Lack of New Content

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  • nerevarine1138
    Customer Service (A Play in One Act)

    Players: Fix this stuff, ZO! It isn't working!
    i]ZO fixes mechanics[/i
    Players: What's this nonsense? I never asked you to fix this stuff! It wasn't important! You need to be fixing this other stuff! And what about the Justice System?!
    i]ZO fixes more stuff, adds Justice System[/i
    Players: No one wanted this new system! It's terrible! I hate it! Where's all the stuff I said I wanted? i]Incoherent rage[/i

    Exit, pursued by guar.
    Edited by nerevarine1138 on March 31, 2015 12:24AM
  • Seraphyel
    doggie wrote: »
    They're probably holding back a lot of stuff so they can release it as "new" when the console version is released so they feel they get value for money. ESO just didn't sell that well in 2014 and most subs quit after a few months, so there's not that much money to spend on content.


    But if the console version will underperform (and right now it looks like it will be less successful than the PC version) there is nothing left for ESO. They mistreat PC playerbase and when they can't gather a huge amount of console players, both playerbases will be decreasing and finally leave this game.

    ESO is maybe the best example of an MMORPG how it shouldn't have been done. We got a tiny amount of content within one year although endcontent is the most important thing for every recent MMORPG. That's exactly what's killing the game.
  • DeathDealer19
    I agree with this post 100% and every player such as myself who has been here since day 1 does as well. PVE as well as PVP content is just stale and boring. There is literally 0 motivation to do trials any more. I only do SO and VDSA for the arbitrary bragging rights for leaderboard times which I don't even care about anymore since ZOS didn't get the leaderboards right the second time around. If someone asks me to do AA or HRC, I literally laugh and would rather go play my little pony. Weekly rewards from AA, HRC, and SO are literally worthless. Item Sets from trials bosses are literally worthless. VDSA items are still decent but I already have every master weapon like 10 times over. DSA and SO were great when we got them. SO was challenging and VDSA was intense. Now, were all left with nothing to do because there are no rewards for your time or because you've done them 99999999999999999 times and we have 0 new content on the horizon. The champion system I was happy to get and although it was a bit rocky at launch, im liking it. I feel like its just a massive grind however which is hilarious since ZOS is so anti grinding. They nerf any grind worth its salt. The justice system is honestly a waste. I think that idea should have been scrapped since day 1 and its one of the reasons we have no new content on the horizon and probably wont until console release. And if we do have to wait that long, that is the biggest slap in the face to loyal pc players and players like myself who continue to pay 15$ a month for the sub. I pay for the sub and get 10% more xp? once some DLC does come I wont even own it should my sub ever lapse even for a day. So say DLC comes out in july. Ive paid for 4 months of sub and im not deemed worthy enough to own that dlc? Its almost more of a benefit to not sub lol.

    But seriously ZOS, please get us some new content. A new trial at least. Stop with the delves and Vet Dungeons. I did Vet COA enough to get the title and haven't been back in there in months.

    GM of We Wipe On Trash
    NA Server AD Faction
    VR14 High Elf Templar
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    VR9 Bosmer Nightblade
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I agree. Stop reworking the game to please the reddit crowd and put in some new content. I know people who wont come back even tho its free. Why? Because there is nothing to do. There will be nothing to do until fall from the sounds of it as well.
  • Seraphyel
    But seriously ZOS, please get us some new content. A new trial at least. Stop with the delves and Vet Dungeons. I did Vet COA enough to get the title and haven't been back in there in months.

    No new content until console version settled down (=August / September).
  • Naor_Sarethi
    @Costismaros None of the things listed by you would make sense for people at v6. If the "quests" in DC and AD territory count as content then i'm out. That isn't content, it's a mindless questing frenzy with quests so bad i'd rather hack down mobs for an hour. The lack of content is a problem for anyone between V1-V12. Cadwells S&G are a joke, and even i at v6 have completed both.
    The real solution will be the next content update with a new zone, new quests, accessible to all players.
    And in that regard, the progress is slow.

    And if we get nothing new until August/September, there aren't going to be that many players left to actually deliver the stuff to.
    There is a stage of disillusion with a game, where you won't return no matter how much the game has changed.

