Maintenance for the week of February 17:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
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High Unemployment in EP? 1pm EST EP Pop Locked AD/DC 1 BAR

Congratulations to the Ebonheart Pact for getting Emperor at 10am EST. Currently AD have 0 groups running. DC Also none. We are at 1 bar and DC are at 1 bar.....EP however are at 3 bars with zerg of 50+ players right now.

Its quite shocking that the last 10 times AD has capped Emp it has been 3 locked bars on every campaign. In comparison to EP who generally cap Emp between 7am-5pm EST (The time everyone works) Most of these players are Americans. Some do live elsewhere in different a timezone.

As I am typing we just lost the scroll Altadoon. 50+ EP running through the gate spamming healing springs. As they ran through the temple doors lag just hit like a truck.

The population system on the campaigns has to change. The population should be Dynamic throughout the day and by demand. The amount of people on in 1 faction should be in relation to the population cap in another i.e. If there are 60 EP within the Campaign and only 40 AD and 40 DC no more EP can come into the Campaign until more AD And DC come online.

This system would force other guilds to go to different campaigns. Currently EP have to many players and because they are winning so much and so often with there 50, 60, 70 man zergs at 8am....11am.....3pm people are doing one of two things. Quitting & Re-rolling. More often they are quitting. DC are rarely pop locked. Their numbers have dropped significantly that they have only had Emp once or twice in the last 2 months I believe (Not sure about that one). As to the few who re-roll they are just making the situation worse by adding to their numbers and giving up on your faction.

EP, do you not realise that your tactics are slowly killing PvP? You're making people quit. Slowly you will have nothing to kill until PvP is an empty shell of randoms players and will only be pop locked on a new campaign day and for the rest of the campaign you will be lucky to get 3 bars to fight.

I know someone will counter this by saying that AD are currently winning the campaign in Thornblade but that is because it started at the Weekend. Here comes the weekdays where guilds arrange for all their players to be online at 8am when everyone's getting ready to go to work. They take Emps and every single scroll on the map while fighting 10-20 blues/yellow (HOW DO YOU FIND THIS SATISFYING??)

Alot of these issues will be resolved in 1.6 but there population wont be. They shouldn't be able to zerg the way they do after 1.6 but their population will remain the same. They continue to win and gain more people every month and our population is decreasing. This is a downward hill and that will not change unless they are forced into other campaigns.

Edited by LazyLewis on February 3, 2015 7:24PM
DC - Chunky Nurse - Chunky Ninja - Chunky Dragon - Fabulously Chunky
AD - Chunky Nurse - Ashenn - Yorkshire Pudding
  • Sharee
  • jnjapexb14_ESO
    Your solution is too good and logical.. it will never suffice for ZOS pvp lead..
  • Manoekin
    Funny thing is when we were taking scrolls some tells we got were, "I thought you were better than this" "Don't you realize your actions affect other people?". The people that were sending the tells are people I generally like, but it's really not convincing coming from a certain faction now. We should do what we have to in order to not lose 5k points every day while no one is on.
  • LonePirate
    Congratulations to the Ebonheart Pact for getting Emperor at 10am EST. Currently AD have 0 groups running. DC Also none. We are at 1 bar and DC are at 1 bar.....EP however are at 3 bars with zerg of 50+ players right now.

    Its quite shocking that the last 10 times AD has capped Emp it has been 3 locked bars on every campaign. In comparison to EP who generally cap Emp between 7am-5pm EST (The time everyone works) Most of these players are Americans. Some do live elsewhere in different a timezone.

    AD crowned an emperor at 5 am EST Monday (February 2) on Thornblade NA. AD was at 3 bars, EP was at 2 bars and DC was at 1 bar at the time. Do you have any other false statements to pass off as fact?

    EP crowned an emperor yesterday around 4 pm EST. I don't know what the pop bars were as I was not logged in but both factions are usually at 3 bars or locked by that time of day.
  • Sallington
    I took a day off form work Monday, and basically just played ESO. EP was pop locked from like 9am EST on, for the rest of the day. I almost couldn't believe it.

