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Vote: Will You Subscribe to ESO Plus??

  • Elsonso
    Probably Yes
    I have two ESO time cards that I have not used. That automatically gets me a "Yes" on the "Will You Subscribe to ESO Plus" question.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Bandras
    It really depends on the restrictions. If the only benefits of being an ESO plus subscriber are the 10% extra xp and gold then I am not sure.

    I know that you get a certain amount of crowns as well with the subscription but I am not really interested in new mounts and costumes.

    The real question is that how much they are going to charge the new dlcs and how often they will be added to the game. Because,for instance, if we get a new area or playable content in like every 3 months and tey cost around 20-30 $ then it will not be worth paying for the subscription. Because it would cost more.

    If the price will be around 50$ then it might be worth staying a sub. Especially if you get all the updates for free (included in the subscription). However, I doubt that we are going to see new content worth 50$ every 3 months.

    I would really like to see more details about how the whole thing is going to look like. Because if you get everything for free with no restriction and you have to buy a new expansion for 50 bucks every 6 months then it is not that bad, though I do not see how this is going to be profitable.

    I really dont think that people will buy that many horses and costumes and potions that would cover the loss of the subscription fees. Of course, the console guys will have a huge impact on the business model because if TESO sells well on consoles then they will have the money. If it wont be that successful then , I think , the future looks black.

    We will see sooner or later.

    To answer the question, yes, I am going to be ESO plus for a while and then we will see.

  • Sav72
    Probably Yes
    Probably Yes.

    I am giving them a year, if you think about it, there is not really a World PvP game out there worth playing.

    Tired of the NB lack of abilities as stealther. All the changes in 1.6, and Cloak is still 2.9seconds, unbelievable.
    Savoifair, EP NB

    If you break something, you can glue it back together and fix it, but, it will always be broken...

  • Slurg
    Probably No
    I recall seeing another poll but it was back before we could see the new stuff on PTS. Right now I plan to keep my subscription until the conversion and then will most likely take a break from subscribing until there is new content.

    Let me introduce the brand new Slurg Loyalty Program. Basically, after being a loyal subscriber for a year, I am happy to reward myself with several free months of playing time as a loyalty reward. After console release, if I feel a subscription is worthwhile, I can always re-up.

    Edit: I should probably explain, since many people appear to still be unaware, that company reps have stated several times there will be no DLCs until after console release this summer. Thus that is the timeline I am using for my brand new loyalty reward program.
    Edited by Slurg on February 10, 2015 2:38PM
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • GaldorP
    Probably Yes
    I'll have to see what exactly is included in an ESO+ membership and what items will finally be in the crown store when update 6 is released on the live servers. If everything stays exactly the way it is now I'll very likely subscribe for at least 1 month and I will very likely buy most DLC updates (new zones/new content) that get released after that.
  • jambam817_ESO
    Probably No
    At this point, no i won't. I barely want to play now. I accidentally kept my sub too long and will be active till March. I doubt I'll see anything that will bring me back in 1.6. I enjoy group content, dungeon delves, maybe a raid now and then. This game doesn't provide enough opportunity to do things with people. Solo solo solo, oh now do a dungeon where no one knows how to play with others! solo solo solo...

    Anyway, the Undaunted Pledges were nice, but nothing to work for. No gear tokens or attainable non-RNG items. crafted gear was still better. They just failed to keep a carrot on my stick. That or i caught it and ate it!

    I still don't have a VR14 either, just now VR12.5
  • Joy_Division
    Probably No
    When their time-frame to release new content lessens from every 6 months, I'll subscribe...
  • Lionxoft
    Probably No
    Brandalf wrote: »
    Brandalf wrote: »
    Why drop all of the blame on Paul for that though? He's one guy on a team of what 500?
    People in charge either receive laurels or blame. In this case, I'd say blame is well deserved.
    He's not the guy in charge though. Matt Firor is the game director, though he doesn't deserve the blame either. The devs are at the mercy of what the Publisher wants/says. I guarantee you this conversion to B2P was entirely a publisher decision and it definitely cut into the content cadence. If you're going to blame someone blame the publisher(Bethesda Softworks).

