Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • AlexDougherty
    With even more players coming in soon, will you finally do something about alchemy nodes not respawning if people leave worms/bugs in them.

    It can be bad at times now, but when the new players come in, and I doubt many of them will fish much, it will get worse.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Rioht
    Will there be any opportunity for PTS players to try out templates with more champion points, and accompanying constellation passives available?

    As we saw with the vampire bat swarm abilities, players will always find ways to use abilities in unexpected ways or circumstances that are not foreseeable until those features are in the players hands.

    Having more champion points available to players to test with would be a good opportunity for players to find any unforseen issues with them.
  • Rioht
    During your previous ESO Live, you mentioned that consoles will ship with all the content available up to update 1.6.

    However, it was stated that veteran ranks were not going to be removed from PC until update 1.7.

    Could you please confirm:

    1) Will veteran ranks be present on the console version.

    2) Are veteran ranks still planned to be removed in update 1.7?
  • Dominoid
    The ESO subreddit has consolidated questions for ESO Live 10 in this thread:

    Edited by Dominoid on January 29, 2015 8:35PM
  • tellifer
    Two questions...

    1) We were told that we'd be able to at least attack essential npcs and merchants? What happened to that?

    2) I lasped on my payment for about 3 weeks due to RL reasons, will I still be eligible to get the loyalty reward? I would be so upset that because of RL I can't get something even if I got it later than others
  • Stonesthrow
    tellifer wrote: »
    Two questions...

    1) We were told that we'd be able to at least attack essential npcs and merchants? What happened to that?

    Never heard that and would hope that never happens. That opens up some serious opportunities for people to ruin the game for others. Example, continually aggroing a banker or vendor while people are trying to use them, forcing said NPC to move and reset transactions.

    MMO not Single Player.

    QUESTION: Is there any plans to increase the capacity of achievements, like extending some of the ones like harvesting, refining and chests to allow for larger totals to shoot for? Maybe some crafting titles in the works for crazy high numbers achieved?
  • Enodoc
    Rioht wrote: »
    During your previous ESO Live, you mentioned that consoles will ship with all the content available up to update 1.6.

    However, it was stated that veteran ranks were not going to be removed from PC until update 1.7.

    Could you please confirm:

    1) Will veteran ranks be present on the console version.

    2) Are veteran ranks still planned to be removed in update 1.7?
    ZOS never stated they planned to remove them in 1.7. That's just what everybody started to infer. They never said it, so don't expect it. (Although I agree that they should be gone before console launch.)
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord - discord.gg/uesp
  • lebanese87b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Please revert Critical Surge back to no cooldown but place a cap so it can't heal from more than 6 mobs at a time. Current change is rendering a lot of sorc useless that do not want to play with pets.
  • Stealthbr
    Questions for ESO Live Episode 10
    1. When are Veteran Ranks going to be removed from the game?
    2. When can players expect new dungeons, trials, zones, quests, etc?
    3. How will content scaling work for the DLC zones?
    4. When will the second phase of the Justice System be implemented? Will it include the PvP portion of the system?

    Thank you for your time!
    Edited by Stealthbr on January 30, 2015 1:01AM
  • Lindur
    Wasn't the Thieves Guild supposed to come with the Justice System?
  • Torquebow
    1. When if ever are you planning on removing the VR system.
    2. Are there any plans to fix the dungeon grouping system, it's pretty awful. Hence why everyone spams "LFG Vet PLEDGE" in chat every 3 seconds like it's World of Warcraft in 2010. Seriously, fix this or just remove it.
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  • Snowstrider
    Thanks for doing a AUA! Now when the game goes B2P i guess we can finally expect more customization! My questions are Will the cash shop offer character re customization? New hairstyles,Beards,warpaint,tattoos,being able to change colour of them etc

    Please say the imperial city,Dark brotherhood and thieves guild will be part of a free update since those are essential to the game.

