Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

A tough decision.

  • AngryNord
    Can i have your items?

    Hey, that's MY line!! :P
  • Soloeus
    I feel that your points are valid. Too many of the Goals in ESO counter the other goals.

    1. No Auction House - Low Economy. Everyone is forced to join multiple Trade Guilds, and participate in a Narrow Market. This itself Counters the goal of having Active Commerce, which can be seen in: Gold Sinks, Limited Inventory, Gear Changes (which force you to acquire new mats).

    We have so many reasons to participate in commerce... But its just a pain in the arse. I hate dealing with humans and "Haggling" or "Negotiating" with the trolls, they sap my energy.

    2. Crafting System letting everyone master everything is good. What isn't good is that so many Gear Sets are downright worthless. It is like those who develop the gear don't play the game so they don't really know what types of bonuses would be desirable to different player types.

    We can craft everything but... It sure takes a lot of Skill Points at low levels, forcing you to choose. But if you just ignore Crafting and at V12, begin deconstructing Nightwood/Void Cloth/Void Iron items, you will master it just the same and this holds true for every craft. This makes Crafting feel less valuable to you when you learn that everyone has 50 Alchemy, Provisioning, Wood, Metal, Cloth. This also Counters the goal of having Good Commerce.

    3. Even if you don't grind, you will often outlevel dungeons, bosses and dolmens quickly. This creates a Linear Order you "must" experience the game in, or else you are punished. You get no exp/loot. This ruins grouping by encouraging players to ignore dungeons until they are V10-12. There is also no real economic gain from doing the dungeons.

    So, there is no Carrot on the Stick. And, everybody knows it. If I could enter a Leveled Instance of Solo/Public/Group Dungeons with Level Scaling on Enemies/Loot/Exp, then I would benefit from doing dungeons and moreso, from being in a group.

    Groups. Casual Grouping occurs all over the world but is borky due to phasing. Casual Groups can't really compete in PVP or even PVE. Casual Groups really can't pug Dungeons or Craglorn. This punishes Casual Players for the Skill Gap between themselves and Professional MMO Athletes (I said it).

    4. The further addition of new Group Content for Elite Groups but not Casual Groups or Solo Players is quite irritating. At this rate, I will be unable to PVP because I won't be able to compete being 15+ Skill Points short, and not having reasonable access to Gear even as an 8 Trait Crafter.

    5. PVP. There is only one type of PVP, which is Cyrodil. I would like Smaller Scale PVP such as 1v1 Duels, Player Arenas and Battleground Areas. And, I don't care if it isn't unique or exists in other MMO's, heck, Swords exist in other MMOs.
    Edited by Soloeus on August 20, 2014 1:46PM

    Within; Without.
  • Garion
    Navuri wrote: »

    The list is in no order of importance:

    * Eidetic memory doesn't save your books. Kinda defeats the purpose.
    A valid complaint and annoying bug that most certainly needs to be fixed. I would be grateful if ZOS could shed some light on when they expect to fix this problem or, if they already have, could someone please link me to their explanation?
    Navuri wrote: »
    * Fishing doesn't do anything in the world of ESO. There are bugged achievements though and you can't use fish for provisioning. What's the use?

    The achievements, as far as I am aware, have been fixed. I even saw someone with the Master Angler title (or Master Fisher, or Master Baiter... I can't remember what it is. But they had it). So your point here is kind of invalid. The point of fishing is to get the achievement, granted it would make sense for them to extend it so that fish could be used within the provisioning craft but it's certainly not the end of the world and not one that is worth making a fuss about!
    Navuri wrote: »
    * Crafting system is a fantastic feature in ESO. It's a shame though that once you play enough and spend enough points everyone can be a master in every profession imaginable, which kills the economy for crafters.

    I use the same guy for all of my crafting (if I can't get it from my guild). Why? Because he offers a good price, he delivers within ten minutes, can do any set, any trait and any quality. I found him because he was advertising in zone chat.

