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why do you play the game?`positiv thread


Hi all, thought it was time for some weekend sunshine post amount all the other post for once

I for one have many reasons I play the game, heres some of the things that pops up.
  1. The visuals of the game, is so breathtaking and amazing, and I loved how they made it even more amazing once they upgraded lighting, going into churches and such looks stunning
  2. The game is huge, there are like 1.000 quests to explorer and enjoy, there are really some gems between the normal onces for sure.
  3. Love that we have the ability to join 5 guilds, and make lots of great online friends to play with
  4. The maps are so different and well made, its so fun to just explorer the world for all of its wonders
  5. Love my new costumes and pets, they a great addition for my warrior princess
  6. and so on

and there is many many more reasons why I play the game, why do you?

  • Weberda
    I've been asking myself the same question a lot lately............ :/
    Fernwood, EP Haderus NA
    Lo Behold, AD Thornblade NA (formerly Haderus, inactive)
  • Shadesofkin
    I thoroughly enjoy the visuals and find most of the quests entertaining even if I've done them once before.

    I enjoy the game play and the combat style. I like having control over attack and block (something that many hotbar MMORPG's do not do).

    I'm a fan of the Elder Scrolls Franchise, have been since the day I discovered Daggerfall.
    @shadesofkin -NA Server.
    Tier 2 Player.
    MagDK Main forever (even in the bad times)
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    I love to collect little virtual trinkets that have no intrinsic value. I am really hoping for a Crazy Sheo home grilling system from the crown store soon so i can grill my own social pets into healthy burgers.
    -Unknown American
  • NewBlacksmurf
    I often come back for a few things that I believe are great:

    1. game play music
    2. character creation and customization
    3. scenery
    4. The hope of improvements in any area of concern
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Kupoking
    3 way AvA warfare that I missed since DAoC

    The combat system that feels responsive and active.
  • Isbilen
    Because my GTA5 download isn't done yet, and Black Desert Online is still almost a year away.
    Edited by Isbilen on April 17, 2015 1:53PM
  • skarvika
    Because I have a serious problem with video game addiction apparently.
    QQing is a full time job
    Hehe OP we meet again:P.

    Great post btw

    I play the game as I have loved the TES games since Morrowind and thought wow at the concept of this game, not done any MMOs before this, tried AOC and a couple of others but not seriously, come from a more strategy/FPS/RPG background.

    Must admit it took me a while to get into a few things in the game, and was frustrated by a lot of issues, some of which have been fixed over time, and fixed in a big way with stamina builds.

    Love the graphics, and general playability.

    Met a lot of really good people, some bad apples as well but there we go.

    The vastness of the gaming world and more to come at some point.

    The music, love it, echoes of Morrowind and other TES games in there.

    And a few others..
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
    LvL 50 - Sorcerer DC [PC-EU] = Daemon Lord = (Mag Sorc)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Khal-Bladez = (Mag DK)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

    Member Of The Old Guard
    PC Closed Betas 2013

    PC Mastah Race

    Anook Page

    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

  • Fleshreaper
    Because it's an Elder Scrolls game.
  • Sevalaricgirl
    I am playing....because I fell in love with my Bosmer nightblade archer again this week.

    I love the new leopard mount. It's really awesome for her to ride the leopard and to have the panther as her pet.

    The story is really good. The environment is beautiful.

    Honestly, B2P brought me back (and before anyone says anything, I've spent enough in the last month to pay for almost a year's subscription) but the fact that they fixed stamina builds is keeping me here.

    Edited by Sevalaricgirl on April 17, 2015 2:03PM
  • ShadowHvo
    To have fun.
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

    Want to roleplay in elder scrolls online? Check out
    I am playing....because I fell in love with my Bosmer nightblade archer again this week.

    I love the new leopard mount. It's really awesome for her to ride the leopard and to have the panther as her pet.

    The story is really good. The environment is beautiful.

    Honestly, F2P brought me back (and before anyone says anything, I've spent enough in the last month to pay for almost a year's subscription) but the fact that they fixed stamina builds is keeping me here.

    Good on you, I got a VR14 Bosmer NB Archer/DW/2H as well, and love him, deadly as anything.

    Welcome back, and aye I know about stamina builds, only took a year for it to be finally viable....growls..
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
    LvL 50 - Sorcerer DC [PC-EU] = Daemon Lord = (Mag Sorc)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Khal-Bladez = (Mag DK)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

    Member Of The Old Guard
    PC Closed Betas 2013

    PC Mastah Race

    Anook Page

    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

  • Celless
    More horizontal gear options than most MMOs I've played lend itself to at least exploring the option.

    The standard quests of this game are the quality of other MMO's better quests.

    All roles on one character capable of *clearing* content. Options may not be quite where I'd like, but possible.

    World aesthetics, especially public and group dungeons. Uncertain how many just stop and soak in those sights.

    Motifs. Being able to have different styles for the same tier of gear. Instead of say... The best level X gear you get for a while is a subligar.

  • BBSooner
    I play simply because it's fun. I enjoy the content, artstyle, lore, etc. I won't pretend it is without flaws, but at the end of the day no other MMO holds my interest as much as ESO, despite having active subs atm for swtor and ffxiv.
  • jkemmery
    For one thing, it's beautiful. ZOS did a fantastic job with the world terrain. And the water. I love how you can swim around and see the rocks under the water, and see your shadow on the floor of the body of water. If they could only make it to where you could swim under water that would be awesome too. The quests are decent, some get tedious, and some get a bit repetitive, but on the whole a good job. Interesting story line, fairly fleshed out NPC main characters. I think they did a great job of making it a fun game for fans of fantasy type fiction. And it really is beautiful, even if the graphics aren't quite cutting edge, they still look fantastic.
  • Obscure
    Theory/Build crafting. I like playing with the different mechanical elements of the game, creating theories for how to make them come together, and building something out of them. Really a matter of finding things that work well together and weaving them together. The result isn't so much the fun part, it's the process itself I enjoy. All my work might just end up being a mediocre build, but it's MY mediocre build, MY tiny little creative expression. Often this becomes self defeating, as I become attached to the thing I build, and reach a limit where I can't improve it any more. Developing an amazing build renders me a victim of my own success, and ultimately makes me lose interest since it's the process of building it that was fun, not actually having it.

