AbyssDragon_2115 wrote: »Skin - “Pure-blooded vampire”
Why? To hide the appearance of high stages of vampirism and keep looking like a regular men, mer or beastfolk. Existing skins have too exotic guise to provide this.
Weapon Polymorph - We can alter our body and clothes, but not weapon? Why?
I'm not a lore expert and name is not the principal for me. Main thing is that it has to be implemented in the such way as I described.Sorry for nitpicking, but that name is reserved for Harkon's Line. Vampires that can blend in with mortals you can meet in Cyrodiil Vampyrum Order blessed by Clavicus Vile and I believe name of skin should reflect this. That's why I suggested 'Cyrodiilic Bloodline'.
Still waiting for a guild banking from an assistant...
Still waiting for repairs from an assistant...
Still waiting for in home teleport... I can port in, why can't I port out?