    I know of other crafters from all professions who do the same, they have picked a particular craft (alchemy, provisioning, enchanting, clothing etc) and they have peddled their wares in game. The economy is not dead for crafters, on the contrary it is working as I believe an economy should - with effective competition! If you are business savvy in game, you will be able to sell your crafted items. If you want to be a crafter you have to be dedicated to it and you can make money from it. It doesn't interest me personally. But the option is definitely there.
    Navuri wrote: »
    * Endgame issues. Once I've beaten Molag Bal, it's grinding my way through VR levels and to what? Is there a big raid at the end of the game? Who do I have to beat? Where's the point in it?

    • The ability to play through and experience the quest lines of other alliances without the need to reroll OR;
    • Rerolling and playing through an entire new alliance?
    • Multiple group and veteran dungeons and delves which are a lot of fun and require good teamwork and communication.
    • Craglorn, a whole group based area with quests, world bosses, dungeons to complete.
    • Two 'trials' - Aetherian Archive and Hel Ra Citadel - with an additional 'hard mode' which, if not done with a leet group that farms them over and over, takes some time and coordination to get right - a lot of fun.
    • The ability to play differently regardless of your class (I've done all of the veteran dungeons and even trials as DPS - I am going to try being a sorc healer now! And then a tank!)
    • PvP - in my opinion the single greatest thing about this game. So much fun to be had in PvP, in small or large groups.
    • Achievement hunting - hundreds of achievements either intrinsically linked to the questlines in the game OR things like drinking with the undaunted, lighting fires for arguing NPCs, killing a certain number of enemy players of certain classes and races... and more.
    • And more on the way with regular updates! Upper Craglorn, Dragonstar Arena, a new trial, a new solo zone, new Thieve's Guild and Dark Brotherhood questlines, a Justice System, Spell Crafting... the list goes on and on.

    There is a lot to do. If you burned it all out in the sixth (?) month of the game then, well, you need to spend less time in front of a computer screen.
    Navuri wrote: »
    * Grouping system. It's a system, but it's not smart at all. Who thought of this system at ESO? An intern?

    Correct, it certainly isn't the best system (although making a sly, sarcastic comment is kind of pointless. For all of the things ZOS haven't done well, there are ten things that are great). However there are alternatives that have worked well for me in the past. Firstly, advertise in zone chat. I have done around half of the veteran dungeons this way. Secondly, find a decent guild (there are plenty out there, trust me). It's easy to find groups for PvP and PvE stuff in my guild. The grouping system does need to be fixed (and improvements are being made to phasing etc), but again it is easy to workaround for the time being.
    Navuri wrote: »
    * At first glance the wayshrines seem a good idea. But once you've found the lot of them it's blink-blink to anywhere in the world. So much for the rich and detailed world ESO right? Why create such a beautiful world and not let players travel through it like really ARE in Tamriel? We could use our own mounts, a horse and a carriage or even flying mounts for all I care, but wayshrines just kill the whole 'I live in this world' feeling. It's just too easy.

    Yeah, just like fast travelling in Skyrim, or using horse and carriages in Red Dead, or using taxis in the GTA games. Terrible. Or you could just not use them if you don't want to. That works.
    Navuri wrote: »
    * Haven't hit VR12 yet. But I read in a lot of topics that crafted gear is better then the loot table drops from the highest level mobs. Again, what? Huh?

    So earlier you were moaning that crafting wasn't a viable profession, and now you are saying that the fact there is something in place that does increase the viability of crafting is a bad thing? Way to contradict yourself! As it happens, this is also false anyway. It really depends on your play style, but the Warlock set (a dropped set) is pretty important to a lot of builds. The dropped PvP sets are also really good for certain players. Furthermore they are adding new dropped set bonuses in 1.4 - read the patch notes.
    Navuri wrote: »
    * Auction House. A million topics already. And again it's coming up. Trying to fix the absence of an Auction House (or AH per server layer) with global merchants on which you can bid sonds like a good idea, expect I don't think it is. If there's not even an active search for a guild store, am I supposed to manually search for every single item I'm looking for? It's called Elder Scrolls, but you didn't mean 'scrolls' literally right Zenimax? Why is there an active search when selling an item and not when you're trying to buy an item?

