Paying customers can't update/launch the game!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
Hi. Since last patch a few of us have this issue. The launcher crashes with error 303 or invalid memory size. There are already two topics in Customer Support thread (Link 1 and Link 2).
I just want to attract more attention to this because in the existing topics, we have only a few silly tips that do not work. Also, most of those, who have this issue are new players and it's their first expirience with the game. Nice start, right?
The worst thing is Customer Support is still silent (I mailed more than 12 hours ago). Previously they response in a few hours. It seems they have nothing to say about this issue.
ZOS, you hope that it will fix itself with new patch?
So, I hope ZOS will fix it asap.
Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Garetth
    They don't care!
  • Wolfess
    Yep! I have this issue as well!
    Purchased the game yesterday afternoon and spent all that time since being frustrated over wasting game sub time and reinstalling a gazillion times instead of actually PLAYING my new game.
  • Mariishka1262
    Soul Shriven
    I have the same problem on Yosemite. Very dissapointing.
  • Quoriah
    reposting from the thread created by @Wolfess‌

    TL;DR: Monday patch sent my EU ESO installation in a loop between the ABORT: Invalid Memory Size (0) and Eror 303 - PatchError_UnzipFail errors.

    After further testing, I can conclude the following:
    - the patch files are BROKEN since the launcher can't apply the patch to the already installed client
    - the ENTIRE EU update branch seems BROKEN because you can no longer re-install the EU client

    The long version after the 1.5.3 patch on the EU branch:
    - I patched the game and all seemed well. Clicking "Play" results in the client crashing before I get the intro videos with the logos.
    - Start the client manually (eso.exe) results in a crash as well.
    - Use the repair option results in this error: ABORT: Invalid Memory Size (0 (..\..\..\..\shared\unzipper.c/823). Launcher closes at this point. Restarting the launcher does nothing since it doesn't need to update, but clicking Play results in the same crash as above.
    - Deleting the patch files forces the launcher to update the client. The update then ends with the Error 303 - PatchError_UnzipFail - Failed to open patch, please click repair for your game.

    The NA client works fine, it's just the EU client that's broken.

    Went ahead and bit the bullet and did the following:
    - removed the EU client
    - installed the NA client
    - everything works - installing the client / patching / logging into the game / char creation
    - removed everything again (with the ESO uninstaller)
    - trying to reinstall the EU client ONLY DOWNLOADS THE LAST 5GB PATCH not the full game client

    Screenshots available in this thread -
  • Wolfess
    Shamelessly bumping this as it's a bloody important issue!
  • Chadwing
    Hi, got game yesterday, same problem. I took the liberty of filing a ticket last night, and thankfully received a speedy reply. I was informed that they are aware of the issue and at this time do not have a fix, but they will inform me if anything changes.

    Rather disappointing, given this means i'm going to lose around two days of playing time.
  • Wolfess
    @Chadwing Thanks for letting us know. It's sad they're not making this a priority since paying customers are losing valuable sub days due to this..
  • Chadwing
    I imagine they are, but fixes to the base install can be tricky depending on the format. Given it's likely costing them new customers, you can be assured they're likely working on it right now in a panicked sweat.
  • Wolfess
    That's true, I suppose. Although 3 days is just ridiculous :/ Plus, they could've said "we're working on it", and not "we don't have a fix, we'll keep you informed."
  • Chadwing
    I admit the lack of information is somewhat frustrating, but I always try and keep a cool head about these things. Raging doesn't really help, while being polite got me a swift response from the email help team.
  • Wolfess
    Mhm, I get that. In a way the lack of information is in a vicious cycle with the raging though. People get no info > they assume it's not being worked on > they get angry > nothing gets fixed > still no info > etc etc.

    I've sent 2 very polite CS tickets since yesterday afternoon and haven't seen a response yet, sadly.
  • AshySamurai
    I get only one silly response from CS(no rage, only describe my problem). Soon it will be 1 response for 24 hours.
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • AlexDougherty
    I played on EU server yesterday, no problems, you really need to post this in CS forums.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno you might want to give these guys a response.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Chadwing
    Looks like i'll just be spending more time on heavily modded Skyrim for the time being. I'm fairly patient, but given I acquired an Imperial edition of the game, rather saddened that I can't use it.
  • Wolfess
    @AlexDougherty There's like 3 threads on this in the CS forums.. :(
  • Chadwing
    I played on EU server yesterday, no problems, you really need to post this in CS forums.

