1. Character deletes; I am completely unconvinced of the need for this limitation in the first place, and it is seriously impacting my ability to play the game, especially because it is taking ~36 hours to recharge a single delete. I do not currently have a character that I wish to play, because everything that I try turns out to be forbidden by the class limitations, so I keep creating new characters to try different combinations until I find something that works.
2. Lag; this is getting terrible. It is completely random, lasts anywhere from 10 to 90 seconds, and while this does not normally make an average fight impossible (except on the high end), boss fights last long enough for it to happen more than once, and they dish out enough damage that I am usually dead by the time it ends. This is not performance lag, I get a consistent 70 FPS and I can still move and look around, but the NPCs just stand there, and then everything rubber-bands as if the preceding time happened all at once. I have my network opened up, and I have no problems in other games that require quicker response times (e.g. MWO, TSW).
3. Skill increases; I keep getting skill increases in skill lines that I am not using. The character that I have been keeping track of is a DK archer in heavy armor trying to increase the draconic line, but I keep getting skill increases in light armor, two handed, and ardent flame, and draconic, bow, and heavy armor are all lagging behind.
4. Forum weirdness; the thread I initially started to ask some questions (
http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/comment/1353704#Comment_1353704) stopped moving to the top of the list when a new reply was added. This, naturally, reduces the chances of anyone seeing and bothering to try to help below the already dismal state of affairs.
5. Crashing/infinite loading screen; this isn't consistent, but then, what is in this game? It may be related to lag, however, as I have noticed that it happens quite often when I try to resurrect after a lag-death.
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