Derpstick's Imaginary Patch Notes

Mounts + stables:

Faction mounts:
DC - Bear +20 Stam +15 Carry +5 Speed
AD - Senche Tiger +15 Stam +5 Carry +20 Speed
EP - Guar +5 Stam +20 Carry +15 Speed

Guild mounts:
Fighters - Mammoth +25 Stam +10 Carry +10 Speed
Mages - Shock Beetle +10 Stam +10 Carry +25 Speed
Undaunted - Dwemer Spider +10 Stam +25 Carry +10 Speed

Stable ability:
Overfeed your mount at any stable for a 2-4 hour +5 boost to speed, stam, or carry
Cost - 250g for 2 hours
- 500g for 3 hours
- 750g for 4 hours
Each level of overfeed may not be used more than once every 20 hours

Mount equipment:

Blacksmiths may craft unique horseshoes and armor:

Horseshoes of the Beast- For 90 second after dismount gain +17 Weapon Damage

Horseshoes of the Wicked- For 90 second after dismount gain +11 Spell Damage

Horseshoes of the Swift- For 60 second after dismount gain +15% Movement Speed

Horseshoes of the Brave- For 45 second after dismount gain +9% Max Health and 6% health recovery

Horseshoes of the Mastery- For 45 second after dismount gain +6% Max Magicka and 9% magicka recovery

Horseshoes of the Tireless- For 45 second after dismount gain +6% Max Stamina and 9% stamina recovery

Horseshoes of the Slight- For 6 second after dismount gain +20% Decreased stealth detection radius and vanish

Horseshoes of the Light- For 60 second after dismount gain +12% Healing Done

Horseshoes of the Enraged - For 30 second after dismount gain +7% Weapon Critical

Horseshoes of the Ruthless - For 30 second after dismount gain +7% Spell Critical

Horseshoes of the Knight- For 45 second after dismount gain +500 Armor and Spell Resist

Horseshoe buffs may only be applied once every 10 minutes.

Mount armor requires 75 / 150 / 300 ingots to craft base level Studded / Linked / Plate plus 5 of each style material.

Mount Plate Armor - Mount gains +5 Stam -10 Speed +3 Carry
Mount Linked Armor - Mount gains +4 Stam -6 Speed +1 Carry
Mount Studded Armor - Mount gains +3 Stam -3 Speed +0 Carry

Clothiers may craft unique saddles:
Light is made with light materials:
Light Saddle of Endurance - Mount gains +3 Stam -1 Carry +0 Speed
Light Saddle of Strength - Mount gains +3 Carry +0 Stam -1 Speed
Light Saddle of Agility - Mount gains +3 Speed -1 Stam +0 Carry

Medium is made with medium materials:
Medium Saddle of Endurance - Mount gains +5 Stam -2 Carry -1 Speed
Medium Saddle of Strength - Mount gains +5 Carry -1 Stam -2 Speed
Medium Saddle of Agility - Mount gains +5 Speed -2 Stam -1 Carry

Hefty is made with both light and medium materials:
Hefty Saddle of Endurance - Mount gains +8 Stam -4 Carry -2 Speed
Hefty Saddle of Strength - Mount gains +8 Carry -2 Stam -4 Speed
Hefty Saddle of Agility - Mount gains +8 Speed -4 Stam -2 Carry

Alchemists and provisioning may craft special mount only potions and food:
Potion of Oxen Blood- For next 10 seconds, if forced to dismount, gain immunity to all crowd control
Potion of Tiger Blood- Mount gains +20 Speed for 10 seconds
Potion of Bear Blood- Mount gains +20 Stam for 15 seconds

Apples of Refreshment- For next 2 hours, whenever mounted, slowly build overcharged levels of Magicka/Health/Stamina Recovery, discharge when not mounted

Oats of Oblivion- For next 2 hours, whenever mounted, slowly build overcharged levels of Weapon and Spell Damage, discharge when not mounted

Wheat of Fulfilment- For next 2 hours, whenever mounted, slowly build overcharged levels of Max Magicka/Health/Stamina %, discharge when not mounted

One mount food may be active while one regular food is active.
Overcharged stats build at a rate of 12.5% for every 30 minutes spent mounted.
Charge dissipates at a rate of 12.5% every 2 minutes while not mounted.
Each subsequent reuse of mount food after its 2 hour duration ends, reduces potency by 50% but will reset after 8 hours since last use.

