Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

A tough decision.

  • Ayadori
    I am utterly baffled by the grouping tool. Sometimes it matches you with people and then in the dungeon you find out you are missing a role. Then there are these totally unnecessary level brackets for dungeons. And then there is the fun fact, that the tool groups you before the group criteria is met, i.e. you queue for a 4-person dungeon and it groups you with 1 person. I would very much like to read the reasoning behind these design decisions.
  • ravenhartb14_ESO
    ESO is entertaining between bank runs. Is an Alt bank simulator worth your monthly subscription fee? You decide!
  • DuelWieldingCheesyPoofs
    IM waiting to see SpongeBob rainbow
  • LunaRae
    Navuri wrote: »
    I just decided not to renew my sub next week and will start playing again at the end of this year. No, this is not a rage-quit-topic. Just to be clear upfront.

    The list is in no order of importance:

    * Eidetic memory doesn't save your books. Kinda defeats the purpose.
    * Fishing doesn't do anything in the world of ESO. There are bugged achievements though and you can't use fish for provisioning. What's the use?
    * Crafting system is a fantastic feature in ESO. It's a shame though that once you play enough and spend enough points everyone can be a master in every profession imaginable, which kills the economy for crafters.
    * Endgame issues. Once I've beaten Molag Bal, it's grinding my way through VR levels and to what? Is there a big raid at the end of the game? Who do I have to beat? Where's the point in it?
    * Grouping system. It's a system, but it's not smart at all. Who thought of this system at ESO? An intern?
    * At first glance the wayshrines seem a good idea. But once you've found the lot of them it's blink-blink to anywhere in the world. So much for the rich and detailed world ESO right? Why create such a beautiful world and not let players travel through it like really ARE in Tamriel? We could use our own mounts, a horse and a carriage or even flying mounts for all I care, but wayshrines just kill the whole 'I live in this world' feeling. It's just too easy.
    * Haven't hit VR12 yet. But I read in a lot of topics that crafted gear is better then the loot table drops from the highest level mobs. Again, what? Huh?
    * Auction House. A million topics already. And again it's coming up. Trying to fix the absence of an Auction House (or AH per server layer) with global merchants on which you can bid sonds like a good idea, expect I don't think it is. If there's not even an active search for a guild store, am I supposed to manually search for every single item I'm looking for? It's called Elder Scrolls, but you didn't mean 'scrolls' literally right Zenimax? Why is there an active search when selling an item and not when you're trying to buy an item?
    * Progressive raids. You need em. You don't have them. I'm losing interest. Raids don't have to be done by everybody. Raids aren't lore-breaking and raids can be a hell of a lot fun when doing them in a friendly guild form. At endgame, I want to beat that big dragon/monster/skeleton/horror-beast who will drop my epic superbow.
    * Dark fissures. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but I haven't had a single problem with a dark fissure. Ever. Too simple. Let Dragons drop from the sky or something like that. Or those Titans. They can do some tough damage. The idea is nice, but the dragons in Skyrim made me work for the kill and the dark fissures just roll over and play dead.
    * The updates Zenimax gives are 'meh' and mostly they serve the VR12 players. At Gamescom, they showed tons of content that will be implemented over the next ?? (I have no idea). Where is the communicaton about these things? Can we get any insight in the progression of this game or the so called 'road ahead' which is cryptic and doesn't say anything at all? I've even watch a few live interviews on Twitch a while back with Nick Konkle of Zenimax in which he added nothing to the things that were being said earlier. It's like Zenimax thinks it has made a superb game and everyone will keep paying for it no matter what.

