Vote: Will You Subscribe to ESO Plus??

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  • Barta057
    Probably No
    Looking at the poll, it would seem that a huge majority of the ESO community dislikes the B2P plans (Dislikes totalling 67% with currently over a thousand votes, which is a high enough number to be a realistic segment).
    I wonder what community Matt Firor talked to when he stated that "this change was what the community wanted"?

    I am actually surprised that not more people have voted no in the poll in this thread, but perhaps it will change the more votes we get.
    It also seems that many people are adopting a wait-and-see strategy before deciding whether to cancel or not.

    With the current 67% Dislike ratio and roughly 40% (votes not high enough to be accurate yet) that are cancelling or have cancelled, it is certainly looking bad for ESO's subnumbers.

    Maybe they're looking at the same data Forbes was where a majority of people wanted to play ESO, because it was Elder Scrolls, but decided not to cause of the subscription?
  • Lionxoft
    Probably No
    Brandalf wrote: »

    What issue do you have with Paul Sage?

    Update 5 was how many months ago? When is the next content patch?

    Oh wait... but we have pets and costumes. Sorry but that isn't enough to keep a game afloat.
    Edited by Lionxoft on February 10, 2015 6:11AM
  • LtCrunch
    Probably Yes
    Lionxoft wrote: »

    Update 5 was how many months ago? When is the next content patch?

    Oh wait... but we have pets and costumes. Sorry but that isn't enough to keep a game afloat.
    Why drop all of the blame on Paul for that though? He's one guy on a team of what 500?
    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Knootewoot
    Probably Yes
    Yes. I sub now and the game doesn't change that much for me. It is to bad new content isn't coming on regular basis, but i hope that means quality over quantity. I keep supporting them. Also 15 euro is nothing compared to the power of the Force.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • bearclawmcbainb16_ESO
    Probably No
    Barta057 wrote: »

    Maybe they're looking at the same data Forbes was where a majority of people wanted to play ESO, because it was Elder Scrolls, but decided not to cause of the subscription?
    Then surely you are not talking about the community that is (or soon to be was) actually playing the game, but rather the community that wanted to play the game?

    In any case, it seems that you are saying that dropping about 50% of the current subscriber base (a steady income) vs. gaining a few more box sales and a sketchy income from the Crown Store, is a win for ZOS?

    Edited for some spelling.
    Edited by bearclawmcbainb16_ESO on February 10, 2015 7:54AM
  • bearclawmcbainb16_ESO
    Probably No
    Brandalf wrote: »
    Why drop all of the blame on Paul for that though? He's one guy on a team of what 500?
    People in charge either receive laurels or blame. In this case, I'd say blame is well deserved.
  • LtCrunch
    Probably Yes
    People in charge either receive laurels or blame. In this case, I'd say blame is well deserved.
    He's not the guy in charge though. Matt Firor is the game director, though he doesn't deserve the blame either. The devs are at the mercy of what the Publisher wants/says. I guarantee you this conversion to B2P was entirely a publisher decision and it definitely cut into the content cadence. If you're going to blame someone blame the publisher(Bethesda Softworks).
    Edited by LtCrunch on February 10, 2015 8:00AM
    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Amour
    Probably Yes
    Damn Yes. I will buy all of the Guars!
    Naked Guar riding anyone? B)
  • Muizer
    Probably No
    Don't think I will. Funny in a way. I had no issues with paying a sub fee until now. I thought it was a fair deal to pay a fee for ZoS to continue to develop the game and keep the servers up.

    But with premium, I can't help but wonder "is that what I want to pay for", and the answer is "no". I don't want to buy xp boosters and I'm not one to spend a fortune on cosmetics either. DLC? Wait and C more likely. I mean, unless you like forced group PvE, what have ZoS delivered so far?
    Please stop making requests for game features. ZOS have enough bad ideas as it is!
  • Grapdjan
    Probably Yes
    Interesting to see that as of posting this the poll is 66% yes, 34% no - which is opposite to the long poll about 'love/hate b2w' - which is currently on 66% hate, 34% love.
  • olsborg
    Probably Yes
    I will sub for now, since 15 dollars a month doesnt really matter too much, but out of principle, if they dont release content regularly, ill go f2p and buy dlc's as they are released. Im still waiting on spellcrafting, and the day if and when that is confirmed not coming, i will stop playing alltogether.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Greagor
    Probably Yes
    The main reason to stay as a subscriber for me is not to get crowns to buy pets and mounts.. but to have all the future DLC and support this game that i really believe in.
    The question here is if ESO can bring DLC often so subscribers will have reason to pay the subscription. If i don't see DLC often.. i will feel kinda stupid to pay every month for an "upcoming" DLC after 4-5 months.
    I am positive though and i will continue to support and sub this game yes.
    Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god...
  • Tandor
    Probably Yes
    No question of "probably" for me, it's a racing certainty.
  • Tandor
    Probably Yes
    Barta057 wrote: »

    Maybe they're looking at the same data Forbes was where a majority of people wanted to play ESO, because it was Elder Scrolls, but decided not to cause of the subscription?

    Plus they were probably also considering future console players as part of the community, not just the existing PC players. It would make sense for such decisions to be based on the views of the overall marketplace rather than just a narrow group of posters on the forum. I hate to use the dreaded phrase, but they probably commissioned a focus group.