Stables now offer daily delivery quests:
With a delivery quest active all wayshrines are disabled and you may not be dismounted
for more than 30 seconds until you have reached your destination or failed the delivery.
While en route bandits and thieves will attempt to steal the package of weapons and armor from you by trapping and dismounting you, monsters become enraged if they sense that you're smuggling their valuable eggs and will steadily gain speed and rage until they catch you, and Daedra may spawn portals in your pathway releasing spawns of oblivion into your face to try and secure the rare magical artifact you possess. Rarely upon delivery the recipient may be a disguised group of bandits or summoned daedra plus a boss mob. These bosses have a good chance of dropping additional improvement mats for mount gear.

Only one of those scenarios will be active at a time. Players are encouraged to help others should they notice a courier in trouble. If helped by another player or by helping another player, you may subtract 15 seconds off your next delivery quest.

Reaching your destination in under various amounts of time will yield up to three different
mount improvement materials (BoP) to be used on your horseshoes, mount armor, and saddles to increase each of their stam, carry, and speed stats by 1 point. Each level of improvement requires 3-4 times as many materials with a target of 7-10 days worth of dailies (4-6 if you are lucky) to get the first improvement for one saddle, armor, or horseshoe. Meaning it will take about 1.5-2 months to earn one epic level piece of mount gear.

Delivery quests also reward the herbs and ingredients to produce mount food. There materials are not bind on pickup. These herbs and potions may rarely be acquired via a level 3 hireling.


World overhaul:
Each zone has now been given a unique set of armor which will drop from that zones world bosses, delve bosses, and inside the public dungeon.

Each world boss now has an associated quest directing players to kill that world boss.
These quests are issued by the fighters guild and or the undaunted and come in 5 ranks.
Each rank is progressively more difficult but yields better loot if the world boss can be killed during that time. The ranks cycle each day so players will always have a chance to kill those world bosses another day if they kind it too difficult on a certain day.

Each zone now has a repeatable daily that directs players to a certain delve.
During that delves active quest day, the difficulty is increased and the mobs are given better loot drop rates. High level players trying to enter these delves during this time will automatically be instanced to a separate scaled version of that delve.

Logging out in an Inn or Tavern for more than 8 hours gives that character a chance to gain a level appropriate item or amount of gold. Characters clearly intermingle with NPCs and sometimes get involved with something shady during their time spent at the Inn, especially when we are not playing the game. Perhaps there is some illegal gambling going on?

Cadwell's silve/gold overhaul (spoilers):
We have scraped the idea of cadwell's silver and gold and instead decided that it would make so much more sense if each player was sent to their respective silver/gold alliances as a liaison of the Mages and Fighters guilds. Respectively throughout both
quest lines it was repeatedly made a point that the mages and fighters guilds were trying their hardest to remain neutral. Therefore, it makes the most sense that the player would pursue questing in foreign lands under the guise of two neutral parties. Unfortunately it was clear that both the mages and fighters guilds offered nothing beyond their initial quest lines which took place prior to the players envoy to silver and golden lands. Upon arriving in the new lands there was little to no indication that either the mages or the fighters had any playable content remotely associated with their ghostly presence in seemingly every town. Further, during the entire course of both the silver and gold completion I had no interaction with Cadwell or another familiar face at least stopping in to say "hey buddy, keep at it, you are doing great". This was disheartening. Clearly had the silver and gold quest lines been handled differently than all this "everyone forgets" the hero BS then those player + NPC connections could have been maintained. To say the least, at the end of main quest line it would have made 10x more sense for the player to travel to the other alliances with the fighters and the mages guild. From there, piggybacking off the guilds desire to be the neutral fix it all, we could have started to help the other alliances.

