Crown Store Item Wish List

Maintenance for the week of March 10:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
  • Thannazzar
    Doom Steed - essentially a black armored horse model (black barding and rubitite plates) with the nightmare courser flames in doom wolf style black and red.
  • BigBadVolk
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Wish they sell Dark Shaman costume again. Wasn't able to catch it back in time. :(
    From other:
    1. Hat somehow monster one and maybe animated, related to Sixth House so we could combine it with same robe.
    2. Skin with red dreadfull theme, that not make your skin ugly as spiderkith, also related to Sixth House. Something like mind-shriven but with red strips and without zombie skin pattern. More like bloodforged one.
    3. Costume that imitate heavy armor, also related to Sixth House.
    4. Fiery/Ashen guar, related to Morrowind. Like Fire Kagouti was, but this time guar. Since we will have nightmare sence in addition to horse, fire guar would be fair.
    5. Pray/ritual dreadfull personality. Duable: idle 1 - "light" ritual, idle 2 - "dark" ritual.
    6. Ability to alterate symbol of block. Currently it show yellow form of glass style shield. Would be nice to be able to change it for example to embelms of Great Houses.
    7. More costumes like Dark Shaman that expose body but not look stupid, so such costume allow to show skins.

    agreed on many points, my only change would be the 2 skin a red skin but similar to dro'mathra kinda a void skin or similar and I think (and hope) during this halloween event they will rerelease dark shaman (mainly because many of us would immediatly buy it) :D

    Also a similar costume would also be cool
    Edited by BigBadVolk on September 11, 2017 11:00PM
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    I have 2 things I wish for the crown store or a quest in DLC. Crown store would be preferable because it could be faster.

    1) The top of my list. I NEED the Celestial Disguise/Costume/Skin or whatever they Celestial Warrior and Thief and Mage use to look so cool.
    I would like it to be tied to some buffs also which give us much higher power, at least durability or health regen in pve only, but I'm perfectly happy with that look. I especially want it to work with all other customization options which is why a skin or disguise option seems best.

    2) I would like the Blackcaster Mage skin. It's kind of a variant on the Mindshriven but less emaciated ugly skin and more just cool magical cracks and glowing eyes.
    Edited by Mystrius_Archaion on September 14, 2017 4:21AM
  • Eatmyface
    I NEED, not want - need, the stag mount to come back into the store. PLEEEEEAAAAAAASE!

    Every time I see someone else riding around on one I cry a little (on the inside). It's so majestic.

  • Krainor1974
    Colovian Estate houses when it's released, hopefully early 2018.
  • manavortex
    Something to hide vampirism. Pretty-please?
    It's cool to disable it in PVP zones, but one of my characters is a vampire for PVP reasons and I have to turn her back everytime I want to RP her.
    Stop Zanil Theran's sinister plot to exterminate bank space! Give ESO+ subscribers a virtual Furniture Bag!
  • rynth
    1) A disguise token which would allow you to put in items in each of the clothing slots to create your own disguise either through clothing found in containers or crafted outfits.

    2) Ability to add npc's with animated movements to house such as crafters, towns people of the different races, Imperial soldiers that are stationary and have a small patrol walking area, the various faction soldiers, and animals such as birds and other wild life.

    3) More skins for warden bear that change the type of animal it is.

    4) Skins for your mount that create different armor looks or traveling gear.

    5) more hat clothing such as the Ancient Japanese rice hats, more hood varieties, wizard hats, etc.

    6) for housing: Wizard tower, island with Wizard tower, Imperial fort, more castle types, crypts

    7) More morphs, More morphs, and More Morphs please: Skeletons with armor on and various other clothing such as wizard clothing, goblin looks, minotaur morph, spirit forms, daedric looks.
    When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."
  • TaintedKurse
    I think a swim suit costume pack would be great for next summer.

    Like a pair of swim trunks, a one piece, and a bikini
  • BigBadVolk
    Also a Husky mount if no one said
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • Banana
    Star Made Gold Dye back in the store please.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Banana wrote: »
    Star Made Gold Dye back in the store please.

    I'm pretty sure you get this from hitting champion points, right away after level 50. But if you want it this way because you want to dye a costume and don't have ESOplus, then I understand.
  • Zonaso
    Soul Shriven
    1- Buy a Bard with crowns as a decorative element

    2- To be able to personalize our assistants with ESO plus

  • TaintedKurse
    A Mini Chroma Dwarven Centurion pet.

    Edited by TaintedKurse on September 20, 2017 6:41PM
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    Would love a mask that looks like the Hound from Grahwood story line
  • Casul
    A magic broomstick mount. Imagine seeing 1million mag sorcs flying on their brooms. It would be adorable.
    PvP needs more love.
  • Smith4HirePmMe2Order
    I would like to have the Grim Harlequin and shaltrim frostcaster motifs to come back to the crown store.

    ied also like an exit wayshirne for houses.