    I have no idea how much you've played, or what bugs you're encountering but I'm responding as per my experience and play-through

    1 * - A certain quest-line does this for you (if you need a hint I'll mention Sheogorath / Shalidor)
    2 * - No opinion (sorry I'm not into fishing period.)
    3 * - I see tons of zones littered with LFW (looking for work). Personally I'm 8 trait on medium armor, 50 alchemy, 50 enchanter and I find tones of work if I try. Alchemy is by far easy to sell VR5 potions (health/spell/weapon). 8 trait medium is not so frequent but it does come up (not many ppl 8 trait med, usually light/heavy) and I pick up any enchanting jobs I see advertised in zone/guild chat
    4 * - End game is currently PvP'ing with friends or PvE'ing raids with friends. With trials the most recent content per-se and 1.4 dragonstar arena I would say a player not already VR12 has a lot to work towards. Assuming you don't Craiglorn grind you get to pick up tons of achievements by completing quest lines in DC/AD/EP, collecting dyes in the process, pick up trophies (I like them), collect mats for making your VR12 gear when you get there (and make money on the side selling stuff you don't need), etc.... I'm not saying end-game is finished, but if you really want it to be something you can make it happen. Just need to put in a little effort.
    5 * - No opinion, rarely do groups/raids.
    6 * - So.... don't use the wayshrines? Seems like you think everyone should be inconvenienced by your superior idea of how previous, non-mmo, ES games have played out. Honestly my first play through had me on horseback/feet through the majority of every zone. I've explored every inch of every zone and sometimes when I'm collecting alchemy mats I'm re-checking zones to see potential grind spots for certain mats. But really this is an MMO - no wayshrines/mods of transportation would be a fail. I get where you're coming from but I just don't see it working in an MMO genre.
    7 * - It was advertised a long time ago that crafted gear would be on-par with drop sets. Can't craft jewelry sets so instantly I'm already looking for 3 piece drop sets there, and there are TONS of vr12 set drops (thanks to game improvements) that have unique or interesting 5 piece bonus'. I see these in PvP frequently. I know personally if someone gave me a locker-room full of every piece of VR12 gear, all sets, I would definitely be including some drop-only sets. Currently I'm OK with running crafted sets, easily accessible. This is OK and I think the additional changes/more sets being included with new content is the right direction. PvP/PvE isn't locked out by gear, people should be able to jump in with the best and compete fairly!
    8 * - I WTS / use guild stores efficiently, and understand the desire for an auction house. I'm on the fence and getting by OK but am looking for improvements in regards to this topic.
    9 * - YOU need them. Please don't imply every single player on this planet wants to do progressive raiding, it's not true. I've got several friends myself who expect this from ESO, and I honestly did not sign up to this game for the same ol' run X dungeon/raid/whatever 1,000,000 times to get the perfect, best gear. I definitely think they should have these options for players like you, but in no way do I think they should provide SUPERIOR gear. En-par / interesting effects, definitely OK with that. But not flat out better, should not be forced down one avenue of play-style to get the best gear - make it accessible to all players.
    10 * - Dark fissures? Anchors??? I'm not sure what you're referring to, sorry.
    11 * - No idea what the figures are but I'm guessing with all the abusing (level-up quickly in VR) that there is a fair chunk of VR12 players. I remember jumping into Cyrodiil back in beta and hardly anyone was VR, now I look at Cyrodiil and its almost a site to behold when I see someone below VR1. Obviously a good chunk of content and announcements are aimed at what the veteran players who have completed a fair portion of the game can look forward too. But that doesn't mean new players get the shaft - new sets that are implemented are available at the lower levels, non-vet campaigns for new players to get their feet wet, new content on the horizon like dragonstar arena are guaranteed to be available to new, lower level players as well. I'm really not sure why you think it's only aimed at VR12 players - it's like you saw one update that you felt was aimed at VR12 and stopped reading.

    If you want insight into the progress of the game go to their website, start at April 4 launch date and see what has been implemented/changed. The last four months have gone by fast, and there have been a ton of changes I've appreciated. Are there things I want - yea of course, but I'm OK with what's being released and the rate it's coming out. If I had to complain about something it's when I see crucial bugs/exploits happening in game by players and it takes 2-3 weeks for a resolution. But again that's a personal opinion and others might not look at the same bug/issue the same.

