyo

    Khajiit-fu or whatever the hell those cats on the AD starter island are practicing at their temple.
  • golfer.dub17_ESO
    Wanting to see a One-Hand skill line, mostly just because 1HS can't be used for offense at all. This skill line would be tactical in nature, giving you buffs to damage and defense based on performing certain actions. Wielding different weapons would alter the skills somewhat, similar to Destruction Staves.

    Ok, I'll throw Unarmed people a bone. Enchanting is pretty mediocre right now anyways, we could create new enchants that can be applied to gloves and gauntlets (swing damage and speed, or chance to stun target, or so on), or crafted set gear that gives buffs to unarmed combat (since the guy below me mentioned martial arts, perhaps a set for each style). A full dedicated skill-tree though? Eh, I think it would be a waste of skill points and developer time more than anything, plus I don't like the idea of investing points into something that is supposed to be easily accessible and somewhat of an ineffective joke weapon.

    People asking for spears and would you actually make them significantly different from other options?

    There is one reason I'm interested in Whips. That is you could make it a weapon that is crafted through "clothing". Rename clothing to compensate.
    Edited by golfer.dub17_ESO on April 26, 2015 7:32PM
  • Gidorick
    I agree with Cheveyo. Unarmed.

    There are various martial arts in Nirn. Such as Goutfang, Rawlith Khaj, Whispering Fang, and Falling Sand. It would be cool to have multiple unarmed skill lines to cover each.
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  • PKMN12
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I agree with Cheveyo. Unarmed.

    There are various martial arts in Nirn. Such as Goutfang, Rawlith Khaj, Whispering Fang, and Falling Sand. It would be cool to have multiple unarmed skill lines to cover each.

    would not happen, there are multiple different types of each weapon, but only one skill line for each.
  • Ffastyl
    While not a new weapon, it would be a new skill line the community has expressed interest in, in the past.

    One-Hand and Empty Hand (One-Handed / Fencing)
    [Suggestion] One-Hand Weapon Line - A thread I made more than a month ago detailing a way to implement the skill line. Didn't get much attention then, but it is relevant now.
    Active Abilities

    Slash at your opponent with practiced form, dealing additional damage to wounded foes. Damage scales up to 300% against low health enemies.
    Damage: Moderate
    Range: 5m
    Target: Single
    Cast Time: Instant
    Cost: Moderate (similar to Low Slash from One Hand and Shield)

    Cut Morphs
    Lacerating Cut
    Deals additional bleed damage to target.
    Slash at your opponent with practiced form, rending skin and causing (45/50/55/60% of the initial damage) bleed damage over 6 seconds. Finish off wounded foes. Damage scales up to 300% against low health enemies.

    Powerful Cut
    Becomes a cone-based AoE. Deals increased damage.
    Slash in front of you with all your might, sweeping the area and cutting down foes. Damage scales up to 300% against low health enemies.
    Damage: Moderate +10/11/12/13%
    Range: 7m
    Target: Cone

    Quickly lunge at your opponent, pinpointing their weak spot and expanding it. Inflicts target with Major Fracture and Major Breach, reducing Physical and Spell Resistance by (scales with level).
    Damage: Moderate-Low
    Range: 5m
    Target: Single
    Cast Time: Instant
    Cost: Moderate

    Thrust Morphs
    Lightning Thrust
    Chance to set target off-balance.
    Lunge faster than the eye can blink, slamming your foe with immense force before they can prepare. Inflicts Major Fracture and Major Breach, reducing Physical and Spell Resistance by (scales with level). 20/30/40/50% chance to set target off-balance.

