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Put the Imperial Edition and "Adventurer Pack" Benefits behind the Subscription

  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    I wish that ZOS hadn't linked the play any race for any alliance to pre-orders only but they have and they have been very clear that it will be the only way that it is offered. So while I personally would not mind if they did offer this to everyone, at this stage it would probably do more harm than good if they did because the moaners would have a field day with it.

    Right or wrong I think ZOS will have to stick with what they have have. The Imperial Edition at least can be bought in the crown store so any subscriber can use their allocation of crowns to buy it.

    I like the idea of treasure maps being given to subscribers.

    You can still get the Explorer's Pack codes, google ESO Explorer's Pack code.

    They need to deactivate all those. ...

    And all beta monkey pet. Here I agree with you.

    I'm going to make a thread to feel like they MIGHT listen. Lol
    Edited by Gidorick on February 24, 2015 9:19PM
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  • AshySamurai
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    What are taking about? "exclusivity of the imperial edition" - it wasn't exclusive even a second. ZOS said from the beginning that you can upgrade to IE in anytime you want to do it.

    About long run profit - well, there are not so much profit if people start to quit the game.

    Also, in your case those people who already have IE and explorers pack will throw their money if they decide to sub. Why these people should pay for benefits they already have? For now there is same benefit for all players regardless IE, explorer's pack or standart edition.

    It's more about getting new subs... and it won't be taking benefits away from you in any way... you'll still get the other benefitsof the sub. I don't get why you would have an issue with it being an ADDITIONAL sub perk. Especially since the perk can be outright bought.

    Oh and the exclusivity applies more to explorers pack. I'll give you that. If anything adding these benefits to thesub would make the Imperial Edition and Explorers Pack MORE exclusive.

    Less profit for the same money. You're making pre-order and IE are just wasted money. Will you pay the same amount for less benefit?

    not at all. Players that have imperial edition and explorers pack have other benefits Not included in this suggestion, especially the physical imperial edition. They won't NEED the subscription to use the benefits... I feel like I've been very clear about this. :confused:

    So, those who already have IE and/or explorer's pack have no reason to sub. If they sub, they will get only small part of all benefits compared to those who don't have anything. And how it will encourage people to sub?
    If you want encourage people to sub you should benefit all players in the same way (read with the same benefit for everyone), not the only few of them.
    Edited by AshySamurai on February 25, 2015 3:55AM
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    What are taking about? "exclusivity of the imperial edition" - it wasn't exclusive even a second. ZOS said from the beginning that you can upgrade to IE in anytime you want to do it.

    About long run profit - well, there are not so much profit if people start to quit the game.

    Also, in your case those people who already have IE and explorers pack will throw their money if they decide to sub. Why these people should pay for benefits they already have? For now there is same benefit for all players regardless IE, explorer's pack or standart edition.

    It's more about getting new subs... and it won't be taking benefits away from you in any way... you'll still get the other benefitsof the sub. I don't get why you would have an issue with it being an ADDITIONAL sub perk. Especially since the perk can be outright bought.

    Oh and the exclusivity applies more to explorers pack. I'll give you that. If anything adding these benefits to thesub would make the Imperial Edition and Explorers Pack MORE exclusive.

    Less profit for the same money. You're making pre-order and IE are just wasted money. Will you pay the same amount for less benefit?

    not at all. Players that have imperial edition and explorers pack have other benefits Not included in this suggestion, especially the physical imperial edition. They won't NEED the subscription to use the benefits... I feel like I've been very clear about this. :confused:

    So, those who already have IE and/or explorer's pack have no reason to sub. If they sub, they will get only small part of all benefits composted to those who don't have anything. And how it will encourage people to sub?
    If you want encourage people to sub you should benefit all players in the same way (read with the same benefit for everyone), not the only few of them.

    What incentives do you currently have to subscribe to Tamriel Unlimited? Whatever your answer is, those are the reasons that you would have to subscribe. The suggestion that this would devalue the subscription is ludicrous.