To make things slightly more interesting I think it would have been even better if before all of this neutral fighters and mages guild stuff happened, that as the player talked to Meridia (and about to get their soul back) when all of a sudden, Molag Bal in one last ditch effort, reaches up through a rift in the ground and smashes your soul into 10 conveniently sizes chunks. Only to fall further down into the rift, himself in a weakened state. This sequence of events would lead us right to where we needed to be with respect to the silver and gold alliances. Now with the players soul conveniently shattered into 10 pieces (one for each zone) they are given a strong reasons to adventure into to those alliances. However, in order to get there without causing a problem, the player travels as a member of the neutral mages and fighters guild, offering their help to anyone who needs it so that they don't suspect the player.

By following this line of events the player would not have to experience those awkward quests which refer to the player's soul as missing (even though it wasn't). In this sequence of events, the player still does not have their soul and therefore, these quests still fit perfectly and do not require any changes. Finally, given that redoing Cadwell's silver and gold would only require a few more lines to be read by Meridia, Molag Bal, and the Mages and Fighters guild. Along with a few quests for the Mages and Fighters in the new zones. I believe that the current Cadwell's silver and gold portion of this game should immediately be thrown out the door.

Crafting and Itemization:

Skill points placed into Metallurgy, Stitching, and Carpentry may be reassigned once all the research in their respective craft has been completed.

Skill points placed into Solvent Proficiency, Metalworking, Tailoring, Potency Improvement, Recipe Improvement, and Woodworking may be placed
individually based on which item levels the crafter will be crafting. If a player has not invested the full number of skill points into each of these
skills while choosing to skip certain level ranges, their chance of successful deconstruction will be reduced accordingly.

Traits are now 1/5 as powerful, but there are 5 slots which can be used for traits when creating an item. Each item can be given up to 5 different trait stones or any combination thereof. Perfect for scenarios when someone wants mostly X with a little Y.
Now someone can have 4/5 Divines and 1/5 well-fitted.

Trait stones may be improved by combining them at their respective crafting stations.
30% chance of failure to make a green trait stone. 60%, to make a blue, 80%, to make a purple, and 95% to make an epic.

Decreased the drop rate of style materials. Increased the price of style materials available from vendors.
Style materials now sell for 3g.

Decreased Dwemer motif page drop rate slightly. Decreased blue motif drop rate by 30%.

Green improvement mats may now be combined into blue improvement mats at their respective crafting station. Combining green improvement mats has a 30% failure chance. Blue+ cannot be combined to make anything better, except traits.

When Medicinal Use or Snakeblood have invested skill points, potion tool tips will correctly reflect the effects of these skills. For instance, having Medicinal Use will cause tool tips to show a potions true duration if drank by your character. Likewise,
having Snakeblood will result in and negative potion effects showing at their reduced value or be completely grayed out.

Purely negative effect potions can be used on weapons temporarily as if they were poisons or gave secondary weapon traits. Simply right click your weapon and click "Apply Poison".

The drop rate of Cloud Mist has been reduced.

A New VR10 solvent has been introduced called "Daedra Tears". It is the purest and rarest solvent in all of Tamriel. Daedra Tears can only be acquired inside veteran rank dungeons, trails, and veteran DSA. Daedra Tears may occasionally be sent to characters from a hireling level 3.

Herbs have had their item links updated to reflect their positive usefulness in game. This is based on the number of positive effects the herb has. For instance having 0 or 1 positive trait will result in the herb being green. having 2 or 3 positive traits will make the herb blue, and 4 positive traits will make the herb purple.

All levels of recipes may be found by any level character, purely depending on which zone/area they are in.

Drop rates for all green and blue recipes has been reduced drastically.

Blue and Purple recipes which buff health and either stamina or magicka will correctly display individual buff values for each. They will no longer display only the Health buff value and not the Stamina or Magicka value.

