I am also of the view that additional advanced skill lines are the way to go, these could be mutually exclusive however.
But my preference would be to change skill morphs so there were more options and to add passive morphs. This would mean that more stamina options could be included in all classes and all classes could get some healer and tank options. If done well it could even make hybrids viable.
I went for "monk" for two reasons...Fizzlewizzle wrote: »...Although i would go for Assassin instead of monk when it comes to the Nightblade.
bloodenragedb14_ESO wrote: »ive said this in a few other threads, though id go ahead and make it its own discussion to see what the general feedback on my idea is
i think that instead of new classes, you should get class morphs. when you reach a specific level, you get to choose a different path. relativly same skills, but different elements and power animations.
sorcerer would branch into atromancy or necromancy
templar would branch to to paladin or druid/priest
dragonknight would change to vanguard or spellsword
nightblade would switch to assassin or illusionist
by no means are we restricted to two paths, if you have a idea for a class morph, lets hear it.
(btw, zos, by the gods, please read this, i wanna be a necromancer dangit)
bloodenragedb14_ESO wrote: »
i dont necessarily agree with those that are wishing to add stamina changes to sorcerer, magick is fueled by magicka, not physical exaustion. if anything, im willing to entertain buffs to stamina fueled by magicka, but actual spells fueled by stamina, i detest that idea to the point of loathing
AshySamurai wrote: »I think it will limit future builds. All players can easily switch from DD to Tank role or to Heal. But this spspecialisation will make this switches impossible.
bloodenragedb14_ESO wrote: »I have no problem with health drivin magic, as i said blood magic is a thing, but never (to my knowledge) in the history of the TES series has a spell been powered by stamina.
If stamina costing spells must come to pass, i can only hope that they also use a degree of magicka cost as well.
bloodenragedb14_ESO wrote: »summoning a bow or sword still takes magicka, if you have skills in those weapons, good for you, but creating a bow or sword out of magicka is, again, using magicka.
in past installments, telekinesis used magicka, never stamina, as such its safe to assume in canon it does not take physical strength to manipulate magicka during telekinesis
your 'earthbending' is not apart of the elder scrolls universe, as such is a invalid example, we are talking magicka, not chi or whatever, the physics of the TES universe are vastly different.
if you want to tac on a stamina cost on top of a magicka cost to a spell. good for you, just remember spells are only possible through magicka, without that you are just waving your arms around like an idiot