    Just not feeling the same as you, sorry.

    EDIT: Not getting closed, some edits :smile:
    Edited by LunaRae on August 18, 2014 11:18PM
    Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
    Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
    Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
    Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
  • DogFaceInBananaPatch
    ESO is entertaining between bank runs. Is an Alt bank simulator worth your monthly subscription fee? You decide!

    I found myself start to fall into the pattern of saving everything on alt/mules and decided it's not worth it so instead of the bank, after I check for upgrades, I just hit a merchant, close my eyes, and press Sell until I'm at 0/<bag_size>.

    I easily maxed out my full capacity of somewhere are 500-550 spaces in under two or three days between all alts and shared bank. So, no, don't care if I need it later or it may sell for more; all vendored, life easier, game more fulfilling.

  • Kreetar
    yes, there are a plethora of things NOT right in this game, but if anyone expected it to be released without many troubles, they were a fool. I choose to focus on what is to be loved about the game while still recognizing that it has a way to go before it's anywhere near other peoples' "cup of tea".

    anyway...because you've made a pretty reasonable and graceful exit, I'll wish you well in general and hope maybe the game can evolve into something more enjoyable for you and your friends. :yum:
    dip me in the blood of mortals and throw me to the Dremora

  • HurlinMerlin
    I have done the same, I made sure mine doesn't auto-renew.... it runs out in Nov I believe and I will most likely wait quite a while before re-subbing. I doubt if I will even play during the time I have left... I have 0 desire to log in anymore, there are just too many bugs that affect my game play in serious ways for me to be able to enjoy it.

    The most frustrating thing to me is the sudden loss of the ability to attack during an encounter... this has happened to me so many times it isn't even funny. In a game where the end play is focused on PVP, being suddenly unable to attack is unacceptable at any level.
  • RazielSR
    Well...I think this is a good topic and we can behave in a constructive way (at least by now...)

    I'm a hardcore TES fan. I have played thousands of hours like a mad to Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. Dagerfall was a game that I played a lot too, but not that much.

    I don't really like mmorpgs. I just liked Age Of Conan and I played about 3 years (not continous).
    I'm playing ESO since beta days, and then since early access. I find that the game is awesome regarding design and graphics (I really think they should improve some things like view distance and terrain not being that flat).
    In ESO when you are in a province...its ok and really well designed but its too generic sometimes, repetitive and with no soul,deep and needs a lot more TES atmosphere. Almost the whole ESO terrain is just flat and standard,anyway I have to say that High Rock is excelent in ESO.

    ESO strongest part is the name and the world= Elder Scrolls universe.
    As an mmo does not offer anything new,but as a lets say hybrid solo/group TES game is very good. Im playing this game because it has Elder Scrolls on it. Like me,a lot of people...I would say the majority.
    What you can do and feel in a TES game (and more if you have in mind the fantastic mod community) is really far away from what ESO can or will offer. And it is normal, because this is an mmorpg.

    I continue subbed since march. I really continued subbed because I love TES universe, not because I think the game is worth right now. Why? Not because it lacks mmorpg, it is because it lacks TES.
    Veteran story is just a bad idea. A character should be able to visit the whole of Tamriel, but with a new story depending of the faction you just helped to kill Molag Bal. Is lazy, LAZY as hell to be wondering the other parts of Tamriel just like if you ever have defeated Molag Bal. You can continue seeing Dolmens and Daedras...that's not normal and that just makes you feel like a complete idiot.
    Does not feel like a TES game.
    Lacks a lot of roleplaying elements. A simple think I asked for about 10 times in beta time, was the possibility to be able to sit on benches, chairs, etc, etc...That simple thing is not happening 5 months later.

