Costismaros wrote: »Lack of content ?
Lets see what we have this year. Hard mode players.3 trials + 3 hard modes - Arena + veteran arena.
Casual players. Veteran Dungeons , 20 craglorn delvs, veteran city of ash, 1 craglorn area. Daily quests.
15 new sets. 9 trait and new mats.
This is not lack of content.
Call the game beta, call it baggy but definitely not lack of content.
Dont tell me about pvp... At pvp the players do the content... If they add arenas we will lack of ppl at cyrodil.
They made a great move with exp increase at cyrodil and now we can small scale pvp at quest areas and in delvs.
It is amazing think.
Costismaros wrote: »Lack of content ?
Lets see what we have this year. Hard mode players.3 trials + 3 hard modes - Arena + veteran arena.
Casual players. Veteran Dungeons , 20 craglorn delvs, veteran city of ash, 1 craglorn area. Daily quests.
15 new sets. 9 trait and new mats.
This is not lack of content.
Call the game beta, call it baggy but definitely not lack of content.
Dont tell me about pvp... At pvp the players do the content... If they add arenas we will lack of ppl at cyrodil.
They made a great move with exp increase at cyrodil and now we can small scale pvp at quest areas and in delvs.
It is amazing think.
7788b14_ESO wrote: »
Add-ons is what has made Skyrim such a success. Players willing to create major content for the games they love for free. Other MMO's have managed to allow player created content, a lot of which is pretty good. This would provide tons of player created content that would continually provide new content to the game.
Naor_Sarethi wrote: »never got *that* bored, *this* quickly with any mmo i have ever played.
a giant open world, you don't ever see again cause there is NOTHING to do there.
Skyrim was tiny in comparison and yet i got more than 2000 hours of fun out of it.
So far no user made content implemented (cause y'know, mods totally didn't keep the other TES games alive)
it's just pointless to go back and see a landscape with nothing to do there.
And no way to get around areas and npc's / quests that down right make me HATE the game.
Frankly speaking i have no idea why i am still logging in and that's a bad sign.
Probably because a 20 man rp guild builds more immersion than the devs ever could.
davedesigns wrote: »Well hey at least I got to pay $200+ for a cartoon tiger!
And this is why B2P is bad. I kept saying it, got downvoted on Reddit, loled on these forums, and it still is true.
It's the GW2 fiasco all over.
Guess what makes the most money after they went B2P: Box sales. Guess who they're going to cater to. Newcomers.
Guess what also makes more money. Pets and mounts. Look at what you got so far. Pets and mounts.
1+1=2, really.
There's absolutely nothing to do in the game once you've done every Trial and DSA once. You could farm for the items but why even bother ? The bonuses are menial. You can get most of the gear you need by crafting alone.
There is 0 replayability. On top of the lack of content.
And this is why B2P is bad. I kept saying it, got downvoted on Reddit, loled on these forums, and it still is true.
It's the GW2 fiasco all over.
Guess what makes the most money after they went B2P: Box sales. Guess who they're going to cater to. Newcomers.
Guess what also makes more money. Pets and mounts. Look at what you got so far. Pets and mounts.
1+1=2, really.
There's absolutely nothing to do in the game once you've done every Trial and DSA once. You could farm for the items but why even bother ? The bonuses are menial. You can get most of the gear you need by crafting alone.
There is 0 replayability. On top of the lack of content.
all my main is doing right now is researching different crafts. the lack of anything to do as a rule alts so I can earn champion. Playing through Cadwell silver gold and Craiglorn.
I enjoy the questing but I'd much rather stick to one character rooms.
My other fear is that content can simply be BOUGHT rather than being earned. I would love if each of the costumes, pets, mounts all had quests that accompanied them.
Oh I can see that coming one way or the other. Not in a strictly pay to win sense, but maybe instead of farming for that cool motif you will also be able to spend crowns.
Well, they COULD be quests bought from the Crown Store.
Like... the wedding dress:
- You buy the dress from the crown store.
- You get a wedding invitation.
- At the wedding the bride is worried and locked in her room.
- You talk to the family and the groom and find out the groom is a real jerk.
- You decide the advice you give to the bride.
- If she doesn't get married, she gives you her dress and runs away to find herself.