    "Trying to fix the absence of an Auction House (or AH per server layer) with global merchants on which you can bid sounds like a good idea, expect [sic] I don't think it is" - well if you don't think it is, it must be a bad idea! They have made clear they did this to help control the game's economy, and they have done a good job of that. If I need to buy something, I can always do so in Rawl'ka or the Rift or in one of my trading guilds or using one of the terrible idea merchants.
    Navuri wrote: »
    * Progressive raids. You need em. You don't have them. I'm losing interest. Raids don't have to be done by everybody. Raids aren't lore-breaking and raids can be a hell of a lot fun when doing them in a friendly guild form. At endgame, I want to beat that big dragon/monster/skeleton/horror-beast who will drop my epic superbow.

    Like trials you mean, which drop trials specific gear that are pretty decent for end game play?
    Navuri wrote: »
    * Dark fissures. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but I haven't had a single problem with a dark fissure. Ever. Too simple. Let Dragons drop from the sky or something like that. Or those Titans. They can do some tough damage. The idea is nice, but the dragons in Skyrim made me work for the kill and the dark fissures just roll over and play dead.

    Maybe you should try take on a dolmen in the upper veteran zones by yourself, and then come back and say they aren't difficult. In any event, this isn't Skyrim.
    Navuri wrote: »
    * The updates Zenimax gives are 'meh' and mostly they serve the VR12 players. At Gamescom, they showed tons of content that will be implemented over the next ?? (I have no idea). Where is the communicaton about these things? Can we get any insight in the progression of this game or the so called 'road ahead' which is cryptic and doesn't say anything at all? I've even watch a few live interviews on Twitch a while back with Nick Konkle of Zenimax in which he added nothing to the things that were being said earlier. It's like Zenimax thinks it has made a superb game and everyone will keep paying for it no matter what.

    "The updates Zenimax gives are 'meh' and mostly they serve the VR12 players."

    Two points to make here. Number one, you were moaning about a lack of end game content. They supply end game content, and that is also a problem. You are severely contradicting yourself here. Secondly, it mostly serves VR12 players because for players that haven't yet reached VR12 there are a ton of quests, dungeons, dolmens, world bosses that they can do. They can even start doing end game stuff before they even reach that level cap (PvP, trials, Craglorn etc).

    Where is the communication? You mean like at Gamescom (the event you specifically mention) where you specifically say they communicated all of these things to the community? You mean like these 'cryptic' road ahead posts that aren't actually cryptic? Like the videos they have released well in advance of the updates, showing up and coming content? You mean like the several AMAs I have seen on the ESO subreddit? You mean like the threads they have posted in this very forum, about changes to PvP and to provisioning? You mean like the patch notes they publish well in advance so people can see the up and coming changes?

    You're chatting out of your rear, Sir.
    Navuri wrote: »
    The Elder Scrolls Online was released about 4,5 months ago and we have half (if it is half, I'm not sure) of Tamriel to explore. There's no telling when Wrothgar or Murkmire will be implemented in the game. There's nothing about Skyrim to be seen in the road ahead.

    I WANT EVERYTHING AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!! If you hadn't of rushed through all of the content, you wouldn't be in this situation. Zenimax would be here for another ten years if the expectation was that they released a complete Tamriel. Grow up and come back to the real world.
    Navuri wrote: »
    We're being forced to join 3/4 trading guilds because of the lack of an auction house, which kills the whole PVE progession guild idea because everyone 'needs' a trading guild or two.

    3/4 or a one or two? Your infamous contradiction strikes again! I have one trading guild, and that's enough. I can buy everything else I need from my other guilds (not focussed on trading) or the trade vendors situated everywhere in Tamriel. Or simply by watching zone chat.
    Navuri wrote: »
    Quests are broken

    Most quests were fixed an age ago.
    Navuri wrote: »
    systems aren't working

    Navuri wrote: »
    achievements aren't being correctly remembered by the game and then Zenimax adds armor dyes to the game.

    This was fixed.
    Navuri wrote: »
    Armor dyes are a nice and fun addition to the game I think. But me and my friends don't think that Zenimax is on the same page anymore with the way we would like to play the game at this moment. The current state of the game and the lack of the additions in the list I've mentioned before is causing us to wait three or four months before we're coming back to Tamriel.

