The List of Wishes

I recall, that we have something like that? If so, can someone plz post it here?
Otherwise just use a few (and not to much) words to express your wish for future implementations in our beloved Elder Scrolls Online.

- Capes (Removed when in Combat/Toggle on/off for performance).
I heared, you will implement some tigers with saddles. Well, I am sure it`s canon somehow, at least for Kajits.
- What I miss in this game are foals (little horses). I would love to see them as little crazy, jumping, curious things. You could place them even as non-killable critters who will flee if you come too close.
- Why can`t I walk with a near horse (as a pack animal or pet). Perhaps in combination with a foal.
I know, this shouldn’t be SIMS, but it`s the little things…
- Let`s talk about saddles. I think even a horse should have some standards. Why not implement some lighter, more beautiful saddles? You could make a slot, with gives you passive bonuses (like carring weight, wich we already have) and need repairing. And yes, even customisation would be nice. Especially, if you implement light, medium and heavy horse Armor. Why? Style is everything man!
- Chivalery; Why not being able to fight on horseback? You could implement temporary fair and turnements. If your horse gets killed or injured, you have to walk (debuff).
- Why no horse-weagons? Like in Skyrim at the very beginning…
- You wanna do something awesome? Implement falcons. The bird can sit on your shoulder or arm and you could hunt with it, or you send it for recon or, or, or.. (Yea, I saw, you implemented already something, but I think it would be cool to bring more dynamic to live/battle.
- Same with dogs and cats. Besides some very good quest opportunities, dogs can be seriously used in battle. 100 punds of pure evil flesh hanging at your neck?
- I saw it somewhere: Cloaks, bags… I know, not easy to implement, but seriously… It`s needed. I know, in battle it looks stupid, but Tamriel can have mean weather, raining deadras and stuff…
- Jumping puzzles: I miss this. And hey… isn`t this game about exploring?
- Implement travel costs for wayshrines. (Exept to dungeon, perhaps to player). You know… the way is important… perhaps anyone can take me with him in his wagon? ^^
- Barbier
- Fistfighting as a weapon Skilline: Even if armed with one sword. My fist will break your chawbone or push you hard on the ground…
- Craftingmaterials- spending-events (Yes, I think it would be great to not just say “Oh tomorrow will be a new upgrade”. Sometimes it`s fun to work for weeks to gather enough stuff to unlock a new event. Attacking Cyrodiil for example… do you really know how much forests we have to destroy, to build those machines? Right… and everyone can contribute to it.
- Ingame Gild search (language). Seriously… there should be a searching-tool, where player and guilds can find each other. Just implement some juicy multiple choice boxes to make it easy…
- Better group search (Language): There are a lot of Delves dungeons not listed.
There should be a language option and the possibility to write some informations… (e.g “we do it rp style)
- Werewolf customisation (looks) (or depening on character high). Nuff said.
- RP Tool: Be innovative man! Even non RPers will fill out a character description and grow in to the character. There was a wow addon, wich was pretty impressive. But realy, you should be able to flag yourself and others should see, what language you speak and if you are in character. There could be so fantastic options!
- Stamina viability and survivability
- Item appearences. It should be possible to alter the skin of EVERY item individually (Like in GW2)
- Laterns and stuff
- Campfire and more melodies with your instruments.
- Solo/Public Dungeons more like in Skyrim
- High mountains (Like the one in Cyrodiil, just bigger, wilder... you know...
- Boats, Fishing boats
- Diving
- Little foals... oh wait... i already said that
- More melodies with your instruments.
- Civil Wears. Please implement normal cloaths for civil festivities.

Ok i star repeating myself, but behold... more is coming.
  • manny254
    Skimmed your post but jumping puzzles glared out like a vicious snake. NO!!
    - Mojican
  • MornaBaine
    I really do hope after year one ZoS gets busy on "the little things" that will make the world feel more alive, more real. I'm still freaked out about the fact that there are ZERO CHILDREN in the entire world!
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Kreetar
    but the children are awful. :disappointed: I may just be traumatized by Braith bullying me every time I crossed her path in Whiterun, though.
    dip me in the blood of mortals and throw me to the Dremora

  • dharbert
    So basically you want to be able to walk along a road with your horse, a foal, and kids in tow, stop along the way somewhere and play songs around the campfire, while on your way to a Renaissance Fair/Micheal Vick dog fight......Superman cape blowing in the wind.

  • Pmarsico9
    dharbert wrote: »
    So basically you want to be able to walk along a road with your horse, a foal, and kids in tow, stop along the way somewhere and play songs around the campfire, while on your way to a Renaissance Fair/Micheal Vick dog fight......Superman cape blowing in the wind.


