Lack of New Content

It's been one full year since the servers opened. I remember how exciting everything was at the beginning, even though the game was plagued with bugs, most noticeably in quests. I used to listen to every dialogue and marvel at the landscapes I encountered along the way. I also remember watching the Quakecon conference with a great feeling of excitement when it showed Spellcrafting, Imperial City, Wrothgar and Murkmire footage. It seemed like everything was possible and we had a huge amount of content to look forward to. That was July 2014.

Today when I open ESO I have to repel the urge to close it halfway through checking my hirelings. Each quest is a new chain of skipped dialogues, waypoints to follow and meaningless fights, until the final reward: a useless item that I'll vendor as soon as I get back to town. Ten minutes in I'm already switching tabs to browse the Internet because killing spiders, bandits, ghosts or atronachs leaves the same dull feeling of repetition. Even with great company, redoing a veteran dungeon or a trial for the 100th time is just not fun anymore.

The reason behind all this is quite simple: the "regular and significant updates" that the subscription model was supposed to guarantee simply didn't happen. Craglorn is but one zone, while ESO already had sixteen PVE zones of similar size "ready" at launch. The addition of the equivalent of less than 10% of the original content in 365 days of development is far from significant in my opinion.
Armor Dyes, Undaunted quests and the ability to steal items provided some new activities, but they didn't add much to the world in terms of content. In the meantime, players still cannot change their appearance, get a house, explore underwater, or craft any kind of unique item. The Skyrim Modding Community was able to accomplish considerably more.

I'm very disappointed in ESO. :/

- Gyudan.

[Moderator Note: Edited title]
Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on March 30, 2015 8:03PM
  • nerevarine1138
    Did all of that really need to be one link?
  • Gyudan
    Did all of that really need to be one link?
    Fixed. :#
  • Gidorick
    That quakecon presentation was pretty wonderful.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • doggie
    They're probably holding back a lot of stuff so they can release it as "new" when the console version is released so they feel they get value for money. ESO just didn't sell that well in 2014 and most subs quit after a few months, so there's not that much money to spend on content.
    Edited by doggie on March 30, 2015 6:46PM
  • Roechacca
    Feel free to enter a Delve in Cyrodiil . I've added some new content just for you .
  • theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: »
    That quakecon presentation was pretty wonderful.

    Agreed. Can' t wait to see it again this year.
  • cyqa

    Agreed. Can' t wait to see it again this year.

    HA! The truth in this is painful.
  • LonePirate
    Gidorick wrote: »
    That quakecon presentation was pretty wonderful.

    Agreed. It was wonderful. In fact, it was so wonderful that ZOS could run a replay of the presentation at this year's Quakecon and people would wonder if it was live or if it was Memorex.

    @Gyudan receives major praise from me for pretty much summarizing my thoughts one year into this game's release. I wish I could be more forgiving; but I have seen nothing from ZOS which suggests they are bothered by how much they have shafted the PC subscribers that have been here since launch day.
    Edited by LonePirate on March 30, 2015 7:08PM
  • FadedJeans
    Roechacca wrote: »
    Feel free to enter a Delve in Cyrodiil . I've added some new content just for you .

    That was hilarious.
  • Grao
    It is sad to read this post on the same day I got the Forum Badge "First Anniversary". It is sad because I think most of us agree with everything said here.

    This game's content is amazing, I loved doing every little quest, hunting down achievements, exploring... But now I am out of content just as many others. All the new areas, all the exciting new skills we were promised, very little of that was delivered this past year.

    And I find my self bored... And I find my self struggling to put up raid groups together not just because the content was made harder, but because it is the same content and it unrewarding. 1.6.5 made all AA and Hel Ra Citadel sets useless, yet no incentive was put out to get people interested in those contents. ZoS increased the drop rate of Undaunted shoulder pieces and removed Sturdy from the drop chance, but Helmets drop rate stayed the same and they can still drop Sturdy.

    The Champion Point could have revitalized ESO's late game, instead it is just an impossibly long, grind progression...