    See ya then :D
    Lastobeth - VR16 Sorc - PvP Rank 41 (AD)
    Lastoblyat - VR16 Templar - PvP Rank 14 (AD)
    Ninja Pete - VR16 NB - PvP Rank 10 (AD)
    Labo the Banana Slayer - VR14 Sorc - PvP Rank 12 (EP)

    Member of Banana Squad | Officer of Arena
  • david271749
    TL;DR-Quit threads are allowed as long as you write a novel.
  • SongOfMyPeople
    I feel the same way, OP. This game was going to be my new MMO, and I've just become disenfranchised with it over time. So many fixes that would help me play "my way" have not been done. I believe that trying to cater to the singe player ES fans and trying to draw in MMO fans just doesn't mesh well (obviously my opinion). There are way to many conflicting sides to deal with, and unfortunately both can't have exactly what they want at the same time. So we get a game that's trying to be original with a new studio that has never released an MMO and fans that are looking for the holy grail. I'm hoping the changes that were proposed at Quakecon will be implemented nicely, but until then I'll sit on the sidelines and read patchnotes hoping for something to draw me back in.
  • Silowyi
    I subbed for 6 months so there's no point in "cancelling" now but I haven't logged in for a few days since I did a beta last weekend for a game not to be named here because that's not the point.

    The point is that while I adore the beauty of ESO and the potential, I have also fallen into the "meh" category. I busted my hump crafting only to find nobody to sell anything to. Oh sure there's the occasional need by someone for an item so they too can research it but in the end that's one less person who will need anything. Unless I have gold upgrade mats I'm not going to be selling much of anything. For a world with this many people to have no real economy is just silly.

    I'm not a PvPer by nature but I did enjoy it for a bit until I just got tired of the exploits ruining my fun. I realize that will probably be true everywhere, but I have another option which is to just not do it anywhere.

    I can't knock ESO or Zenimax, the game was so much fun from beta until maybe 30 days ago, but I have come to a point where I log in, grab my mail from henchmen and log out because I'm just not motivated to keep going right now.

    That may all change in time and I hope to come back when they do but even with a paid account until Nov 6 I just am not feeling the drive to be there right now.

    I'd love to see an AH so I don't have to stand around trying to SPAM over everyone else's SPAM. I'd like to see guilds limited to 1 to foster loyalty and community. I'd like to see maybe some random dungeon delves, solo instanced or small group so there's always something new to see. I'd like to see PvP exploits aggressively pursued and tackled and the offending actions halted - not so much by punishing people for using game mechanics but by shutting down the mechanic until its fixed rather than leaving it going and rewarding the offenders... no need to punish, just stop rewarding.

    That's my 2 cents.
  • Tandor

    ZOS. Please. and I'm begging you. Please do NOT start mixing PvP with PvE. They are too completely different game mechanics, so please do not start doing what most developers do and cave in to loud demands of PvPer's that the game structure and balance is decided upon by PvP balancing. Speaking as someone who finds PvP utterly boring and avoid it like the plague(that is MY choice) keep PvP in specific PvP areas. If one of your plans is to eventually develop PvP to be game wide and affecting PvE, that will signal the end of my subscription. PvP duelling, Arena style PvP, yes you can develop for that and I hope you do as PvP, even though I detest it, is a huge part of any MMO. It should however, not interfere with PvE.

    I totally agree.

    If some skills that are perfectly balanced for PvE are out of balance for PvP then alter their application in PvP, don't change them in PvE as well.

    Also, please don't bring PvP into the PvE zones.
  • Soloeus
    Tandor wrote: »

    ZOS. Please. and I'm begging you. Please do NOT start mixing PvP with PvE. They are too completely different game mechanics, so please do not start doing what most developers do and cave in to loud demands of PvPer's that the game structure and balance is decided upon by PvP balancing. Speaking as someone who finds PvP utterly boring and avoid it like the plague(that is MY choice) keep PvP in specific PvP areas. If one of your plans is to eventually develop PvP to be game wide and affecting PvE, that will signal the end of my subscription. PvP duelling, Arena style PvP, yes you can develop for that and I hope you do as PvP, even though I detest it, is a huge part of any MMO. It should however, not interfere with PvE.

    I totally agree.

    If some skills that are perfectly balanced for PvE are out of balance for PvP then alter their application in PvP, don't change them in PvE as well.

    Also, please don't bring PvP into the PvE zones.

