Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
You're lucky you are not a Vamp/WW. I've seen Camo'd Hunter crit for an additional 10k with Lethal.
Though there really is nothing to see here. To get consistent shots off like these the player really has to spec glass cannon with very little defense. I myself run Bow sometimes.
I see quite a few people able to stay on their horse for a single shot, then dismount. heal/bubble/vanish the second one in flight. So it is possible, if your reaction time is quick enough.
I am actually having ALOT of fun running melee gank these days over bow, as I find it more exciting, but yields higher numbers.
It truly is a bad idea to run/ride anywhere solo in Cyrodiil these days, as it should be. I understand some people feel this is unfair play and think "I should have a chance to fight back" But from the prospective of the ganker---
If we wanted you to fight back, we wouldn't spec this way
Believe me, it happens to everyone running solo in the open, on a horse. And if you are a WW or Vamp, just being out of stealth is a death sentence, unless you have support. (More commonly known as a Rez)
Just to be clear...I can get 19-20k+ Wrecking Blows 16-18k Surprise attacks, and that's without Camo Hunter. Though the usual crits on those are just around 14-15k. So lethals damage is not out of control.
You're lucky you are not a Vamp/WW. I've seen Camo'd Hunter crit for an additional 10k with Lethal.
Though there really is nothing to see here. To get consistent shots off like these the player really has to spec glass cannon with very little defense. I myself run Bow sometimes.
patrykplawskib16_ESO wrote: »This is only possible for one reason and that's momentum from 2h tree skill if they fix that he wont do 12k any more only 8k or lower
cozmon3c_ESO wrote: »i love bows
i love all the roll dodge spam
i love how when roll dodging you can cast abilities while doing it making you the ultimate rolly polly tank of the game.
i love how stamina gets benifits to blocking and dodging while magicka light armor users get benefit to only no mitigation damage shields while wearing paper (and cant cast stuff while placing a shield on).
patrykplawskib16_ESO wrote: »This is only possible for one reason and that's momentum from 2h tree skill if they fix that he wont do 12k any more only 8k or lower
Maybe I did not make it clear - the screen shots are only form the situations when I am on a horse with full stamina and next second I see that death recap screen.Dodge roll cleanse rinse n repeat
most of these people cant defend themselves very well. I know this because this is how my VR14 is built. I do a crap ton of damage, but my survivablility is low.
this is nothing new. People have been dealing with this for months. learn to re-act quick enough and charge the sniper if you can.
Hell I was killed by a freaking *22K* wrecking blow last night.
Physical damage is off the charts yet what are people clamoring for? Nerf Sorc shields lol.
These LolSnipers need to go play call of duty or something. Players 1-shotting each other is not the way the game should play.
AltusVenifus wrote: »I'm a NB, and I agree bows need a nerf! Lethal arrow hits harder than my stealth ambush. But with that said, someone show me a build that can win a duel as a stamina NB. Point being bows are all we got right now. If we can't snipe u we lose every fight against anyone halfway competent, which is stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...
patrykplawskib16_ESO wrote: »This is only possible for one reason and that's momentum from 2h tree skill if they fix that he wont do 12k any more only 8k or lower
Hell I was killed by a freaking *22K* wrecking blow last night.
Physical damage is off the charts yet what are people clamoring for? Nerf Sorc shields lol.
These LolSnipers need to go play call of duty or something. Players 1-shotting each other is not the way the game should play.
xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »
How on earth did you eat a 22k wrecking blow? Cause even stacking weapon damage I come no where near that. Was it from stealth? Or maybe after he blocked a heavy attack?
piotreb17_ESO4 wrote: »I thought that Lethal Arrow was nerfed in 1.6, but I guess it's not and the damages it cause seems to be in par with the best Ultimates in the game.
I am on a horse with full stamina, and then I see a death recap like in the attached screenshots:
I am VR14 5 medium 2 heavy and it takes a second to shot me?! No fighting chance, and another 5 minutes travel to the battelfield.
Is there really only a two play styles available for PvP right now: shoot from behind and zerg? Sad times...