Drinking and eating may occur at the same time.

Drinks have been given a substantial boost to their potency. As well as an additional random buff to weapon crit, spell crit, weapon damage, spell damage, armor, or spell resist.


Mages Guild:
Fixed the Might of the Guild skill so that the spell damage increase will be applied to the next activated skill or ability per a keystroke. As opposed to just any attack such as a damage tick or light or heavy attack.

Increased the damage of Meteor and its morph substantially.

New Mages Guild quests will be available for players who are fighting their way through Cadwell's silver and gold. While not as epic as the first set of quests, these quest will at least give you a reason to set foot into a Mages Guild for the last 2/3 of the game.

The Mages guild now contains a legendary book that details rare and powerful artifacts and strange sets of items. Travel to any Mages Guild library to read about each weapon and armor set in the game. Read about where the set might be located, how powerful someone might need to be to use it, and other tidbits of information.

Fighters Guild:
Removed the Channelling from Dawnbreaker. The skill is now instant cast.

Replaced Bounty Hunter passive with something more useful or at least made it applicable to PVE.

New Fighters Guild quests will be available for players who are fighting their way through Cadwell's silver and gold. While not as epic as the first set of quests, these quest will at least give you a reason to set foot into a Fighters Guild for the last 2/3 of the game.

Travel to any Fighters guild hall the receive training in any weapon skill line. Pay a professional to teach you the skill you need to progress quickly if you can't be bothered.

The Fighters guild now offers discounted weapon skill line respecs only. The do not allow any class skills or crafts to be reorganized. Only weapon skills for a low price.

Player Guild Improvements:
Guild leaders and officers now have access to the new guild skill tree to upgrade their guilds.

The guild skill tree is designs such that each guild can build upon the default guild structuce by specializing in PVP,PVE, or Trading.

Guilds are not limited to specializing in one particular tree and are free to hybridize their guilds "build".

PVP Tree:

Army of Cyrodiil:
Each guild member currently in cyrodiil increases the XP, Gold, and AP earned by fellow guild members in cyrodiil by .03% / .06% per player. Percentage increase based on a players currently most active guild in cyrodiil and their guild with the highest rank in Army of Cyrodiil.

For instance guild 1 has 50 people in cyrodiil, guild 2 has 60. Guild 1 has rank 2 Army of Cyrodiil while guild 2 has rank 1. The skill will use guild 1's rank and Guild 2's cyrodiil population to calculate that players bonus.

War time Recruitment:
Increases the Guild population cap by 50 each rank. Unlocked by having majority of guild slots filled with members rank 5+ in cyrodiil. Next rank earned by majority having rank 10+, etc.

Guild Supply Lines:
Allows each guild member to see each other on the cyrodiil map without being grouped.
Apply only to guild members in your alliance and campaign at the time. Unlocked upon the first time a guild member is crown emperor. No requirement to maintain emperor. Former emperors do not apply.

Guild Siege Discount:
Siege weaponry and other repair kit purchases in Cyrodiil are 5%/10% cheaper if grouped with 10/20 or more guild members in the same campaign.

PVE Tree:

Potion Reservation:
While in a dungeon with a majority of guild members, there is a 15% chance to not consume a potion when used.

Luck of the Guild:
While in a dungeon with a majority of guild members, increase weapon and spell critical by 1% if group is 50% or more guild / 2% if group is 75% or more guild
/ 3% if group is 100% guild.

Squadron of Angels:
While in a dungeon with a majority of guild members, healing gains additional 3% healing done, taunting gains an additional 3% damage mitigation, and spell/weapon critical damage is increased by 3% when attacking an enemy. Group member must each have completed all trials, and DSA. % incease based on further group wide achievements.