    Power Thrust
    Reduces target's damage done.
    Put immense strength into a swift thrust, knocking the wind out of your opponent. Inflicts Major Fracture, Major Breach, and Minor Maim, reducing Physical and Spell Resistance by (scales with level) and reducing target's damage done by 15%.
    Damage: Moderate +2/4/6/8%

    Anticipate your opponent's strike and redirect it back at the attacker. Reflects one melee attack.
    Target: Self
    Cast Time: Instant
    Duration: 3/4/5/6 seconds
    Cost: low

    Parry Morphs
    Mocking Parry
    Knocks down the attacker.
    Help out your opponent by adding a little extra force to their swing, watching them fall flat on their face. Reflects one melee attack with an added knock down effect for 2/3/4/5 seconds.

    Efficient Parry
    Increases damage of returned attack.
    Parry and riposte your opponent, reflecting one melee attack with 15/20/25/30% increased damage.

    Drawing Cut
    Draw and cut in the same motion for a quick and devastating slash, dazing your opponent in its wake. Inflicts Disorient on target for 10 seconds.
    Damage: High
    Range: 7m
    Target: Single
    Cast Time: Instant
    Cost: Moderate-High

    Drawing Cut Morphs
    Fluid Cut
    Grants Major Empower upon hitting target.
    Draw and cut in the same motion for a quick and devastating slash, leaving your opponent vulnerable for a follow up strike. Inflicts Disorient for 10 seconds and grants Major Empower, increasing the damage of the next attack by 20%.

    Charging Slash
    Increases range and charges to target.
    Draw, cut, and lunge in one fluid motion, assaulting your opponent with unbeknownst speed. Inflicts Disorient for 10 seconds.
    Range: 3 - 22m

    En Guard
    Take up a combat stance become light on your feet, granting Minor Berserk, Minor Evasion, and Minor Expedition for 20/21/22/23 seconds.
    Minor Berserk increases damage dealt by 8%. Minor Evasion increases dodge chance by 5%. Minor Expedition increases movement speed by 10%.
    Target: Self
    Cast Time: Instant
    Duration: 20/21/22/23 seconds
    Cost: Moderate

    En Guard Morphs
    Replaces effects with increased regeneration.
    Calm body, mind, and spirit on the battlefield, increasing regenerative properties. Grants Major Intellect, Major Fortitude, and Major Endurance for the duration.

    Increases the potency of the effects. Increased cost.
    Charge into the fray, adrenaline pumping, and smite all before you! Grants Major Berzerk, Major Evasion, and Major Expedition, increasing damage done by 25%, dodge chance by 20%, and movement speed by 40%.
    Cost: High

    Passive Abilities

    With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
    Increases Weapon Power by 10/20%.

    Foot Soldier
    While Using One-Hand Skills
    One-hand weapon skills cost 10/20% less.

    One-Hand Weapons Expertise
    With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
    Swords deal 3/5% extra damage. Axes inflict (scales with level)/(scales with level x2) bleed damage over 4 seconds. Hammers ignore 10/20% armor. Daggers increase critical hit rate by 3/5%.

    With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
    Increases Spell Power by 10/20%.

    With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
    While weapon is sheathed, increase all regeneration by 8/15%.
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  • PKMN12
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    While not a new weapon, it would be a new skill line the community has expressed interest in, in the past.

    One-Hand and Empty Hand (One-Handed / Fencing)
    [Suggestion] One-Hand Weapon Line - A thread I made more than a month ago detailing a way to implement the skill line. Didn't get much attention then, but it is relevant now.
    Active Abilities

    Slash at your opponent with practiced form, dealing additional damage to wounded foes. Damage scales up to 300% against low health enemies.
    Damage: Moderate
    Range: 5m
    Target: Single
    Cast Time: Instant
    Cost: Moderate (similar to Low Slash from One Hand and Shield)

    Cut Morphs
    Lacerating Cut
    Deals additional bleed damage to target.
    Slash at your opponent with practiced form, rending skin and causing (45/50/55/60% of the initial damage) bleed damage over 6 seconds. Finish off wounded foes. Damage scales up to 300% against low health enemies.