    Writ boards for houses.

    Housing Item limit increase upgrades.

    and a guild store+banker NPC for houses.

    plz and thank you.
    Edited by Smith4HirePmMe2Order on September 25, 2017 11:10AM
    Quality of life changes that desperately need to happen in order make ESO Better for everyone!
    Forget new content for awhile & forget adding new DLC, this is a list of what is actually needed in the game.
    1: Change the ESO+ Housing item limit from 2x to 3x. (preferably 4x)
    2: Add a working Exit wayshrine item for housing.
    (Needs to be added as a special achievement item for finding all wayshrines in the game, & should use the same slots & operate the exit shrines in cyro, where you cant port to them but you can use them to leave the house and go anywhere u want)
    3: Add a GUILD Banker & Store NPC for housing.
    (willing to pay 5k crowns if it does both Or 2.5k crowns each if they split them and have 2 Npcs(1 for each banker/store))
    4: Add Writ boards and Writ Drop-off's for housing.
    (willing to pay 2.5k crowns for each board+1k crowns per Drop off box=11k total crowns
    5: Cut the crown price of Mundus stones IN HALF, and refund the difference in crowns to the few people who have already bought them.
    (If Zo$ was my dog, ied roll up a news paper and smack you in the nose repeatedly for this. 4k per stone x13 stones? what were you thinking?!!
    6: Multi Attuneable crafting stations. (this one change will solve so many issues with item limits. Make it so you have to 'feed' existing attuned tables to the new station to unlock its drop down effects. This kills 2 birds with 1 stone.)
    7: Change the amount of transmutation gems needed to change a trait from 50 to 10, Increase the drop rates of all Geode sources by 10x.
    8: Release more crafting recipes in the game for housing, Dark elf bed of coals/Outdoor and indoor fires/Orcish Column Brazier/Imperial Forge/Beehives/Grape vinyards/smaller greenhouse than the one currently ingame (half the size), We know they are already in the game. These were on the original housing PTS then like 60% of the good stuff disappeared when housing hit the live server.
    9: ESO+ life time membership option.
    10: Permanent craft bag unlock for crowns.
    11: REMOVE BIND ON PICKUP FOR EVERYTHING EXCEPT QUEST ITEMS! PLZ ABOLISH THIS TRASH RESTRICTION!!! Change all current non quest BOP items to BOE. PvPers don't like being forced to run pve for gear, and pve-ers don't like being forced to run pvp for their gear either. The solution is so simple let people run the content they like and trade their drops on the open market..
    12: Add New Fishing rods that you can unlock with bonuses for catching rate fish. spending 6 hours trying to get ONE blue fish using all of the buffs currently available is cancer, especially when you have to do this for 12 fish per zone times 40+ zones. In-fact just overhaul fishing totally and make it like Farcry 5 where you KNOW exactly which holes and locations the each of the rares will spawn. Make the T2 bait ACTUALLY & NOTICEABLY WORK, and combine it with better rods & better fishing related food buff so we can just reel in the rare fish like crazy. Even with all that its still gonna take a week or more of grinding to get all the fish, but thats better than a LITERAL FREAKING YEAR of fishing just for a housing boat item that doesn't even do anything...
    13: Playable Games inside houses (basically just make all the decorative game furnishings actually intractable so we can play against other players. This would give a nice bump to housing utility and community building, RPers would also probably appreciate this).
    14: A 'Port to Guild House' Option on the main guild page.
    15: Add Functional Things to housing/guild halls that your guild can contribute to unlock as a group effort. An example of stuff would be like a 5% damage buff during overland content for all guild members, or buffs for dungeons/trails. Another example would be unlock tokens for people with super hard to get achievements like someone with the grand master fisher, they could donate a token to the guild that unlocks usable fishing plots inside the guild that the GM/House owner could place down. This would then let people travel to the guild hall and collect a Daily account Limit from housing harvesting nodes. Nothing crazy that would break the economy, just like 30 or so resources from each daily harvest able nodes for each of the skills. It would be even better if they were special enhanced versions of the normal ore/wood etc. that gave a refining bonus for tempers like double the chance to get tempers. (double the chance to get tempers on such a small amount of resources wouldn't actually make a big impact on economy, but the COOL factor would be off the charts so i see no reason why this couldn't be done).
    16: Solo Dungeons, Much like solo trials this would be a 1 person equivalent of a 4 person dungeon. It would be even cooler if you could have your new companion NPC come with you on these, but we will have to see how good that companion system is first.
  • TaintedKurse
    A chicken pet

    and a magic blue alternative with spots and glowing eyes
  • LifeIsAGrave
    Another callback to the Bards. A House Bard would be really cool.

