It seems to be their intention to remove highly visible grinding spots. In other words, only when they become a hot topic, point of contention or highly visible. They've always known where and why we grind.
Somewhat akin to a parent looking the other way if the kid doesn't know they've been seen. I believe that the attention to such spots forces their hand because they really don't want to interfere with what we're doing and prefer to focus their energy on other things.
Regardless, threads like this I think ultimately hurt more players than they help. Just my opinion obviously.
s7732425ub17_ESO wrote: »
Fortunately, Capstone cave monsters are sloooooowwww to respawn (5 minutes per group). So that's a no-go for grinding exp.
Yep, I pvp and I've seen firsthand how much it has spread people out. I don't believe that the lag problems will be solved by people spreading out though...I never said that once.
What I said was that Zenimax wants people to spread out. They seem to think that it will help the lag. It doesn't matter whether or not that will help the situation. That is not what I am saying.
What I am saying is that I do not think they will nerf the exp on these grind spots because that would defeat their proposed solution to the lag problems.
You are right, though, the promised large-scale PvP battles are just not technologically feasible. Blame it on the megaserver, the game code, whatever...but it seems that we should give up that idea for now. Smart money would be on adding another form of PvP such as arenas, dueling, or battlegrounds to alleviate Cyrodiil load. But Zenimax has also said that they are not going to do this.
So it's anyone's guess as to what will happen next.
[Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
If you find a good place to grind it's because ZOS doesn't realize it's a good place to grind. ZOS destroyed Craglorn to stop grinding, they will do the same to Cyrodiil.
If you post it prepare to find a new place to grind. Someone posted about sky reach at the end of the day and it was nerfed the next morning.
Your intentions are good, but ZOS's intentions seem to be to remove all grinding spots.
I noticed that mobs in Capstone (and other Cyrodiil caves) respawn faster if there are more people in there. When I was doing quests by myself, respawns were slow. When I went in with a group of 5-6 they respawned a lot faster.
Alphashado wrote: »ZoS should focus more attention on WHY so many people grind and less attention on WHERE people grind.
The delve XP doesn't spread people out.
What it does is artificially LOWER the pop cap. Because now you have a bunch of PvErs going into Cyro (and not actually pvping) to grind XP and pop-locking the campaign.
Well played ZOS, well played....
We have a bunch of Rocket Scientists here. Folks were complaining about loosing the grinding spots. Crying about they now have no way to speed up xp gain and leveling unless they now do quests. Then a spot is found and walla it's posted in the forums so ZOS knows about it and can fix the exploit. Smart move people I got to laugh.
QuadroTony wrote: »exactly
no reason now to nerf Cyrodiil mobs
But they will. Even if only in that location. Because it ruins their pre-conceived curve.
If you take a good grinding spot, tell everyone about it, effectively adding 40 players trying to grind it at a time, it turns into a terrible grinding spot. Add the element of it being in a pvp zone and now you just have a spot where people go to level but instead get killed; more like a meat grinder than an exp grind.