    What kind of mounts are you planning? There is plenty of other mounts then horses in lore,Be cretive and add them! :)

    Will we finally see the addittion of cloaks,capes and mantles? I know you have said you wouldnt add them but cmon,Everyone loves more customization! Always wanted a fur cloak game of thrones style for my nord or just a regular plain red mantle would fit perfect with my golden templar armor.

    When can we expect Housing to reach the game? I always wanted the game to have more sandbox elements to it so theres more to do just then questiing.

    Currently most citys feel kinda empty (but capital citys are crowded)What about In Game events,holiday events and all sorts of stuff? they would be an excellent addition to the game,would make the game more social and would bring the community together for all sorts of fun stuff. What if you had an event in certain citys which would bring more population to different citys,like Today is mead drinking friday in windhelm! Come here and take part in the event! and such then another event is in another city,be creative,Would love that

    Any words on Dueling?

    Now when we will finally have other mounts then the old dull horses!:D What kind of mounts can we expect? With the lore of elder scrolls you can be pretty creative and add all sorts of mounts!

    One thing people seem to love about final fantasy online is the crossplay and the server being on every platform,Why cant ESO have it? Can you push microsoft to allow it please? Would make the game so much more awesome then it is. Would make the game grow even more and no more split community. Please consider this,If not sharing same server as pc,make the consoles at least share server.

    Will we see an huge expansion adding new classes and kinda a part 2 of the main quest and the alliance war story? It has potential to go on even more and i dont want it to end.

    Hope you can answer these,at least some of these questions,if not at least read them! :) would make me happy enough.
  • bovardjeff_ESO
    Is there any way the orgnums scales crafted set can have a duration added to the 5 piece bonus for 50% health regeneration? I like this bonus for tanking but I notice the buff goes away as soon as I hit 61% health or swap my weapon sets.
  • Esha76
    As asked earlier, and in other threads: Any confirmation if you still plan to remove VR ranks all together, or has that plan changed?

    Thank you
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Enodoc
    Lindur wrote: »
    Wasn't the Thieves Guild supposed to come with the Justice System?
    No, the Justice System was always set to be first, so that the outlaw gameplay is established before TG is introduced.

    On that note:
    1. The Outlaws Refuges are currently very spacious but pretty empty. Will they also become the "guildhalls" of the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood when released?
    2. In an early Justice System video, your bounty was tied to the zone you were in. Why did you decide to make bounty global instead?
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord - discord.gg/uesp
  • Digiman
    Will Surge get a baseline heal from damage inflict with critical strikes? Sorcerers seem to need an instant steady heal to survive in cloth and heavy armor.

    Also ingame appearance changer please!!!
  • b92303008rwb17_ESO
    Can you change the visual effects of the sorcerer's Bound Armor please? Toggling it will consume the entire armor and even costume. It does not make any sense to add costumes in the crown store with the skill replacing the look of armors and costumes, does it?
  • Snowstrider
    Will you ever be able to customize our mounts more? All sorts of stuff like adding guild tabards on them and adding stuff piece from piece?

    Any plans on adding more detailed nameplates like showing your title more,showing your faction,Maybe being able to have a unique emblem to show off,And even showing off your guild name? I would love that. More customization is always a +

    Will other players be able to see your Horses /mounts name? Its such a minor thing but would be so much fun,Same with if you could rename your pets.
  • niocwy
    When will veteran ranks be removed ?
    Look at my profile picture. Visualize that muffin...smelling it...taking a bite...
    Are you hungry now ?
  • Grao
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - Please pick meh! I never got one of my questions answered here and I have several questions! :(

    Could we have clearer numbers on pet damage? Right now the tool tip gives us a number and then a percentage, why? Also, could we have the spell "Empowered Ward" affect the pet's tool tips? Not everyone wants to spend hours on Excel, data mining the game.

    Any reason Sorcerers execution is so weak? It seems all the other classes have better execution then ours, DKs and Templars do more damage and Nightblades can start their execution earlier.

    Critical and Gear: Currently gear will display 2% Spell Crit increase, but when wore, the set will only give us 1.5% crit. Is that bug?