    Justice System will bring it there, but its opt-in PVP. In order to be flagged you have to choose to commit a Crime.

    Within; Without.
  • mutharex
    At this stage, I hope you really quit, sorry. Most of the 'improvements' you seem to want would probably turn TESO in another run of the mill MMO, so goodbye and no hard feeling.
  • mutharex
    Silowyi wrote: »
    I subbed for 6 months so there's no point in "cancelling" now but I haven't logged in for a few days since I did a beta last weekend for a game not to be named here because that's not the point.

    The point is that while I adore the beauty of ESO and the potential, I have also fallen into the "meh" category. I busted my hump crafting only to find nobody to sell anything to. Oh sure there's the occasional need by someone for an item so they too can research it but in the end that's one less person who will need anything. Unless I have gold upgrade mats I'm not going to be selling much of anything. For a world with this many people to have no real economy is just silly.

    I'm not a PvPer by nature but I did enjoy it for a bit until I just got tired of the exploits ruining my fun. I realize that will probably be true everywhere, but I have another option which is to just not do it anywhere.

    I can't knock ESO or Zenimax, the game was so much fun from beta until maybe 30 days ago, but I have come to a point where I log in, grab my mail from henchmen and log out because I'm just not motivated to keep going right now.

    That may all change in time and I hope to come back when they do but even with a paid account until Nov 6 I just am not feeling the drive to be there right now.

    I'd love to see an AH so I don't have to stand around trying to SPAM over everyone else's SPAM. I'd like to see guilds limited to 1 to foster loyalty and community. I'd like to see maybe some random dungeon delves, solo instanced or small group so there's always something new to see. I'd like to see PvP exploits aggressively pursued and tackled and the offending actions halted - not so much by punishing people for using game mechanics but by shutting down the mechanic until its fixed rather than leaving it going and rewarding the offenders... no need to punish, just stop rewarding.

    That's my 2 cents.

    I don't know what to say, I am in 2 trading guilds and they are very active, I always find what I need and manage to sell what I put on sale. Also now, with the 'kiosk' system I can't put stuff on sale fast enough. I have the impression you just don't care and have set your mind on an AH system from the beginning, because what you say (spamming channels to sell) doesn't make any sense
  • Tandor
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »

    ZOS. Please. and I'm begging you. Please do NOT start mixing PvP with PvE. They are too completely different game mechanics, so please do not start doing what most developers do and cave in to loud demands of PvPer's that the game structure and balance is decided upon by PvP balancing. Speaking as someone who finds PvP utterly boring and avoid it like the plague(that is MY choice) keep PvP in specific PvP areas. If one of your plans is to eventually develop PvP to be game wide and affecting PvE, that will signal the end of my subscription. PvP duelling, Arena style PvP, yes you can develop for that and I hope you do as PvP, even though I detest it, is a huge part of any MMO. It should however, not interfere with PvE.

    I totally agree.

    If some skills that are perfectly balanced for PvE are out of balance for PvP then alter their application in PvP, don't change them in PvE as well.

    Also, please don't bring PvP into the PvE zones.

    Justice System will bring it there, but its opt-in PVP. In order to be flagged you have to choose to commit a Crime.

    I realise that, but it's still wrong in my view. Committing a crime as a member of the Thieves Guild with appropriate consequences should be possible entirely within PvE, there's no place for PvP in the open world outside of Cyrodil (and any arenas created for the purpose).
  • Soloeus
    Tandor wrote: »
    Soloeus wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »

    ZOS. Please. and I'm begging you. Please do NOT start mixing PvP with PvE. They are too completely different game mechanics, so please do not start doing what most developers do and cave in to loud demands of PvPer's that the game structure and balance is decided upon by PvP balancing. Speaking as someone who finds PvP utterly boring and avoid it like the plague(that is MY choice) keep PvP in specific PvP areas. If one of your plans is to eventually develop PvP to be game wide and affecting PvE, that will signal the end of my subscription. PvP duelling, Arena style PvP, yes you can develop for that and I hope you do as PvP, even though I detest it, is a huge part of any MMO. It should however, not interfere with PvE.

    I totally agree.

    If some skills that are perfectly balanced for PvE are out of balance for PvP then alter their application in PvP, don't change them in PvE as well.

