Idea: Class Morphs

  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    honestly man, so long as i can summon undead at some point in the future, i wont be too picky about what they implement, if any. ive heard the spellcrafting system they are working on has over 600 variations, hopefully that will make this discussion a moot point, but till then, we can only hope
  • Dreddnawt
    Functionality suggestions: (COMPLETELY SPECULATIVE, FOR EXAMPLE ONLY)

    Each character has 3 primary class skill lines to choose from. At Veteran Lvl 1 (Level 50), you get a mail congratulating you on reaching vet levels. That mail can be amended to include a paragraph about a new, unlockable skill line that is now available. This “forth” skill tree is unlocked by clicking on the generic name, say “Class Morph” for our purposes. When clicked, a box much like the skill morph pop-up gives you 3 options, one for each primary class line. Any class skill line that is maxed at 50 can now be morphed. This morph does NOT change the base skills in that line but rather unlocks the associated extended skill tree.

    So if my Templar is newly VR1 with 50 Aedric Spear, 46 Dawns Wrath, and 50 Restoring Light then I can unlock the Crusader or Wyrd skill lines but not Witchhunter (using the examples from my post above). Unlocking any extended skill line costs a single skill point. But that point is not lost or wasted as the new skill line starts at lvl 1 of 5 with the first active ability unlocked as well (that’s where your point went).

    Now my Templar has unlocked Crusader from the Aedric spear line. There are 5 ranks in this skill line, 2 active and 3 passive, and I start at Level 1 with the first ability available. Let’s say this first ability is a group damage shield like DK Obsidian but only blocks Magic and Oblivion damage. At lvl 2 the first passive is unlocked for an spell resist and health regeneration boost, and the second passive unlocks at lvl 3 granting stamina regeneration and block mitigation. At lvl 4 I unlock the second active ability which is a massive self-heal like dragon blood, this has morphs at rank 4 to be magicka or stamina based. Finally the last passive unlocks at lvl 5 in the skill line granting a 33% chance to remove up to 1 negative status effect from nearby allies any time the Templar uses an Aedric Spear or Crusader skill.

    Both active skills have morphs and each passive has 2 ranks max for a total of 10 additional skill points to max out the tree. At lvl 4 in the Crusader line I also gain a new title of “Crusader” that I can apply from the character attributes screen to prove my prowess. This vanity title only remains so long as I have this skill tree in use. If I respec to another Extended tree the 'Crusader' title is no longer available.

    If I wish to reset my extended skill line I can respect skills at the Temple. Resetting all ‘Morph’ skills includes this entire skill tree as well considering it was a Morph choice just to open the line. After respec, I can now choose to morph my Expanded Class Tree once again into Crusader, or unlock Wyrd Tender to begin progression in those skills. If at any time my Dawn Wrath reaches lvl 50, I can also respec to unlock that line instead. But I can only have ONE morphed skill line at a time. Applying that first point to Crusader means I cannot access Witchhunter or Wyrd Tender the same as you cannot have both Ransack and Pierce Armor at the same time. Any Ranks earned in the skill line is retained even if I respec to another, just as with other skills and morphs.

    So I ask the Devs: Is this doable?
    And I ask players: Would you like to see this?
    Dreddnawt - Orsimer Aedric Crusader
    Alexstrasza Drogon - Imperial Infernal Dragon
    Daggerfall Covenant

    TESO / PC / NA Server
  • Fizzlewizzle
    I would love to see it, in whatever form it might come.
    The bonuses you get from each of those skills (passives and Actives) should be very unique compared to the other two trees, so that people really need to make a choice for which would fit their play style best.

    I do hope that any dev will look at this (and maybe say i... to at least lets us know someone has seen this).

    Mending-The-Wounded, Aldmeri Dominion, Templar.
  • TheShadowScout

    Sounds intriguing. Personally I like the class morph idea a bit better (but then, I would ;) ), mostly for the chance to have sorcerors call themselves "nercomancers" instead, and for the simplicity of just adding a fourth skill line... and especially for the option to make that new skill line having different visual effects to customize your characters playing looks - like, templar abilities are all in yellow-gold, a nature skill line could add a green effects option... nightblades are all reddish in effect, a ranger could get green/brown or a monk get maybe blue-ish effects... sorcerors have purple and white-blue, could get cyan with necromancy or white with cryomancy, etc.
    (it might even be possible that the new morph would redo all the existing effects, thus a templar going druid might get all templar skills color-shifted into green, though that maybe would be a bit too much trouble to implement...)

    And the idea to make it dependent at completing cadwells silver was to give people time to max the initial skill lines, and play around with them a bit. By level 50, I usually had one skill line maxed, and the others around 45 or so... meaning if I do cadwells, I get all the basic skill trees to 50 in the middle of silver, then can play around with them a bit, which would mean at the end of silver I'd be ready to start something new, skill-wise... (and also have the extra skill points for it from all the skyshards and quest rewards)
    And of course, it would be an added incentive for people to struggle through cadwells. An optional reward for those who do put up with it. Since the skills in that fourth line would in no way be better or more advanced then any of the others, just more flavor.

  • Van_0S
    Class morph is a very good idea.( this game does lack classes)
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