johan.danielsson1994b16_ESO wrote: »
Physical damage is stupid, people sitting with 4k weapon damage and armour does litteraly mothing.
Sorc shields themselfs aren´t that bad, harness magicka however is.
And i fully agree about lolsnipers. We need LESS instagibbing.
cozmon3c_ESO wrote: »
i agree with that
bow desync is like 90% of my deaths, you say listen for the lethal arrow noise, well with the desync it doesnt happen until after you are walking around not able to use anything and then you are all of a suddenly dead. you can see it happen numerous times in my 'Growing Pains' video in the pvp combat section of this forum.
one of the most irritating things about bow right now is that you get hit by lethal arrow and the sniper just goes right back into sneak like he didnt even damage you (not cloak). then he comes and hits you with a second from sneak arrow. its just broken and needs to be fixed. if you damage someone you should not be able to restealth, the game should put you into combat. so many times im looking around to find the sniper and i catch them out of the corner of my eye going right back into sneak even though they almost one shot me.
if these 2 thing were fixed, i would actually be able to react like 50% of the time when it works properly and have a decent fight against these snipers.
piotreb17_ESO4 wrote: »I thought that Lethal Arrow was nerfed in 1.6, but I guess it's not and the damages it cause seems to be in par with the best Ultimates in the game.
I am on a horse with full stamina, and then I see a death recap like in the attached screenshots:
I am VR14 5 medium 2 heavy and it takes a second to shot me?! No fighting chance, and another 5 minutes travel to the battelfield.
Is there really only a two play styles available for PvP right now: shoot from behind and zerg? Sad times...
yessss your OPshield is not enough. you can only get 17k+ HP..... almost for free.... and you complain whit your 9k magic heavy attacks, 9k overload lightattack, 13k fragment, 8k+ curse, and 8k mine dmg.... WELLLL:D::D:D:D:D
Do you ever ask yourself, "Kypho, why is it that other nightblades can kill sorcerers, but I cannot?"
Do you wonder what they're doing differently, and whether you might be able to adjust your build, gear or technique to match them? Or is the best answer to nerf sorcs so that you needn't make any changes?
Ask ppl about same who complain about snipe, what does almost the damage of a fragment, just fragment doesnt need stealth to boost the damage.
Before more rage: I dont use bow.
You can try to defend sorcerers, they are OP. Still they want to nerf physical damage, Sinpe, WB does same or less damage than Fragment. Curse, mine all does better damage than stamina attacks. Hardened ward gives high shield. And they still complain about 10k-13k snipe damage. Really..... and you say they have right? LoL.....
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »You know you can run radiant Mage light and completely negate sneak attack right?
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »You know you can run radiant Mage light and completely negate sneak attack right?
The problem isnt leather arrow.What they did was remove the soft cape and now there are endless ways to stack damage.As well you have to look at damage this way.In 1.5 the damage would of been 1.4k all the did was add .00 to the end of all numbers.They did this to make us feel stornger.So now instead of seening 1.4k now you see 14k.
Yes I should have to use 2 (or 3) slots on my bars to reduce(not completely negate) the bonus damage done by someone attacking from stealth. But wait....radiant doesn't work through my damage shields since those abilities can't crit anyways.
When they make toggle abilities persist through weapon swap I'll consider using them. If you've ever seen me play you'll notice I weapon swap once every 2 or 3 seconds or less. The only ability worth a slot on all of my bars is bolt escape, and that is because Weapon swap can't be trusted.
piotreb17_ESO4 wrote: »Maybe I did not make it clear - the screen shots are only form the situations when I am on a horse with full stamina and next second I see that death recap screen.
If you know a trick how to dodge roll and cleanse from a death recap screen, you would be my saviour and personal hero ;-)
Hypertionb14_ESO wrote: »the whole idea of a sniper is being able to deal a lot of damage at long range. even irl modern snipers are utterly outclassed if you get inside closer ranges.
people complain about snipers in every video game where range matters.... "*** you and your noob one shot crap" is typical and completely ignores what it takes to make this work.
No snipe caster will last long if thats their only tactic, and if you are expecting it its actually extremely easy to avoid and survive through.
stop complaining about getting ganked tho, because that just means you are expecting to run in PvP without ever dying, which really shows you dont get the gametype at all.
In PvP...
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
well i have no problem with dying have had my fare share of it in every mmo i´ve played.
the problem with eso bows is that they have absolutly no downside. in DAoC e.g. the hihgest hitting bow attack powershot had an range reciproce dmg increase, so the closer you come to your target the more dmg were dealt while on max range the dmg was neglectable in closecombat the dmg was awesome.
in ESO the highest hitting dmg ability has an at least 30% hihger range than any other ability available whgile doing 50%+ more dmg than other range abilities - not even mentioning 95% of melee abilities doing less dmg and that is simply wrong.
range advantages have to go hand in hand with dmg disadvantages and that is in case of the bow simply not happening.
That´s why i hunt down those backstabbing scumbags with all the detect pots i can drink :P.
cozmon3c_ESO wrote: »i pop detect pots all day long to fight off the hordes of lol snipers everywhere.
to gain a comparable dmg of snipe with frags you have to have two procs active while the snipe needs nothing if he´s abusing buffs like rally on top of that its even impossible.
BS. you can hide the fact, that fragment has cast time like snipe, ranged, but hit same or higher sometimes, but its still does that.
WB does same, not better than fragment from OPshieldspammer complainerclass.
Complain that not only your overpowered spammagic damage does not 2 times more than physical attack lol
with your words BS stamina is as much used defensively as magica but i do not recive the same magica cost reductions for defensively used magica as a stamina user got for his ability.You all forget the fact: Stamina is for attack, roll, block, move in stealth. Magicka: Spamm the hell and spam more, and spam after that. And good specced spell damage is much higher than stamina.
such a nonsense stam,ina abilities are roughly 25% less expensive than their magica counterparts so stop babbling such a nonsenseAverage sniper vs average magicka: Sniper attack, depleting stamina, and high physical damage is low magicka, so cant heal effectively, cant spam OP spell damage. Magicka: Spam ward, spam heal, spam spam and spam the spamed spam spell attacks.
are you playing on the non vet campain? that woul explain alot dmg wise ^^24k spell resist and still 10k+ fragment hit. 10k armor, and i got MAX 10k snipe on me from STEALTH attack. most are 6k-8k max. so whine as much as you want, magicka is much more effective than stamina.
ha the first true words ...(Thx zos, snipe can be instant with proc.... ohh wait it cant, WB can...ohh wait it cant. )
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
i want anti noobshield spam pot. and anti 8k-10k overload lightattacks
Do you have a dodge button? Overload is a slow moving, highly visible projectile. If you had a dodge button, you could dodge it.
I have a dodge button. It's awesome.
If you don't have a dodge button, you should probably get that looked at. Oh... and it's not the same thing as a belly button. Or a big red button or a Benjamin Button. This button, when you push it, makes you dodge!
post your equip, gold? traits? weap. all. those are dmg just a lvl 10 can take.
Well, that's not entirely true... just like Swarm, overload is often one of the first things culled and thus is often invisible onscreen.
* back to our regularly scheduled smearing...*
post your equip, gold? traits? weap. all. those are dmg just a lvl 10 can take.