Here's the reality of the situation when it comes to a green alliance:
Whenever AD & DC focus only on EP they will push EP to Chalman or Arrius. With all three alliances fighting at that one keep the lag becomes unbearable. This allows EP to repair the keep walls because siege no longer works. Those AD & DC that die from the impulse and bats might return to Chalman/Arrius once or twice before they get sick of it and conflict between those two alliances starts in the Ash/Nickel/Roebek area. With no pressure applied to them, EP steamrolls across the top of the map & DC loses Aleswell to EP & Ash to AD because there are no organized DC PvP groups on Thornblade.
This scenario will keep repeating until the server can actually support a three way siege without lagging out. This is also the reason why people leave the game. It's no fun.
Here's the reality of the situation when it comes to a green alliance:
Whenever AD & DC focus only on EP they will push EP to Chalman or Arrius. With all three alliances fighting at that one keep the lag becomes unbearable. This allows EP to repair the keep walls because siege no longer works. Those AD & DC that die from the impulse and bats might return to Chalman/Arrius once or twice before they get sick of it and conflict between those two alliances starts in the Ash/Nickel/Roebek area. With no pressure applied to them, EP steamrolls across the top of the map & DC loses Aleswell to EP & Ash to AD because there are no organized DC PvP groups on Thornblade.
This scenario will keep repeating until the server can actually support a three way siege without lagging out. This is also the reason why people leave the game. It's no fun.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
But...what if I DO own a food truck?
In my opinion, AD + DC should get their own server while EP get to own a map on their own server. AD + DC will get to have actual PvP while the EP zergs gloat on the forums about how they control a map and that everyone they compete against is bad. My vote is AD + DC get chillrend and Azura's Star, EP can have Thornblade and Haderpus to themselves.
Here's the reality of the situation when it comes to a green alliance:
Whenever AD & DC focus only on EP they will push EP to Chalman or Arrius. With all three alliances fighting at that one keep the lag becomes unbearable. This allows EP to repair the keep walls because siege no longer works. Those AD & DC that die from the impulse and bats might return to Chalman/Arrius once or twice before they get sick of it and conflict between those two alliances starts in the Ash/Nickel/Roebek area. With no pressure applied to them, EP steamrolls across the top of the map & DC loses Aleswell to EP & Ash to AD because there are no organized DC PvP groups on Thornblade.
This scenario will keep repeating until the server can actually support a three way siege without lagging out. This is also the reason why people leave the game. It's no fun.
Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »There WAS an organized pvp group. It's called HOD. And we also left because of ep shenanigans. Just done with it.
+1. Not sure how you expect to compete against the top guilds without TS, just telling people to "stay on crown" isn't going to cut it.
Wait ... HOD. The guild that advertises in zone for people to join & that TS is not required? Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's not an organized PvP guild.
EskimoBrother wrote: »+1. Not sure how you expect to compete against the top guilds without TS, just telling people to "stay on crown" isn't going to cut it.
So how will the alliance war work when Blue finally is no longer a factor on any server kinda curious if both ad and ep have the numbers for a two way war.
Just noticed last night that DC even when it has the locked on thorn can switch freely between servers has needed, without any ques so thinking blue is already fading prett heavy
Yeah for some reason the locked symbol doesn't always mean its at pop cap. -boggle- or there is a bug
So how will the alliance war work when Blue finally is no longer a factor on any server kinda curious if both ad and ep have the numbers for a two way war.
Just noticed last night that DC even when it has the locked on thorn can switch freely between servers has needed, without any ques so thinking blue is already fading prett heavy
Yeah for some reason the locked symbol doesn't always mean its at pop cap. -boggle- or there is a bug
If all of AD comes back from the buff servers while EP remains constant, we may have closet to equal numbers, however AD stopped winning campaigns after we stopped having the highest population which also coincided with Die rerolling red, so even if the numbers were equal we'd still get our #%@ handed to us like a rented mule.
P.S. AD losing campaigns and Die leaving may not have been a coincidence...
^^ such as logging in low level alts to DC to clog the queue?
EskimoBrother wrote: »+1. Not sure how you expect to compete against the top guilds without TS, just telling people to "stay on crown" isn't going to cut it.
kevlarto_ESO wrote: »
Do you sell sweet rolls on this what if I do own a food truck
Three faction pvp, when ever you have a dominate faction the other two factions most of the time gang up on the big guy, we seen this when AD was the big faction we had the purple alliance, I don't know why this is so hard for AD/DC to understand in order to keep red in check to a point this is not a new strategy, but I am afraid like some folks have pointed out to many people may have already left the campaign to make it a viable option now. Worst thing that can happen to a pvp'er is there is no one to fight against.
That is true even though displease TS, the truth is most of the dc guilds that use to use it are gone.
Conservamommyub17_ESO wrote: »
Hod is willing to initially take people without TS and once in group we recruit and get them on ts. I think all you elitist forget there are new people who need guidance. Hd is one of the few willing to provide that. And for that we get dumped on? Really? This is another reason we lose campaign after campaign. We cannabalize our young. Our guilds can't seem to get along for one week let alone one 30 day campaign. I've never seen so much ridiculous nerd rage and nerd elitism.
EskimoBrother wrote: »
Not dumping on you, I'm glad you guys pick up non TS players...someone has to.
I'm just telling it how it is, it's hard to be organized and compete against the top guilds when you have people in your group that are not in TS. No need to get butt hurt about it, it has nothing to do with nerd rage or elitism.
bingoTeargrants wrote: »split second maneuvering is absolutely important, ppl who aren't in voice coms won't keep up.