I understand the desired tone on the forums is light and fluffy as per a recent contact with a moderator. With that "situation" fresh in mind I have tried to use some dry humor here, which is hard to detect in text, but I am doing my best.. This is just not a light and fluffy subject. It is in regard to troublesome issues (already posted by others on the tech forum with no helpful official and/or technical feedback) and my sincere effort to get an issue addressed that may be driving people away from a game I love and want to see succeed and RETAIN players.
26 March, around 0730 EST it happened again. The Justice System black screen freeze of death, which has never happened to me with any game before, especially not with this relatively new, custom built and well maintained pc, built and maintained by a family member in the pc industry. It has only begun since the release of 1.6._ _ _ _ and the Justice System. Thanks to a suggestion from another person who has the same issue, I have learned how to shut down despite the black freeze without resorting to powering off each time, so the overt damage to my pc has been lowered somewhat, yet I am still unhappy. All I was doing this most recent time was using a normal BANK!
I really thought it was better because I'd played for a few nights with no ESO-pc blackouts, but... nope.
In medical terms, a syndrome is a health condition that cannot be diagnosed by a simple blood or other test, but is identified rather by a clearly defined set of reported and observable symptoms, in other words objective and subjective criteria. That is clearly what we have here with the Justice bug. The many people I've chatted with and seen discussing their experiences since 1.6._ _ _ _ , and the bizarre pc behaviors it causes, share several commonalities, which I will list here. I'm sure I've missed some but these are the basics:
1. They have not had prior issues with their pc's. Many, leaning toward most, have new machines. Some built their own, stating, "It's easy."
2. Their machines do not have syndrome symptoms when engaging in other activities or playing other demanding online games.
3. Many are longtime online gamers; some have played MMORPGs for over two decades. They know their stuff.
4. They did not have a history of problems playing ESO.
5. The issues came on suddenly and immediately after the launch of 1.6/Justice System and have persisted since.
6. Most seem mystified by ZOS's hard-line, intractable stance that the issues are not related to 1.6._ _ _ _ or the Justice System, period, end of discussion.
We had maintenance on Monday. I have played my usual hours (meaning through the night) to do my best to avoid high traffic and "other nuisances" of the B2P system which I dare not mention. High traffic has never forced me to try lowering my settings before, and we shouldn't be forced to have a lesser experience because not enough foresight was put into the design of a new component of the game. It really IS that simple.
I love the mechanics and fun of the Justice system so far. It's challenging and rewarding and a fun new twist, though I do think it's FAR too guard-heavy, which more than one pc expert has told me is the root of the problem for pc's. This worries me because we have yet to add the mercenaries (bounty hunters) stealing from the people now forced to steal to get what they need to progress in the game. I cannot imagine what game play/freezes/black screens/lag is going to be like if the "issue that doesn't exist" isn't fixed first.
I DO hope we aren't going to be forced to wait until June (or later, given how scheduled events can change) for the fix because the developers don't want to put so much work into a fix when it can just be done in June. While that would be cold and callous at least it would be an explanation. Of course this is just conjecture in the absence of any real answers from ZOS. Human nature. At this point any real answer would be better than not knowing. Admitting a mistake is not the end of the world.
As mentioned I do have a person employed in the pc industry who is a big time gamer himself, living in my home who has tried for HOURS to help me with this issue. He has looked at every possible way this issue could be related to my pc, my settings, my two simple addons, both by Garkin through Curse and both 100% safe (it happened with them uninstalled too) and things like drivers for Naga and Nvidia as was suggested at one time, etc. The diagnostics have been exhaustive.
He, who actually got me into these games wayyy back when, is the original Elder Scrolls fan in the family, but he, who also got me into beta testing, is actually putting off coming back to the game until the issue is fixed.
Sorry this got so long, but it's how my mind works. I don't do well at the shallow end of the pool, even when prodded in that direction with severe threats.
One final thing. Please no condescending (talking down to me) responses? (That was some of that dry humor.. being condescending while asking ...you get it.)
I comment because I care!
"...people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed."
~Friedrich Nietzsche~