DPS example:
(ABILITY + POWER × 10.46) × COEF
COEF Wrecking blow 0.149653471 (cast time 1 sec)
COEF Crystal Shard 0.149653471 (cast time 1 sec)
COEF ->>>>http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/149498/new-dps-calculations#latest
Destruction Staff 1144 damage
2h sword 1346 damage
Staff User spell power:
2h User weapon power:
1346+8% (Dawnbreaker)+12% (Medium passive)+20% (rally/momentum/)=(1346+107,68+161,52)*1,2=1938
Wrecking blow 0.149653471*1938+10,56=3062,7
Crystal Shard 0.149653471*1372,8*10,69=2169,5
Stamina>magicka in 1,411 better
Now imagine: let's say both users(stamina and magicka) doing DPS and magicka user done10 000.Then Stamina user will do 14110
So please do not say such things as :" because spells hit nearly as hard as melee attacks" if they are not confirmed.
You have to keep in mind, that the majority of Magicka abilities are ranged. And in 1.6 the ranged Stamina abilities hit for far less then 1.5. Bringing all range, regardless of resource, closer damage wise. ( Unless Bow is bugged)
As far as melee, historically (in MMO's), these abilities have nearly always hit harder than ranged due to the risk of having to be up close vs far away.
Couple that with the fact that Stamina has to share it's pool with defensive abilities like Dodge Roll/Block/Bash and CC Break, common sense would dictate these abilities need to hit a bit harder to offset the drain on the pool to achieve the same DPS results that these defensives use up, with the same resource level.
It really all depends on what numerical value you would assign to these defensives in a typical fight. Obviously some fights are more than others, but generally I agree that having to share the Stamina pool with abilities that magicka users can use free from their main focus, should hit harder.
Stamina builds have good burst now.
Magicka builds have good sustain damage and start out Dps'in stam around the 2 min mark.
Elemental Drain Spell Symmetry Siphon Spirit Destruction Expert
Due to these skills/passive it allows magicka builds to have an unlimited amount of resources for their disposal.
On live the problem with stamina builds is that there's no easy way to manage your stamina expect for Cdr enchants with potions. Now that they changed potions in 1.6. Stamina builds now have no good source of stamina regeneration except for melee heavy attacks, doing so drops a huge amount of Dps which is not on par with magicka Dps.