    When are veteran ranks going away? If update 1.6 is the last large update until after consoles are released, is ZOS planning to release Tamriel Unlimited to consoles with the Veteran System still in place?
    Edited by Grao on January 30, 2015 11:43AM
  • takai.kurosawab14_ESO
    • I am having a somewhat difficult time convincing friends to buy ESO as they have not tried the game. Will there ever be a one-week or two-week trial system for potential players who are still unsure of making a purchase?
    • I have been subbing on a 30-day basis since launch. If I continue subbing through the Tamriel Unlimited change in March, will I still get the 12-month loyalty reward in May/June?
    • Is an ESO+ subscription, with the same XP and crown bonuses, available to console players too?
    • Tamriel is a very big place to be in, but it makes me sad that I cannot settle down and rest anywhere. Will we ever see player-owned and player-decorated houses, huts, tents, caves, or hideouts anytime soon? If not, why not?
    • How is the spellcrafting system progressing? Will the traditional schools of magic, such as Destruction or Restoration, make its return with spellcrafting and will it allow for more complex healer or elemental mage builds?
    • Will jails ever be implemented in the justice system for players to become locked up in or escape from?
    • Will there ever be a way to bribe guards like in TES:V?
    • Guards are currently immortal and impossible to fight toe-to-toe on PTS 1.6. Will this be the case with future iterations of the Justice System or will we be unable to assassinate and silence guards?
    • Will there ever be changes to the One-Handed skill-line to allow for some abilities to be used without a shield in PVE and PVP? This was the original design in Beta and at launch before all One-Handed active and passive abilities were changed to require a shield to activate them.
    Edited by takai.kurosawab14_ESO on January 30, 2015 6:38PM
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Thymos wrote: »
    2,147,483,647 should be the highest for the 32 bit integer.
    No it isn't.

    Edited by fromtesonlineb16_ESO on January 30, 2015 3:54PM
  • AlexDougherty
    • Guards are currently immortal and impossible to fight toe-to-toe on PTS 1.6. Will this be the case with future iterations of the Justice System or will we be unable to assassinate and silence guards?

    They have said that the guards are supposed to be unbeatable, so that's likely to stay that way.

    If you fight a guard you will die.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • SantieClaws
    Why has moon sugar been removed from the game in update 1.6? How can you have an ES game with Khajiit and have no moon sugar in the game?

    Please give this one back the sugar!!!!!

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    Find it here - https://youtube.com/user/wenxue2222

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

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  • theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO
    So, the new Wailing Prison on the PTS is quite an improvement and an awesome introduction to the game. In the future might we see a revamp of other main storyline quests?
  • Teiji
    The Loremaster's Archive is great. The content which is posted there, can we please get some of the books added in-game? Eiditic Memory, Shallies library, whatever. I just want to be prepared when player-housing comes so my character's book collection makes sense.
    "Serving Boethiah is Freedom, embracing heroism is Liberty, existing solely for noxiphilic sanguivoria is truth." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    European megaserver Fallout 4

    Loyalist of Boethiah, heroism enthusiast, exposer of secrets, bless'ed of noxiphilic sanguivoria.

    Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra!

    I am a dank memer and satire enthusiast
  • LunaRae
    Question regarding 1.6 - Are there some loud opinions about 1.6 you've heard and do you have some plans to address those concerns? Can we expect to see 1.6.1 any time soon or do you anticipate have 1.6 on PTS for a while yet?
    Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
    Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
    Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
    Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
  • Wicked_Wolf
    When 1.6 is released, will we have the ability to add disguises and trophies to the collections tab? On the PTS, these types of items are still in inventory/bank and take up a lot of space. I think many people were hoping for these items to be in collections when originally asking for such a feature.
  • Digiman
    Why did you decide to cripple the sorcerer skill Surge/Critical Surge?

    Also, when are we getting an appearence change option like Face sculptors?
  • Skalfee
    When will there be a way to edit the appearance/name of our characters? My main player's eyes are too big... :'(

    The masked woman will find you.
This discussion has been closed.