show. i play all the day never saw a dmg like this one .
Level 10? Well, If you say so... But I have spent enough time in this game to know how to gear up properly. Yet no gear is available to prevent these hits.
Hahh still complain about snipe damage, while sorcs have the way to eliminate those damage, AND deal same or more DPS than ANY other class. Your damage output is INSANE. NO other can do that, not even 23k snipe.
You complaining about bow users and melee attackers damage while you're build allows you to hit for around 15k damage and have shields and bolt escape is pretty hypocriticalHell I was killed by a freaking *22K* wrecking blow last night.
Physical damage is off the charts yet what are people clamoring for? Nerf Sorc shields lol.
These LolSnipers need to go play call of duty or something. Players 1-shotting each other is not the way the game should play.
I was getting hit for 17K+ Lethal arrows from Kittysoftpaws and other NBs wearing full Legendary VR14 Light armor with a Reinforced Legendary VR14 Shield.
The screenshots posted so far are weak.
I'm curious....have you ever actually been to Cyrodiil? Everything you say says otherwise. I dont have any abilities that come anywhere remotely close to 23k....yet alone have 100% crit from stealth like snipe.
rich.magab14a_ESO wrote: »You complaining about bow users and melee attackers damage while you're build allows you to hit for around 15k damage and have shields and bolt escape is pretty hypocritical
rfennell_ESO wrote: »
Then their is the fact that with nirnhorned traits and easy to get spell resistance cp it's ridiculously easy to get your spell resist up really high.
Only thing stopping the super sniper brigade would be full heavy armor and a shield.
It's made cyro a joke, a bad one being won by no skill one button spammers.
show. i play all the day never saw a dmg like this one .
you use a pve equip and you pretend to survive XD show all traits on all the pieces. wtf rank 35 and you should play in not-veteran till you learn to dress up.
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I´m not built for sustain either. You can actually do dmg without throat slitting.
I just like my opponent to see and realise how i´m dismantling their every move. It´s a special pleasure when they try to get away in the end.
What bothers me about stealth gameplay is that its unfun for the victim and 99% of the time they´ve got nothing to gain from it. You can get something (maybe even fun / experience) out of a lost fight. When there is no chance in fighting back there is no fun to be had for the receiving end.
That´s why i hunt down those backstabbing scumbags with all the detect pots i can drink :P.
Yes I should have to use 2 (or 3) slots on my bars to reduce(not completely negate) the bonus damage done by someone attacking from stealth. But wait....radiant doesn't work through my damage shields since those abilities can't crit anyways.
When they make toggle abilities persist through weapon swap I'll consider using them. If you've ever seen me play you'll notice I weapon swap once every 2 or 3 seconds or less. The only ability worth a slot on all of my bars is bolt escape, and that is because Weapon swap can't be trusted.
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »
Put it on your roaming bar, it's what I do. Also radiant does work through shields because it reduces damage done by sneak attacks before shields are taken into account, I shoot sorcs all the time with shields up for 4k with it
95% of my gank victims fight back plenty. I just still kill them:)
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »
Put it on your roaming bar, it's what I do. Also radiant does work through shields because it reduces damage done by sneak attacks before shields are taken into account, I shoot sorcs all the time with shields up for 4k with it
The problem with radiant magelight on pts was that it did not reduce dmg and prevent stun from NB stealth attacks if they used cloak (in sneak obviously) before attacking. I´ve not bothered with the ability since then. It only helps against the bads that don´t kill you anyway.
Apart from that you´d need it on both bars bc most snipes kill you not on horse but when fighting someone else. Any toggle in this game makes for boring gameplay. I don´t want to give up 20% of my active skills bc of a broken mechanic.
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »
It'll reduce sneak attack, that is not to be confused with nb stealthed accounts, and most of my kills are on people traveling on horse. But if you don't want to use it, that's all you
He interrupted one of my casts(+15% on next physical) and had hundings rage proc from speaking with him.
Keep in mind though that this was through something close to 12,000 armor (VR14 Legendary Reinforced Heavy Chest, Boots and Shield and 5 VR14 Legendary Light armor) which means his base damage was somewhere in the neighborhood of 27K.
Physical damage is just off the charts.
I can cope with all of that though, but the Health desync makes me rage hard.
montgomery.luke07b16_ESO wrote: »It's a bug with snipe. You get a health desync and the sound file doesn't play til your dead. This is the only problem with lethal arrow, it doesn't give you time to react.
I've hit 33k+ with wrecking blows out of stealth, without any potions going. Stealthed Wrecking blows are utterly insane. Best bow hit I've done is 15k, but yeah if you focus JUST on the out of stealth 2 shots, you can nuke people quickly. As others have said, mage light is awesome vs it. If I'm running around solo in Cyro, I always have Mage light going. It takes 15k lethals and makes them about 7 to 8k. It seems to work a lot better than the tooltip says, at least for me.
I have not been hit by snipe for over 10k. I have by crystal shards....
I have not been hit by snipe for over 10k. I have by crystal shards....
No I can crit for 15K against naked people when my overload is boosted with might of the guild and a +20% spellpower buff. I have a 35% chance to crit and power overload is a slow moving projectile ability that is reflectable by every player in the game, has no debuffs to speak of and is my ultimate! Most people even with full spell penetration I crit on my overload from 10-12K on, less if they're running heavy armor or nirnhorned trait armor.
Snipe is a guaranteed crit from stealth, will stun, has far more range than overload, far more damage, scales far better with champion points and on average is resisted far far less than overload. Have you even looked at the average spell resistance people are running around with these days? Because you snipe from stealth you can land 2 snipes in a row that are *guaranteed* crits against a target and they have little to no opportunity to see it coming and only DKs can reflect it.
There are key differences here. I get sniped for 17K because I wear Light Armor. That is the tradeoff. Those same people who guaranteed crit me for 17K have 3 times the armor I do. They're have enchants that not only reduce the cost of their primary DPS ability but also reduce the cost of break free and dodge roll making them even more difficult to me.
To top all of this off there is a serious bug in the game right now that is allowing snipe to cause health desyncs that kill you before it even registers you're being hit.
Exactly. Yet the people here are complaining about Damage shields.
13k Fragment hit, what doesnt need stealth.... 8k+ dmg X 5+ times overload LIGHT ATTACK. 8k Curse, 8k each mine blow.
I got nirn armor, and you OPcerers bypassing lot... I got CP to resist spell and still got hit with 13k fragment, etc.... and OPoverload. None of my or other class Ulti can do that damage....
i have 3500 WP and 27k stamina, still you spam damage shield, and attack, never run out of magicka it seems and you can tank or just hit me with your average spell damage gear for 13k fragment etc...... You tank 8 ppl with shield spam, then streak away 15 times AND YOU COMPLAIN about SNIPE.... Its strange....
Even if you have only 17k health, you can cast 10k shield easy, thats 27k. Your OPshield is anti crit, so you wont get hit by 17k snipe. Even if you get hit from magical nonexistant 17k noncrit Snipe, you have 10k health, and you can cast shields 20 times in a row at least, with an average build.
You can out dps DK, Templar healing, and outtank any class. And you still cry about snipe.... Gosh....
PS.: Its not the fault of snipe if you are afk and let you hit 2 times from it.