Magic Detection:
While in a dungeon with a majority of guild members, gain 2%/4% increased chance of finding more loot. 3% / 5% / 7% more gold per kill. Guild members must have completed dungeon completion time achievements.


while guild is currently full of members, increase gold made during sales by 7% / 9% / 11% (based on rank of Guild Expansion). (the buyer doesn't pay this, its like the game is "dropping more gold when an item is bought") (items cannot be sold this way more than once per day)

Guild Expansion:
Increase the maximum size of the guild by 100 / 200 / 300. Requires guild to have made more than X Million gold selling items via a guild kiosk.

Bulk Discount:
When player buys full stack of materials from guild store, they save 5%/10%/15% (based on Guild Expansion).

Sales Expert:
Increases the number of listing each guild member can have by 10/20/30. Based on rank of guild expansion and whether the guild currently controls a kiosk.

All trees may include many other passive bonuses and things for well run guilds.

Guild Job boards:
Buy orders for equipment and materials may be posted on the job board for other guild members to see. A guild member posts what they want, and deposits gold along with the request. The guild member who first fulfils the request exchanges the items required for the gold held in escrow.
Edited by derpsticks on November 21, 2014 10:40PM
  • McLukos
    Wow... and I thought I was bored!

    Some good ideas in this short story you wrote tho...
  • Merlin13KAGL
    McLukos wrote: »
    Wow... and I thought I was bored!

    Some good ideas in this short story you wrote tho...
    @McLukos‌ , and that's why I stop at one cup of coffee.

    Holy cow.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • McLukos
    @McLukos‌ , and that's why I stop at one cup of coffee.

    Holy cow.

    LoL.... those Energy Drinks tho...
  • bertenburnyb16_ESO
    hire this guy Zeni
    Haze Ramoran Dunmer Dragonknight Tank/Dps – Smoked-Da-Herb Saxheel Templar Tank/Healer

    Red Diamond, Protect us 'til the end (EU EP Thorn)
  • dharbert
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    *tries to imagine a guy "riding" a dwemer spider or a shock bug*

    *stops reading topic*
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • Pmarsico9
    Stopped at Elder Mounts Online.

    Short Answer: No.

    Long Answer: Why do people not realize how screwed up balance is and how many bugs exist and how there's no solo veteran content and insist on suggesting crap like this where unicorns fart rainbows?

    Fixing the game's shortcomings > Elder Mounts Online.
  • Moyria
    hire this guy Zeni

    Agree !!!

    My God, what a wondrous set of patch notes that would be. They have so many possibilities with this game.
  • Lord Xanhorn
    Lord Xanhorn
    This was great. I wish they had the resources to implement these changes.
    I'm kind of a small deal!
  • Bloodfang
    derpsticks wrote: »
    Mounts + stables:

    Faction mounts:
    DC - Bear +20 Stam +15 Carry +5 Speed
    AD - Senche Tiger +15 Stam +5 Carry +20 Speed
    EP - Guar +5 Stam +20 Carry +15 Speed

    Guild mounts:
    Fighters - Mammoth +25 Stam +10 Carry +10 Speed
    Mages - Shock Beetle +10 Stam +10 Carry +25 Speed
    Undaunted - Dwemer Spider +10 Stam +25 Carry +10 Speed

    Some good suggestions there, keep up the good work.

    However I think there should be race specific mounts, and nothing like "faction" or "guild" mounts.

    Argonian -> Guars, Kagouties

    Nord -> Bears, Mammoths

    Orc -> Wolves, Durzogs

    Redguard -> Camels

    High, Dark Elf -> Magical Mounts

    Khajit -> Senche-Tigers

    Imperial, Breton -> Some more Armored Horse mounts..


    I don't think this would be anything lore-breaking, as all those creatures should be reasonably tamed.

    However I am against making these mounts "Reward based". I would love if they'd create a whole new quests based on how you can tame these "beasts". And not just same short copy/paste quests.

    Also I suppose we would need exotic stables.
  • ZOS_TristanK
    Thanks for all of the creative suggestions as well as the creative delivery, @derpsticks! We can tell that you put a lot of thought and time into this post and enjoyed reading it. :)
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    I didn't want to read all that. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to agree as soon as I saw faction mounts. I hope to the Divines they don't include anything other than horses. Maybe camels. Camels would be cool, they could start at 35 carry capacity.
  • Rumba1
    Wow, Derpsticks looks like you had a Jerry Maguire moment there :D

    Seriously, if I could have given you two awsomes I would have.