    Absolutely *zero* foresight and comprehension.
    Edited by Naor_Sarethi on March 31, 2015 3:09PM
  • Lord Xanhorn
    Lord Xanhorn
    B2P and F2P games are all about new players. Not dedicated end game players. You can't argue you aren't getting any new content cause its free. Its like going to Mcdonalds, ordering a water and telling them it tastes bad. Its free so you dont get to complain.
    I'm kind of a small deal!
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    @Costismaros None of the things listed by you would make sense for people at v6. If the "quests" in DC and AD territory count as content then i'm out. That isn't content, it's a mindless questing frenzy with quests so bad i'd rather hack down mobs for an hour. The lack of content is a problem for anyone between V1-V12. Cadwells S&G are a joke, and even i at v6 have completed both.
    The real solution will be the next content update with a new zone, new quests, accessible to all players.
    And in that regard, the progress is slow.

    And if we get nothing new until August/September, there aren't going to be that many players left to actually deliver the stuff to.
    There is a stage of disillusion with a game, where you won't return no matter how much the game has changed.

    Absolutely *zero* foresight and comprehension.

    Im like that with SWTOR. Even tho I played it for two years and even tho there is housing/pvp space battles I cannot bring myself to play it. The monthly fee is nothing I lose more than $15 a mo in change in my couch I bet. Its just I cant stand the game anymore.
  • DDuke
    Lack of content ?
    Lets see what we have this year. Hard mode players.3 trials + 3 hard modes - Arena + veteran arena.

    Wait, you mean 3 trials that total around one hour worth of content, that is not worth running because of poor rewards?
    You know what WoW had at launch? Months & months of progression in Molten Core (4-5 hours long raid with long, long progression curve) & Onyxia's Lair which were both incentivized by strong gear.
    That right there is how you keep "Hard mode players" playing, not these 15-30min long glorified group dungeons with even more useless loot than the normal group dungeons.
    Casual players. Veteran Dungeons , 20 craglorn delvs, veteran city of ash, 1 craglorn area. Daily quests.
    15 new sets. 9 trait and new mats.

    "Hard mode players" exhausted all this content in the first two days after it was released, casuals in the first two weeks.
    It has now been 5 months since any actual content was added (City of Ash).
    This is not lack of content.

    I'd pretty much call it lack of content.
    Edited by DDuke on March 31, 2015 3:15PM
  • Slurg
    Palidon wrote: »
    Well it's their game. I have been playing since beta and I am not going to continue to pay for repeatable content. I will stick for F2P until I see them come out with new solo adventure zones and quests. It's been a year and the only new zone released was Craglorn and that was pretty much forced group play. I know of quite a few veteran players who have or are dropping their subs until new content is released.
    ^^Pretty much this. I find that my decision to now play free the game I already paid for over the past year helps me complain a lot less about the lack of new content and other frustrations. When there's new content I'm interested in, I'll be happy to pay again if I haven't moved on to something else by then.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • JaJaLuka
    Grao wrote: »
    It is sad to read this post on the same day I got the Forum Badge "First Anniversary". It is sad because I think most of us agree with everything said here.

    This game's content is amazing, I loved doing every little quest, hunting down achievements, exploring... But now I am out of content just as many others. All the new areas, all the exciting new skills we were promised, very little of that was delivered this past year.

    And I find my self bored... And I find my self struggling to put up raid groups together not just because the content was made harder, but because it is the same content and it unrewarding. 1.6.5 made all AA and Hel Ra Citadel sets useless, yet no incentive was put out to get people interested in those contents. ZoS increased the drop rate of Undaunted shoulder pieces and removed Sturdy from the drop chance, but Helmets drop rate stayed the same and they can still drop Sturdy.

    The Champion Point could have revitalized ESO's late game, instead it is just an impossibly long, grind progression...

    The Justice System was so promising, yet it is taking hit after hit. It was supposed to be released with new quests and it wasn't, it was supposed to involve PvP and it won't, since ZoS is down scalling to have PvP only in Cyrodiil... ever...

    Tamriel Unlimited will be released to consoles with the Veteran System still in place.

    So many baffling mistakes...

