Teargrants wrote: »Are you boasting about 75% TS? The problem is your opposition is running 100% TS in their groups. When my guild runs groups we pick up pugs from zone sure, but they have to be in TS to listen at least. In fighting other top guilds, split second maneuvering is absolutely important, ppl who aren't in voice coms won't keep up.
EskimoBrother wrote: »
Not dumping on you, I'm glad you guys pick up non TS players...someone has to.
I'm just telling it how it is, it's hard to be organized and compete against the top guilds when you have people in your group that are not in TS. No need to get butt hurt about it, it has nothing to do with nerd rage or elitism. If you truly do run ORGANIZED 40 man groups, you'd be owning the opposition. Wiping to crystalized's group does not make him a rotten apple, lol.
LOL. Please do state specifically what these exploits are that we supposedly teach randoms in zone or stop with the /tinfoil. I'm looking for substantiation beyond the cries of "lagsploit", fyi lag affects everyone on both sides but when the dmg starts registering again the side with the most dps/negates wins. There are certain skills which are effected less by the lag, for instance DK flame lash. Talons sometimes registers after a huge delay. Meanwhile gap closers are the first to fail from lag.Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »They're grunts who have been taught exploits by some big cheeses and they stay inside the Zergs and do what they're told-spam, spam, spam and rinse and repeat. They don't waste time picking apart one another.
The problem in Thorn is too many guilds are separatists and too many truly good players refuse to humble themselves and play in groups. Ep doesn't have this problem. They're mindless Zerg punks who are laughing at us. Trust me. I've talked to many of them.
Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »"We"? You admitting you're part of the ep zerg mentality? If so you certainly don't need me to tell you what's going on. And frankly I can't stomach any more ep denial. I've peesonally had convos with 14 year old ep players who don't know they're supposed to lie and deny. They admit they're deliberately causing lag. And it really isn't that complicated or complex. It's a mentality that's easy to foment in young kids. Not so easy to recruit more mature players to participate in.
Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »"We"? You admitting you're part of the ep zerg mentality? If so you certainly don't need me to tell you what's going on. And frankly I can't stomach any more ep denial. I've peesonally had convos with 14 year old ep players who don't know they're supposed to lie and deny. They admit they're deliberately causing lag. And it really isn't that complicated or complex. It's a mentality that's easy to foment in young kids. Not so easy to recruit more mature players to participate in.
Then what exactly makes crystalized a rotten apple? I really doubt his group is asking anyone to lag out the server or exploit for him, seems that's just an excuse people use when they get rolled by him or havoc. I hate EP too, but making false accusations and pathetic excuses isn't going to help us defeat them. It's not their fault the server isn't capable of handling large scale battles like they promised.Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »
Since you edited this to slip in one more snide insult I am forced to defend hd AND DC AGAIN. We do run organized large groups. We don't always wipe to ep. We don't always wipe to Crystalized. Hell I have killed Crystalized many times and my groups have beaten them many times. But when there are 50+ exploit zerging? Come on. Get real. It's WHY Thorn is a ghost town. Peeps are fed up.
First off you stated 75%, I was simply replying in that context. Second, every single EP guild of note runs their groups in TS, Havoc, IR, Vokudien, Pride, SoTP, Hijinx, VE, ect. Your assertions that EP pugs are part of some grand scheme need more substance than "I talked to some ppl".Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »And I am telling you this is flat out erroneous. I have talked to numerous ep players and very few are in ts. They have been taught to robot zerg and stack tightly when told to and they do it. And I wasn't boasting. I was stating a fact. HD does require ts from those who run with us consistently. Unless you're in HD and run with us....how can you possibly know how we operate? And again, 100% ts compliance doesn't fix exploit lag.