    I especially like the gear upgrades, and attribute differences for mounts.

    Whatever you were drinking last night I think we ought to send the devs at Zos a case of it.
  • Faulgor
    I don't like the "on dismount" buffs. Those will only lead to a lot of silly mounting/demounting to rebuff yourself.

    But ...
    derpsticks wrote: »
    Each zone now has a repeatable daily that directs players to a certain delve.
    During that delves active quest day, the difficulty is increased and the mobs are given better loot drop rates. High level players trying to enter these delves during this time will automatically be instanced to a separate scaled version of that delve.

    ^THIS !!!
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    This was great. I wish they had the resources to implement these changes.
    What? Like millions of dollars? Oh they do have that.
  • Mud_Puppy
    Aside from the dismount bufs that was a good read.

    Instead of faction/guild mounts how about racial (EDIT: only)? Mamoths should be nords hands down.
    Edited by Mud_Puppy on November 21, 2014 4:20PM
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Despair9 wrote: »

    Some good suggestions there, keep up the good work.

    However I think there should be race specific mounts, and nothing like "faction" or "guild" mounts.

    Argonian -> Guars, Kagouties

    Nord -> Bears, Mammoths

    Orc -> Wolves, Durzogs

    Redguard -> Camels

    High, Dark Elf -> Magical Mounts

    Khajit -> Senche-Tigers

    Imperial, Breton -> Some more Armored Horse mounts..


    I don't think this would be anything lore-breaking, as all those creatures should be reasonably tamed.

    However I am against making these mounts "Reward based". I would love if they'd create a whole new quests based on how you can tame these "beasts". And not just same short copy/paste quests.

    Also I suppose we would need exotic stables.
    First of all, every race get's something fierce and badass but the Redguards get a f*****g camel? How about no. Did you play any other TES game? Horses dude. Oh and silt striders, but those were not player owned. Please don't mention dragons either because that was a very special circumstance. I grant there was a couple magical horses in skyrim but really nobody used mammoths except for giants and they didn't ride them, they milked them.
  • Shunravi
    Pmarsico9 wrote: »
    Stopped at Elder Mounts Online.

    Short Answer: No.

    Long Answer: Why do people not realize how screwed up balance is and how many bugs exist and how there's no solo veteran content and insist on suggesting crap like this where unicorns fart rainbows?

    Fixing the game's shortcomings > Elder Mounts Online.

    Aren't you just a ray of sunshine?

    So you are saying that absolutely eveything on the forum must be 100% dedicated to bugs and fixes, and we can't have someone's optimistic suggestions? Because that would just distract from issues that have been hashed and rehashed since the beta forums. I know we all love beating dead horses, but surely it's not to much to see something a little different once in a while.

    Op, I suggest you edit "Templars can now do comparable dps" into your post so that a certain templar won't be as upset with your thread.

    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • Pmarsico9
    Shunravi wrote: »

    Aren't you just a ray of sunshine?

    So you are saying that absolutely everything on the forum must be 100% dedicated to bugs and fixes, and we can't have someone's optimistic suggestions? Because that would just distract from issues that have been hashed and rehashed since the beta forums. I know we all love beating dead horses, but surely it's not to much to see something a little different once in a while.

    Op, I suggest you edit "Templars can now do comparable dps" into your post so that a certain templar won't be as upset with your thread.

    I put the "r" in "everything" for you.

    There's also nothing wrong with reinforcing priorities in every post.

    And when you get excluded from content in a game based upon "play as you want" because of your class, maybe your perspective would be more realistic about reinforcing things to developers who provide zero feedback on design intent or what their perspective of balance even is.