    You do have a factual point that these sub benefits wouldn't provide any extra benefits those that already have the imperial edition or explorer's pack. However, someone that already has the benefits applied to the account regardless of subscription status complaining about subscribers getting those benefits with their subscription as opposed to those players outright buying those benefits seems asinine to me. The player that receives these benefits as part of a subscription would in no way impact the player that got the benefits prior to Tamriel Unlimited releasing. It's not like you would stop having the benefits. I don't get what you would be losing or how adding these subscription benefits would impact you negatively.

    In fact, the ability to NOT subscribe and RETAIN those benefits would be a boon... which is what ALL players will have if they are simply offered in the crown store. If ANYONE should think this suggestion is unfair it's those that do NOT have the Imperial Edition or Explorer's Pack.

    If anything, your argument appears to be an attempt to retain SOME degree of perceived value for your Imperial Edition and Explorer's Pack. The fact that you claim that the subscription having LESS benefits will make the subscription LESS desirable baffles me. Again, I say... if the subscription as it stands now, is enough for you then these additions shouldn't change your feelings because the benefits. If they are not then these benefits being added won't matter.

    I imagine this conversation:

    ZOS: "Good news! The ESO:TU Subscription will now allow you to play in any alliance as any race and it will allow you to play as an Imperial"
    PLAYER: "But I bought the Imperial Edition and have the Explorers pack!!!"
    ZOS: "Well, in that case you can still enjoy the benefits of playing as any race and as an Imperial, without the need for a subscription!"
    PLAYER: "That's not fair!"
    ZOS: "What isn't?
    Player: "That they get the benefits that I get but they only get them if they subscribe!"
    ZOS: "Uhm...."

    Again, you have a factual point... but to that point my response is an apathetic "So?"
    Edited by Gidorick on February 25, 2015 1:20AM
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  • Soulshine
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Rezing this thread because I saw THIS


    @ZOS! If you're going to SELL the Imperial Edition and Explores Pack benefits in the crown store ANYWAY, just put them behind the subscription! You'll make a LOT more money doing this!!!!

    Not really. All people would have to do is buy the sub, get the perk, cancel sub and voila! not much different. Seems they are bent making "exclusive" totally "inclusive" since it is on the CS, so at this point the ship has sailed.

    You mean use the perk, right? I suggest the ability to create any race in any alliance be revoked if you are not subbing.

    Then it isn't a particularly bright incentive, given that most people now coming to the game are doing so because they do not want to pay a sub; with these items being on the cash store it will generate revenue as people come and go, without the worry of access to the perk dissappearing.

    Personally, I am not in favor of them doing either for fairly obvious reasons already stated, but I think trying to keep anything exclusive to a sub is from this point forward never going to happen, short of what they are already planning to give: the monthly crowns and various xp boosts.
  • Gidorick
    Yea... I know the likeliness of this being added is slim to none, even if it would be better for subs in the long run.

    I freely admit that this, and the additional items found in my ESO Subscription Benefits Suggestions list, is pretty much me hoping they will add some more incentive to subscriptions because I really WANT to subscribe. The problem is the only reason I have now is because I want to support ZOS. After all the changes, it's hard to subscribe for JUST that reason. If more sub benefits were added (especially the 10% off the crown store) I would sub with a skip in my step and a song in my heart. As is, if I sub... I'll feel like I'm donating money. lol.

    Edited by Gidorick on February 25, 2015 1:26AM
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  • Soulshine
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Yea... I know the likeliness of this being added is slim to none, even if it would be better for subs in the long run.

    I freely admit that this, and the additional items found in my ESO Subscription Benefits Suggestions list, is pretty much me hoping they will add some more incentive to subscriptions because I really WANT to subscribe. The problem is the only reason I have now is because I want to support ZOS. After all the changes, it's hard to subscribe for JUST that reason. If more sub benefits were added (especially the 10% off the crown store) I would sub with a skip in my step and a song in my heart. As is, if I sub... I'll feel like I'm donating money. lol.