- If she does get married, during the ceremony, one of the audience declares their love for the bride and she runs away with the other man... discarding the dress in the process.
Either way, you get the dress.
When I asked in Twitch chat WHEN we can expect any new content I got a dev reply: "Somewhere in June"
perhaps by that time I will manage to catalogue every leaf of grass in Tamriel and make a Wiki about it.
They add more content and people complain that it's not enough...
June? They already said when console version settled down. And that won't be June.
Maybe they bring some kind of launch DLC but yeah... still 3 months to go.
What's 3 months compared to eternity?! Speckles of dust, I say!
But really, if they keep the reward system as it is, they might as well just release a cinematic of the new zones and be done with it.
Again, the issue is not only the lack of content, but the lack of replayability as well.
We are constantly told how they have had to stop development on content such as the Imperial City, Spellcrafting and more in the livestreams, which begs the question - what is actually being worked on? They don't seem to be doing that well with bug fixes either.
Anyhow, I do not know how difficult or not it is to create content and fix bugs, but I wish Zenimax were more open with information regarding content in the work.
davedesigns wrote: »Well hey at least I got to pay $200+ for a cartoon tiger!
problem is not with zos or lack of quests, it's just the way most ppl play the u know, most players dont even know ther's a walk option in the game,that's why u see all these running around like on steiroids or something, no one even bothers to read the quest notes, and now after a year u wonder why not enough content?
at the speed most ppl play the game no content will ever be enough.
i dont blame only the players, as clearly zenimax has it's fault here too. in previous games u could alter the movement speed of the game, in skyrim u actually could adjust it to what ever suits u,in morrowind there was no fast travel at all but in eso it's eighter walk (which is very very slow and not possible to modify it ingame ..)or run like hell.and now with all these animals that anyone can buy for cheap, ppl are more frenzied ..
i can tell u, i play this game since november 2014, and i still didnt finish my main zone, i cleared 4 areas, and now in the fifth one lvl47.and i still have plenty of quests ,and i do all crafting, and dungeons, u name it.
It's been one full year since the servers opened.
I'm very disappointed in ESO.
- Gyudan.
[Moderator Note: Edited title]
Wait, you mean 3 trials that total around one hour worth of content, that is not worth running because of poor rewards?
You know what WoW had at launch? Months & months of progression in Molten Core (4-5 hours long raid with long, long progression curve) & Onyxia's Lair which were both incentivized by strong gear.
That right there is how you keep "Hard mode players" playing, not these 15-30min long glorified group dungeons with even more useless loot than the normal group dungeons.
"Hard mode players" exhausted all this content in the first two days after it was released, casuals in the first two weeks.
It has now been 5 months since any actual content was added (City of Ash).
I'd pretty much call it lack of content.
Costismaros wrote: »
It looks like you weren't there when the wow started. Molten core came out after 1 year of the game.
It was so hard for you to completed because you were new at mmorpg games or because u lack of good guild.
About the gear and reward.
This game it is not a carrot and whip game as wow was. Here u can get very good gear without end game. This is the reason that you are feeling that the pve lacks of rewarding.
At wow u didnt have theory crafting. It was only 1-2 builds that you had to follow.
I m not saying that wow it was a bad game, i spent 6 years on it and i enjoy them all.
Comparing two different games it is so unfair.
And if i remember well we were talking about content. Not about your feelings.
This game has content for all the players and i gave you the facts.
You are just wrong in every point.
Molten Core was there at release as well as Onyxias Lair. Blackwing Lair was brought into the game a half year later.
WoW Raids were and are hard. Yes, they were hard because of the lack of experience but later raids (AQ40 & Naxxramas) just had a very high skill-level. Elitist raids, if you want to call them in that way.
ESO is in every way the same carrot and whip game like WoW. It's even worse, ESO is a grind fest (thanks to Champion System).
WoW no theorycrafting? LOL! You know that every WoW calculation is a hundred times more difficult than ESOs theorycrafting? You know, in ESO there are not even numbers...
And no, ESO und WoW are not different. Both are themepark MMORPGs catering to huge amounts of players.
Yes, we are talking about content and ESO hasn't got content worth mentioning. There is Craglorn, that's it. And Craglorn isn't even good.