    There's two threads about this in the CS forums, and playing on the server isn't the issue. It's installing the game in the first place.
  • AshySamurai
    I played on EU server yesterday, no problems, you really need to post this in CS forums.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno you might want to give these guys a response.

    We already have 3 topics in CS thread. And 1 or 2 in CS french thread.
    Edited by AshySamurai on November 12, 2014 12:06PM
    Make sweetrolls, not nerfs!
  • Chadwing
    Oh, there's three now. Seems I didn't notice the third.
  • Quoriah
    Chadwing wrote: »
    I imagine they are, but fixes to the base install can be tricky depending on the format. Given it's likely costing them new customers, you can be assured they're likely working on it right now in a panicked sweat.

    Agreed. But this is not a "small" issue with an item / quest that bugged out. It is a rather critical issue since it prevents their users to access the game.

    It is pretty much clear that it is not an issue with the client, but server-side since the entire update branch is messed up.

    Therefore, a notification that there is an issue at least for some customers would be in order as the forum header - just like they have for maintenance windows or when they disabled various features in-game in the past.

    Even a sticky post would be helpful so people can see it and know it is on their priority list.

    However, these reports have only received anemic replies with suggestions that did nothing but make it worse.
  • Chadwing
    Well, you can pretty much tell this is Zenimax's first attempt at an MMO, given how often I read about their files going wrong, or glaring glitches that linger for a while.

    Still, at least it's not as bad as Trion's Glyph Launcher.
  • Wolfess
    Trion was worse, that's a fact.. But ArcheAge is also partially f2p, so in a way it's more easy to forgive that kinda stuff.

    This game costs a -lot- for these things to occur..
  • Quoriah
    At least if they had a method to allow the download of the full installer so you don't have to rely on the patcher.

    Most decent MMOs provide a means to download the full game outside of the launcher - usually, this version is also the one with the latest patches available.
  • Wolfess
    Yep, that ^
  • Chadwing
    True, a £50 price tag for the standard edition is somewhat troubling.
  • Turelus
    Same issue for me as well, tried to reinstall yesterday and now I can't access the game. Made a tweet about it as well to raise awareness.

    I would hope this is a priority issue for them, however my cynical side which has been playing MMO's for years is sure that the first day or reports went down as "it's something on their end".
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Wolfess
    @Turelus What's your twitter? Mine is @synnordheim , I posted a tweet too.
  • Chadwing
    I closed my Twitter account yesterday. Not a fan of the place.
  • Turelus
    Wolfess wrote: »
    @Turelus What's your twitter? Mine is @synnordheim , I posted a tweet too.
    @Wolfess @ADTurelus though if you follow me be warned I tweet a lot of strange things about Internet Spaceships as well. :disagree:
    Chadwing wrote: »
    I closed my Twitter account yesterday. Not a fan of the place.
    @Chadwing if you weren't already use TweetDeck, it's pretty much the only way I can use Twitter these days. Let's me break my feed up into coloms of what I want. I have | Main Feed | EVE Online | TES Online | Notifications | Messages |

    I'm actually kind of upset that ESO doesn't have a stronger twitter following, although I think the fact ZOS tried to take #ESO as their hashtag may be partly responsible as #ESO is used for so much outside of the game.

    EVE Online uses one called #tweetfleet which is 90% EVE Online tweets and works really well to have one single place where you can see EVE tweets, I think ESO really needs something more specific to itself even if it was #ESOMMO or something.

    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Xer0reX
    Soul Shriven
    Same prob here. wrote to support. no helping answer returned...."pls send us dxdig..."not a word of a solution try, i think i will be left alone squished money out of me...think they reached their goal....
  • AlexDougherty
    Wolfess wrote: »
    @AlexDougherty There's like 3 threads on this in the CS forums.. :(
    Chadwing wrote: »

    There's two threads about this in the CS forums, and playing on the server isn't the issue. It's installing the game in the first place.

    We already have 3 topics in CS thread. And 1 or 2 in CS french thread.

    Ok, my bad.

    Just used to people posting on General Discussion forum first, my apologies for not checking CS forums.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
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