    The Justice System was so promising, yet it is taking hit after hit. It was supposed to be released with new quests and it wasn't, it was supposed to involve PvP and it won't, since ZoS is down scalling to have PvP only in Cyrodiil... ever...

    Tamriel Unlimited will be released to consoles with the Veteran System still in place.

    So many baffling mistakes...
  • Ezareth
    I still haven't done all of the quests in my starting zone, yet alone the silver and gold zones.

    Just finishing a single quest is something that I find almost unbearable. Honestly I don't think this is really the fault of ZoS, but the fact that the whole "Quest"concept is just boring as hell and we've done it all already in UO, Everquest, WoW, etc.. and there really isn't anything new or exciting that can be done.

    I find that the thing I find like least is the complete lack of a challenge in any PvE content that I do unless I try soloing group dungeons or even Trials. If ESO really wanted to add some spice into quests and the game they should add a scalable difficulty level similar to Diablo 3 that a player can use to make the world around them more difficult for skilled players. Additionally this content should reward more exp, gold, better loot etc.

    I actually enjoyed the first 20 levels of questing while the game was new and somewhat difficult for me. The only way ESO can bridge the cap between casual and hardcore players is to let the players set their own difficulty and give rewards appropriate to that.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Naor_Sarethi
    never got *that* bored, *this* quickly with any mmo i have ever played.
    a giant open world, you don't ever see again cause there is NOTHING to do there.
    Skyrim was tiny in comparison and yet i got more than 2000 hours of fun out of it.
    So far no user made content implemented (cause y'know, mods totally didn't keep the other TES games alive)
    it's just pointless to go back and see a landscape with nothing to do there.
    And no way to get around areas and npc's / quests that down right make me HATE the game.
    Frankly speaking i have no idea why i am still logging in and that's a bad sign.
    Probably because a 20 man rp guild builds more immersion than the devs ever could.
    Edited by Naor_Sarethi on March 30, 2015 7:39PM
  • Obscure

    Agreed. Can' t wait to see it again this year.

  • Grapdjan
    Although the title has changed I can see how someone who has played for a full year would be bored and jaded. I've only played a few months, so I am still enjoying it, but can see that there is a missing content issue.
  • drogon1
    My suggestion: take a break from the game. Come back when new content is intro'd.
  • Blockz888
    The mega downfall of creating such an impressive game and underestimating how big it is to keep that pace monthly while having the pressures of money and customers satisfaction.

    ZOS has kinda set themselves up into a corner, because this game has been based so much on impressive scale that they have naturally convinced players to leave after a certain amount of gameplay because they impressive scale that keeps you, starts to drop down and so does the players desire to play as its based off majority off the impressive content.

    Other games have setup their impressiveness on different types of content that is easily renewable but unfortunely ESO has selected a type of content that is not easily renewable which inevitably is now causing problems. Only way things are gonna get better is if they revist the past and continue this game like how they began it or give on it, cut their losses and think of an TESO2.

    Im just simply saying this game will survive but it may not thrive because of this. Just watch even the b2p players will end up having the same experience. But guess that is life! Nothing lasts forever.
    Leader of The Werewolf Legion, DC WW PVP Guild for Azura, we either pvping or training for pvp. If interested in joining send me an invite, brutiss.
  • Audigy
    I play since Beta and have not yet reached max level / VR content. To me ESO has equally much to offer like Skyrim had (never finished it), less than Daggerfall though.
    What made Skyrim so "big" were the mods, like the companion mod that most of us probably had or these armor / sword mods...
    To expect the same amount of content in an MMO is a bit naïve, as those 20-30 guys working on the game can not be compared to the thousands at Skyrim.

    However, where I fully agree with is the lack of personal content in ESO. Craglorn and all the Trials, Dungeons that followed seem misplaced in ESO, it seems like the designers wanted a piece of WOW, but not Elder Scrolls. Personally I will never understand why this type of content was given a go, while spell crafting, housing, marriage & kids, companions didn't.

