The List of Wishes

  • kongkim
  • Messy1
    The things that I second in this post are (in no particular order) . . .
    1) In Game Guild Search
    2) Better Group Search
    3) More puzzles, maybe no the jumping kind
    4) Horse and Wagons to get you around just for fun, I know there is the wayshrine system, maybe phased horse and wagon quests
    5) Werewolf (and vamp) Customization
    6) Campfire emote
    7) More sounds for instruments (IDEALLY lets have a Bard's guild, I see all these music vendors all over there has to be plans for this)
    8) Brawling, fistfighting, unarmed skilline

    PS the OP has some really funny spelling mistakes/ambiguous phrases.

    I really laughed cause I thought you meant "Civil Wars" when you typed in "Civil Wears," but then I realized that you were actually referring to clothes and not bloody wars that pit brother against brother.
    Soul Shriven
    While playing Skyrim, it was nice to see all those little things out in the world, such as a Thalmor patrol or an orc selling skooma. These were the things that made the world feel alive. I hope in the next few updates we can see these little details in ESO.

    I would love to see Customizable Item Appearances in-game, I feel like my sword could be taken to a whole new level of awesomeness as well as my armor. Maybe you could adjust the thickness of your blade or maybe you could have an over-sized handguard. Just thinking about all those details to make your equipment, yours.

    Mounted Combat would also be fun, maybe we would have to go to Cyrodiil and find a stablemaster that could teach us how to fight while mounted, once we had finished we would have gotten a new skill line and had more upgrades for our horse.

    Werewolf customization is also a great idea, this shouldn't be some sort of option in settings, instead you should have to go to a Statue of Hircine or a Werewolf hotspot and have an npc change your werewolf appearance.

    Here is a list of Goodies that I have come up with:

    Home Territory Invasion - PvP in Cyrodiil is bound to get boring sooner or later so why not have events that allow us to invade another alliance outside of Cyrodiil. It would be optional so people who don't want to do PvP don't have to.

    Player Bounties(PvP)- Is there an enemy player that always has something to do with your death? Do you want them dead? Well with a bounty system you could put a bounty on someones head, the player that gets the finishing blow gets a reward. :smile:

    Horse Customization- Would be awesome if I could have a pink horse...

    Meeting our material suppliers- What if we could actually meet the people that supply us with materials. They could be out farming some materials for us, or maybe we find them on the road and they had caught an arrow to the knee.

    More Locks- I find it boring picking locks, it's just the same thing every time I open a chest. What would be cool is if there were different locks on different chests so maybe one had tumblers and the other had the lock from Skyrim.

    Sleep!- I have yet to see someone sleep in this game.

    Funny Guards- I miss the dialog from Skyrim, I walk up to a guard and hes like "Let me guess, someone stole your sweetrole." I walk up to a guard in ESO "Let me guess, some one picked your pocket.' BORING! I know some people would disagree but maybe there could be an option to toggle Amusing Guards?

    Thanks for reading! :smiley:
  • dharbert
    I would love to see Customizable Item Appearances in-game, I feel like my sword could be taken to a whole new level of awesomeness as well as my armor. Maybe you could adjust the thickness of your blade or maybe you could have an over-sized handguard. Just thinking about all those details to make your equipment, yours.

    No. Every other player would have a Cloud Strife sword twice as big as they are. This isn't WoW.
    Horse Customization- Would be awesome if I could have a pink horse...

    That's the only reason we need not to ever implement that....
  • Aoife32001
    Another minor/RP element I would like to see added are character biography windows that one could complete for one's own characters and read for other characters. Something similar to what one has in Star Trek Online.
  • MrGhosty
    I have no shortage of wants of things to be added to this game.

    Guild housing - limited amount of parcels so you can't have everything in one place, provide location and activities useful for guild events (i.e. dueling, horse racing, etc) Also make it possible for players on different faction in same guild to come together in one place.

    Tintable shields/weapons and nameable

    Craftable costumes that are the "normal" clothes of Tamriel

    Cool costumes/disguises - could be tied to achievements with some being hidden in the world/random drop chance in chests

    Personal housing- Same as a guild hall, the lore is already there to have these in pockets of oblivion.

    Additional cosmetic options like the ability to choose the material appearance of armor pieces, option to hide shoulders (both or just one)

    better instrument system (allow to sync with others in your party, play new songs, if a user made song system put into place allow them to be crafted into recipes and traded/sold.

    additional professions - the crafts in the game are awesome, but it would be nice to have professions like an animal tamer to tame and sell mounts, bard, etc. More dynamic for roleplayers, and creates fun "downtime" activities in game.

