zenimax, can we please have hirelings to help us in dungeons.

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zenimax, can we please have hirelings to help us in dungeons.
i played dungeons and dragons online mmo and in that mmo they had hirelings you could purchase (up to 6 allowed if i remember correctly, might have only been 4 but i am sure was atleast 4 allowed per dungeon)
we could purchase them with gold and could use them inside ALL the dungeons and allowed us to not be forced to group with people if we preferred to play solo for what ever reason.

some people i have grouped with have been very rude and demanding about many different things like wanting to force the entire group to use team speak, or trying to force certain people to change thier armor or playstyle instead of not just accepting people for who they are or what they do they insist they are more intelligent or better then the rest of the group and very rude and many various reasons i just do not like grouping with those types of people.

with my choice of playstyle i prefer to go into cryodiil on a constant basis and play 98% of my time in cryodiil. however, with the new idea that you created that gave us pretty nice passives in the undaunted skill line that can and WILL effect pvp we now must have those passives to help us in pvp.
so in order to stay competitive and survive properly in cryodiil we are kind of forced to do the stupid undaunted quests every single day to reach the undaunted level of 10 in order to get those said passives :(

almost every day now i meet people that are really jerks and abusive in both group talk and also in the whisper while im trying to simply get done with the quests. i dont seek the high end gold rewards, all i seek is the completion of the daily undaunted quest. but sadly most of the people allways want that gold reward so they force the entire group to do the hardest part of the quest at the end and allways with the yelling with CAPS at people in the group. almost every day i have to put 2 more people sadly on the ignore list and waste up to 6 hours sometimes just to finish those undaunted quests.

this requires a demand on grouping because those undaunted quests are really hard and require 4 people to finish them.
if we had the ability like other mmo's to be able to purchase :)"Hireling's" :) just like dungeons and dragons online, we could finish those undaunted quests daily and be out of the way of the general public and back into cryodiil to enjoy our time and have a great day.

please hear my request.
thank you for taking the time to read this message.
  • dharbert
    Let me tell you what would happen. Players would still group up, with their 3 hirelings each, and go into a regular or veteran delve with 16 "players" instead of 4 to farm for helm and shoulders.

    And the idiotic, AI-driven hirelings would pull adds at the least opportune moment and wipe your entire group.
    Edited by dharbert on December 8, 2014 4:40AM
  • NadiusMaximus
    Not if it's done like swtor. It would work.
  • bedlom
    Just allow us to hire one companion (like skyrim)

    And they can carry our goods, and perhaps we can equip them with gear.
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    I don't see any need for hirelings. If you don't care about the loot and just want to get the passives then you can either do the dungeon with lower level players or ask some of your friends in your pvp-guild to join you. I assume they want to have those passives too and you probably know each other's playstyle, so you can cooperate better.
    Furthermore rude players seem to be the exception. And those who are rude are usually worse players while good players often take their time to explain things or just are able to carry you through the hardmode.
    Besides it would be very hard to balance those hirelings. Either they would be too strong so one or two experienced pve players could use them to farm dungeons or they would be so weak that unexperienced players wouldn't be able to complete the dungeon.
  • Nacario
    Some vet dung do reauire certain dps to be done though, where play as u like wont do
  • AngryNord
    They'd be as useless as the "mightiest Warriors in Tamriel" are during the Main Quest...
  • kongkim
    I like to be able to have hirelings. But not in dungeons as it will ruin it and give no reason to group with others.
  • zaria
    dharbert wrote: »
    Let me tell you what would happen. Players would still group up, with their 3 hirelings each, and go into a regular or veteran delve with 16 "players" instead of 4 to farm for helm and shoulders.

    And the idiotic, AI-driven hirelings would pull adds at the least opportune moment and wipe your entire group.
    Boss mechanisms and npc followers would mix well.
    This will be even more fun for mechanisms where you have to run away from other players.

