Or continue playing. It wil come back!
I do not choose to use Alt+f4. Im to affraid i get a loading screen of death and find myself back in the queue for cyrodiil again.
I know it drives me nUtZ ! It reminds me of Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan when a mortar goes off right next to him . So I blame Tom Hanks .
Scamandros wrote: »Today I had the opposite. I cast a shield and the sound kept repeating and layering over itself until it sounded like the ocean and got so loud I had to turn the sound down
s7732425ub17_ESO wrote: »
s7732425ub17_ESO wrote: »
They take reddit an FB more seriously then their forums ?
Princess_Asgari wrote: »the only time my sound cuts out is in prolonged closed quarter battles with a lot of sounds and effects going off. Once the sound is gone though after recent "fixes" it never comes back like it once did. I'm forced to deal with it or alt + f4
Princess_Asgari wrote: »the only time my sound cuts out is in prolonged closed quarter battles with a lot of sounds and effects going off. Once the sound is gone though after recent "fixes" it never comes back like it once did. I'm forced to deal with it or alt + f4
s7732425ub17_ESO wrote: »Princess_Asgari wrote: »the only time my sound cuts out is in prolonged closed quarter battles with a lot of sounds and effects going off. Once the sound is gone though after recent "fixes" it never comes back like it once did. I'm forced to deal with it or alt + f4
Usually a death fixes it for me. In a massive battle, the sounds will become all quiet and muted. As soon as you die and hit the respawn button, all the sounds get played at once.