While there are several polls which ask if the community wants a One-Hand weapon line, there are none I have come across which discuss how to go about creating such a line. This is my suggestion for what such a skill line could look like. My aims with the following skills and passives is to create something similar to other weapon lines, Dual Wield, Two Hand, and One Hand and Shield in particular, while maintaining a unique feel.
Active Abilities
Slash at your opponent with practiced form, dealing additional damage to wounded foes. Damage scales up to 300% against low health enemies.
Damage: Moderate
Range: 5m
Target: Single
Cast Time: Instant
Cost: Moderate (similar to Low Slash from One Hand and Shield)
Cut Morphs
Lacerating Cut
Deals additional bleed damage to target.
Slash at your opponent with practiced form, rending skin and causing (45/50/55/60% of the initial damage) bleed damage over 6 seconds. Finish off wounded foes. Damage scales up to 300% against low health enemies.
Powerful Cut
Becomes a cone-based AoE. Deals increased damage.
Slash in front of you with all your might, sweeping the area and cutting down foes. Damage scales up to 300% against low health enemies.
Damage: Moderate +10/11/12/13%
Range: 7m
Target: Cone
Quickly lunge at your opponent, pinpointing their weak spot and expanding it. Inflicts target with Major Fracture and Major Breach, reducing Physical and Spell Resistance by (scales with level).
Damage: Moderate-Low
Range: 5m
Target: Single
Cast Time: Instant
Cost: Moderate
Thrust Morphs
Lightning Thrust
Chance to set target off-balance.
Lunge faster than the eye can blink, slamming your foe with immense force before they can prepare. Inflicts Major Fracture and Major Breach, reducing Physical and Spell Resistance by (scales with level). 20/30/40/50% chance to set target off-balance.
Power Thrust
Reduces target's damage done.
Put immense strength into a swift thrust, knocking the wind out of your opponent. Inflicts Major Fracture, Major Breach, and Minor Maim, reducing Physical and Spell Resistance by (scales with level) and reducing target's damage done by 15%.
Damage: Moderate +2/4/6/8%
Anticipate your opponent's strike and redirect it back at the attacker. Reflects one melee attack.
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Duration: 3/4/5/6 seconds
Cost: low
Parry Morphs
Mocking Parry
Knocks down the attacker.
Help out your opponent by adding a little extra force to their swing, watching them fall flat on their face. Reflects one melee attack with an added knock down effect for 2/3/4/5 seconds.
Efficient Parry
Increases damage of returned attack.
Parry and riposte your opponent, reflecting one melee attack with 15/20/25/30% increased damage.
Drawing Cut
Draw and cut in the same motion for a quick and devastating slash, dazing your opponent in its wake. Inflicts Disorient on target for 10 seconds.
Damage: High
Range: 7m
Target: Single
Cast Time: Instant
Cost: Moderate-High
Drawing Cut Morphs
Fluid Cut
Grants Major Empower upon hitting target.
Draw and cut in the same motion for a quick and devastating slash, leaving your opponent vulnerable for a follow up strike. Inflicts Disorient for 10 seconds and grants Major Empower, increasing the damage of the next attack by 20%.
Charging Slash
Increases range and charges to target.
Draw, cut, and lunge in one fluid motion, assaulting your opponent with unbeknownst speed. Inflicts Disorient for 10 seconds.
Range: 3 - 22m
En Guard
Take up a combat stance become light on your feet, granting Minor Berserk, Minor Evasion, and Minor Expedition for 20/21/22/23 seconds.
Minor Berserk increases damage dealt by 8%. Minor Evasion increases dodge chance by 5%. Minor Expedition increases movement speed by 10%.
Target: Self
Cast Time: Instant
Duration: 20/21/22/23 seconds
Cost: Moderate
En Guard Morphs
Replaces effects with increased regeneration. Removes 1/2/3/4 negative effects on cast.
Calm body, mind, and spirit on the battlefield, increasing regenerative properties. Grants Major Intellect, Major Fortitude, and Major Endurance for the duration.
Increases the potency of the effects. Increased cost.
Charge into the fray, adrenaline pumping, and smite all before you! Grants Major Berzerk, Major Evasion, and Major Expedition, increasing damage done by 25%, dodge chance by 20%, and movement speed by 40%.
Cost: High
Passive Abilities
With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
Increases Weapon Power by 10/20%.
Foot Soldier
While Using One-Hand Skills
One-hand weapon skills cost 10/20% less.
One-Hand Weapons Expertise
With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
Swords deal 3/5% extra damage. Axes inflict (scales with level)/(scales with level x2) bleed damage over 4 seconds. Hammers ignore 10/20% armor. Daggers increase critical hit rate by 3/5%.
With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
Increases Spell Power by 10/20%.
With One One-Hand Weapon Equipped
While weapon is sheathed, increase all regeneration by 8/15%.
These abilities and passives were thought up after analyzing and considering the other weapon lines and how their abilities/passives worked. The passives contain one cost reduction, one weapon specialization, one power increase, and two unique passives.
Often times one of the unique passives is an "increase regeneration for x after killing an enemy" or "restore x by y amount after killing an enemy." Respite follows the same vein of regeneration, but goes about it in a unique way, providing reason to sheath your weapon from time to time.
The second unique passive is always different for each weapon line, from deal extra damage to enemies suffering x, y, z ailments to deal extra damage after a heavy attack or at enemies farther away. Here, Spellsword allows the ability for One-Handers to create competitive hybrid builds utilizing magicka based class spells or guild/world spells.
Active abilities seem to all have the same amount of utility to them, counterbalanced by a cast time if it somehow got too much utility (Uppercut).
Each ability has to reach a utility rating of 3 to be balanced, with said rating explained below (this is not ZOS's system, but one I developed after analyzing the various in-game weapon line abilities):
Damage up to Moderate is +1
Damage beyond Moderate is +2
Execute effect is +2
One hard CC effect is +1
One soft CC effect is +1
Cast time is -1
Channel time is +/- 0 because it adds cast time (-1) and more damage ticks (+1)
High cost is -1
Moderate-Low is not Moderate or Low, but between Moderate and Low.
Moderate-High is the same as Moderate-Low, but between Moderate and High.
Morphs generally add a +1 to an ability's utility rating or greatly alter the ability's function.
The abilities listed above for One-Hand follow the these guidelines and also try to offer what the other weapon lines do: an execute, a gap closer, an AoE, a CC and a self-buff. The one effect which may be hard to grasp for inclusion is Expedition (movement speed). With magnetic tracking, increasing movement speed does not offer increased evasion. However any seasoned fighter knows the value of breaking Line of Sight and being able to position properly and quickly. Rather than offer a background heal and become a Momentum clone, En Guard offers a burst of agility that is best used by those favoring mobile combat (with some added Evasion to follow the agility theme).
Drawing Cut inflicts a Disorient for the line's CC. It is not widely known what a Disorient does, as it looks identical to a Stun. Disorient is a Stun broken by any source of damage, and lasts considerably longer to compensate. Disorient in most scenarios acts as an interrupt rather than a Stun, but if the target is left alone it can act as a very long Stun. Since Drawing Cut deals high damage, the Disorient duration is shorter than normal to compensate. (Disorient is normally 15 seconds.)
If there are any abilities, morphs, or passives you are confused/curious on, disagree with, think should be replaced, find fantastic please comment on it! A good discussion does not consist of one participant.
Edited by Ffastyl on December 30, 2015 6:23AM
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