entropy-minor buffxMovingTarget wrote: »I dont like your suggestion about entropy. That would only nerf spell damage further.
My experience on the pts was that magicka builds were still incredible for damage, survivability, and utility, and that stamina builds were finally being able to at least do damage, if not necessarily survive as long or have as much utility. Are you making these suggestions just based on the numbers, or was there also testing with skills?
To max spell/weapon power for DPS:
x4 shadow walker+x3 dreugh king+ x4 Morag tong
(x5 weapon damage+x2 max stamina+x1 regen stamina)
Dreugh King Slayer x3:Pendant(necklace)+2h+1 piece heavyNivzruo_ESO wrote: »
Dreugh is Heavy. Nobody is gonna be using that so lets go ahead and debunk this non sense.
Edited, It caps at v12 that's not so bad.
To max spell/weapon power for DPS:
4 martial knowledge+2 adroitness+2 Cyrodil light+3 torug's pact
(x5 spell damage+x1 max health)
As mentioned before, stamina is used for block, breaking free, dodge and skills, but magicka ONLY for skills.
Stamina builds can only use light/heavy attacks when out of stamina and if slotted some magicka skill, it costs a lot and soon you are out of all resources.
Magicka bulds when out of stamina still can use all skills and burst damage. And even if magicka build out of mana, blocking and dodging can be used to survive enough until some mana regens.
Stamina < magicka
Khivas_Carrick wrote: »Magicka possesses superior AoE, and can technically last longer in a fight.
Stamina possesses superior ST, and can technically perform stronger burst.
Both can strive to survive but go about it differently.
The issue that arises from the two however is that Magicka can be used for only skills, including defensive ones to block event attacks via shields and armor spells, and once they run out, they can evade perfectly fine using their very full stamina bar.
Stamina users on the other hand can only use stamina to evade attacks, because most stamina builds don't use many Magicka spells, this wth gen they run out, that's that.
That's why their weapon damage is higher, to compensate for the lack of utility
Khivas_Carrick wrote: »Nope, because spells hit nearly as hard as melee attacks and often times faster and from a distance
As far as melee, historically (in MMO's), these abilities have nearly always hit harder than ranged due to the risk of having to be up close vs far away.
You have to keep in mind, that the majority of Magicka abilities are ranged. And in 1.6 the ranged Stamina abilities hit for far less then 1.5. Bringing all range, regardless of resource, closer damage wise. ( Unless Bow is bugged)
As far as melee, historically (in MMO's), these abilities have nearly always hit harder than ranged due to the risk of having to be up close vs far away.
Couple that with the fact that Stamina has to share it's pool with defensive abilities like Dodge Roll/Block/Bash and CC Break, common sense would dictate these abilities need to hit a bit harder to offset the drain on the pool to achieve the same DPS results that these defensives use up, with the same resource level.
It really all depends on what numerical value you would assign to these defensives in a typical fight. Obviously some fights are more than others, but generally I agree that having to share the Stamina pool with abilities that magicka users can use free from their main focus, should hit harder.
Sorry OP but no, this is the appropriate way to handle the 2 damage builds.
Magicka = Less DPS, much greater survivability/utility.
Stamina = More DPS, much less survivability/utility.
To max spell/weapon power for DPS:
4 martial knowledge+2 adroitness+2 Cyrodil light+3 torug's pact
(x5 spell damage+x1 max health)
x4 shadow walker+x3 dreugh king+ x4 Morag tong
(x5 weapon damage+x2 max stamina+x1 regen stamina)
As you can see stamina>magicka
Suggestion:add new magicka set or rewamp old to be compare for stamina and magicka users
Weapons:(all gold) On Pts each weapon add both stats :weapon and spell damage
*Without passives
Destruction Staff 1144 damage
x2 daggers 1373 damage
2h sword 1346 damage
Staff damage(magicka users) < weapon damage (stamina users) on ~20,017%
Suggestion: up staff damage to be compare with weapon damage
Entropy:+20% spell damage
Rally:+20 % weapon damage
Dawnbreaker:+8% weapon damage
Magicka users:None (really?!:D)
Entropy:while slotted your spell damage is increased by 8%(minor buff).And remove major buff at all.
Medium:+12% weapon damage
Light:Khmm....980 spell resist ignore (really?!:D)
Light armour passive: Concetration:+12% spell damage
P.S.Right now stamina >magicka by 28%
Thanks for attention.
Costismaros wrote: »
I dont understand guys.... Why you are doing this ? You cannot compare magicka with stamina or stamina with magicka. If you see that stamina is better, play stamina. If you see that magicka is better, play magicka. If you like both!Play both.