    Powerful Cut
    Becomes a cone-based AoE. Deals increased damage.
    Slash in front of you with all your might, sweeping the area and cutting down foes. Damage scales up to 300% against low health enemies.
    Damage: Moderate +10/11/12/13%
    Range: 7m
    Target: Cone

    Quickly lunge at your opponent, pinpointing their weak spot and expanding it. Inflicts target with Major Fracture and Major Breach, reducing Physical and Spell Resistance by (scales with level).
    Damage: Moderate-Low
    Range: 5m
    Target: Single
    Cast Time: Instant
    Cost: Moderate

    Thrust Morphs
    Lightning Thrust
    Chance to set target off-balance.
    Lunge faster than the eye can blink, slamming your foe with immense force before they can prepare. Inflicts Major Fracture and Major Breach, reducing Physical and Spell Resistance by (scales with level). 20/30/40/50% chance to set target off-balance.

    Power Thrust
    Reduces target's damage done.
    Put immense strength into a swift thrust, knocking the wind out of your opponent. Inflicts Major Fracture, Major Breach, and Minor Maim, reducing Physical and Spell Resistance by (scales with level) and reducing target's damage done by 15%.
    Damage: Moderate +2/4/6/8%

    Anticipate your opponent's strike and redirect it back at the attacker. Reflects one melee attack.
    Target: Self
    Cast Time: Instant
    Duration: 3/4/5/6 seconds
    Cost: low

    Parry Morphs
    Mocking Parry
    Knocks down the attacker.
    Help out your opponent by adding a little extra force to their swing, watching them fall flat on their face. Reflects one melee attack with an added knock down effect for 2/3/4/5 seconds.

    Efficient Parry
    Increases damage of returned attack.
    Parry and riposte your opponent, reflecting one melee attack with 15/20/25/30% increased damage.

    Drawing Cut
    Draw and cut in the same motion for a quick and devastating slash, dazing your opponent in its wake. Inflicts Disorient on target for 10 seconds.
    Damage: High
    Range: 7m
    Target: Single
    Cast Time: Instant
    Cost: Moderate-High

    Drawing Cut Morphs
    Fluid Cut
    Grants Major Empower upon hitting target.
    Draw and cut in the same motion for a quick and devastating slash, leaving your opponent vulnerable for a follow up strike. Inflicts Disorient for 10 seconds and grants Major Empower, increasing the damage of the next attack by 20%.

    Charging Slash
    Increases range and charges to target.
    Draw, cut, and lunge in one fluid motion, assaulting your opponent with unbeknownst speed. Inflicts Disorient for 10 seconds.
    Range: 3 - 22m

    En Guard
    Take up a combat stance become light on your feet, granting Minor Berserk, Minor Evasion, and Minor Expedition for 20/21/22/23 seconds.
    Minor Berserk increases damage dealt by 8%. Minor Evasion increases dodge chance by 5%. Minor Expedition increases movement speed by 10%.
    Target: Self
    Cast Time: Instant
    Duration: 20/21/22/23 seconds
    Cost: Moderate

    En Guard Morphs
    Replaces effects with increased regeneration.
    Calm body, mind, and spirit on the battlefield, increasing regenerative properties. Grants Major Intellect, Major Fortitude, and Major Endurance for the duration.

    Increases the potency of the effects. Increased cost.
    Charge into the fray, adrenaline pumping, and smite all before you! Grants Major Berzerk, Major Evasion, and Major Expedition, increasing damage done by 25%, dodge chance by 20%, and movement speed by 40%.
    Cost: High

    Passive Abilities

    With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
    Increases Weapon Power by 10/20%.

    Foot Soldier
    While Using One-Hand Skills
    One-hand weapon skills cost 10/20% less.

    One-Hand Weapons Expertise
    With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
    Swords deal 3/5% extra damage. Axes inflict (scales with level)/(scales with level x2) bleed damage over 4 seconds. Hammers ignore 10/20% armor. Daggers increase critical hit rate by 3/5%.

    With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
    Increases Spell Power by 10/20%.