    Not gonna lie, I did chuckle.
  • Armitas
    If wishes were horses I would sell them for more wishes. :D

    Hmmm foxes that lead you to treasure chests would be cool.
    Edited by Armitas on November 20, 2014 9:27PM
    Nord mDK
  • otis67
    I'm for all of that
  • Pyatra
    manny254 wrote: »
    Skimmed your post but jumping puzzles glared out like a vicious snake. NO!!

    Without cartoon physics and using a more down to earth (pardon the pun) physics system like ESO will NOT be as fun as you think it is. It would be more like the dodging puzzles AD had to do... ZAP! WTH, I'M BACK AT THE BEGINING?
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    There are some really great ideas in this thread. :)
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Plantagenet
    I just want more songs for my lute.
  • Armitas
    I just want more songs for my lute.

    Would be cool if they added a .abc system so you could make your own music. Then you could type /play and it will play out the whole song in the instrument you are using. I played a game with this system and it was really amazing. You could even put on concerts where each player plays a different instrument.

    Whenever we had to wait for a 5m afk in a dungeon I just whipped out my lute and started playing tunes.
    Edited by Armitas on November 20, 2014 10:17PM
    Nord mDK
  • HeX7
    dharbert wrote: »
    So basically you want to be able to walk along a road with your horse, a foal, and kids in tow, stop along the way somewhere and play songs around the campfire, while on your way to a Renaissance Fair/Micheal Vick dog fight......Superman cape blowing in the wind.


    Just... this..
  • Tandor
    Some nice ideas except for the jumping puzzles. Play GW2 for those, this isn't the right game for them in my view.

    Player housing is on my wish list, but not guildhalls fully equipped for every conceivable open world activity thereby placing everybody in private instances.

    And, lest anyone forget, top of my personal wish list is - an effective public trading system rather than the present half-baked and utterly useless guild stores.

  • timidobserver
    Tandor wrote: »
    Some nice ideas except for the jumping puzzles. Play GW2 for those, this isn't the right game for them in my view.

    Player housing is on my wish list, but not guildhalls fully equipped for every conceivable open world activity thereby placing everybody in private instances.

    And, lest anyone forget, top of my personal wish list is - an effective public trading system rather than the present half-baked and utterly useless guild stores.

    I was getting ready to type the exact same thing you posted. I hated jumping puzzle.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • Preyfar
    I think that's one of the things I like about the Dunerippers. Sometimes it appears they're protecting their young when you get close. A lot of MMOs tend to miss the offspring concept. I think it makes the world feel more alive to be able to see something a bit more natural.

    Kids could be implemented in game, though they'd have to be non-killable. Certain countries don't permit violent depictions towards children (hence the age old Fallout -vs- Fallout 2 joke from Vault City).
  • catpower
    Armitas wrote: »

    Would be cool if they added a .abc system so you could make your own music. Then you could type /play and it will play out the whole song in the instrument you are using. I played a game with this system and it was really amazing. You could even put on concerts where each player plays a different instrument.

    Whenever we had to wait for a 5m afk in a dungeon I just whipped out my lute and started playing tunes.

    I think Lord of the Rings Online has that type of music system and yeah, it's pretty cool!
  • bedlom
    I want housing!
  • Esha76
    manny254 wrote: »
    Skimmed your post but jumping puzzles glared out like a vicious snake. NO!!

    Absolutely. I hate those things. Please don't ever consider adding these. Exploration = good. Jumping puzzles = evil and irritating.
    "There is no moisture in your angry stares." - Laughs-at-All
    "I don't know why I bother guarding you horrible people." - Orama Sadas
    "Scales here is about to have a really bad day..." - Valeric
    "Just tell me what you're doing here before I turn your heart into a tomato..." - Sereyne
    "Break those rocks! Dig those ditches! Why??? Because I want you to!!!" - Ifriz the Unraveller
    "There are worse masters than I. Far worse." - Molag Bal
    "I humiliated the Daedra in Mehrunes Spite." - You, when turning in a specific Undaunted Daily.
    "I'm not finding you very pleasant!" - Adla the Brewer
    "Old Ri'hirr likes his birds slow and stupid!" - Old Ri'hirr
    "When things get dirty... Oh, I get so flustered." - Meredil the Archivist
    "Too many Argonians about these days..." - Davon's Watch Guard (though I think this one has been removed from game)
  • Jitterbug
    I just want more songs for my lute.