    Hell I wrote one of these little rays of sunshine a while back.
  • Bloodfang
    First of all, every race get's something fierce and badass but the Redguards get a f*****g camel? How about no. Did you play any other TES game? Horses dude. Oh and silt striders, but those were not player owned. Please don't mention dragons either because that was a very special circumstance. I grant there was a couple magical horses in skyrim but really nobody used mammoths except for giants and they didn't ride them, they milked them.

    What's wrong with a camel? :D
    So only because something wasn't done in Skyrim shouldn't be done in ESO?

    If the mages are capable of turning people into chicken / chees..What's the problem taming some fierce beasts..You can ride a giant scorpion if it makes you feel more badass :D Also I'm against flying mounts.
    Edited by Bloodfang on November 21, 2014 4:49PM
  • Shunravi
    Pmarsico9 wrote: »

    I put the "r" in "everything" for you.

    There's also nothing wrong with reinforcing priorities in every post.

    And when you get excluded from content in a game based upon "play as you want" because of your class, maybe your perspective would be more realistic about reinforcing things to developers who provide zero feedback on design intent or what their perspective of balance even is.

    Hell I wrote one of these little rays of sunshine a while back.
    Thanks for correcting my spelling :) typing on my phone can be annoying.

    As a Nightblade, I still remember being told I can't do stuff. All the while I was actively doing those things people claimed were impossible. Believe me, I have that perspective. Sure, things are different now...

    Sure it's good to point out priorities, but there is no need to completely shut down or dismiss an idea because it's not in line with said priorities.

    Sorry if I made my post heavier than I intended. ;)

    But still, I do agree with you that they should be more clear about balance choices. (And correct those class descriptions accordingly...)
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • k9mouse
    There are some good ideas there and thanks for posting. However, I strongly disagree with on your ideas of so called "good" mounts. People DO NOT ride bears in RL for a good reason or IMHO, that is not lore friendly at all.

    ZOS needs to be very careful what mounts to put in ESO: 1) there is the lore friendly aspect to consider 2) Also how much does a given mount take up on the ground. Take the beetle for example, (it will really pushing it, for a Dunmer, it could be lore friendly, may be) The beetle can take up a lot of room and I hate when people park their mounts over NPCs. I hate seeing any type of clipping and mounts are the worst at doing that. TBH, I am perfectly happy if we only have horse mounts in ESO and no other mounts.

    Some of OP's daily quest ideas could work, but they need to be tweaked before hand.
  • Louis
    these are really,REALLY great ideas. but brother, i think you just wasted your time
    alot of people look at this signature, i guess youre one of them.
  • Bloodfang
    k9mouse wrote: »
    There are some good ideas there and thanks for posting. However, I strongly disagree with on your ideas of so called "good" mounts. People DO NOT ride bears in RL for a good reason or IMHO, that is not lore friendly at all.

    In Real Life it's possible to tame a bear and ride it.

    It might not be as comfortable as a horse, but it's possible.

    Considering this is a video game in a rich fantasy world, I don't see anything lore-breaking. Also Khajits are riding Senche-Tigers, it should be added soon to the game. I think it's a bit harder to ride a Tiger than a Bear :D
    Edited by Bloodfang on November 21, 2014 5:26PM
  • k9mouse
    Despair9 wrote: »

    In Real Life it's possible to tame a bear and ride it.

    It might not be as comfortable as a horse, but it's possible.

    Considering this is a video game in a rich fantasy world, I don't see anything lore-breaking. Also Khajits are riding Senche-Tigers, it should be added soon to the game. I think it's a bit harder to ride a Tiger than a Bear :D

    There is one major differences in TES lore between a Senche-Tigers and a random bear. Senche-Tigers are "people" too -- meaning based what phrased of the moon they are born any Khajiit can be born as a 4 legged or a 2 legged versions (other differences too, but I will go into ATM), but all of them still have the same smarts as the local Khajiit merchant. In other words, they are not wild animals, but have the mind of a person. That is why they can make such good battle mounts, they can think on their own and let the rider use their bow or magic with out directing where the mount is heading. They can together as a team.