    If you want a follower roll an sorcerer, note that none use them in group content.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • WhiskyBob
    Yes. Thats what we need. More solo content in mmorpg.
  • EQOAnostalgia
    Mercs are one of THE WORST THINGS to ever happen to EverQuest and EverQuest 2! It took what was left of the social interaction and destroyed it! NO! NO! NO! and NO! Carry on.
  • zaria
    As other say it its no interest in guild for dungeon runs, drop an trade or inactive guild and join an causual pve guild.
    If you have little experience with dungeons stick to the normals the first week.
    Benefit of an guild run is that people know each other, they also know how hard the dungeons is and pretty soon you get an feeling for that is doable.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • AngryNord
    dharbert wrote: »
    Let me tell you what would happen. Players would still group up, with their 3 hirelings each, and go into a regular or veteran delve with 16 "players" instead of 4 to farm for helm and shoulders.

    Could happen - could also be a viable solution for "bad" players who won't get taken by regular Groups, to get a chance to get the achievment once, and then never care anymore about that Dungeon.

  • Merlin13KAGL
    dharbert wrote: »
    Let me tell you what would happen. Players would still group up, with their 3 hirelings each, and go into a regular or veteran delve with 16 "players" instead of 4 to farm for helm and shoulders.

    And the idiotic, AI-driven hirelings would pull adds at the least opportune moment and wipe your entire group.

    @dharbert‌ , they could count as one of your four, that would prevent abuse.

    And the seconds part, I don't know where that's coming from...the quest NPC's are so helpful now...

    Spindle: "I shall stand here and look stupid while you fight on."

    Norm BC: "I shall go forth and cover the floor in fire."

    At least in Vet DC the NPC openly admits it's going to stay put and let you deal with it.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Rune_Relic
    +1 for Mercs.
    I like to group when I want to group.
    Most times I really cant be bothered with the agro, drama and pr timewasting.
    I definitely want to do stuff at my own pace and not everyone elses...especially if quests are involved.

    Options you see.
    You dont have to go solo.
    You dont have to group.

    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    I think they should have companions or whatever you want to call them. ESO seems to have a crap ton of solo players who don't want to group. Hirelings however should not be allowed in PVP, instanced dungeons, main story areas, or stuff like that.

    But if you and a buddy could each have a companion while questing think of how much more you may have enjoyed craglorn. Everyone complained about having to have 4 people in craglorn well that would ease it to where you would only need 2 people and 2 companions.

    So yes to companions to an extent. No to havin them be your group.
  • cote-bmsb16_ESO
    I think the AI for your hirelings would be poor especially when you need to coordinate a group. Ive played Dragon Age with their AI and still had to micromanage my AI party (tank not taunting, attacking wrong target, getting stuck, ect). I feel bad that you gota deal with jerks but they just want to beat the dungeon too. Some pvp stuff only works in Cryodiil so many you also have to rethink your pve approach.
  • Ommamar
    I think in the Undaunted hireling would be a hindrance. There are mechanics that actual players struggle with to to put that in the hands of AI just wouldn't work. As to the passives, I don't think they are "required" certainly beneficial but not required. I think to many people focus on the battle of individual class/builds. Holding/taking a keep is a group effort, yes if you can defeat a player and send them to revive in a distance location this is ideal. But if you can make them react to you and stop the attack on the keep you have moved your sides objective further.
    The undaunted dailies might be the fastest way to skill up that line but they aren't the only way. If you would of taken those 6 hours and helped a lower level guild mate go through a designated undaunted dungeon it is likely you would of been further ahead. I don't no the weight each action has but I do know that any undaunted dungeon run will raise that skill.
  • Shunravi
    Without a severe change to AI companions would be terrible for dungeons. Even with it, they would likely have to be scripted for the mechanics of each instance or they would end up being far worse than any pug (except for abusive personalities). That, or you would have to spend more time micromanaging than actually fighting. So unless you like RTS....

    And then there is balancing issues with the companions and adaptation to different people's playstyles, especially those with sub par builds, and a whole host of technical issues.

    There is no conceivable way they could make this work without extreme ammounts of time and resources.
    Edited by Shunravi on December 8, 2014 2:57PM
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • AlexDougherty
    Not if it's done like swtor. It would work.

    I remember that companions in SWTOR, they did malfunction, every so often they would do something stupid, or stop healing (for healer comps).