    That fact alone is going to see me in other games as soon as another is released that's worth the effort. I didn't know they were doing it and will be leaving because of it.
    Krojick, DC Sorc PC NA
    Milámber, EP Sorc PC NA
    Brunack, EP DK PC NA
    General Mark Shephard, EP Temp PC NA (Worst temp NA XD )
    Krojick Nightblade, DC NB PC NA
  • JaJaLuka
    Lack of content ?
    Lets see what we have this year. Hard mode players.3 trials + 3 hard modes - Arena + veteran arena.
    Casual players. Veteran Dungeons , 20 craglorn delvs, veteran city of ash, 1 craglorn area. Daily quests.
    15 new sets. 9 trait and new mats.

    This is not lack of content.
    Call the game beta, call it baggy but definitely not lack of content.
    Dont tell me about pvp... At pvp the players do the content... If they add arenas we will lack of ppl at cyrodil.

    They made a great move with exp increase at cyrodil and now we can small scale pvp at quest areas and in delvs.
    It is amazing think.

    Not entirely sure I agree with you here. Lack of meaningful content is what's missing. The three starting zones are pretty boring because it feels all the same after the first one (probably even before then). I did start the game by listening to all of the content, but after a while I realized the actual play within these quests was very similar and got tired of it very quickly. There is no amazing story line, no immersive content that actually makes you think, it's all just "listen to this guy, there's the marker, kill that guy/mob, find that item, run to the next marker..."
    I would like them to add some different types of game play. They promised their customer base this content at the release. So where is the "best of every other MMO"? Where is our arenas and dueling? Where is our progression raids? These things just aren't going to happen because they are too focused on making this an MMO for console players. The things that should be in an MMO just are not going to happen because it's focused on a demographic of people that typically spend short periods in game before dinner or after school.
    Krojick, DC Sorc PC NA
    Milámber, EP Sorc PC NA
    Brunack, EP DK PC NA
    General Mark Shephard, EP Temp PC NA (Worst temp NA XD )
    Krojick Nightblade, DC NB PC NA
  • doggie
    What I've noticed that many mmorpg companies do is that they become obsesed with getting new players to play their game. Especially in B2P games. New players will pay for the client and they have many items to choose from to buy in the itemstore. Existing players have already paid for the client and purchased what they want in itemstore.

    So what tends to happen is that the developers will create "packages" of content that will get free PR on gaming sites and attract new players(more clients sold) and old players back who can purchase stuff in itemstore.

    How good the content is for the existing players tend to be less important, what's important is that the content is released and that they get free PR. Then they move to the next project and rinse and repeat. They only fix old stuff to prevent the players from burning down the house and they mostly only fix the most pressing problems that create bad PR and forum posts.

  • Naor_Sarethi

    Im like that with SWTOR. Even tho I played it for two years and even tho there is housing/pvp space battles I cannot bring myself to play it. The monthly fee is nothing I lose more than $15 a mo in change in my couch I bet. Its just I cant stand the game anymore.

    Pretty much nailed it there. Played SWTOR, also wrote on the forums about a lot of stuff they implemented later on, but i didn't come back to enjoy it.
    I'm glad other people have fun with it, but for me it's an ok memory but that's it.
    Wouldn't invest more time and money into it.
    Never been a Star Wars fan, so no big deal, but Elder Scrolls was a series i kinda grew up with, and you tend to care about that stuff a lot more i think.
    If they manage to ruin that, then it's pretty dire i should say.
  • Naor_Sarethi
    Slurg wrote: »
    ^^Pretty much this. I find that my decision to now play free the game I already paid for over the past year helps me complain a lot less about the lack of new content and other frustrations. When there's new content I'm interested in, I'll be happy to pay again if I haven't moved on to something else by then.

    To say it's "their" game isn't true imo. People made this series happen. People who spent money on it and that's just a small amount of contribution. Others have spent months of their lives modding the games for FREE, keeping them alive and interesting when the original content would not have kept the game alive for so long.
    Even for Morrowind, new mods are coming out to this day.
    So the franchise and the game... sure it belongs to them, but the Elder Scrolls series as a whole belongs to the community imo, as it is a piece of art.
    Storytelling, visuals, all the experiences people had through these games have made it into more than a simple amount of files put together and a copyright on it.

    Sry for the doublepost btw.
    Edited by Naor_Sarethi on March 31, 2015 3:54PM
  • Haxer
    I'm an early player who quit, and just coming back to the ESO scene, I agree with some of this.

