Hello forum dwellers.
So I made a post about this earlier but it seemed to get a lot of 50/50 responses ranging from hate to total agreement. I think a lot of the people not agreeing with the topic just didn't know what was going on and jumped to conclusions so I am making this new thread and will describe the situation better.
Update 5 added a lot of new things and along with it they added 2 more levels to undaunted. With those levels came the ability to use 2 new passives per level in that skill line. The level 6 passive is quite good and the level 7 passive is absolutely needed to be a top tier player. How is this a problem?
Well, undaunted experience is based off of Vet Dungeon achievements etc. Prior to update 5 you could finish the achievements and that's what people like I did. I play the game as a completionist and before update 5 I had completed every dungeon related achievement in game apart from some hard trials achievements such as sanctum. I literally had zero achievement to completed in all "dungeon" achievement sub categories apart from the one Vet ash achievement that couldn't be done that was located in Vet Dungeon achievements and a few trials related one.
This means when update 5 released I had zero old achievements I could go back and do to level my undaunted. The only way I could now max undaunted is to complete every new achievement. They are far slower to complete and more difficult. For example to complete Vet Undaunted pledges x100 would take a minimum of 100x20 hours = 2000 hours or 83.3 days (If I NEVER miss a day and do it EVERY 20 hours on the dot).
What does this leave?
Well, players who have played the game prior to update 5 and actually achievement hunted and wanted to participate in game content are being punished with less wiggle room to quickly level undaunted. While a player who maybe just grinded in crag to 14 then pvped can quickly go do some easier vet dungeon achievement and in a single night get maxed undaunted (without even needing to do a single pledge).
Ultimately it comes down to this...
If you played game content and finished achievements you will have less chance of leveling undaunted at a even pace with other players who did nothing.
How can this be fixed?
I think its stupid to punish a player and make them at a disadvantage for actually playing the game content. I suggest that the new undaunted exp from 5-7 cant be gained unless it is through doing the NEW update 5 vet achievements.
How is that fair?
Players who have not done the achievements prior to update 5 cant speed through some easy ones to max undaunted and players who did have them completed will be on a fair and even playing field with them. No one is needed to do more, no one is needed to do less.
This thread got 50% agreement and 50% hate before. So I will answer some common questions from the old thread below to avoid a repeat..
Its still possible and fast to level!
It is still possible to level it yes. However it is far slower to level. Even if it was only 1% slower to level it would still be a unfair playing field. However in this case it is far slower and also only slower to players who did more..
Stop whining?
Why does it need to be fast?
It does not need to be fast. It needs to be even.
I'm already close to 6, l2p.
If you didn't do achievements that much prior to update 5 you could get it in one night. So congrats on 6 in 4 days..
Got it in 40 mins! :disagree:
Grats, Try getting it in 40 mins with ONLY the new achievements. This is a good example of the disadvantage to other players who did it prior to update 5. However congrats!
You did it prior, shut up too bad.
That makes zero sense.. It literally is nothing but a disadvantage for playing game content prior to update 5.
You didn't get exp for grinding past 14 when it was done, so why do you want it for this?
Well, everyone is stuck at (what ever max level is at the time) when they hit that level. Once a new update comes with a new max level they are all at a even playing field. In this case people are not starting at a even playing field. Some people have far quicker ways to level compared to others because they did less prior to the update.
Well people who play with friends are at a advantage! The game is always unfair some how.
You are right they are, however every player can make friends and have the SAME advantage. In this case no matter what, the game will stop those who done the achievements from EVER having a even playing field.
If I knew that playing the game would come back to make it harder in later updates I would of not player the game.. please provide a fix. However others are already maxing it in one night doing old, quick, easy achievements so I don't know how you will anymore... apart from giving exp to the players for the achievements they already completed.. its not like we already did those achievements or anything..
Edited by Hortator Mopa on November 9, 2014 7:43AM