    Bears and Spiders on the other hand are wild animals always. They are just as likely as to eat you as let you ride them.

    There are no cat animals in ESO. The Alfiq, (they look at house cats) are in fact just as smart as their two legged counter-parts and according to the lore book, they can use magic as well. The Alfiq can make for very good spies. Watch out DC and EP! >:)

    Even the Sabra Tooth cats that one sees in Skyrim are a form of Khajiits as well, but they were driven mad at the Battle of the Red Mountain account to the lore book. The one that Khajiit father is talking to his cub and telling him that info.

    I just don't see a bear as mount. A spider, may be, Dunmer do eat insect eggs after all and most of Morrowind are mushrooms and insect based life in the ash lands.

    A Guar, I can see that as a mount easy. After all, Argonians use them to pull their wagons or use them as food.
  • radiostar
    Can't wait for this to get added to 1.6, Z :smiley: Good job, OP!
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • lestaudenmaierub17_ESO
    Thanks OP, you did a great job addressing some of the pressing issues in the game and coming up with creative solutions.

    I can tell half the people above didn't get past the first couple of paragraphs because they are arguing back and forth about camels being introduced into the game by fake patch notes...such is the Internet I guess.

    I particularly liked your solution for Cadwell's gold and silver. Using the two guilds as a reason to go into other alliances makes much more sense and just think of all the rewards and titles you could associate with this particular scenario.

    Nicely done!
  • Shunravi
    k9mouse wrote: »

    There is one major differences in TES lore between a Senche-Tigers and a random bear. Senche-Tigers are "people" too -- meaning based what phrased of the moon they are born any Khajiit can be born as a 4 legged or a 2 legged versions (other differences too, but I will go into ATM), but all of them still have the same smarts as the local Khajiit merchant. In other words, they are not wild animals, but have the mind of a person. That is why they can make such good battle mounts, they can think on their own and let the rider use their bow or magic with out directing where the mount is heading. They can together as a team.

    Bears and Spiders on the other hand are wild animals always. They are just as likely as to eat you as let you ride them.

    There are no cat animals in ESO. The Alfiq, (they look at house cats) are in fact just as smart as their two legged counter-parts and according to the lore book, they can use magic as well. The Alfiq can make for very good spies. Watch out DC and EP! >:)

    Even the Sabra Tooth cats that one sees in Skyrim are a form of Khajiits as well, but they were driven mad at the Battle of the Red Mountain account to the lore book. The one that Khajiit father is talking to his cub and telling him that info.

    I just don't see a bear as mount. A spider, may be, Dunmer do eat insect eggs after all and most of Morrowind are mushrooms and insect based life in the ash lands.

    A Guar, I can see that as a mount easy. After all, Argonians use them to pull their wagons or use them as food.

    Well... Yes and no. Senche-tigers are entirely to small to be senche. They are closer in proportion to phamar. The only official khajiit breed in game is Suthay. (We know better though)
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • derpsticks
    Thanks everyone for your comments.

    It seems that everyone is very concerned with mounts. I tried to be creative when I thought up that, give me a break. Obviously <insert animal> can be replaced.

    I'd love to hear everyone's opinion regarding things that are not related to the mounts.
  • Shunravi
    derpsticks wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for your comments.

    It seems that everyone is very concerned with mounts. I tried to be creative when I thought up that, give me a break. Obviously <insert animal> can be replaced.

    I'd love to hear everyone's opinion regarding things that are not related to the mounts.

    Hey @derpsticks‌. I suggest you use the BBCode spoiler function to shorten down your post so that mounts is not the only thing people see.
    the link how to do it is at the bottom of the post box.

    If you are not familiar with posting on the internet, many people will just skim over something, especially long posts, and then vehemently state their opinion. Even if that same opinion is addressed later and they missed it. So put the bulk of the post inside optional viewing space and put a summary on the top.

    I may post about the other stuff once I have thought about them some more. ;)
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
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