    And then DC got home from work and took everything back in an hour.
    Edited by Sallington on February 3, 2015 5:59PM
    Daggerfall Covenant
    Sallington - Templar - Stormproof - Prefect II
    Cobham - Sorcerer - Stormproof - First Sergeant II
    Shallington - NightBlade - Lieutenant |
    Balmorah - Templar - Sergeant ||
  • timidobserver
    Unemployment is OP. Nerf it.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Minnesinger
    Enemy at the gates. Not going to draw moral lines here when people are playing videogames. This game or any other game isn´t perfect for teaching morality.

    It makes common sense to make it fun though. Maybe EP has fun trolling with the Emp at out gates overkilling some lowbies. Someone said in the zone chat that "these i****s need 12 to kill a squishy nb", which is how the things are when most of the AD/DC is not playing. This is coming to the point when it is extremely hard to motivate players during the quieter hours. Seriously, need to fix the imbalance in PvP.
    Edited by Minnesinger on February 3, 2015 6:22PM
    The wind is cold where I live,
    The blizzard is my home,
    Snow and ice and loaded dice, the Wizard lives alone.
  • Darnathian
    You think guilds coordinate to daycap now? Lol. Proof? Thought not. Absurd
  • RedTalon
    Hey no shaming can we get a mod up in here!

    Kidding! But congrats EP sort of
  • AnteCoyote

    Guys, people live in different time zones, OK? People have different schedules, ALRIGHT? Don't you know that AD did THIS VERY THING *coughnearlyayearagocough*? Chill out, guys. Honestly. Obviously this is just the time of day they play and there is no organization here at all. It's a total fluke.

    But in all seriousness, we'll get it all back during prime time. We always do. It's unfortunate that prime time points don't matter when EP has literally the entire map during low population hours.

    Honestly, this will be the 3rd campaign ruled by this kind of strategy. Something needs to be done, whether it be dynamic population caps or scaling every faction's potential points based on the population of the campaign.
    Aldmeri Dominion -J'Ualizz - Siphons-Spirits - S'Renrij - Byz Only Sweeps - Winds-Roots
    Daggerfall Covenant - Lucky Lakhim
    North America
  • LazyLewis
    LonePirate wrote: »
    Congratulations to the Ebonheart Pact for getting Emperor at 10am EST. Currently AD have 0 groups running. DC Also none. We are at 1 bar and DC are at 1 bar.....EP however are at 3 bars with zerg of 50+ players right now.

    Its quite shocking that the last 10 times AD has capped Emp it has been 3 locked bars on every campaign. In comparison to EP who generally cap Emp between 7am-5pm EST (The time everyone works) Most of these players are Americans. Some do live elsewhere in different a timezone.

    AD crowned an emperor at 5 am EST Monday (February 2) on Thornblade NA. AD was at 3 bars, EP was at 2 bars and DC was at 1 bar at the time. Do you have any other false statements to pass off as fact?

    EP crowned an emperor yesterday around 4 pm EST. I don't know what the pop bars were as I was not logged in but both factions are usually at 3 bars or locked by that time of day.

    Hello? I was the Emp that capped yesterday. It was 3 Bars EP. 3 Yellow. IR, Havok, Hijinx + EP pugs all online and playing at the time. As Soon as I got Emp 20 minutes later it was 2 bars Reds.When I was crowned there was ALOT of EP on at the time.

    5am is busy. 10am is not. Dont try and twist the situation around. When I get Emp there was people noline to defend. When you guys get Emp there was literally 15 AD pugs at the last Emp keep and Fare. Wanna see how busy it is at 5am? I'll post a screey tonight at 5am EST and see what groups are on :)
    DC - Chunky Nurse - Chunky Ninja - Chunky Dragon - Fabulously Chunky
    AD - Chunky Nurse - Ashenn - Yorkshire Pudding
  • technohic
    AnteCoyote wrote: »

    Guys, people live in different time zones, OK? People have different schedules, ALRIGHT? Don't you know that AD did THIS VERY THING *coughnearlyayearagocough*? Chill out, guys. Honestly. Obviously this is just the time of day they play and there is no organization here at all. It's a total fluke.