    This isn't about B2P but rather general developer performance. If you'd like me to list each developer or manager then I can certainly do that however Paul Sage triggers that emotion because of his inconsequential attitude when responding to the no new content question. "Let the game breathe" I think was the quote. Like the last 3-4 months with NOTHING is not letting it breathe enough?

    Do you seriously believe that the last 3-4 months were well spent creating pets and costumes instead of content? I won't be resubbing but that's not because of B2P conversion. What's the point in subscribing at all come March 17th? It's going to be the exact same game with no new additions at all for months.

    You'll gain crowns. What will you buy? The store is filled with useless garbage.
    You'll gain 10%xp. Worth $15 a month? Nope.
    You'll gain 10% gold. See point about xp.

    So you would pay a premium fee for the exact same thing? That's like paying for premium gasoline but getting the regular instead. If that's fine with you then by all means let's have a chat. If there was a day one DLC (ugh, can't believe I'm saying this) then it would be worth it but at this time I don't think that's the plan from what I've heard.

    I want to slay [snip]! I don't want to play dress up in a wedding gown and Mara my best friend multiple times a week for the next few months. I mean who the hell wears a wedding dress all the time? Even roll based RPG combat like we had in the previous games is more interesting than that.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_ShannonM on February 10, 2015 6:36PM
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Probably Yes
    I let my sub rollover for now just to pick up the bonus crowns (1500 + 100 per month of being subbed), when 1.6 goes live in March. After that, it really depends on how much and how often DLC content is released.
    Edited by starlizard70ub17_ESO on February 10, 2015 4:17PM
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • zward887_ESO
    Probably No
    Paying a sub to play the game is one thing, but under this new 'B2P' model, I see almost no value in continuing to subscribe, especially with no DLC to rent.

    However, once DLC comes out to purchase, if I'm still playing by that point I will likely subscribe as a way to purchase crowns. There is no reason to buy 4500 crowns for $45 when I could just sub three months, get the 4500 crowns, and get 3 months of sub perks as well.

    So for now... there is almost no value to be had in a subscription but if they release new content and create value for the subscription I can reevaluate at that time.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Probably Yes
    It seems to me that a lot of the sub people are taking the position of staying subbed for now, to see what happens. But will unsub if they think they aren't going to get their money's worth.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Sallington
    Probably No
    Until they can prove that they have any idea what they are doing when it comes to PvP (why I bought the game in the first place), then they get no more of my money.

    The only focus now is selling boxes and then convincing you that it's in your best interest to buy things from he cash store.

    I bought the game BECAUSE of the subscription model, and the support/content/quality that comes along with it. Now that it's B2P, all priorities change to nickle and diming people to make a profit.
    Edited by Sallington on February 10, 2015 4:26PM
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • YstradClud
    Probably Yes
    If it is worth the money I will. I'm a university student so don't have money to throw around though :(
  • Soulshine
    Not able to say should have been an option.

    I will make that decision after @ZoS gets around to releasing the price information on the cost of DLCs. If they are going to make this game all about money, so can I - and take it someplace else.
  • wraith808
    Probably Yes
    Bandras wrote: »
    It really depends on the restrictions. If the only benefits of being an ESO plus subscriber are the 10% extra xp and gold then I am not sure.

    The other benefit is that as long as you subscribe, you get access to the whole game's content. Not sure how much the DLC will be, but I'd assume it would be expensive enough to make up for that differential.
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • kieso
    undecided, I have a feeling this game is going to die. So I may go back to GW2.
  • Snit
    Probably Yes
    I plan to. Part of it depends how certain issues work out on PTS, as I expect 1.6 to be the last major balance patch for a very long time.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Snit
    Probably Yes
    Lionxoft wrote: »
    The fact that content release is halted to "let he game breathe" makes me disapprove of ZOS 100%.