    At this point, I think they should just make the sub benefit permanent unlock of any and all DLC content, and keep their monthly crowns. It makes more sense to me and I think more people would feel that continuing to sub is worth it.

    Game expansions, if we ever get any, will/should cost the same for everyone.

    If people subbing want items in the crown store on top of that, then they can pay cash for crowns same as will those people that don't sub. I think ZoS would likely make more money this way since there are many people interested in fluff anyway and they will plunk down quite a bit $$ - as we have already seen - just to get it.

    That's my 2cents, but I seriously doubt they would do any of this since they seem convinced that subs really don't matter now anyway.
    Edited by Soulshine on February 25, 2015 1:45AM
  • Gidorick
    You know, you're right... they don't seem to care about keeping subscribers and that REALLY worries me. I've explained this in the other thread with more of my suggestions:
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Subscribers provide ZOS with a (somewhat) steady stream of revenue. If there are 200,000 subscribers, ZOS knows they will get about 3 million a month, no matter if they update the Crown Store or not. Without those subscribers ZOS relies solely on the cash shop and must release content in the Crown Store frequently enough to attempt to generate revenue as regularly as a subscription.

    It's no secret that modern MMOs benefit from a cash shop more than they do a subscription model, but many of these models INLCUDE subscriptions.

    I'll let John Smeldy (of DCUO) explain this:
    "We don't rely heavily on whales. I wish we could, but we don't. The reason we don't is that a large part of our business is still subscription-based. The way we see the world is that we want it to be 'free-to-play your way.' If you want to spend just a little bit of money, you can, and people who want to chase really expensive stuff can do that as well. But you don't need any of it for gameplay. Having a heavy subscriber base means that we don't have to rely on whales."

    This is where adding value to subscriptions becomes important. The less ZOS relies on subscriptions, the more they have to try to squeeze out of the cash shop. If the cash shop becomes strapped and that stops producing money, and they don't have a heavy subscription base, then we will start to see things like awesome Crown Store specific gear, stat boosts, lootboxes,... all the things we don't want to see. So it would behoove ZOS, ESO players, and ESO itself for there to be as many subscribers as possible.

    If a MMO that is as successful on the console as DCUO is saying that subscribers are important then ZOS better believe... they're important! Without them the future of ESO is going to be little more than an elder-scrolls themed shopping mall simulator.

    And that will make me sad. :disappointed:

    If they just added that subs would eventually earn you the DLC to keep SO many people would sub! I totally would.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 25, 2015 1:54AM
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  • TicToc
    No. I completely disagree. The packs should stay in the store.

    First of all the idea of having the B2P model is to make additional money from the store. While you need incentives to get people to subscribe, you also need to give people things worth buying from the store...and those are things that people will buy, so they will probably makes some decent money from selling those to the new B2P players.

    Plus, those items make far more sense in the store rather than part of a subscription. Buy a ring of mara? How often are you going to do that? Is that worth a monthly fee to have the opportunity to buy a ring once? Create an imperial? Play as any race? These are all one time options. Sure you may create an occasional alt, but that is not something that you would pay a monthly subscription for.

    Only things that have value on a month to month basis should be part of the sub. Things that will only have a limited number of uses, should not.

    Don't forget, the game needs the B2P players, and it does no one any good to try an alienate them by arbitrarily locking things up behind the subscription. Besides, people could subscribe, create several characters that they want and then unsubscribe. It would be pointless.

    I agree that the sub needs good incentive to keep people subscribing, but that needs to be things that have recurring value month after month.

  • Gidorick
    TicToc wrote: »

    Plus, those items make far more sense in the store rather than part of a subscription. Buy a ring of mara? How often are you going to do that? Is that worth a monthly fee to have the opportunity to buy a ring once? Create an imperial? Play as any race? These are all one time options. Sure you may create an occasional alt, but that is not something that you would pay a monthly subscription for.