    I'm like a dog chasing a car. Never think much about what there is to do if I ever catch a car, and so when I do, I'm bored quickly.
  • Thymos
    It's fun.
    The Older Gamers Recruitment Thread
    Always accepting new members for NA and EU server. PvP PvE RP all welcome. Must be 25+ yo to join.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I like the way it looks. Like the fact there is no auction house. Combat is responsive and active. You dont have 1000 skills on your bar to worry about. I love TES lore.
  • danovic
    Because there simply isn't a better game out there I've looked at them all and this one is the best and i' ve played every major game since pong. Not that this game is perfect and definitely has lots of room for improvement. There isn't anything out there with the vision this one has.
  • EllaRielle
    Because it is so much fun.
    Wings of Fate
    Elder Scrolls Exchange
    Ethereal Traders Union
    Heroic Intent
    Haderus/Trueflame on NA
  • Saturn
    I only really play the game now because of the friends that I have in it and the guild that I lead. I have already beaten everything the PvE side of the game has to offer many months ago and you can only really repeat it so much before it becomes dull. Hopefully Update 7 will not be too far away so I can get more into the game again.
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • Robbmrp
    The graphics and adult themed content. I played WoW for 6 years and in the end it was the lame quests and the cartoony graphics that made me stop.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    I'm still around, but I really don't know why. Old habit, I guess. Addiction, perhaps. Or vain hope for some new content some time in the distant future. I have also spent months researching 8 traits for all items, and it feels like a waste not to craft stuff for others now that I am finally done.

    Besides, logging in for an hour or two a few times per week doesn't cost me anything. If playing had still required a subscription, I would have quit by now. I have had a lot of fun with the game over the past year, but now I have run out of things to do. I find little staying power and replayability in this game. It was good for hundreds of hours, but then I was done. Been everywhere, done every quest several times, and no new content in sight.

    (Positive-ish? This is the best I can do, sorry.)
    Edited by stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO on April 17, 2015 3:54PM
  • FishBreath
    - It's Buy to Play now
    - Roleplaying with other players is fun :smile: (and easier now with chat bubbles)
    - Argonians :heart:
    - Character creator is decent. I can even make my character fat :lol:
    - Fishing is relaxing
    - Scenery is nice looking

    No other reasons. The actual gameplay is too casual for me to enjoy. Sorry for being negative. :/ ESO is still the MMO I like the most.
  • sheggorathb16_ESO
    Because I'm Sheggorath and its my home. Anyone want some skooma? *Coughs* I mean moon sugar spice?

    Though seriously its because it has/presumably will have the entire of Tamriel in one game instead of having it spread out across a bunch of games. I can jump between Morrowind giant mushroom spotted volcanoes, and Skyrims frozen wastlands, thats something I cant do anywhere else... It has all the different cultures and landscapes in their own way instead of just a weak representation in a foreign land. And it has all the previous music which I loved. Also I can share my skooma love of the game with people in the game. I always wanted to invite people into my Skyrim game to annoy the heck out of them, now I can just run around annoying random strangers, I love it. Thats apart from the breathtaking graphics, the tactile and almost tangible feedback from sounds and movement, (love the shiver that still goes down my spine when the anchors drop) and of course the pretty, shiny light effects. When I have people watching over my shoulder they always say something about how beautiful it looks. Heck I had someone in awe and yelling, 'look at all the lichen on the rocks! Its all been drawn on individually!' (yes I hang out with some odd people, but thats not my point...) I'm also always amazed by the varied backgrounds players have. I see players from all sorts of backgrounds playing ESO 'just for fun', which is what a games for in my opinion. I mean in WoW you have just 'WoW players', in LoL you just have 'LoL players', I know they have much older and established communities, but I still havent seen as much cross over from other games in them...
    ... ҉ ⚝ ⚛ The one and only ⚡ᚺεǥϑ☉ᚱꜽ♰ϗ, whoever I am, I'm ȿℌͼℊƍ◎ℛ⎃ᛏ♄ the skooma cat. ⚛⚝.. ҉..
  • sirston
    my guild is the only reason.
    Whitestakes Revenge
    WoodElf Mag-Warden
    Magickia Dragonknight

    Pride Of The Pact
    The Crimson Order

    victoria aut mors
  • Vizier
    1. I love TES
    2. PvP- The pvp is extremely satisfying
    3. Character Development is a challenge- for PvE not so much ( I haven't really done end game pve so not judging there) but for me the development of my PvP characters for stats n gear, build and style of play is very challenging and gratifying.
    4. The community. Honestly I really like the community overall. That may change with F2P but we'll see. in general the experience has been very positive for me.
  • pecheckler
    I play this game for all content that is not PvP. I particularly enjoy the solo questing, similar to a normal TES game. The current ESO PvP archetype is not enjoyable whatsoever.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Zhoyzu
    Im intrinsically motivated.

    I came for the pve, found the PvP and havent left cyrodiil.

    Ive stayed because of the friends ive made along the way.
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • Frenkthevile
    Great group activities and nice graphics.
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