@McLukos , and that's why I stop at one cup of coffee.Wow... and I thought I was bored!
Some good ideas in this short story you wrote tho...
bertenburnyb16_ESO wrote: »hire this guy Zeni
derpsticks wrote: »Mounts + stables:
Faction mounts:
DC - Bear +20 Stam +15 Carry +5 Speed
AD - Senche Tiger +15 Stam +5 Carry +20 Speed
EP - Guar +5 Stam +20 Carry +15 Speed
Guild mounts:
Fighters - Mammoth +25 Stam +10 Carry +10 Speed
Mages - Shock Beetle +10 Stam +10 Carry +25 Speed
Undaunted - Dwemer Spider +10 Stam +25 Carry +10 Speed
derpsticks wrote: »Each zone now has a repeatable daily that directs players to a certain delve.
During that delves active quest day, the difficulty is increased and the mobs are given better loot drop rates. High level players trying to enter these delves during this time will automatically be instanced to a separate scaled version of that delve.
What? Like millions of dollars? Oh they do have that.Lord Xanhorn wrote: »This was great. I wish they had the resources to implement these changes.
First of all, every race get's something fierce and badass but the Redguards get a f*****g camel? How about no. Did you play any other TES game? Horses dude. Oh and silt striders, but those were not player owned. Please don't mention dragons either because that was a very special circumstance. I grant there was a couple magical horses in skyrim but really nobody used mammoths except for giants and they didn't ride them, they milked them.
Some good suggestions there, keep up the good work.
However I think there should be race specific mounts, and nothing like "faction" or "guild" mounts.
Argonian -> Guars, Kagouties
Nord -> Bears, Mammoths
Orc -> Wolves, Durzogs
Redguard -> Camels
High, Dark Elf -> Magical Mounts
Khajit -> Senche-Tigers
Imperial, Breton -> Some more Armored Horse mounts..
I don't think this would be anything lore-breaking, as all those creatures should be reasonably tamed.
However I am against making these mounts "Reward based". I would love if they'd create a whole new quests based on how you can tame these "beasts". And not just same short copy/paste quests.
Also I suppose we would need exotic stables.
Stopped at Elder Mounts Online.
Short Answer: No.
Long Answer: Why do people not realize how screwed up balance is and how many bugs exist and how there's no solo veteran content and insist on suggesting crap like this where unicorns fart rainbows?
Fixing the game's shortcomings > Elder Mounts Online.
Aren't you just a ray of sunshine?
So you are saying that absolutely everything on the forum must be 100% dedicated to bugs and fixes, and we can't have someone's optimistic suggestions? Because that would just distract from issues that have been hashed and rehashed since the beta forums. I know we all love beating dead horses, but surely it's not to much to see something a little different once in a while.
Op, I suggest you edit "Templars can now do comparable dps" into your post so that a certain templar won't be as upset with your thread.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »First of all, every race get's something fierce and badass but the Redguards get a f*****g camel? How about no. Did you play any other TES game? Horses dude. Oh and silt striders, but those were not player owned. Please don't mention dragons either because that was a very special circumstance. I grant there was a couple magical horses in skyrim but really nobody used mammoths except for giants and they didn't ride them, they milked them.
Thanks for correcting my spelling
I put the "r" in "everything" for you.
There's also nothing wrong with reinforcing priorities in every post.
And when you get excluded from content in a game based upon "play as you want" because of your class, maybe your perspective would be more realistic about reinforcing things to developers who provide zero feedback on design intent or what their perspective of balance even is.
Hell I wrote one of these little rays of sunshine a while back.
There are some good ideas there and thanks for posting. However, I strongly disagree with on your ideas of so called "good" mounts. People DO NOT ride bears in RL for a good reason or IMHO, that is not lore friendly at all.
In Real Life it's possible to tame a bear and ride it.
It might not be as comfortable as a horse, but it's possible.
Considering this is a video game in a rich fantasy world, I don't see anything lore-breaking. Also Khajits are riding Senche-Tigers, it should be added soon to the game. I think it's a bit harder to ride a Tiger than a Bear
There is one major differences in TES lore between a Senche-Tigers and a random bear. Senche-Tigers are "people" too -- meaning based what phrased of the moon they are born any Khajiit can be born as a 4 legged or a 2 legged versions (other differences too, but I will go into ATM), but all of them still have the same smarts as the local Khajiit merchant. In other words, they are not wild animals, but have the mind of a person. That is why they can make such good battle mounts, they can think on their own and let the rider use their bow or magic with out directing where the mount is heading. They can together as a team.
Bears and Spiders on the other hand are wild animals always. They are just as likely as to eat you as let you ride them.
There are no cat animals in ESO. The Alfiq, (they look at house cats) are in fact just as smart as their two legged counter-parts and according to the lore book, they can use magic as well. The Alfiq can make for very good spies. Watch out DC and EP!
Even the Sabra Tooth cats that one sees in Skyrim are a form of Khajiits as well, but they were driven mad at the Battle of the Red Mountain account to the lore book. The one that Khajiit father is talking to his cub and telling him that info.
I just don't see a bear as mount. A spider, may be, Dunmer do eat insect eggs after all and most of Morrowind are mushrooms and insect based life in the ash lands.
A Guar, I can see that as a mount easy. After all, Argonians use them to pull their wagons or use them as food.
derpsticks wrote: »Thanks everyone for your comments.
It seems that everyone is very concerned with mounts. I tried to be creative when I thought up that, give me a break. Obviously <insert animal> can be replaced.
I'd love to hear everyone's opinion regarding things that are not related to the mounts.