    I do think it is safe to say we're rightfully ready for things like housing, guild halls, and new zones. These things are pretty standard in the industry and add a lot of "sideways" content, as opposed to just moving the goal posts back more. I've been wanting those things since the beginning and I'm right there with you on that.

    But some of your complaints sound simply more like "mmorpgs just aren't for me". You complain about not caring for the quests, but that is actually ESO's top strength. Most MMO's have mundane, unimportant tasks for all side quests and the occasional narrative driven main quest that actually feels important. In contrast ESO never says "Go kill 10 spiders and return". "Kill this thing until they drop 15 X items." Every quest in ESO is story driven, important, written and voiced over. So I can't get on board with that. If you think ESO quests are a problem you probably just don't like MMO's, because they are a cut above the rest.
  • Naor_Sarethi
    doggie wrote: »
    What I've noticed that many mmorpg companies do is that they become obsesed with getting new players to play their game. Especially in B2P games. New players will pay for the client and they have many items to choose from to buy in the itemstore. Existing players have already paid for the client and purchased what they want in itemstore.

    So what tends to happen is that the developers will create "packages" of content that will get free PR on gaming sites and attract new players(more clients sold) and old players back who can purchase stuff in itemstore.

    How good the content is for the existing players tend to be less important, what's important is that the content is released and that they get free PR. Then they move to the next project and rinse and repeat. They only fix old stuff to prevent the players from burning down the house and they mostly only fix the most pressing problems that create bad PR and forum posts.

    And that is the issue with money and creativity.
    The game would produce a lot more money if they spent time caring about their community, letting it improve the game with input and feedback, and if possible also user made content.
    But if developers get greedy for publicity and money, it usually backfires and crashes the whole thing.
    Before Skyrim and maybe before Oblivion, TES wasn't that known... sure it was advertised in magazines for a while but then had its separate corner within modding sites and websites like uesp and several pages, people dedicated to one or the other aspect of the games.
    The series simply had a special status because there wasn't much else out there quiet like it.
    And yet that was the foundation they are building on.
    The PR is useless if people just buy the game and then realize that the hype is just hot air and no substance behind it.
    Edited by Naor_Sarethi on March 31, 2015 3:55PM
  • Vahrokh
    B2P and F2P games are all about new players. Not dedicated end game players. You can't argue you aren't getting any new content cause its free. Its like going to Mcdonalds, ordering a water and telling them it tastes bad. Its free so you dont get to complain.

    If only we didn't pay for a year for this "free water"...
  • WhiskyBob
    When I asked in Twitch chat WHEN we can expect any new content I got a dev reply: "Somewhere in June"


    perhaps by that time I will manage to catalogue every leaf of grass in Tamriel and make a Wiki about it.
  • doggie
    WhiskyBob wrote: »
    When I asked in Twitch chat WHEN we can expect any new content I got a dev reply: "Somewhere in June"


    perhaps by that time I will manage to catalogue every leaf of grass in Tamriel and make a Wiki about it.

    I reccomend just playing some other games or do something else. Then the game will be fresh when you come back.

  • Saturn
    I am far from disappointed in ESO. The problem I see is just that the first three months of the game made the players think that the big content Updates would be way more frequent than they turned out to be.

    I agree that we need more content added to the game, 6 months without any actual new content (meta content is not really content) is too long, but after having been live for a year I don't look back and think that ZoS did anything wrong in terms of content.

    Compared to other MMOs I have played ESO is way ahead, except for maybe PvP where there isn't really any smale scale battlegrounds or ranked PvP arenas.

    The quests are far ahead of other games, although on the second, third and fourth time through it becomes progressively less interesting, but at its core the game is what I ever imagined a TES MMO to be. I spent about 350 hours on Skyrim and I have spent more than 5 times that on ESO.

    I am still entertained by doing group content because of the people I play with. I wouldn't be playing ESO if it wasn't for the friends I had made along the way.

    It's basically like any other Co Op / online game. Limited content, but high amount of replayability due to the fact that it is always different when you play with others.
    "Madness is a bitter mercy, perhaps, but a mercy nonetheless."

    Fire and Ice
  • WhiskyBob
    doggie wrote: »

    I reccomend just playing some other games or do something else. Then the game will be fresh when you come back.