    - Selectable Sex & Race
    - Selectable instruments
    - An open or selectable playlist/loop/shuffle

    Also, imagine if you could have your alt characters become NPCs in your house - and switch out based on which character you happened to be using at the moment. Too cool.
    Xbox One GT: Life Is A Grave - 714,167GS /157/157 ESO XBOX Achievements
    Xbox EU: CP2485:
    S'riracha F'lah - DK DD/T/H- GMC - GO - EP (47,005 Ach. Pts./8,959Hrs)
    Coral Galedriel - Ward DD/T/H - PVP14 - 9Trait - (45,245 Ach. Pts./768Hrs)
    Tythos Andromo - Cro DD/T/H - PVP12 - 9Trait - (45,385 Ach. Pts./766Hrs)
    Divine Hammer - Temp DD/T/H PVP13 - 9Trait - (44,560 Ach. Pts./457Hrs)
    Gwydion Fidgen - Sorc -DD/T/H - PVP17 - 9Trait - (45,380 Ach. Pts./1,448Hrs)
    Astronomical Space Cat - NB DD/T/H - PVP10 - All 50s - (44,725Ach. Pts./267Hrs)
    Daily Random Normal/Transmute Farmers:
    Violet Fissure - Sorc XP/H - PVP17 - All 50s - EP (44,660 Ach. Pts./341Hrs)
    Azure Pearl - Sorc XP/H - PVP15 - All 50s - EP (44,910 Ach. Pts./530Hrs)
    Rhot'n G'orc - Cro XP/H - PVP9 - All 50's - EP (44,160 Ach. Pts./121Hrs)
    Aether Sands - Necro XP/H - PVP3 - All 50s - EP (43,940 Ach. Pts./71Hrs)
    Eridium Flux - Temp XP/H - PVP7 - All 0s - EP (44,110 Ach. Pts./81Hrs)
    No Small Feat (Tiny T.) - Ward XP/H - PVP 13 - All 50s - EP (44,335 Ach. Pts./292Hrs)
    Viridian Frost - H. Ward XP/H - PVP11 - All 50s - EP (44,620 Ach. Pts./443Hrs)
    Chorrol Radpants - DK XP/H - PVP11 - All 50s - EP (44,220 Ach. Pts./732Hrs)
    T'torielle - LVL20 - DK DD - PVP 0 - All 50s - EP (43,780 Ach. Pts./5 Hrs)
    Xbox NA: CP1239:
    S'riracha F'lah - LVL50 DK DD/T/H- All50s - PVP 2 - EP (19,665 Ach. Pts./300Hrs)
    And I Dig It - LVL50 Sorc - XP/H - PVP 14 - All50s - EP (19,345. Ach. Pts./227Hrs)
    Carpathian Ridge - LVL50 Temp - XP/H PVP 2 - No Craft - EP (18,185 Ach. Pts./63Hrs)
    Tythos Andromo - LVL 36 Cro XP/H - PVP 2 - No Craft - EP (18,065 Ach. Pts./1.5Hrs)
    Coral Galedriel - LVL48 Ward XP/H - PVP 2 - No Craft - EP (18,065 Ach. Pts./1Hr)
    Astronomical Space Cat - LVL38 NB XP/H - PVP 3 - No Craft - EP (18,065Ach. Pts./1Hr)
    PC:EU Server/ESO ID @LifeIsAGrave - CP281
    Dark Aether - Sorc - PVP3 - Craft All 50's - AD (157 Hrs)
    PSN/ESO ID @Zo177b13 - No Chars-tbd
    UPDATE: 26 Nov, 2022
  • Seratopia
    I would love to have a crow or raven pet.

    Have him hopping around your character's feet squawking and occasionally fly on your shoulder when idle.

    This would complete my character design.
    Edited by Seratopia on September 26, 2017 12:42AM
  • wondertroll
    I would like to have the Grim Harlequin and shaltrim frostcaster motifs to come back to the crown store.

    ied also like and exit wayshirne for houses.

    Writ boards for houses.

    Housing Item limit increase upgrades.

    and a guild store+banker NPC for houses.

    plz and thank you.

    I would like all the above as well as the ability to purchase Rededication shrines from the crown store which I can put at home and use freely without spending gold.