    What defines ES for me was the freedom of choice, a choice about my own story. I could have a big or small house, I could kill all NPC´s or marry one and open a shop. There was such a huge personal touch in all those ES games, that raid and premade group content however, doesn't belong there.

    At release or better put during Beta I was sure that ESO wouldn't release Trials / Dungeons for only those 5% of hardcores. I was confident we get housing, confident we can become a criminal or a saint and that all of this would just be with other players together instead of alone. I thought its another Ultima, still the best MMO ever for me.

    Sadly, this isn't what came. As soon the first Trial and leaderboard came, the game became hostile. Min / Maxers and Elitists started making threads at this forum, complaining about low skilled players, complaining that class x doesn't do as much dps as class y and that the game didn't offer enough premade content. I still remember thread titles like "We need more Endgame", "give us Battlegrounds, Raids..." Sadly ZOS listened to them and the next 12 months were full on new raid content and besides the Dye system, nothing was added as personal content.

    I find this so sad as you can see how talented the people at ZOS are. They have a lot of heart for this game, just look how passionate they are if you talk to them. They love their game, but for some reason they were not allowed to do what they once wanted.

    Hopefully anything that comes next will be traditional ES content and less hardcore group content.
    Edited by Audigy on March 30, 2015 9:17PM
  • Head.hunter
    I'll be honest here and say that Northern Craglorn is mostly not anything new or fun. ZOS will need to design better end-game content if they want to hold my attention further. Starting to get a bit repetitive.
    I'm just a banana from another dimension.
  • Sotha_Sil
    Watching this presentation again... I almost felt like this wasn't a dream :) Couldn't agree with the OP more.
    Edited by Sotha_Sil on March 30, 2015 9:12PM
    Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! - Spells and incantations for those with the talent to cast them!
  • Natjur
    Craglorn was half ready before released but was delayed so they could release it later and it would look like new contents.

    This game never made the big money they were expecting and the console released got delayed while the PC version did the live testing. They have already said they are going to slow down release of contents and since I feel there has been very little new contents since release, that means in my books, its going to be almost no new contents until around September 2015

    To me new contents is new zones, not the same zone released as a Vet version (except Vet City of Ash, that had new contents). Fixing or changing the way current contents works is not NEW contents, its redoing old.

    I hope they do make a lot of money from the console release, so they can get more dev's and speed up new contents release again.

  • Gyudan

    Agreed. Can' t wait to see it again this year.

    You made me laugh with this! :lol:
    Grao wrote: »
    LOL, Seriously Moderator? You come around to change the title of a forum thread, but you don't even bother saying something? What was wrong with his title? It was funny and witty, so it was calling too much attention to the fact your game has become rather dull over the past year???

    You make it look better than it was. @ZOS_UlyssesW really managed to make this thread title as dull and repetitive as ESO though.
    I would suggest the following in replacement: "Random player rambles about the lack of new content again. Mod is not impressed."
    Edited by Gyudan on March 30, 2015 9:48PM
  • Palidon
    Well it's their game. I have been playing since beta and I am not going to continue to pay for repeatable content. I will stick for F2P until I see them come out with new solo adventure zones and quests. It's been a year and the only new zone released was Craglorn and that was pretty much forced group play. I know of quite a few veteran players who have or are dropping their subs until new content is released.
  • Maverick827
    This thread sums up my problems with the game as well. I haven't played this game in a few months, and I'd really like to have an MMO to play, but I completed all of this game's PvE content back when I quit months ago, and even then was running on fumes. Now, nothing has changed. Nothing has been added.

    If I started playing the game again, I literally do not know what I would be doing in game. I do not know what ZOS expects me to do.
  • dafox187
    Gyudan wrote: »
    It's been one full year since the servers opened. I remember how exciting everything was at the beginning, even though the game was plagued with bugs, most noticeably in quests. I used to listen to every dialogue and marvel at the landscapes I encountered along the way. I also remember watching the Quakecon conference with a great feeling of excitement when it showed Spellcrafting, Imperial City, Wrothgar and Murkmire footage. It seemed like everything was possible and we had a huge amount of content to look forward to. That was July 2014.