    But in all seriousness, we'll get it all back during prime time. We always do. It's unfortunate that prime time points don't matter when EP has literally the entire map during low population hours.

    Honestly, this will be the 3rd campaign ruled by this kind of strategy. Something needs to be done, whether it be dynamic population caps or scaling every faction's potential points based on the population of the campaign.

    Didn't read it all but amazingly all these 3rd shifters and people outside the continental US miraculously all play EP. It's truly amazing.

    EDIT: My sarcasometer must be broken. Think that was your point.
    Edited by technohic on February 3, 2015 6:40PM
  • LazyLewis
    Enemy at the gates. Not going to draw moral lines here when people are playing videogames. This game or any other game isn´t perfect for teaching morality.

    It makes common sense to make it fun though. Maybe EP has fun trolling with the Emp at out gates overkilling some lowbies. Someone said in the zone chat that "these i****s need 12 to kill a squishy nb", which is how the things are when most of the AD/DC is not playing. This is coming to the point when it is extremely hard to motivate players during the quieter hours. Seriously, need to fix the imbalance in PvP.

    Right now its 1pm EST and there is 50 man zerg at Bloodmayne. 10 Ad present. EP have evrery single keep on the map and no one can do anything. I got a 16 man group together I went to get Fare.....Within 2 minutesi Had 30 EP ontop of me.....Impulse, bat swarm, negate, wall of elements and of course healing springs. There factory line build.
    DC - Chunky Nurse - Chunky Ninja - Chunky Dragon - Fabulously Chunky
    AD - Chunky Nurse - Ashenn - Yorkshire Pudding
  • LazyLewis
    Darnathian wrote: »
    You think guilds coordinate to daycap now? Lol. Proof? Thought not. Absurd
    RedTalon wrote: »
    Hey no shaming can we get a mod up in here!

    Kidding! But congrats EP sort of

    Shaming who? An entire faction is not shaming. If i was all up in here saying "f**Ing EP OMG" yeah close this thread. Im making a statement without naming any players.
    DC - Chunky Nurse - Chunky Ninja - Chunky Dragon - Fabulously Chunky
    AD - Chunky Nurse - Ashenn - Yorkshire Pudding
  • LonePirate
    AnteCoyote wrote: »
    Honestly, this will be the 3rd campaign ruled by this kind of strategy. Something needs to be done, whether it be dynamic population caps or scaling every faction's potential points based on the population of the campaign.

    Actually, all three factions have done something similar at one point on Thornblade since it came into existence last summer. DC routinely daycapped the map after AD had nightcapped it. I am not saying EP is justified for daycapping today due to prior precedents, though. Rather, I am an EP player who has seen everyone do it and I would welcome those changes you suggest.
  • Darnathian
    Enemy at the gates. Not going to draw moral lines here when people are playing videogames. This game or any other game isn´t perfect for teaching morality.

    It makes common sense to make it fun though. Maybe EP has fun trolling with the Emp at out gates overkilling some lowbies. Someone said in the zone chat that "these i****s need 12 to kill a squishy nb", which is how the things are when most of the AD/DC is not playing. This is coming to the point when it is extremely hard to motivate players during the quieter hours. Seriously, need to fix the imbalance in PvP.

    Right now its 1pm EST and there is 50 man zerg at Bloodmayne. 10 Ad present. EP have evrery single keep on the map and no one can do anything. I got a 16 man group together I went to get Fare.....Within 2 minutesi Had 30 EP ontop of me.....Impulse, bat swarm, negate, wall of elements and of course healing springs. There factory line build.