    Not saying they were bad, mostly they were brilliant, just they had their What The Heck Just Happened moments too.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • zaria
    I think the AI for your hirelings would be poor especially when you need to coordinate a group. Ive played Dragon Age with their AI and still had to micromanage my AI party (tank not taunting, attacking wrong target, getting stuck, ect). I feel bad that you gota deal with jerks but they just want to beat the dungeon too. Some pvp stuff only works in Cryodiil so many you also have to rethink your pve approach.
    Yes, now try to do this against advanced boss mechanisms like the boss in fungal grotto who has both the link you have to break and the chaining of one in party and you have to hurry and kill one add.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Black_Wolf88
    in the early beginning there was merc for hire in pvp - that turned out to be a very very bad idea so the mercs were removed.

    Imo mercs have proven to be a bad idea once and I belive some of the thoughts said here in this thread about mercs being a bad idea might not be too far off from what we could expect to see if it were to be implemented. so in my opinion mercs should not be added to either pve or pvp.
    "The key to immportality is first living a life worth remembering." -Bruce Lee
  • Magdalina
    While at first this idea seems perfect(players who don't want to group don't have to but can experience whole game anyway, yay)...how do you expect hirelings to perform in vet dungeons? Or even some non vet, some of them, like Selene's web or Blackheart Haven can require pretty good coordination that even real groups struggle with sometimes.

    Granted, I haven't really played any other MMOs, let alone with mercs/hirelings, but I just don't see how it could work. When you go in (vet) dungeon first time, you learn the mechanics, learn to avoid damage, offheal if needed, choose the right moment to res if someone's down, block/dodge when needed or not waste stam if you know you can survive the damage...what are AI driven characters supposed to be in such situations? Are they supposed to have every single dungeon mechanic programmed into them so they equal best players and can just carry any of those solo-loving people through any content? That would be a bit ridiculous, not to mention extremely hard to make. Are they supposed to be about as useful as most quest companions are? Pull mobs out of the blue, stand there doing nothing when they're supposed to fight, obviously not follow any mechanics, etc...that'd make them useless for most of group content.

    It's just not gonna cut it. To do a (vet) dungeon, you need a group that's capable of communicating and learning because that's what mechanics require. And I think that's the very point and the best part about those dungeons.
  • Rune_Relic
    Yeah.. I agree VET dungeons should not have Mercs.
    They are at the end of the end content for hardcore groups who know there stuff.
    Normal dungeons though are supposed to be for training and less challenging content no ?
    Here I see an opportunity to have archetypal mercs to replace group members that are missing.
    Yes they arent going to be awesome....but they help a lot more than going solo...and let you practice your own archetypal role.

    The last quests of Alik'r have similar options to choose warrior or healer to bring with you. So its not as if ZOS doesnt already give you helpers.
    Edited by Rune_Relic on December 8, 2014 8:02PM
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • AngryNord
    NPC healers tend to do a fairly good job, although you usually have to stay in their line of sight. NPC tanks are so-so - if they were made so that they'd accept healing from the player they might be good.
  • Gilvoth
    very easily make it so that you cannot summon these hirelings unless you are solo within the dungeon.
    this idea is perfect for those of us who play solo and wish to remain solo playstyle in dungeons.
  • Rosveen
    I think group content should continue to be designed for groups, not solo players. ESO is already extremely solo-friendly until the highest veteran ranks, there's no need to completely destroy the incentive to group.
    Edited by Rosveen on December 9, 2014 3:04PM
  • EQOAnostalgia
    Hmmm on second thought maybe ONE merc to help out, after all we did get them in TES... but only for solo type content.
  • Gidorick
    I would love this. I'm so tired of begging for groups in zone chat.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • EvilEmpire
    I like this idea, and would like the option to gear them out. It'd be another gold sink so wouldn't be a bad thing.

    My gf and I play, and often play together (but not always). We might plan an hour here and there, so it would be perfect if we could play online, both have mercs, and then be able to do dungeons without having to find two other players.
  • Ilmarthethief
    It's a MMO. MM means Massive and Multiplayer. Multiplayer means "to play with other people". So NO, learn to communicate.
    Skyrim or any other single player game can also be an option for you.
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