    Only things that have value on a month to month basis should be part of the sub. Things that will only have a limited number of uses, should not.


    That's a really good point. People have mentioned that players would sub... create... unsub. My thought on that was generally "eh.. do that three times during the lifetime of the game and they'll make more money then selling them individually".

    While I completely understand that these are one time (or once in a while) options, I was thinking that the inclusion would add more perceived value than actual value to the subs. When originally writing the post I WAS going to suggest out-of-alliance races and Imperials be locked for play if a player is not subscribed but that just seemed like a really dirty tactic.

    That being said, I can't argue against the idea that subs should only have benefits that have value month to month. This is a really good point I hadn't considered before.

    Although I bet you'd be surprised at how often someone would buy a ring of Mara... between 8 characters... pretty often. lol.

    While I personally still think it would be a good incentive to sub, I better understand why these sorts of items probably shouldn't be included.

    Thanks for your input @TicToc
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  • Rosveen
    I wouldn't even buy the game today if I knew there's no way I can play any race in any alliance. It was literally the only reason why I pre-ordered. This racial lock is a disgrace to the Elder Scrolls tradition and I want it gone. Whatever you suggest that results in everyone potentially having access to all races, I support it.

    I'd rather see it sold in the crown store as a permanent unlock like the Imperial Edition, but a sub benefit works too. However, the IE shouldn't be a sub benefit, it would be problematic because of all the time it was sold separately. Makes those $20+ people paid rather worthless now.
  • Gidorick
    I still think ZOS should do this. Maybe before the Console Launch? It shouldn't impact anyone that preordered the game, bought the imperial edition, or bought these things from the Crown Store.
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  • fougerec99b16_ESO
    Hasn't the upgrade to Imperial been available for quite a while? All this does is mean you pay Crowns instead of real cash. As for the pre-order bonus becoming part of the store? So what? It means I get for free something that someone else has to pay extra for.

    It's not that big a deal.
  • Gidorick
    FIXED!!!! Please note I added the Imperial Rights and Pathfinder's Pack


    Here's the actual page:
    Edited by Gidorick on March 17, 2015 3:45AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Ysne58
    The ship has sailed. The horses have all left the barn. Here is another of ZOS deceptive practices. ZOS never should have restricted races to specific alliances. The only thing I'm disgusted with is the dishonesty in relabeling the Explorer Pack to the Adventure Pack and switching out the pet as the only difference between the two. It's not an outright lie, but sneaky and dishonest sure do apply.

    I don't think people should have to pay extra to play any race in any alliance. But like I said, and others have said, that ship has sailed, the horses have fled and the barn has burnt down to the ground.
    Edited by Ysne58 on March 17, 2015 3:58AM
  • Gidorick
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    The ship has sailed. The horses have all left the barn. Here is another of ZOS deceptive practices. ZOS never should have restricted races to specific alliances. The only thing I'm disgusted with is the dishonesty in relabeling the Explorer Pack to the Adventure Pack and switching out the pet as the only difference between the two. It's not an outright lie, but sneaky and dishonest sure do apply.

    I don't think people should have to pay extra to play any race in any alliance. But like I said, and others have said, that ship has sailed, the horses have fled and the barn has burnt down to the ground.

    If you looked at the image you would see that it's part plea and part satire. I renamed the Adventurer Pack to the Pathfinder's Pack and changed the Guar to a Monkey.


    I know there is no chance of them doing this. It's funny too because I genuinely want them to do it because I earnestly believe it will make them more money than if they just sell it, as they are now. I have both. I don't need ether... so it benefits me in to way whatsoever.

    I 100% know people would subscribe JUST to buy new Pledge of Maras... all they would ever have to do is subscribe for a total of 3 months and ZOS would make more money than selling BOTH the Imperial Edition and Adventurer Pack. Not to mention this concept includes subscriber only purchases (Pledge of Mara and Imperial Horse) so there's more money right there.

    I know... I'm preaching to an empty chapel.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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