    holiday/dynamic events- it's hard to see the gameworld as dynamic or ever changing when most cities remain in whatever end state they end up in at the end of their associated quests. This means if the city isn't laid out for your crafts very well, you have no reason to revisit these cities. It would be nice to see festivals based on tamrielic lore cause the towns to be different with some different dialogue. Costumes/props/pets could be tied to attending these events and would make it fun to revisit places you've long since cleared.
    Edited by MrGhosty on November 22, 2014 5:15PM
    "It is a time of strife and unrest. Armies of revenants and dark spirits manifest in every corner of Tamriel. Winters grow colder and crops fail. Mystics are plagued by nightmares and portents of doom."
  • tehsa
    I absolutely love the bard suggestions, please add something among those lines. Ideally with the possibility to chose what song to play beforehand (either via drop down menu or /lute1 or whatever), the ability to play in tune with other players etc. A longer side quest chain that's completely about learning new songs (without really having to kill stuff, just a regular 'please teach me, master!' thing) would be great. You could even hide some 'special' songs at tribal merchants/teachers that either sell you music sheets or plain teach you, i.e. those ashlanders in Stonefalls or whatever your sound/lore people can think of.
    Suggestion: Create an introductiory quest in each alliance that opens up the option to ask vendors/npcs about songs.
    Suggestion2: Create even more tie-in backwards opening dialogue options (or whatever you call those). You can only ask about certain things once you learn about them, right? Which reminds me of Morrowind's dialogue. That would be really damn awesome, now that I think about it.

    Additionally to that you could make vendors sell unique costumes that fit either the merchant character/race or the area he stands in. Seeing how you'll be adding the vanity UI soon anyway that'd be a nice addition. You could even add an achievement like "Collect all armour outfits", "Collect all casual outfits" and so on. Without any colours or titles associated, just for the fun of it.

    I'd also like to see more quests that span through multiple zones. Something like those quests you sometimes get out of regular delves that tell you to get items or messages to someone in a town. You see similar quests in Cyrodiil and for some reason they make that region/zone feel more... alive? Scatter some people here and there that want to get more or less important messages to their relatives/friends in some other zone. No large quest lines, just something to make the inhabitants of Tamriel feel more connected to each other. (but please increase the upper limit of open quests if you do something like that)

    Hidden passages that connect neighboring zones/regions and only open once you completed either specific quests that open those pathways or simply open up when you cleared the connected zones. You could make it so either the path got blocked by <insert nuisance in form of landslide, bandits, barricade> and only opens up when the player helped enough people to get them the freedom to help open up that path OR a tunnel got locked by some weird lock you can either a) simply pick or b) have to get some mage or person with random magical artifact to open it up for you. Like those dwemer puzzles. Or make a random NPC put up a ladder somewhere, a woodworker to create a nice set of stairs or whatever along some of those silly rocks you aren't supposed to climb.
    That way you wouldn't get that weird 'gated zones' feel you get by only making an area accessible through one or two entries.
    It's that openess I liked when I did the PvE quests in Cyrodiil.

    Doing something about that children-deficiency would be nice, too. You can clearly see those baby beds in some houses. Either explain those or expand the population, please.
    Edited by tehsa on November 22, 2014 6:08PM
  • Kallipsoe
    Power customization much like we saw in City of Heroes. This would not change the powers effect in any way but only the animation of the ability. This would allow Sorcerers to make the “Crystal Shard” look like an ice shard, fireball, lightning bolt or “color of the player’s choice” energy bolt. Again this would not change the power in any way just the animation in order to allow a players character to fall more in line with what the player wants. I would love to have a Dragon knight spit out a green vile instead of breathing fire. This alone would allow us to make almost any kind of character we wanted just because it would look like we wanted it to.
  • Iduyenn
    Thank you all for more inputs, ideas and wishes! Great!

    - Bard- fortune-telling- class
    - Thicker forrests

    I know; The Elder Scrolls is all about War and Daedras. I would much love to have some adventure zones, where you don`t have deadly creatures behind every trump. Sometimes it doesn`t need quantity.
    It was in TES 5 Where i walked trough the forrest and shivered because of the absence of living things.
    Things, wich you couldn`t see in the tall grass or the thick bushes.
    It`s the dark feeling, that rises from the silence of some places. It`s a shiver on your back; Something is going to happen.
    And when you begin to understand, that something wasn`t right there, it was too late... Sometimes you simply had to run, because a snow troll was totaly freaking overpowered... and blody scary.
    A beast which certanly can`t be beaten by four strangers. You don`t want to kill this particular troll, because you want, what`s inside of it. You just had to fight for survival.
    Those surprising moments are specialty of the elder scrolls genre.
    I know, you can`t be hunted down by totaly overpowered dragons, but i think some places should have some kind of random appearences/spawns. No horns and thunder or the sound of chains, but a feral growl in your neck.
    You could create an adventure, where you simply can not know, what`s behind the next corner. Perhaps it`s simply nothing... I bet you have the tools to create total random situations, towns, beasts, storys. (I am speaking about a dungeon, which is never the same. Every time you enter it, it has changed).
    Thicker forrest and uknown spawns (or big aggro range). (Some of the Cyrodiil landscapes are pretty good)
    For this, the landscape has to be more fluidly. Meaning you have hills and vallys which take your visual, but don`t have an annoying wall everywhere. (Which you are not able to climb).

    I remember a particular three trunk over a gorge. At first a nice brige over a mindblowing deepness. And then... suddendly... arrows. "Holy Crap!".