    As for the poll here showing a huge dislike of the B2P plans, it's hardly a surprising outcome. People hate change and will always vote against it, especially the vocal minority who frequent forums, and yet in subsequent polls a similarly large majority have indicated their intention to continue subscribing.
    Edited by Tandor on February 10, 2015 10:26AM
  • Iago
    Probably Yes
    I'm giving it until June to see how it goes.
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • Welka
    Probably Yes
    I will carry on supporting the game I love. The sub price is very low, similar to a pack of cigs. Since I quit smoking, I could sub something like 10 times or more a month :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    I will make the most of the 10% sub bonuses, use my crowns for fluff and enjoy the DLC until I'm bored of the game
  • Bloodfang
    Probably Yes
    Definately no under the current plan. With the confirmed slowing down of content, I will save my money and buy the DLC. It will be cheaper. I have no use for vanity items, and the ingame bonuses are negligible at best.
    Zeni has made it a B2P game. I will buy when they put out playable content.

    Good Luck with that.There is a reason for a Sub.
    Pricey DLCs. I Don't expect them below 30-40€ every 2-3 months.
    ESO is getting just much more expensive, especially for the B2P people when they realize that ESO will stay P2P game if you want to gain access to anything.
    So either Sub or get screwed and charged really badly.
    Edited by Bloodfang on February 10, 2015 11:18AM
  • MagnusAfBorgen
    Probably Yes

    This game deserves the support, and it seems it's just gonna get better, but in order to grow the lovely people working with the game needs the support, so I'm glad so many will be subscribing. Not that I don't get why people would play it without subscribtion, it makes alot of sence as well.
    "I saw a mudcrab the other day"
  • Oolou
    Probably No
    Depends on how much everything costs in comparison to subbing really. But I don't see myself continuing.
  • FishBreath
    Probably No
    No. I'm barely in this game's target audience. The game's gameplay and level design are too casual for me to enjoy and just bore me. I tried really hard to like this game's PVE or PVP, but I didn't. Instead I just roleplayed with other people. I'm going to keep roleplaying with other people without spending any more money.
  • Messy1
    Probably Yes
    I like this game soo much. I want to love the game, but ZOS needs to give PC/MAC users a lot more credit for sticking with them through BETA and beyond. Content roll out is presumably going to go at the pace of console, which is considerably slower. I can also imagine that ZOS will put out content for PC/MAC to test it before console, which is kinda crappy. And as another post pointed out we probably are not going to get the same value for our subscription when we first subbed to the game under the perception that it would remain a subscription based game. Sigh . . . .
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    Probably No
    Unless DLC packs are more expensive than the game itself, which seems silly given their small size, and unless the DLCs are released at least every quarter, which I doubt given their track record and current announcements of "slowing down" from what is effectively a standstill, it would be outright stupid of me to subscribe, because I simply don't care about the fluff in the crown store.
    I might not even bother with buying any DLC. They have had plenty of money from me already, and I don't feel like supporting this company any more.

    I subscribed for almost a year, fooled into thinking I was paying for development of content they were going to release resonably soon. As it turned out, I paid for access to a beta verson of the game that has never worked correctly and lost players in droves, with one group-only zone added to the game for more than a year.

    Fool me once, shame on them. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  • RazielSR
    Probably No
  • Magdalina
    Probably No
    No. I was all for giving ZOS yet another chance but then...they confirmed we won't get new content til *at least* june+. Okay. I'm trying to level some alts since I've done just about everything on my main(plus she's, you know, a sorc. And I want to feel loved by devs and powerful sometimes too) but I can't even do that very well since they nerfed grinding and even doing vet zones seems to give LESS experience now than it did when I level'd my main. I thought I could just run dungeons and stuff with my higher vet friends on my low vet alts since we're good enough to pull it off even without downscaling, but nope - I don't even get exp nor loot in this case so I'm forced back to grinding/questing. I've said many times if I had to do Stonefalls AGAIN I'd unsub...well, I did have to do it again and I will unsub as soon as b2p comes :p

    I'm disappointed. I still love the game but it looks like ZOS is doing all they can to make it less enjoyable for me and many, many others. I'll stick around for now regardless, but I have some doubts it'll end well.
  • Razzak
    Probably No
    Considering that DLCs will probably be released at rate of 1-2/year, I think it's cheaper to simply buy them, instead of just renting them. Especially since I have absolutely no need for vanity items and boosts.
  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    Probably No
    Definitely no. Once my sub is done, I will stop paying the monthly fee. I see no point in continuing to pay with no new content coming in. Once DLCs are available (end of summer?), I may come back or just buy the DLC. But it doesnt make sense to me to pay that much money per month when I dont have to. Furthermore, since TU is for most pjrposes a completely new game, I may not like it. So may not play at all. Been playing on PTS, like some things, hate others *shrug*
  • Madamova
    Probably Yes
    Traisa wrote: »
    No. Continuing a subscription isn't going to make the gameplay experience better.

    yes it will
  • Rosveen
    Probably No
    Madamova wrote: »

    yes it will
    Yes it can. You only hope it will. Maybe you're right. Maybe we'll get a steady stream of meaty DLC. Maybe we'll get five batches of crown store costumes. Maybe they'll take another year to fix the LFG tool. Too many maybes for my taste.
  • WillhelmBlack
    Probably No
    Initially yes to get all the free stuff but then when all that runs out B2P is the cheaper option for me as I only play 3-4 nights a week and never do trials or other things they will have planned for PvE. I play PvP mostly. Plus, you actually get to keep the DLC with B2P. If they changed their minds and said you can keep the DLC after you've paid the equivalent in subs then I will stick with ESO+.

    I thought I would stay subbed TBH but B2P now seems the better option.
    Edited by WillhelmBlack on February 10, 2015 1:02PM
    PC EU
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