NOOOOOOOOOOO! I know this is your understanding and isn't being said maliciously, but this is a horrible falsehood to perpetuate to the playerbase.
This is incorrect and I am 100% sure of what I am about to say. You get all champion points for all your characters and get to spend them individually on all characters. Let's say account wide you have earned 500 champion points through all your characters post 50. You get to log into each character and spend 500 points EACH in any way you see fit on that character. See below starting at 43m12s.
firstdecan wrote: »
I listened to a few minutes at the point you suggested, the speaker did say the points would be earned per account and spent per character, which is a relief to me. I'm a little disturbed at how buried this information is, figuring out how to play a game or keep up with the changes to it shouldn't be a full time job. Other than that momentary sound bite, I haven't seen any other information to indicate that nuance to the champion system (which has significant implications).
I'll edit my post when I'm at a computer, the edit option is not visible from my tablet (hover \ mouseover event). My misunderstanding shouldn't be propagated.
DragonWitch wrote: »
So let me get this straight; ESO took 5 years to develop the current system and seven months to figure out that it doesn't really work?
So I'm paying ESO $15 a month to beta test their MMO again? Talk about irony.
ehhh, so as a NB with no armor passives I will never get that slice and will always be a worse tank than DK,sorc? Well, in this case, I hope one of 3 things happens:A Dragonknight by virtue of their passives and active skills and abilities in their class skill lines will be a better physical mitigation tank than a Sorcerer. No exceptions.
ehhh, so as a NB with no armor passives I will never get that slice and will always be a worse tank than DK,sorc? Well, in this case, I hope one of 3 things happens:
1. I'll get a bigger slice of a dps pie.
2. My skills will be changed so I can tank as well as DKs.
3. Achievements,titles etc will be account-wide, so I can keep progressing as a DK.... I like tanking in this game and sometimes I want to do that, but if they kick me from a group because I'm not a dk ... Bad job, ZOS. Think more.
AssaultLemming wrote: »
This is not how I understand it is going to be. If you have earned 500 champion points you can spend them on whatever character you want and the benefits apply to all, but you aren't going to get 500 points per character to spend. Otherwise I am off to make a full set of alts!
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »the information you are presenting here in this thread is based on words taken out of a recording of a summit that was put together by people who have allready completed and finalized elderscrolls online as a AAA title.
So let me get this straight; ESO took 5 years to develop the current system and seven months to figure out that it doesn't really work?
So I'm paying ESO $15 a month to beta test their MMO again? Talk about irony.
NO. The problem was the relentless and massive prelaunch whining about not being able to visit the other factions territories on one character! I.e. faction locks. My god you should've seen the rage. 5 threads about it each day on the bethsoft forums.So let me get this straight; ESO took 5 years to develop the current system and seven months to figure out that it doesn't really work?
So I'm paying ESO $15 a month to beta test their MMO again? Talk about irony.
AssaultLemming wrote: »
This is not how I understand it is going to be. If you have earned 500 champion points you can spend them on whatever character you want and the benefits apply to all, but you aren't going to get 500 points per character to spend. Otherwise I am off to make a full set of alts!
AssaultLemming wrote: »
This is not how I understand it is going to be. If you have earned 500 champion points you can spend them on whatever character you want and the benefits apply to all, but you aren't going to get 500 points per character to spend. Otherwise I am off to make a full set of alts!
Sigh, no, 15% dodge doesn't make me an evasion tank. And if I want more, I would need to stack it with Medium Armor evasion(not sure if they stack). And anyways, it's ANOTHER piece of pie. Other classes get evasion from armor skill line. Besides, he was talking about ARMOR. It's a separate calculation if 15% dodge makes it up for missing armor. So that a NB will be able to have a 30%-pieceVileIntent wrote: »*sigh*
No, Nightblades are evasion tanks. It is best to play them to avoid the damage all together.
30% - Buffs (class/weapon skills and passives, potions, food) - They want to promote "active" combat so it gets the biggest chunk.
So what does all of this mean? You are going to have to make commitments to be the very best at a particular stat. Which is really going to give us more varied builds.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »5. you do realize that those who have dominated in pvp are most obviously going to notice a substantial change and overwhelming competition with the changes? and not "simply continue to play" (to quote you)
- lol
- where is the evidence of this work?
