zenimax, can we please have hirelings to help us in dungeons.
i played dungeons and dragons online mmo and in that mmo they had hirelings you could purchase (up to 6 allowed if i remember correctly, might have only been 4 but i am sure was atleast 4 allowed per dungeon)
we could purchase them with gold and could use them inside ALL the dungeons and allowed us to not be forced to group with people if we preferred to play solo for what ever reason.
some people i have grouped with have been very rude and demanding about many different things like wanting to force the entire group to use team speak, or trying to force certain people to change thier armor or playstyle instead of not just accepting people for who they are or what they do they insist they are more intelligent or better then the rest of the group and very rude and many various reasons i just do not like grouping with those types of people.
with my choice of playstyle i prefer to go into cryodiil on a constant basis and play 98% of my time in cryodiil. however, with the new idea that you created that gave us pretty nice passives in the undaunted skill line that can and WILL effect pvp we now must have those passives to help us in pvp.
so in order to stay competitive and survive properly in cryodiil we are kind of forced to do the stupid undaunted quests every single day to reach the undaunted level of 10 in order to get those said passives

almost every day now i meet people that are really jerks and abusive in both group talk and also in the whisper while im trying to simply get done with the quests. i dont seek the high end gold rewards, all i seek is the completion of the daily undaunted quest. but sadly most of the people allways want that gold reward so they force the entire group to do the hardest part of the quest at the end and allways with the yelling with CAPS at people in the group. almost every day i have to put 2 more people sadly on the ignore list and waste up to 6 hours sometimes just to finish those undaunted quests.
this requires a demand on grouping because those undaunted quests are really hard and require 4 people to finish them.
if we had the ability like other mmo's to be able to purchase
just like dungeons and dragons online, we could finish those undaunted quests daily and be out of the way of the general public and back into cryodiil to enjoy our time and have a great day.
please hear my request.
thank you for taking the time to read this message.