    Also, please don't bring PvP into the PvE zones.

    Justice System will bring it there, but its opt-in PVP. In order to be flagged you have to choose to commit a Crime.

    I realise that, but it's still wrong in my view. Committing a crime as a member of the Thieves Guild with appropriate consequences should be possible entirely within PvE, there's no place for PvP in the open world outside of Cyrodil (and any arenas created for the purpose).

    Gotcha. I don't want "Open World" or "Hardcore" PVP either.

    Within; Without.
  • Some_Jerk
    The most important thing about this post was the crafting one - I think each character should be limited to two professions, for the sake of the economy.
  • Tandor
    The most important thing about this post was the crafting one - I think each character should be limited to two professions, for the sake of the economy.

    Not to mention their skill points!

    Is it actually feasible to develop a character fully for both combat and all crafting professions, especially without the skill points gained in Cyrodil?
  • Paske

    I will try and go through your notes and complaints.

    * Crafting system is a fantastic feature in ESO. It's a shame though that once you play enough and spend enough points everyone can be a master in every profession imaginable, which kills the economy for crafters.

    Yes and no.
    Personally I enjoy making my own set. Also make a lot of things from various materials for people needing traits. Good gold with very little effort.

    6+ traits sets are still in demand and can be crafted for a good amount of gold.

    * Endgame issues. Once I've beaten Molag Bal, it's grinding my way through VR levels and to what? Is there a big raid at the end of the game? Who do I have to beat? Where's the point in it?

    Yes, VR leveling is boring and hard. Hard comes from boring. Thats why Champion system is coming. It will be similar, but far less grindy then rigid veteran system.

    Big raids as it were are trials.
    12 people content that only best can beat swiftly while rest of us wipe for hour or two.
    Also Crypt of hearts. Hard, good and fun 4 man dungeon that provides more challenge the raids I have attended in "other game".

    And ofcourse crown jewel of ESO - Cyrodill. With its many faults, still best PVP in MMO avalible today.

    * Grouping system. It's a system, but it's not smart at all. Who thought of this system at ESO? An intern?

    Most people dont use it because its not user friendly. UI is simply too complicated. Also lack of tanks in que coupled with hard veteran dungeons means people rather LFG / LFM in Craglorn or in guild. Viable option IMO, but better LFG tool would come long way here.

    * At first glance the wayshrines seem a good idea. But once you've found the lot of them it's blink-blink to anywhere in the world. So much for the rich and detailed world ESO right? Why create such a beautiful world and not let players travel through it like really ARE in Tamriel? We could use our own mounts, a horse and a carriage or even flying mounts for all I care, but wayshrines just kill the whole 'I live in this world' feeling. It's just too easy.

    Like many before me said, don't use them. Problem solved.

    * Haven't hit VR12 yet. But I read in a lot of topics that crafted gear is better then the loot table drops from the highest level mobs. Again, what? Huh?

    Its better then world drops / Hard mode 4 man dungeons drops.
    Trials ( 12 man content, raids if you will ) give better loot.

    Get to V12, get a set in epic quality, try trials your self and see.

    * Auction House. A million topics already. And again it's coming up. Trying to fix the absence of an Auction House (or AH per server layer) with global merchants on which you can bid sonds like a good idea, expect I don't think it is. If there's not even an active search for a guild store, am I supposed to manually search for every single item I'm looking for? It's called Elder Scrolls, but you didn't mean 'scrolls' literally right Zenimax? Why is there an active search when selling an item and not when you're trying to buy an item?

    The idea is actually good. Because on megaserver global AH would simple kill economy. With thousands of players competing to sell prices would drop rapidly.

    World merchants for hire elavate problem of available merchandise by a good deal.

    So far I had no problems finding nor selling any items needed.
    It does take a bit more effort. But I see no problem in that.

    * Progressive raids. You need em. You don't have them. I'm losing interest. Raids don't have to be done by everybody. Raids aren't lore-breaking and raids can be a hell of a lot fun when doing them in a friendly guild form. At endgame, I want to beat that big dragon/monster/skeleton/horror-beast who will drop my epic superbow.