    With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
    While weapon is sheathed, increase all regeneration by 8/15%.

    that kind of tree is automatically weaker then the others simply because of lack of off-hand, you now have less overall stats then someone duel-wielding, using a shield, or having a 2-handed weapon (Staff, bow, great weapon)

    It would require the use of SOME sort of off-hand that it interacts with to be useful, maybe some sort of dueling gauntlet that is used in the off hand, or maybe a buckler/small parrying dagger of some sort.
  • golfer.dub17_ESO
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    While not a new weapon, it would be a new skill line the community has expressed interest in, in the past.

    One-Hand and Empty Hand (One-Handed / Fencing)
    [Suggestion] One-Hand Weapon Line - A thread I made more than a month ago detailing a way to implement the skill line. Didn't get much attention then, but it is relevant now.

    Not exactly what I'd want, but close enough.

    I do like how one of the skills proposed has Major Empower, and I do like the Spellsword passive.

    I absolutely hate the "___ weapon gets ___" passive though because even to this day it's still imbalanced (axes worthless, maces quite situational, daggers and swords reign supreme depending on if you're crit or damage stacking).
    Edited by golfer.dub17_ESO on April 26, 2015 7:46PM
  • Ffastyl
    Not necessarily. Each weapon type has similar weapon damage without passives. Even One Hand and Shield gains a +5% Weapon Damage. Keeping this in mind, Bow has lower Weapon Damage than One Hand and Shield, and it is still a viable weapon. One Hand and Empty grants a +20% Weapon Damage, the same as the other weapon types. It's basic attacks will be inherently weaker, but not the abilities. Dual Wield has higher Weapon Damage than Two-Hand, but Two-Hand has harder hitting skills because of a higher multiplier / base damage. Using the same solution, One Hand and Empty can be viable. If not, increase the bonus Weapon Damage to +12.5/25% or +15/30%.

    EDIT: Now that I look back on the old thread, @PKMN12 made the same comment and I responded more or less the same way.
    Edited by Ffastyl on April 26, 2015 8:03PM
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

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  • Ffastyl
    I absolutely hate the "___ weapon gets ___" passive though because even to this day it's still imbalanced (axes worthless, maces quite situational, daggers and swords reign supreme depending on if you're crit or damage stacking).

    I modeled the line after what exists ingame, while trying to give it a unique feel.

    In the original thread, which is linked in the post, I give a breakdown for how I decided and balanced each skill.
    Edited by Ffastyl on April 26, 2015 7:52PM
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

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    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
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  • golfer.dub17_ESO
    It would require the use of SOME sort of off-hand that it interacts with to be useful, maybe some sort of dueling gauntlet that is used in the off hand, or maybe a buckler/small parrying dagger of some sort.

    One could create new weapons for a 1HE skill tree if need be.

    Longsword / Rapier, Long-Mace, Long-Axe, Shortspear (i.e. dagger on a stick), so on.
    Edited by golfer.dub17_ESO on April 26, 2015 7:59PM
  • Dragsooth
    PKMN12 wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I agree with Cheveyo. Unarmed.

    There are various martial arts in Nirn. Such as Goutfang, Rawlith Khaj, Whispering Fang, and Falling Sand. It would be cool to have multiple unarmed skill lines to cover each.

    would not happen, there are multiple different types of each weapon, but only one skill line for each.

    Not necessarily , they could have gloves associated with each unarmed technique to differentiate (along with different animations obviously), just like they have different weapons for 2handed and what not.
  • zeitzbachrwb17_ESO
    Water Combat
    Argonian style

    1st skill :Splash

    That's all we need




    But for srs though, I do want a single dagger combat or an option to use a knife for parrying/blocking.
  • Dragsooth
    Water Combat
    Argonian style

    1st skill :Splash

    That's all we need




    But for srs though, I do want a single dagger combat or an option to use a knife for parrying/blocking.