    Well, i know, MMO is not Skyrim etc. But it was also the travelling that brought you to special places. Not the use of wayshrines. Sure, there where a lot of caves, but you had to travel a lot. A special kind of travelling. Perhaps someone knows, what i mean with it. Especially, if you had immersive weather and dailyght change...

    Edited by Iduyenn on November 23, 2014 1:30AM
  • NotSo
    Mostly, I just want to have puzzles that are not rated for ages 3 and under
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • OrphanHelgen
    A friendly zone where all the alliances can be in without fighting would be cool. Maybe with an arena with 1v1 pvp.
    I like when everyone are friends. I did quests and boss achievements in cyrodiil today as vet10, and met a poor vet1 banana, who immediately equipped his shield and started blocking. I just /wave him, and we became friends. We did the dungeon together, and never used aoe spells, so we didn't hit each other. Both got the insane boss spawn time cyrodiil achievement, and went home as friends. When this is said, I would also like better communication with the other alliances. Can I get this for christmas under the christmas tree? :-D
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • Hortator Mopa
    Hortator Mopa
    There are some really great ideas in this thread. :)

    So you guys have time to comment on a thread that has ideas that will not be implemented in any rush BUT not enough time to comment on thousands of players being [snip] over for doing achievements before update 5 and then having to deal with a update that has exp based off of said achievements that cant be redone.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_ShannonM on November 24, 2014 2:12AM
  • ers101284b14_ESO

    So you guys have time to comment on a thread that has ideas that will not be implemented in any rush BUT not enough time to comment on thousands of players being [snip] over for doing achievements before update 5 and then having to deal with a update that has exp based off of said achievements that cant be redone.

    Yeah you tell them!

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_ShannonM on November 24, 2014 2:16AM
  • Razzak
    I would lilke options to disable XP gain for opening treasure chests and dungeons.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    My wishlist is actual QA testing so that when they put all this stuff in for you guys, it doesn't reduce my framerate in Cyrodiil to single digits for a month, again.
  • Iduyenn
    Trials with a Different role/slot concept.
    So you need 2-3 Tanks 3 healers and Rest dd.

    Not 1:1:10 Stack and faceroll
  • kip_silverwolf
    I would love the option to shut the tavern bards up...or at least make them play less woeful tunes...
    "I'm going to live forever..or at least die trying"

    drunken Nord & Tamriel streaker since Arena

  • eserras7b16_ESO
    Please add Diving :)
    Please add Diving...!! :)
    Eptackt - Argonian Templar
    Belegrand - Redguard Nightblade
  • gchenson
    Soul Shriven
    Can I get a confirmation that Beserker Werewolves will get black fur and red eyes as the Lore, as well as some updates to vamps? Thats what I want the most lol.
  • ArchaicDev
    Necromancy and housing!
  • JaJaLuka
    What I would like:

    -Flying pigs
    -A hydra mount instead of having to swim everywhere
    -A stable server

    On a more serious note, some of the ideas in the OP would be pretty fun :smile:
    Krojick, DC Sorc PC NA
    Milámber, EP Sorc PC NA
    Brunack, EP DK PC NA
    General Mark Shephard, EP Temp PC NA (Worst temp NA XD )
    Krojick Nightblade, DC NB PC NA
  • MikeHuntswarm
    Soul Shriven
    How about the simple issue of items auto stacking when you put them into a guild or personal bank
  • Gidorick
    How about the simple issue of items auto stacking when you put them into a guild or personal bank

    Don't you realize the amount of code that would take to accomplish? I'm talking like... LINES... multiple lines... maybe even in the tens of lines!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Bouvin
    Build a decent patcher.

    And fix Shadow Cloak.
  • Sensesfail13
    My list of wishes... Roll back 2 patches to when my skill bars would actually swap in combat. EVERY PATCH IS WORSE THAN THE LAST. Worse than any other mmo ive ever paid for.
    Wisherr, Dragonknight, Haderus, NA Server.
    Wisher of Naught, Nightblade, Haderus, NA Server.
    Guild officer: Abandoned Legion
  • Bouvin
    My list of wishes... Roll back 2 patches to when my skill bars would actually swap in combat. EVERY PATCH IS WORSE THAN THE LAST. Worse than any other mmo ive ever paid for.

    Agree about the swapping.
  • bugmom
    Not sure what you mean by jumping puzzles but one of my favorite gaming experiences was being able to balance and figure out paths to run along the big pipes in Old World Blues Fallout NV DLC...
  • drschplatt
    To be honest it sounds like the original poster would be happier playing LOTRO. LOTRO is king of roll playing and environment. Not so hot on actual game play, content, purpose or end game, but it was a fun game for roll play events.
    Foräois - Imperial Sorcerer of Ineptitude.
    Widoch - Nord Dragon Knight of Ignorance.
    Billy Bob - Dunmer Templar of Chicken and Noodles.
    Blades of Vengeance
  • Mordria
    I want a block of never ending cheese to give to Sheogorath so he'll shut up.
  • AngryNord
    The ability to strangle that Argonian in Belkarth trying to sell his Jewelry to get passage out of the city.
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