    Again - trials

    * Dark fissures. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but I haven't had a single problem with a dark fissure. Ever. Too simple. Let Dragons drop from the sky or something like that. Or those Titans. They can do some tough damage. The idea is nice, but the dragons in Skyrim made me work for the kill and the dark fissures just roll over and play dead.

    They were made as random content fillers that can be soloed without too much effort.

    Dark anchors are the ones that are harder and you need a group of people .
    They drop large, world boss level, deadras that need cleansing from this world.

    * The updates Zenimax gives are 'meh' and mostly they serve the VR12 players. At Gamescom, they showed tons of content that will be implemented over the next ?? (I have no idea). Where is the communicaton about these things? Can we get any insight in the progression of this game or the so called 'road ahead' which is cryptic and doesn't say anything at all? I've even watch a few live interviews on Twitch a while back with Nick Konkle of Zenimax in which he added nothing to the things that were being said earlier. It's like Zenimax thinks it has made a superb game and everyone will keep paying for it no matter what.

    It is called content update.

    They roll out every 4-6 weeks. Which is amazingly fast. Normally content patches come every 6 months. Where you get 1 raid, 2 dungeons some new loot and GL HF.

    I would say conent patches so far have been quite nice. Especially the colors. Nice addition to the game. Gives me that unique look.

    With update 4 that brings even more stuff and new trial ! ( Raid for clarification ).

    The Elder Scrolls Online was released about 4,5 months ago and we have half (if it is half, I'm not sure) of Tamriel to explore. There's no telling when Wrothgar or Murkmire will be implemented in the game. There's nothing about Skyrim to be seen in the road ahead. We're being forced to join 3/4 trading guilds because of the lack of an auction house, which kills the whole PVE progession guild idea because everyone 'needs' a trading guild or two. Quests are broken, systems aren't working, achievements aren't being correctly remembered by the game and then Zenimax adds armor dyes to the game. Armor dyes are a nice and fun addition to the game I think. But me and my friends don't think that Zenimax is on the same page anymore with the way we would like to play the game at this moment. The current state of the game and the lack of the additions in the list I've mentioned before is causing us to wait three or four months before we're coming back to Tamriel.

    You can not really expect whole Tamriel to be available from launch. It simply is unrealistic.

    Wrothgar and Murkmire will be out in due time. I would say next 6 months or so. Since it should be update 6 and 7 I think ( not sure on that ).

    There are PVE progression guilds. I suggest you look for one.

    Achievements have been fixed ( as far as I know )


    By the looks of it you are looking for a WOW like experience where you raid , get loot, get bored after a month because you got all the loot you need and now just grind to get those hard to get shoulders.

    Not sure game is headed that way.

    However there is plenty of end game PVE. And ways to upgrade your gear above crafted level.
  • Elsonso
    mutharex wrote: »
    I don't know what to say, I am in 2 trading guilds and they are very active, I always find what I need and manage to sell what I put on sale. Also now, with the 'kiosk' system I can't put stuff on sale fast enough.

    Man, tell me about it. I have some stuff that is not selling, likely due to my price being too high, but other stuff I sell I can't keep in stock. I am not seeing it being resold anywhere (I have asked) but the market of people who buy what I am selling is quite busy.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso Uninstalled
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • mutharex
    mutharex wrote: »
    I don't know what to say, I am in 2 trading guilds and they are very active, I always find what I need and manage to sell what I put on sale. Also now, with the 'kiosk' system I can't put stuff on sale fast enough.

    Man, tell me about it. I have some stuff that is not selling, likely due to my price being too high, but other stuff I sell I can't keep in stock. I am not seeing it being resold anywhere (I have asked) but the market of people who buy what I am selling is quite busy.

    I usually sell provisioning mats and recipes, but since the kiosks I have been moving steadily other crafting mats as well (stuff that used to return to me unsold)
  • mutharex
    Tandor wrote: »
    The most important thing about this post was the crafting one - I think each character should be limited to two professions, for the sake of the economy.

    Not to mention their skill points!

    Is it actually feasible to develop a character fully for both combat and all crafting professions, especially without the skill points gained in Cyrodil?

    That is actually why the whole "it's bad that everyone can craft everything" doesn't really hold water. You can, but you'll be very gimped in combat OR produce sub par stuff (or at least, it will cost you more in terms of time and mats or failure chance)
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