    The idea of having to run around, respec and fork out gold is really annoying
  • JamieAubrey
    Border Collie / Sheep Dog pet, I asked Gina one time long ago in an ESO Live episode and I would like to have this and honour my IRL dog Pepsi who sadly is no longer here :(
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Would love a mask that looks like the Hound from Grahwood story line

    If they ever do a dungeon with the iconic boss being a werewolf or normal wolf model, just bigger, then you may get a monster helm set of it.
  • NordDK
    I was thinking y'all could add a third starter pack to the store, given there is already a standard starter pack and adept starter pack it could be the master or advanced starter pack. Naturally it would cost more and include additional consumables, throw in a mount and a unique costume or two (*cough* treasure hunter costume *cough*)

    Honestly I'd really just like for the treasure hunter costume to come back in some capacity, if anyone from the Zenimax team actually reads this, I would be eternally grateful if you could just let me know if there are any plans whatsoever to return this costume to the store. The not knowing is so much worse than getting a simple "no" from someone on the team. Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    NordDK wrote: »
    I was thinking y'all could add a third starter pack to the store, given there is already a standard starter pack and adept starter pack it could be the master or advanced starter pack. Naturally it would cost more and include additional consumables, throw in a mount and a unique costume or two (*cough* treasure hunter costume *cough*)

    Honestly I'd really just like for the treasure hunter costume to come back in some capacity, if anyone from the Zenimax team actually reads this, I would be eternally grateful if you could just let me know if there are any plans whatsoever to return this costume to the store. The not knowing is so much worse than getting a simple "no" from someone on the team. Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work.

    You can get the same helm from that costume with "The Scarlet Judge" costume from Vvardenfell which has different armor but still looks good.
    I bet it will come back in a future crown crate though.
  • Eatmyface
    Would love to see more robes, similar to the Dark Brotherhood reward costume
  • POps75p
    an equipment loader for Xbox and PS Series. I would play 5,000 crown for that puppy. like the ones avail for the PC where you can setup your various players with the equipment and armor you want them to equip when they load up so that you could use the same VMA weapons on each of your 14 players if you wanted, that way you would not have to waist your time moving equipment and rings etc between players. just load up a player and start playing
  • Hibiki54
    I would like to see more classical mage/wizard robes. Like your typical fantasy robes such as:




    Just examples of things I would like to see.
    Hibiki the White Mage - Altmer|Templar Healer (main)
    Hibiki the Warrior - Imperial|Dragonknight Tank
    Hibiki the Red Mage - Redguard|Stamina Sorceress DD
    Hibiki the Black Mage - Altmer|Magicka Pet Sorceress DD
    Hibiki the Summoner - Breton|Warden Tank
    Hibiki the Thief - Bosmer|Stamina Nightblade PvP
    Hibiki the Knight - Nord|Stamina Templar DD
    Hibiki the Dragoon - Reguard|Stamina Dragonknight DD
    Hibiki the Onion Knight - Dunmer|Sorceress Tank
    Hibiki the Holy Knight - Altmer|Magicka Templar DD
    Hibiki the Geomancer - Altmer|Dragonknight Tank
    Hibiki the Ninja - Imperial|Nightblade Tank
  • karrie7
    I would like to see skins for weapons(similar to costumes)People would buy those like crazy since we kinda sick of seeing red weapons everywhere.Also i love seeing some older costumes I forever wanted to have and they were no longer available.But yeah weapon skins would be very profitable for your company
    Edited by karrie7 on September 28, 2017 7:24PM
  • ProfesseurFreder
    Right now, my wish is that you would JUST ANNOUNCE OCTOBER ALREADY!!!!

    (The suspense is killing me. I've got crowns burning a hole in my pockets and I can't do ANYthing with them, not one single thing, until I see what October is going to bring.)
    "Nothing by which all human passion and hope and folly can be mirrored and then proved ever was just a game."
    -- William Faulkner.
  • Uranamor
    Still wish an 1 Time Faction Change for my Main char....
    it can be expensive, it can be once, but pls make it happen...

    Gildenmeister und Raidlead von:

    Uranamor Envìnyatar - Magicka Zauberer [Main:32840 Errungenschaftspunkte]
    Makelloser Eroberer - Dro-m' Athra Zerstörer - Divayth Fyrs Gehilfe - Stimme der Vernunft - Meisterangler - Ehemaliger Kaiser
    PvP Rang: 35 Palatin

    Ätherisches Archiv Vet+ HM - Abgeschlossen
    Zitadelle von Hel Ra Vet + HM - Abgeschlossen
    Sanctum Ophidia Vet + HM - Abgeschlossen
    Schlund von Lorkhaj Vet + HM - Abgeschlossen
    Hallen der Fertigung Vet + HM - Abgeschlossen
    Anstalt Sanctorium Vet + HM - Abgeschlossen
    Wolkenruh Vet +2 - Abgeschlossen

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