    I did enjoy the underwater combat in GW2, unlike some people in the game, so I would welcome that idea. They'd have to come up with more dangerous underwater fish than slaughterfish, so I highly doubt it'll ever happen. Plus I doubt they'll want to add textures to the ocean floor.

  • TheShadowScout
    Hmmm... yeah, forgot about the one-handed thing. A "sword and spell" setup would be nifty to have! Could be done with an new type of offhand item, some spell amulet or runestone...

    Hmmm... considering my "focus" idea... that one could be made one-handed... then if held in mainhand it would default to destruction or restoration skill line, and used in the offhand to "spellsword" skill line... (just like a one-handed weapon in the offhand goes to dual wield while in mainhand only to sword&board...)

    Of course, then the question would be, what to do with your offhand if foci were one-handed... so maybe it'd be better to have something else for that one? or maybe... go with "Focus and spellbook" for magic, and "weapon and focus" for spellsword? Would also add spellbooks to craft as seperate item, which I would like... my librarian character would love to carry a tome around instead of a staff...
  • Gandrhulf_Harbard
    Huggernaut wrote: »
    Honestly ... boring.

    Longbow, shortbow, x-bow ... all still bows. We've all been there, done that a million times.

    Sorry, just my opinion as I see it.

    Well, they could mix it up a bit so that Short-Bows have quicker base rate of fire, and Long-Bows have extra base range.

    So that the player can choose which bow best suits their play style.

    X-Bow could have increased base armour penetration.

    All The Best

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    Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse.
  • leshpar
    I know this might be limiting, but I'd like to see claw weapons. It doesn't have to be unarmed argonian and khajiit, but could be like Yang from Final Fantasy 4 or something like that. Stuff like brass knuckles and the like.
  • SantieClaws
    Frying pan, rolling pin and toasting fork.
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  • TheShadowScout
    Frying pan, rolling pin and toasting fork.

    Heh! Good idea, it -would- be interesting to have "improvised" weapons in the game as well! Maybe with doing only half damage of "proper" weapons...

    Even if only for the fun value!

    And... think of the humiliation if someone got stabbed to death with a spoon! ;):tongue::smirk:
  • I_killed_Vivec
    One of the images on the loader (I know, painful to think about but we all spend long enough looking at it) is the female elf from the trailer with a sword in one hand firing a spell out of the other - just like I used to do in Skyrim (actually an axe in one hand, a fireball in the other).

    Might be a good way to "balance" spellcrafting - spells you craft yourself require a free hand, overpowered spells would require both hands, so your gain in spell weaponry would be offset by a loss in physical weaponry.
  • Arcanasx
    Frying pan, rolling pin and toasting fork.

    Heh! Good idea, it -would- be interesting to have "improvised" weapons in the game as well! Maybe with doing only half damage of "proper" weapons...

    Even if only for the fun value!

    And... think of the humiliation if someone got stabbed to death with a spoon! ;):tongue::smirk:

    Yeah, getting stabbed to death by a magically enhanced spoon while the guy is wearing nothing but enchanted underwear that provides the same amount of protection of magically infused full plate armor.
  • BuggeX
    Arcanasx wrote: »
    What would be cool is if they implemented Longbow, Shortbow, and Crossbow the same way as destruction staff, in that all 3 would use the range combat tree, but depending on the equipped weapon, the skill would change. Some changes could be longbow would stay same, but short bow would lose snipe, and crossbow would lose volley and arrow spray. ROF should also be faster for the long/shortbow, but Crossbow should hit way harder.

    Honestly for a skilled marksman trained for it, bows were the superior weapon compared to crossbows in most cases. Crossbows were mostly used because it was much easier to become sufficient with them compared to bows, which took years of training and exercise.

    Nah, Crossbow were used to penetrate heavy armor from the Knights.
  • Daemons_Bane
    Throwing knives :-D

    Those 3 things would make my day.. would love to play a unarmed khajiit (claws) with throwing knives as backup
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