  • AngryNord
    Edited by AngryNord on November 21, 2014 9:42AM
  • Iduyenn
    dharbert wrote: »
    So basically you want to be able to walk along a road with your horse, a foal, and kids in tow, stop along the way somewhere and play songs around the campfire, while on your way to a Renaissance Fair/Micheal Vick dog fight......Superman cape blowing in the wind.


    It`s ok, if you want to hop from a to b witout even thinking about it. But for me an MMO is alway an inspiration to my writing and thinking. And there is a whole bunch of players who like to RP and stuff.

    Your Dwemer Sphere, your armor, your colors on your armor is what? You din`t change it, so you like the looks?

    Look, if you dont like it, because you don`t its ok. But as in Skyrim there are the little things.
    - Children playing in the streets (There was even a catch and hide game)
    - Dogs not Dogfights... Hunters hunting prey. A very nice quest who brings you to a white deer.
    - Instead of "Kill" quests something like following a dog or a horse
    - The possibilities of beautiful quests and timespending (E.g following a horse. I recall in a game (not starstable :) ) you had to follow a wild horse to tame it. A nice quest to get a rar mount/pet.
    - Wagons (like in Skyrim in the beginning) to tranport stuff

    Jumping puzzles: I know, some of you are traumatized. But i like secret passages. You dont have to get a bornout trough jumping. I mean secret entrances and perhaps some nice points of wievs (Like in Cyrodiil the big mountain).
    But i know... Gw2 trauma.

    More Ideas?

    - Falmer
    - More guilds (Thieve, Dark Brotherhood) (I know.. its planed)

    Edit; You may have noticed, that i like horse, and i have them in RL. To see them as simple machines reminds me of the fact, that there are very interesting factors missing. I know, we could discuss about reality and fiction. But its the personality which brings depth.
    Edited by Iduyenn on November 21, 2014 1:25PM
  • Demira
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I really do hope after year one ZoS gets busy on "the little things" that will make the world feel more alive, more real. I'm still freaked out about the fact that there are ZERO CHILDREN in the entire world!

    I totally agree with you on freaking out about no children! They are raising them in a Delve we have no idea where! Makes me not wanting to get married in game and have a family ;) lmao
  • Woolenthreads
    dharbert wrote: »
    So basically you want to be able to walk along a road with your horse, a foal, and kids in tow, stop along the way somewhere and play songs around the campfire, while on your way to a Renaissance Fair/Micheal Vick dog fight......Superman cape blowing in the wind.


    "Bloody Pikies/Gypsies!" ;). Humour aside, I vote no for most of it but Yes! for "In-game Guild Search"
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • PSLAnimal
    Jitterbug wrote: »


    Blasphemy! Blasphemy, I say! You impugn what is very likely the greatest rock&roll song ever written.

    Although it's true almost nobody does a decent cover of it. Notable exception: Frank Zappa's cover, from the concert album Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life.
    Animal (Ask me what the PSL stands for. Go on. Ask.)
    @PSLAnimal on the NA Megaserver
    Making people wonder just what the hell is wrong with me since 1961.
  • DovresMalven
    I would really love to see more puzzles- thinking back to Legend of Zelda games. Group puzzles in delves and trials could be fun as well- perhaps they have some kind of randomizing mechanics, so they aren't the same each time you do them.
    Dovres Malven
    - Aldmeri Dominion
  • MercutioElessar
    I would really love to see more puzzles- thinking back to Legend of Zelda games. Group puzzles in delves and trials could be fun as well- perhaps they have some kind of randomizing mechanics, so they aren't the same each time you do them.

    Ach, Zelda? That little, unuseful dwarfen... thing? Just kidding. Loved playing it, too. But I'd love more riddles like shown befor in TES titles II and III ;)
    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

  • Lobharvey
    How about adding in crafting request boards across Tamriel, near the crafting stations? Players could either submit offers for crafting requests, which other properly skilled crafters could accept, and vice versa crafters could offer their services for fees, and could all be done through an automated interface.

    GW2 had a simililar approach to their AH in which players could purchase/sell mats at set "buy now" prices or set lower offers that may eventually be accepted but would just take longer.

    I think that something like this could significantly improve the game's economy, give crafters another viable option to putting their crafting skill points to use, would hopefully reduce zone chat WTB/WTS messages, and also gives non-crafter players the chance to have better gear, for a price. It's a win-win for everyone IMO!
  • chuckanarb14_ESO
    Housing - auction house - more hotbars the usual for me.
  • derpsticks
    I didn't see this thread when I made my own here:

    Those are just a few things I'd like to see changed / implemented.
  • Ragefist
    Impressive thread, Its always a pleasant surprise to see someone posting without "buff this...nerf that.."

    You get my awesome
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