Thanks for the insight @Dominoid . I'm personally looking forward to the changes. As it stands right now, pre-50 is play how you want whereas post 50 seems to be, if you're in that "top 5%", play a limited numbers of builds if you want to dominate.
That's great for the kids who are already there have a face-roll-of-a-good-time, but it really limited the game long term. After the big CS upgrade I hope ZoS puts the same attention and love into re-vamping the economy in general so that it can match the CS in versatility.
cazlonb16_ESO wrote: »
At least when it comes to PvE the system outlined by the OP would actually lock in cookie cutter builds to an extent we do not have at the moment. Right now it's relatively easy to design a "good enough" build for the various tasks in trials with a few compromises here and there, precisely because soft caps are in place.
That would no longer be possible witht the OP's version of the CS. There'd be a clear cut path to most ability to soak damage/most heal per second/most dps. The very definition of cookie cutter.
In PvP it would be a different story, but considering the numbers I'm seeing in Cyrodiil these days, that's largely irrelevant to the vast majority of players.
1. The more V14 chars you have the more CPS you will get, so yes. But you will get the same amount of CPS if you Play one V14 for the entire time instead of leveling three V14 alts, because ZOS will include the exp earned past V14.
@Kraven this is a very nice idea, but as they stated at the guild summit, they are able to track the exp a character has earned until the tim when the CS kicks in, even those beyond V14.
I.e. all earned Veteran exerience earned all across your account throughout your whole game time will be added up and used to calculate the amount of Champion Points you will get.
What does this mean?
That means you will in get exactly the same amount of Champion Points, no matter whether you do the quests now or after the release of the CS.
Additionally it doesn't matter on which character you earn the veteran experience points.
The only thing that will not be converted into Champion Points is experience earned at the Levels 1-49.
cazlonb16_ESO wrote: »
At least when it comes to PvE the system outlined by the OP would actually lock in cookie cutter builds to an extent we do not have at the moment. Right now it's relatively easy to design a "good enough" build for the various tasks in trials with a few compromises here and there, precisely because soft caps are in place.
That would no longer be possible witht the OP's version of the CS. There'd be a clear cut path to most ability to soak damage/most heal per second/most dps. The very definition of cookie cutter.
In PvP it would be a different story, but considering the numbers I'm seeing in Cyrodiil these days, that's largely irrelevant to the vast majority of players.
This is my concern as well. With such a system as described it doesn't just promote meta builds but enforces them. Right now Crushing shock builds are promoted because they're easy and high dps, luckily this is already looking to be fixed. But if the described system goes into place each role will have one build.
If you gear the content toward the min/max then you're forcing everyone to become a min maxer if they want to take part of the content. If you gear the content toward a fixed standard, min/max is going to be a distinct advantage to the point the average player is going to want to play that meta build in order to do the content easily. Then the content itself is considered too easy and eventually too boring. FotM builds are already almost out of control and being a MMO they always will be. From DK vamps to Crystal frag spam to Pulsar spam and now Crushing Shock, players WILL find the competitive edge and that edge will become required.
Similar to why so many insist on a Templar healer when I've healed or been healed through every bit of content in the game by a Sorc healer, my wife as a V4 NB healer has healed every Vet dungeon many with the dungeon set to V12. But people are closed minded and this type of system allows them to be so to an even finer point.
I'm excited for the champion system since it was compared to EQ's AA system which is to date one of my favorite mmo systems. However if it further promotes meta builds as "Must have X in order to ________." then it is a detriment to the game.
This is my concern as well. With such a system as described it doesn't just promote meta builds but enforces them. Right now Crushing shock builds are promoted because they're easy and high dps, luckily this is already looking to be fixed. But if the described system goes into place each role will have one build.
If you gear the content toward the min/max then you're forcing everyone to become a min maxer if they want to take part of the content. If you gear the content toward a fixed standard, min/max is going to be a distinct advantage to the point the average player is going to want to play that meta build in order to do the content easily. Then the content itself is considered too easy and eventually too boring. FotM builds are already almost out of control and being a MMO they always will be. From DK vamps to Crystal frag spam to Pulsar spam and now Crushing Shock, players WILL find the competitive edge and that edge will become required.
Similar to why so many insist on a Templar healer when I've healed or been healed through every bit of content in the game by a Sorc healer, my wife as a V4 NB healer has healed every Vet dungeon many with the dungeon set to V12. But people are closed minded and this type of system allows them to be so to an even finer point.
I'm excited for the champion system since it was compared to EQ's AA system which is to date one of my favorite mmo systems. However if it further promotes meta builds as "Must have X in order to ________." then it is a detriment to the game.
Alphashado wrote: »It will all depend on who ZoS caves to. Time will tell, but if this system does indeed lead to a handful of cookie cutter uber builds that will be "required" for trials etc, then one of two things will happen:
They will nerf whatever builds are deemed OP.
Or they will lower the difficulty of the content in order to facilitate a wider variety of builds.
If the 2cnd option happens, then all of the players using the meta builds will then complain that the content is too easy.
even if, like in some other games, you can have valid alternative builds there will always be one way that is preferred. I've been a raid tank in games where the tank had choices of passive mitigation, avoidance mitigation, self-healing or HoT mitigation, etc. One path has always been optimal after analysis, sometimes as specifically as which fight you are in - even if that build is a hybrid.
many games have "good enough" alternatives, but I don't know any which don't have an optimal build for any given time in specific circumstances.
if they give us a system where most content can be done with a variety of builds we should be thankful. anything more is not realistic.
Ninnghizhidda wrote: »
And almost one more year live to come up with a system similar to Diablo III (it kinda works there, I think). ESO is otherwise a lovely game, but as it has been said several times, looks like we are still "paying to Beta test it" (and possibly test it for the consoles).
And just don't tell me "it is a young MMO, it is evolving", because I will say "life has been evolving for a few billion years to reach its current state", by analogy, we should be absolutely happy with the lengthy process, while we all know what kind of resources and budget it has (nope, not being developed by juniors in a basement, although who knows, it might have been better)?