Same. I'm not sure which dungeons you're running, but you may want to send an in-game bug report about the ones that have issues.xsfkxnub19_ESO wrote: »I haven't had a problem with a dungeon ever since vet wayrest was fixed ages ago.
GoatKnuckle wrote: »Oh Geez. The dungeons will scale to the level of the group leader. This means you can still complete those dungeons on easy-mode if you like to hang out with teenie-boppers. Yes, I'm a levelist.
xsfkxnub19_ESO wrote: »I haven't had a problem with a dungeon ever since vet wayrest was fixed ages ago.
there is no way that's true after the week i've had.
MercutioElessar wrote: »xsfkxnub19_ESO wrote: »I haven't had a problem with a dungeon ever since vet wayrest was fixed ages ago.
Actually, that is exactly my experience.
Could you describe where and wich bugs you discovered?
MercutioElessar wrote: »xsfkxnub19_ESO wrote: »I haven't had a problem with a dungeon ever since vet wayrest was fixed ages ago.
Actually, that is exactly my experience.
Could you describe where and wich bugs you discovered? this was yesterday & confirmed by the dev, still am unable to get it working. i've abandoned and reran this about a dozen times with different people always getting this bug unless i solo it. It's obviously a grouping bug, but when I solo it I don't get the bug, but I can't beat the final boss because he turns a random player into a helpless skeleton for 20 seconds, which is long enough for any character to die if they are the only target.
Today I've ran into 3 different bugs on vaults of madness. Firstly, the quest giver doesnt always spawn after you kill him. Secondly the Ugunda or whatever boss doesnt always give you kill credit and update the quest, thirdly the guy you are supposed to rescue doesnt always spawn.
These are just examples of the last two dungeons ive tried. I've had bugs with every other group dungeon as well, but was able to solo them without bugs.
I've rarely had dungeon bugs, but yeah, I've had the no-show Shifty Tom bug more than once. It was listed as fixed in the patch notes for Update 4, so I went back for another try, and it happened again.I've wasted so much time on this endeavor. EVERY. SINGLE. DUNGEON. is riddled with bugs, making you abandon and repeat them 2-3 times each. I've given up on vaults of madness and blackheart haven. Those are the only 2 I couldnt finish after 5-6 tries each from bugs.
Perhaps he is referring to soloing the dungeons while over-leveled. Some folks don't have the time or patience for pugs and just go back to pickup the achievement and skill point later. I doubt they will want to try to find random lower-level players to run the dungeons if they couldn't or wouldn't do so when they were "at level". That isn't an argument against scaling per se other than playstyle preference, but it seems like soloing is the main issue for people averse to this change from what I've read.GoatKnuckle wrote: »Oh Geez. The dungeons will scale to the level of the group leader. This means you can still complete those dungeons on easy-mode if you like to hang out with teenie-boppers. Yes, I'm a levelist.
I've wasted so much time on this endeavor. EVERY. SINGLE. DUNGEON. is riddled with bugs, making you abandon and repeat them 2-3 times each. I've given up on vaults of madness and blackheart haven. Those are the only 2 I couldnt finish after 5-6 tries each from bugs.
This week has been the worst gaming experience I have ever had in my 16 years of mmorpgs. I'm not quiting or raging or expecting anything from this. I just wanted to warn everyone that might have the same idea. Wait until this *** is fixed, despite the fact that scaling will likely happen before the fixes.
This response is garbage. You seriously want to sweep issues people are having under the carpet? I've resubbed recently and starting to have 2nd thoughts again because well meaning simpletons let out a clamor everytime someone shares an issue and I wonder if the issues that I have might be swamped under pointless positiveness for positiveness sake.Maybe you should not spread false ideas. It's not like poeple are usually over positive about things. They could listen to you and believe you. Being negative is not helping, and do not bring yourself anything good either.
If you want to help, report bug to Zenimax. You may have been unlucky, (or they broke the Dungeons with the last hotfix)
Breg_Magol wrote: »I get it that the game runs well for some people but you need to get it that some people experience legitimate issues ...
Breg_Magol wrote: »I get it that the game runs well for some people but you need to get it that some people experience legitimate issues ...
This pretty well sums up the issues in game making for PC. For some content works without problems but for some the exact same content is not working. Now we can think has the content different for these 2 persons or is the PC that runs this content different. So the same content needs to work for these 2 different persons with different setups in their PC but hey, there's 3rd person that has different setup from the 2... you start to get the picture.
So if you run all the dungeons in a row, it is likely you will encounter a few bugs, making you feel like you waster time, like the OP.
Spread them out and it is more a LOL it is bugged, lets come back later ...
People are still experiencing group dungeon bugs. Vaults of Madness is maddening ( pun intended ). I finally completed it with my AD sorc this past week after having a bug where we couldn't get past the first stage. We abandoned the group and started over and we were thrilled when we didn't receive any more blocking bugs.
Each one of us had been unable to recently complete that dungeon, with different blocked progress bugs at various quest stages, so I know that many people continue to have problems with it.
Breg_Magol wrote: »I get it that the game runs well for some people but you need to get it that some people experience legitimate issues ...
This pretty well sums up the issues in game making for PC. For some content works without problems but for some the exact same content is not working. Now we can think has the content different for these 2 persons or is the PC that runs this content different. So the same content needs to work for these 2 different persons with different setups in their PC but hey, there's 3rd person that has different setup from the 2... you start to get the picture.
that is not what is happening here. What you are talking about would be client issues. (e.g. sometimes during statrup my client stops working and I have to restart it or, occasionally when I select my first character for a session the client times out and I have to re-log.
The problems described here are *server* issues. The roost mother turning invisible or quest givers not showing up have zip to do with the PC running the client,
Well... I think in this very same thread I have mentioned that inside a week I have done all normal dungeons except Blackheart Haven without issues. With exception of some of members not getting the quest because members started the dungeon before everyone was in and ready. So it could be server side issue but how come I have not had these issues in the past week when I did these dungeons?
Breg_Magol wrote: »This response is garbage. You seriously want to sweep issues people are having under the carpet? I've resubbed recently and starting to have 2nd thoughts again because well meaning simpletons let out a clamor everytime someone shares an issue and I wonder if the issues that I have might be swamped under pointless positiveness for positiveness sake.