- have you seen the champion system in full swing working on the live server and able to show us some evidence of it's success?
- how much of your thesis is based on speculation?
"the bulk of players simply play. But you are the top 5% so what I am about to say might not make sense to you. The reality is that most players won’t care or need to understand it. They simply trust that the system works, that their stats are adding naturally and they will continue to simply play."
Cherryblossom wrote: »Having read your Post, I very much doubt ZOS has.
So I think the whole system probably hasn't been thought out quite as well as you have.....
LonePirate wrote: »Supposedly in the Twitch chat from this past Friday's ESO Live show, Jessica confirmed that CS will be released in 1.6. Did anyone else witness this or hear of it?
It is my understanding that CS points will come from getting 1 million xp from any source of the characters on your account. Then you get 1 CS point to give to 1 Character. You don't get a CS point for all 8 characters (even if they're all 50+).
Ergo, if you start off the CS system with 50 points, you'll be able to give 50 points to the trees of 1 character; or 10 each to 5 50+ level characters; or any other distribution you want: but you won't start with 50 points for the trees of all your 50+ characters.
Under this system when you get a new character to level 50+ it doesn't magically get the same number of CS points as the main you've invested so many CS points in. You'll have to grind out Nx1million where N gets increasingly large over time in order to "catch up" to any fully developed characters you already have.
How anyone is going to grind out new "max level" competing characters is beyond me. There just isn't going to be any way for someone to make a character that can compete with someone who has put all their CS points into one toon.
I see this is being extremely limiting; you can make 1 character out of 8 strong, or you can make 8 out of 8 weak ones, but if you want to have a good tank you'd better not count on being able to have a good dps in another class or a good healer in yet another class. Not unless you're willing to grind out just as many CS points over time as you did on the first character - and in the meantime your competition will be still throwing all points into one character, so even your best character will be behind.
There will be no "catching up" ever.
I'm all for lateral progression, a way to improve and individualize your build a bit. However I play my NB as a tank, not as often as I use to because let's face it people are close minded and prefer DKs, some are starting to see Sorcs as viable tanks. I am not an "evasion" tank honestly there is no real evasion tank in ESO, the miss chance from NB tree is crap and I for one don't use it at all.
I'm a tap tank, I have high health and armor and skills that return resources. If such a system limits the ability for anyone other than a DK in heavy armor to tank then it is a broken system that is breaking the game. If I can't melee dps on my DK because NB is better suited and CS pigeon holes classes into roles then it's broken and I'll be done at that point. I have not to this point taken a break or quit playing for any extended period of time. I've enjoyed the ups and downs since early beta and as a stamina build at that.
However with group dungeons being made easier, again. With 8 minute trial runs being perfectly okay as end game content. With mage builds still pulling at least twice the dps of stamina, witnessed crushing shock builds hit 3k single target, 2k with regular consistency. A loot system that is absolutely ridiculous, watching tank and healer get a dps bow from DSA 3 runs in a row. Dailies that give you a slight small chance once a day to possibly get a shoulder piece then an even lower chance of getting one of the right armor type and trait combo turning dungeons into a grind. Not even mentioning the PvP issues. Class/build balance rampantly lopsided. Memory leaks. Even food which has a defined number not giving the amount it says.
Every time it's little things I can over look, I can live with, I can adjust to. I'm a patient person. CS is suppose to allow you to improve your character not rebuild it up back to where it already is. Not to pigeon hole you into a certain role based on class. Not make meta builds required. You HAVE to get this as a tank and HAVE to get this as a dps and HAVE to be a sorc to get the most out of magicka or a NB to get the most out of a stamina weapon build. If the CS does any of this they've shot themselves in the foot and I will finally have lost my patience.
It is my understanding that CS points will come from getting 1 million xp from any source of the characters on your account. Then you get 1 CS point to give to 1 Character. You don't get a CS point for all 8 characters (even if they're all 50+).
LonePirate wrote: »
I'm not sure where you are obtaining your information; but I would recommend you find a new source as none of that is right.
Supposedly the average player will earn one new champion point in about of hour of gameplay. That would put champion points somewhere between 10K-50K worth of XP. Obviously that is much less than what you claim.
Also, the points are shared across all characters on an account. All of your characters benefit whenever one of them earns a champion point.
I welcome anybody from ZOS to correct my statements here.