    Today when I open ESO I have to repel the urge to close it halfway through checking my hirelings. Each quest is a new chain of skipped dialogues, waypoints to follow and meaningless fights, until the final reward: a useless item that I'll vendor as soon as I get back to town. Ten minutes in I'm already switching tabs to browse the Internet because killing spiders, bandits, ghosts or atronachs leaves the same dull feeling of repetition. Even with great company, redoing a veteran dungeon or a trial for the 100th time is just not fun anymore.

    The reason behind all this is quite simple: the "regular and significant updates" that the subscription model was supposed to guarantee simply didn't happen. Craglorn is but one zone, while ESO already had sixteen PVE zones of similar size "ready" at launch. The addition of the equivalent of less than 10% of the original content in 365 days of development is far from significant in my opinion.
    Armor Dyes, Undaunted quests and the ability to steal items provided some new activities, but they didn't add much to the world in terms of content. In the meantime, players still cannot change their appearance, get a house, explore underwater, or craft any kind of unique item. The Skyrim Modding Community was able to accomplish considerably more.

    I'm very disappointed in ESO. :/

    - Gyudan.

    [Moderator Note: Edited title]
    first of all they just got 1.6 with stealing and murder also champion then crowns store 3 weeks ago
    the game is working on ps4 and xbox 1 now we should not rush them or we will get another gta 5 pc myth story and finally the game like u said has been out for a year its gonna be a while till it gets things like that im greatful they did not wait till 2020 to relase this game and instead are constantly updating if its really that bad that u can not play it then play something else till it gets updated i mean if you have a gaming pc and you only have eso i dont know what kind of 1 game world you live in

    don't get mad at my spelling, autocorrect doesn't cover fantasy.
    Why couldn't the Khajiit go to the party? She had to be Elsweyr.
  • Worstluck
    I just came back to the game after a 8 month break. I too would have like some more questing content, new zones, anything (I just really want thieves guild/dark brotherhood content...maybe someday). I would just take a break like I did, maybe not an eight month break, but play something else. This game had so many problems on release, it's taken them a year to fix just some of them...that really slowed down the release of new content.
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • SanderBuraas
    We are constantly told how they have had to stop development on content such as the Imperial City, Spellcrafting and more in the livestreams, which begs the question - what is actually being worked on? They don't seem to be doing that well with bug fixes either.

    Anyhow, I do not know how difficult or not it is to create content and fix bugs, but I wish Zenimax were more open with information regarding content in the work.
  • Epsilon_Echo
    " Every 4 to 6 weeks we aim to rework pre-existing features or add menial tasks with assets already in-game."

    Ya that would have sold the boxes.
    Edited by Epsilon_Echo on March 30, 2015 11:47PM
  • Gidorick
    " Every 4 to 6 weeks we aim to rework pre-existing features or add menial tasks with assets already in-game."

    Ya that would have sold the boxes.

    heh... it's funny 'cause it's true.

    I hope ESO:TU provides them with the money they need to actually provide the community with new content. It would be a shame to see ESO never fully realized.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Costismaros
    Lack of content ?
    Lets see what we have this year. Hard mode players.3 trials + 3 hard modes - Arena + veteran arena.
    Casual players. Veteran Dungeons , 20 craglorn delvs, veteran city of ash, 1 craglorn area. Daily quests.
    15 new sets. 9 trait and new mats.

    This is not lack of content.
    Call the game beta, call it baggy but definitely not lack of content.
    Dont tell me about pvp... At pvp the players do the content... If they add arenas we will lack of ppl at cyrodil.

    They made a great move with exp increase at cyrodil and now we can small scale pvp at quest areas and in delvs.
    It is amazing think.
    Edited by Costismaros on March 31, 2015 12:05AM
  • Sylveria_Relden
    Because Cadwell's Silver/Gold. Nuff said.
    TL;DR - If you got this far without reading the entire post you're either too lazy or suck at reading comprehension and probably don't belong in a public forum anyway. Just move along, you wouldn't understand.
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