...if we see lots of requests for smaller style PvP combat, it could be something we add in a later update.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »I just want small scale arenas. 1v1, 4v4, 4v4v4. Doesn't matter. I don't need new skills or a fancy lore backstory. Just let me slot my existing skills, queue up quickly and kill things. No running, no "Arena boss NPC" that I have to talk to and click through options first, NO NPCs to fight!!!!!!! or silly spike traps or other environmental hazards. Just players fighting players.
ZOS already showed this was possible at quakecon. Just put that system on the PTS and let me try it.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »Increasing the AP you get for capturing undefended keeps/resources would, as people have pointed out, generate a mentality of "flipping for AP" or "Tower Trading" since they get AP more readily/easier than player killing.
As a clarification as well, the keep and scroll bonuses will remain active as well as the transit lines.
We have proposed internally putting murderball, CTF and "battleground style games" in the towns since some are tailored for it (Cheydinhal is perfect for a CTF), but for the time being this requires more code/UI time than we currently can spare.
No arenas ever. Battlegrounds, absolutely!
Drachenfier wrote: »
Just do some simple pvp maps for different group sizes (e.g. like the pvp maps in Warhammer Online) and a global matchmaking for it. Add some game types, a leaderboard, some match ranking and some loot for the best ranked of the match. Just like in Warhammer Online. No other fancy stuff needed.
You like small arenas? Join the 4 vs. 4 queue. You like it bigger? Join the 12 vs. 12 queue. You don't like arenas/battlegrounds? Don't bother then.
What's the problem with this approach? Nobody gets hurt and arena players are happy.
heroofnoneb14_ESO wrote: »
Curious what you define as the difference @RealRobD & @Drachenfier , a size issue or a battle type that you didn't like in the first post?
Drachenfier wrote: »
I despise arenas, but I love warzone/battleground/scenario type setups, 8v8 and 12v12 or even DAoC style battlegrounds.
heroofnoneb14_ESO wrote: »
What do you define as arenas though? 1v1? 2v2? The smallest I suggest is 4v4, with 10 reams of alternating teams (to reduce kill swapping). The two titles to me are interchangeable, just the size varies
Drachenfier wrote: »
I don't much care for anything smaller than 8v8, to be honest.
heroofnoneb14_ESO wrote: »
If you didn't care then you wouldn't mind if it was added with the rest, but I can understand reservations about it. I think it might have to be a try it and see approach with some.
While you like 8v8, what about 4v4v4? 4 less but still larger groups, plus that has been hinted at with the datamined stuff.
Drachenfier wrote: »
As long as I don't have to do themI hated that SWTOR forced arenas into the random pvp queue.