    Very insightful comment. It's a group build. Lol. People who say this must be in terrible guilds running around light and heavy attacking and drinking pots up the butt to heal. Lol

  • Pchela
    Many of the EP groups (not all) that run during the morning who do this capping are not on in evenings. These are the same people who were just crying out in zone that they want to make thorn an EP buff server.
  • LazyLewis
    LonePirate wrote: »
    AnteCoyote wrote: »
    Honestly, this will be the 3rd campaign ruled by this kind of strategy. Something needs to be done, whether it be dynamic population caps or scaling every faction's potential points based on the population of the campaign.

    Actually, all three factions have done something similar at one point on Thornblade since it came into existence last summer. DC routinely daycapped the map after AD had nightcapped it. I am not saying EP is justified for daycapping today due to prior precedents, though. Rather, I am an EP player who has seen everyone do it and I would welcome those changes you suggest.

    Oh hell yeah a certain guild who moved to EP (No Nmaes) daycapped things but that was because they were Australian and ran at that time anyways. But it has never been as bad as this. Sometimes last summer you guys would come online and you would have no scrolls and we would have Emp BUT we have only ever once or twice in the Thornblade had every scroll. YOu guys are taking every scroll and Emp almost every day through the week and cannot deny it. Its literally killing the game....populations have decreased and will have no one to fight soon.
    Edited by LazyLewis on February 3, 2015 6:54PM
    DC - Chunky Nurse - Chunky Ninja - Chunky Dragon - Fabulously Chunky
    AD - Chunky Nurse - Ashenn - Yorkshire Pudding
  • JDar
    Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise!
  • LazyLewis
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Enemy at the gates. Not going to draw moral lines here when people are playing videogames. This game or any other game isn´t perfect for teaching morality.

    It makes common sense to make it fun though. Maybe EP has fun trolling with the Emp at out gates overkilling some lowbies. Someone said in the zone chat that "these i****s need 12 to kill a squishy nb", which is how the things are when most of the AD/DC is not playing. This is coming to the point when it is extremely hard to motivate players during the quieter hours. Seriously, need to fix the imbalance in PvP.

    Right now its 1pm EST and there is 50 man zerg at Bloodmayne. 10 Ad present. EP have evrery single keep on the map and no one can do anything. I got a 16 man group together I went to get Fare.....Within 2 minutesi Had 30 EP ontop of me.....Impulse, bat swarm, negte, wall of elements and of course healing springs. There factory line build.

    Very insightful comment. It's a group build. Lol. People who say this must be in terrible guilds running around light and heavy attacking and drinking pots up the butt to heal. Lol

    No this is a factory line build. 70% of EP are sorcs. They are good. They win. That build is awesome. BUT everyones got one stands out. No ones an individual. Have a little diversity of heavens sake. How can EP not be bored ousing the same thing for the last 4-5 months? Press 3 buttons. Real skill comes with diversity. Would you rather run with a nice mix of players doing a mix of skills or just 20 sorcs negating everything every 2 seconds?

    When reds where at BRK lumber 2 days ago...there was about 25 red there. We killed them. My Kill Enemys sorcers went from 0 to 18.....It was hilarious..
    Edited by LazyLewis on February 3, 2015 7:04PM
    DC - Chunky Nurse - Chunky Ninja - Chunky Dragon - Fabulously Chunky
    AD - Chunky Nurse - Ashenn - Yorkshire Pudding
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    However, the more likely facts are that different factions have different populations on different days at different times. This leads to a map that is not static and gives the other factions things to do later once one is over extended.

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_ShannonM on February 3, 2015 8:26PM
    -Unknown American
  • LazyLewis
    bees83 wrote: »
    Many of the EP groups (not all) that run during the morning who do this capping are not on in evenings. These are the same people who were just crying out in zone that they want to make thorn an EP buff server.

    OMG YOU KIDDDNG ME??! If I could name players on here right now I could name 30+ EP players who will be online in 12 hours time! Omg this is the most amazingly funny thing I have heard all day.
    DC - Chunky Nurse - Chunky Ninja - Chunky Dragon - Fabulously Chunky
    AD - Chunky Nurse - Ashenn - Yorkshire Pudding
  • WRX
    I presented your idea to Gina months ago in a meeting with ZoS. Issue is then people wont be able to play and once factions start logging it could be virtually impossible to actually get into cyrodiil.