    Cant because of champion points.
  • davedesigns
    Well hey at least I got to pay $200+ for a cartoon tiger!
  • Saucy_Jack
    I think the funny part to me is that so many endgamers say they want more content, more content, more content, but then are the same people who say over and over that they just click through dialogues, which are central to explaining that content. When people say they want "more endgame content" - I need someone to define that term for me. Do they want a boss rush mode? Fight all the bosses, get all the loot? Do they want more group quests, more solo quests? Do they even know?
    ALL HAIL SNUGGLORR THE MAGNIFICENT, KING OF THE RNG AND NIRN'S ONE TRUE GOD! Also, become a Scrub-scriber! SJ Scrubs: Playing games badly to make you feel better about yourself.
  • Costismaros
    DDuke wrote: »

    Wait, you mean 3 trials that total around one hour worth of content, that is not worth running because of poor rewards?
    You know what WoW had at launch? Months & months of progression in Molten Core (4-5 hours long raid with long, long progression curve) & Onyxia's Lair which were both incentivized by strong gear.
    That right there is how you keep "Hard mode players" playing, not these 15-30min long glorified group dungeons with even more useless loot than the normal group dungeons.

    "Hard mode players" exhausted all this content in the first two days after it was released, casuals in the first two weeks.
    It has now been 5 months since any actual content was added (City of Ash).

    I'd pretty much call it lack of content.

    You can call it as you like and as you feel it.
    You quote and repeat what i said with no sense answers. Try with better arguments next time.
    At my past games we were getting one Trial and one dungeon every year.
    I can mention tone of games. But it is not necessary. Because whatever i write here you will react same way, the nature of humanity is to greed. More more more.

    Enjoy the game, it is amazing. And now (i dont like it) it is almost free.,
  • rileynotzb14_ESO
    I was literally just about to create a post saying the same thing. And don't forget guys, Craglorn was supposed to be available at launch originally, so basically, we didn't get a single new zone.
  • xMovingTarget
    Seraphyel wrote: »

    No new content until console version settled down (=August / September).

    As if we would care about a stupid console version. Working to bring ESO on console was a downfall for this game. We who played this game since Beta or release just got shafted because of that. Stuff like that shouldnt get a main focus. Wanna put a nonsensical console version? Do it on the side! Do not let your already established player and fanbase suffer because of that.

    I like this game. But I friggin do not care about bringing it on console. More about getting no new content because of that. That is just BS. I mainly didnt quit yet because of the people I play with and my Youtube Community. But otherwise there´s no incentive to keep playing this game to be honest. Since ZoS doesnt give a -snip- about us but ez cash cash dollah dollah for a console release.

    Sry to be that negative. But I just cant stay positive anymore about these things.
  • sadownik
    For me the problem with ESO is lack of life... the world seems stagnant, there practicly are no random events (yes anchors i know), once you get through one zone you dont come back there. Quests are ok i guess, but lets be honest most of them are simple go kill/activate/gather/ and come back. I know i know thats what every mmo has, but why a game with such marvelous ip and budget well over 200 mln $ cant make something innovative?
    Edited by sadownik on March 31, 2015 5:26PM
  • Aerieth
    Roechacca wrote: »
    Feel free to enter a Delve in Cyrodiil . I've added some new content just for you .

    R-really? J-just for me? What is that dagger for?! AAIIEEE! NO! NO! Don't stab m.... <silence>
    @Aerieth - PC EU Megaserver
    Ilatria Shadowcore - Lv 50 Nord Vampire Nightblade - Tank / Stam DPS - Daggerfall Covenant
    Maiine Shadowcore - Lv 50 Breton Vampire Nightblade - Magicka DPS - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aerieth Shadowcore - Lv 50 Imperial Vampire Nightblade - Healer - Daggerfall Covenant
    From patch notes long forgotten:
    "Fixed an issue if you had a summoned pet, it could potentially be grabbed by an invisible Molag-Bal and get stuck in a floating posture."
    "Dogs can no longer teleport while chasing cats (much to the disappointment of the dogs)."
  • 7788b14_ESO
    Audigy wrote: »
    To expect the same amount of content in an MMO is a bit naïve, as those 20-30 guys working on the game can not be compared to the thousands at Skyrim.

    Add-ons is what has made Skyrim such a success. Players willing to create major content for the games they love for free. Other MMO's have managed to allow player created content, a lot of which is pretty good. This would provide tons of player created content that would continually provide new content to the game.
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