    Yeah - I think we'd all prefer they gave an honest reason, not... that one.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • kevlarto_ESO
    Probably Yes
    As long as I am having fun and I feel there is value to my sub I would stay a customer.
  • Drazhar14
    Probably No
    I unsubbed for a few months because they were not releasing content fast enough to make the sub worth it (and I got bored). After ESO goes buy to play, I will be buying content as it is released.
  • Jando
    Probably No
    Soulshine wrote: »
    Not able to say should have been an option.

    I will make that decision after @ZoS gets around to releasing the price information on the cost of DLCs. If they are going to make this game all about money, so can I - and take it someplace else.

    I purposefully didn't include it as an option. The idea is to get your gut feeling right now. You are not going to know the price of DLC before you have to decide whether to subscribe on March 17. So...what's it gonna be?
    Dear ZoS - Sell us great content at a reasonable price. Stop the Grind!!
  • eisberg
    Probably No
    No, I haven't subscribed to an MMO in many years now. Way to much really good competition that don't charge a subscription fee to justify paying $15 a month for something that is almost as good.

    I'll pay for something on the crown store when I feel like there is something I want.
  • Natjur
    Probably No
    Depends of the price of crowns.
    $15 sub and you get 1500 crowns.
    If crowns alone cost $1 = 100 crowns, then it makes senses getting the sub.

    But if $1 = 300 crowns, then I will not bother as the sub does not give anything that is really worth my coin.
  • NukeAllTheThings
    Probably No
    I will stay subbed though March to get my 1 year reward and the crowns that come w/ it and my 1500 crowns at TU launch then sub will be stopped. I can buy the DLC when/if it comes out and the crowns I have will be more than enough to get anything I might want in the cash shop. The monthly sub I am saving until the next DLC goes to fund Steam summer sale
    "it's important to state that our decision to go with subscriptions is not a referendum on online game revenue models. F2P, B2P, etc. are valid, proven business models - but subscription is the one that fits ESO the best, given our commitment to freedom of gameplay, quality and long-term content delivery. Plus, players will appreciate not having to worry about being "monetized" in the middle of playing the game, which is definitely a problem that is cropping up more and more in online gaming these days." - Matt Firor
  • Lynnessa
    Probably Yes
    I will "probably" stay subbed as long as I play the game, just to support it. Same reason I buy music, or any art, really.
  • Preyfar
    If they add in Khajiit and Argonian skeleton models, sure. It's been too damn long and they still haven't done it. Skyrim had it, why not ESO?

    It's immersion breaking for me. It's a stupid demand, I know, but I want it. The entire game oozes little amazing, impeccable details and tweaks... except when it comes to undead Khajiit and Argies, but that's what I want. Then I'll subscribe for life.

    And maybe a cookie.

    Edited by Preyfar on February 10, 2015 8:29PM
  • Potenza
    Probably Yes
    Theres no 'Probably" about it...
  • Nestor
    Probably Yes
    My subscription was up this month, but I re-upped it for 3 more months. Just so I would have a nice stock of Crowns to work with. (I really want the Guar Mount and, well, maybe the Tigger or the Doggie). But, other than that, I have not seen anything in the Crown Store that I want or need. So, they have about two months after the B2P launch to show me some content or plans for soon to be released content or I will stop subscribing. I may continue to play at that point, but not as a subscriber.
    Edited by Nestor on February 10, 2015 8:45PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Rosveen
    Probably No
    Preyfar wrote: »
    If they add in Khajiit and Argonian skeleton models, sure. It's been too damn long and they still haven't done it. Skyrim had it, why not ESO?
    Skyrim didn't have it. It was modded in.

  • Preyfar
    Rosveen wrote: »
    Skyrim didn't have it. It was modded in.
    I stand corrected!

    Still. I want it!
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