    At this point it doesn't matter, and faction score is somewhat of a false victory. The real victory is wiping these EP baddies.
    Decibel GM

  • LazyLewis
    Maybe they are underemployed? Retired, disabled, trisomy 21? Maybe the whole faction is trisomy 21 and you are losing to a faction of down syndrome kids? Maybe they are keeping america safe bombing the terrorists on the other side of the world from Las Vegas at night?

    I guess at night when whatever they do happens you can take it all back, healing springs and all.

    There are many players who play this game who are disabled/retired and can all day every day play this game. I am friends with some players like this. But the statistical improbability of EP having 400% more disabled and retired players is ridiculous.

    However, the more likely facts are that different factions have different populations on different days at different times. This leads to a map that is not static and gives the other factions things to do later once one is over extended.

    Nope. This happens almost every day besides the weekends.....Look at pop caps right. EP ARE LOCKED. Its 2pm EST....we have 1 bar and so do DC

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]

    Edited by ZOS_ShannonM on February 3, 2015 8:27PM
    DC - Chunky Nurse - Chunky Ninja - Chunky Dragon - Fabulously Chunky
    AD - Chunky Nurse - Ashenn - Yorkshire Pudding
  • LazyLewis
    Edited by LazyLewis on February 3, 2015 7:18PM
    DC - Chunky Nurse - Chunky Ninja - Chunky Dragon - Fabulously Chunky
    AD - Chunky Nurse - Ashenn - Yorkshire Pudding
  • Rylana
    Darnathian wrote: »
    You think guilds coordinate to daycap now? Lol. Proof? Thought not. Absurd

    We know you do, your whole A-squad so to speak abandoned the field after the embarassment of losing emp.

    Magically reappeared 8-10 hours later to recap the map

    Coincidence? More like "lets call it guys, take a nap and take it back when they log" in whatever voice comms you use.

    But by all means, let them know that standing up on the wall of a temple spamming wall of elements while sending Mike the Bike (not his real name) to snatch the scroll while they lag everyone else in the area out is legit gameplay.

    Didnt work either. They got rekt. Then rekt 20 times at the gate after being pushed out.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Rylana
    WRX wrote: »
    I presented your idea to Gina months ago in a meeting with ZoS. Issue is then people wont be able to play and once factions start logging it could be virtually impossible to actually get into cyrodiil.

    At this point it doesn't matter, and faction score is somewhat of a false victory. The real victory is wiping these EP baddies.

    The Tunnel of Mnem love and Chalman were delicious buffets
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Pchela
    bees83 wrote: »
    Many of the EP groups (not all) that run during the morning who do this capping are not on in evenings. These are the same people who were just crying out in zone that they want to make thorn an EP buff server.

    OMG YOU KIDDDNG ME??! If I could name players on here right now I could name 30+ EP players who will be online in 12 hours time! Omg this is the most amazingly funny thing I have heard all day.

    Not all EP players want the map to be completely red, most of us who saw it happening left pvp for awhile anyways. It's not fun for anyone.
  • Junipus
    Thanks Obama! :\
    The Legendary Nothing
  • LazyLewis
    Some people are making the point that 'AD use to do this' And my reply is yes! We use to cap loads of things through the day....Emp and scrolls all the time....The huge difference is that 6 months ago the game had an overall higher population and there was always people on playing. There was always someone on to defend. We would have 3 bars and the other factions 2 bars. Put the other two factions together and they out-populated us. If they couldnt prevent us taking things that was down to our skill that we could hold off to factions at a time. Back then there was always atleast 1 'pro' group on!
    Edited by LazyLewis on February 3, 2015 7:41PM
    DC - Chunky Nurse - Chunky Ninja - Chunky Dragon - Fabulously Chunky
    AD - Chunky Nurse - Ashenn - Yorkshire Pudding
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