Thanks for showing your ignorance. You can find my vids in my sig if you want to know how I play.Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »"We"? You admitting you're part of the ep zerg mentality? If so you certainly don't need me to tell you what's going on. And frankly I can't stomach any more ep denial. I've peesonally had convos with 14 year old ep players who don't know they're supposed to lie and deny. They admit they're deliberately causing lag. And it really isn't that complicated or complex. It's a mentality that's easy to foment in young kids. Not so easy to recruit more mature players to participate in.
If by Zerg Mentality you mean organized groups, sure. EP has a good number of well organized, full TS guild groups. You're not going to compete with that if you're not rolling organized groups of your own.
But as per usual, instead of getting better you return to the most classic of tactics, and decide we win because we cheat. So you get to feel better about losing, but it doesn't help you do better. You're just going to keep on losing, and get farmed at bleakers.
It's not a coincidence that the fall of your faction as a competitive force goes hand in hand with your organized groups taking off.
Teargrants wrote: »First off you stated 75%, I was simply replying in that context. Second, every single EP guild of note runs their groups in TS, Havoc, IR, Vokudien, Pride, SoTP, Hijinx, VE, ect. Your assertions that EP pugs are part of some grand scheme need more substance than "I talked to some ppl". Thanks for showing your ignorance. You can find my vids in my sig if you want to know how I play.
gingerkid1991b16_ESO wrote: »
i play in EP and I have never heard this or even seen it, that doesn't mean it's not happening but you come off as a sore loser, every side has honest and not so honest players, we are not all horrible cheaters.
Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »
Please show me where I said all of ep is participating in exploits? I think the notion I've been trying to impart is it gives the honest ep players a bad name.
Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »
Please show me where I said all of ep is participating in exploits? I think the notion I've been trying to impart is it gives the honest ep players a bad name.
To me, it sounds like your saying the players that you are capable of killing are not exploiting, but OH NO an organized group comes in and wipes you repeatedly and they turn into exploiters because your e-peen is too large to admit that they are better players than you.
Nah, I've seen your good groups in action. Huge respect for No Mercy, they knew how to play and compete. Only DC guild of late that competed at the neccessary level, and I haven't seen anyone fill thier shoes in their absence.
Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »
I have respect for NM. Ran with them and eg and el since launch. But, of course, you're referring to better days. The days before the ep bat swarm pulsing mindless [snip] mentality. Ep isn't "competing" anymore in Thorn. They're clowning.
Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »
I have respect for NM. Ran with them and eg and el since launch. But, of course, you're referring to better days. The days before the ep bat swarm pulsing mindless [snip] mentality. Ep isn't "competing" anymore in Thorn. They're clowning.
Umm we replaced the term clowning with Juggaloing . It's a thing nou
Better days? He's refering to 10 days ago when about 5 core NM came back to thorn and built up a raid. They actually put up a very good fight and pressured us hard, and could have done more if they didn't log out after a couple hours.Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »
I have respect for NM. Ran with them and eg and el since launch. But, of course, you're referring to better days. The days before the ep bat swarm pulsing mindless [snip] mentality. Ep isn't "competing" anymore in Thorn. They're clowning.
Sure, sure. Better days when no one stacked and used AoE, lol.
I'm certain DC would prefer it if we all spread out and tried to 1v1a raid, but it doesn't work that way. We roll coordinated, with timed ultimates and good positioning. You don't have the groups to counter it, so you call us clowns and sit back feeling good.
But hey, if that's how you want to play it.
Teargrants wrote: »Better days? He's refering to 10 days ago when about 5 core NM came back to thorn and built up a raid. They actually put up a very good fight and pressured us hard, and could have done more if they didn't log out after a couple hours.
So what exactly does EP do when all three factions are pop locked that constitutes clowning? Using abilities in the game? Because every raid runs impulse walls bats spam. Impulse bats have been the meta since aoe caps were discovered, walls was added when purge bug was discovered. All that I get from your complaint is that EP groups do this better than DC and AD. You may think the meta is stupid, and I wouldn't disagree with that. But that is through no fault of the players in any specific faction, it is a result of game mechanics and available skills. It's human nature to seek the most effective method of competition.