    For me, it seems the rest of Tamriel is gonna be adventure zones oriented and I dont like that. I want a lot more solo zones. They said you were not going to be forced to group but almost all the updates are about groups. Yes yes, it is an mmorpg but it is TES. If you carry that name you must face the consequences.
    So, if the game continues being more a generic mmorpg than a TES game and I don't see solo zones and I can't visit the Imperial City or other parts of Tamriel the way I want (not being forced to pvp) then I will be out. Well, me and a lot of people, because the vast majority of people playing this game are TES fans playing something TES related until TES VI release. MMO fans will just jump to the next mmorpg to rush the game and blame in the forums later because of lack of endgame content.
    Edited by RazielSR on August 18, 2014 11:32PM
  • Audigy
    Two of the points made by the OP are not valid and show his misinformation in advance to the ESO franchise.
    Progressive raids. You need em. You don't have them. I'm losing interest. Raids don't have to be done by everybody. Raids aren't lore-breaking and raids can be a hell of a lot fun when doing them in a friendly guild form. At endgame, I want to beat that big dragon/monster/skeleton/horror-beast who will drop my epic superbow.

    Do you realize that at WOW only 5-7% of the people advance to the raids? Don't you think that your claim "you need em" is silly based on those numbers?

    Fact is, most people wont do them so why waste valuable resources on them? Besides that, they added a new raid or endgame dungeon with every update so far and will continue doing so. Therefore you don't have any reason to complain at all, you got more than you needed already.

    I also disagree about VRs. To me they were a great approach to fix the boring alt grinding that we have at other MMOs. Too often did we had to make a new race or class we didn't like to see the whole world, this isn't the case at ESO as we can play the whole game with just one char.

    That said, they should had given us a more lore based story line for VRs and while making the 1-50 zones much harder so that people learned early that this is an MMO and they have to group for big challenges.

    Also Craglorn was a big mistake, it thinned out the player population as it offered easy xp.

    In the end this all wont matter soon since the VR system will be removed. A great opportunity wasted in my opinion.

    Where I agree with are those
    * Crafting system is a fantastic feature in ESO. It's a shame though that once you play enough and spend enough points everyone can be a master in every profession imaginable, which kills the economy for crafters.

    The issue is that crafting is available no matter what you did. In general the ability to craft stuff for a house, to tailor tabards, to build trading boxes, to contribute to a city and last but not least the ability to craft the best gear in the whole game after an epic journey makes crafting interesting.

    Sadly crafting is a niche right now and I wish it would be improved especially since the Dev once said it should be a valuable and important aspect in the game. I stand to my word, crafting at SWG and Ultima is still the best of all MMOs.
    * Auction House. A million topics already.

    We don't need a global AH, it has done more harm than good at WOW. What we need are player shops and not just guild stores like now. Lets face it, unless you are in a 50 men guild, trading is not accessible right now. This is a big flaw in the system as everyone should be able to trade and not only those in big guilds.

    I can sell stuff on the street in RL at any time without being a member of xy and this is how it should work at ESO too.

    Again, Ultima and SWG showed how it can work.

    In the end I would advice to not demand ESO to be the next WOW, the game is different for a reason - more Sandbox elements however are welcome.
    Edited by Audigy on August 18, 2014 11:53PM
  • cyqa
    Navuri wrote: »

    It's called Elder Scrolls, but you didn't mean 'scrolls' literally right Zenimax?


    I laughed at this joke. :stuck_out_tongue:

    I agree with a lot of your points, disagree with some. I am still doing 1-50 so there is still a lot of content ahead for me and I can't really speak for endgame yet. Reading posts like this day after day (but yours was really eloquent and calm, OP! I enjoyed the read) has made me feel sad that ESO is losing so many subscribers, many of them people who have been waving flags of support for months and months. I don't know how I will feel when I hit veteran levels. All of these posts have made me wonder if I will be similarly disenchanted come endgame. I'm glad to know that you anticipate returning, and I hope the other people who left will consider it as well.
  • ThePonzzz
    I agree with a lot of the OP, but I don't really feel the snippy remarks are necessary. For me, ESO feels like a single-player game with a subscription fee. And right now, I'm okay with that. I'm enjoying the game with what time I have to play. The things I'd love to see happen would require us start all over, and I know that's not going to happen.
  • KingRebz
    I fully agree with the orginal post. Ive quit my quit for a while too but thats because im waiting for future dlcs. Still a good game at best. hope the dlcs bring out more of the game as well as a larger community!
    V14 Sorceror [Ebonheart]
  • Duck
    I played from the start (from before the start, technically - special snowflake beta tester whoop), and got 1 character all the way to VR1.5, and not liking the character too much and reading/hearing everyone's complaints about higher level content...
    I think I'm near the end as well. I have other characters at low levels that I could work on, ones I enjoy more than the original main character, but the process of leveling them up again, hitting all the (equivalent-to-) same content again, the guild quests, the main story quests..
    I can't do it. I can't do it through all the pigeon-holeing of builds (can't play my way if i want to be taken seriously in harder content), and all the glitches and bugs that seem to be fixed at an incredibly slow pace. Combine that all with my limited hours available to gaming (few people and fewer friends are on at the times I can get on), and the general attitude of many gamers and their hardcore mindset of "get outta my way you filthy casual." (Although seriously there's a lot of awesome people here too, but I never seem to be able to game with much of them)

    Maybe this game will come around with time. I'd like to hope it does, because I was initially looking forward to "Skyrim Online" with GREAT anticipation. Maybe it'll be like Age of Conan, where initially it was full of suck but later turned into a respectable game that held my interest for a while. Hopefully I'll be able to come back to a great game later. Hope you fun players are still around then
    What I lack in gameplaying ability I make up for in smack talk.
  • Nocturnalfox
    I'm giving it till November as well.
    If it doesn't improve, then I am leaving too.
    Around November time there will be a lot of new games on the Horizon.
    I have made numbers of threads detailing things I would like to see, so I wont do that here. But yea. November.
    I think 2 and a half months is totally reasonable to get it in order. On top of the 4-5 months they have all ready had.
    Vasiliya Vet 8 DK -NA DC-
    Normally found grinding, arguing or charging with a Battle Axe all round Cyrodiil
  • Troponin
    I agree with most of this. The way shrine part I don't agree with. If players have a choice whether to use them or not, then getting rid of them would just be silly. Instead, just avoid them if you don't want to. I am sure a very large population of players would prefer to keep them.

    I think so many players seem to forget where most, well established games came from. Look at World of Warcraft. Were you around during release? Little content, bugs, people racing to end game only to find a couple dungeons etc.

    I digress. I just think people expect too much from a newly released game. Just think what this game could be 3 years from now if players stick with it.
  • Mikeriddle1b16_ESO
    I enjoy the core game for what it does allot. It is the lack of MMO aspects that causes me to log on less often. Without a regular reason to group as a main way to progress (I'm not talking about forced grouping just for it to be a viable option), which needs to be established right from the start of the game, the social and cooperative aspects of the game are far less. This also makes it more difficult to recommend the game to friends, not because it isn't good but because we would all be soloing and only getting together for a quick run through 3 dungeons once every 8 levels or so...
  • iaintoff
    jrgray93 wrote: »
    I too am starting to lose interest and hope that things will improve. In fact, I just posted my own thread about it. I don't have plans to leave yet, but I can very well see that happening if things don't improve. Even if I do, I'll still keep an eye on things to see if something catches my interest.

    Let's not forget the mess that is cryodiil.
    I mean the sheer amount of bugs considering this is the only end game they have for a subs based system is quite frankly sub standard.

    It's is for this reason alone that I will be coming back also at the end of the year. For now I will ride the 3 weeks left I have on my alt.

    I stopped eating at macdonalds about 3 years ago when I found what looked like a *** hair in my big breakfast, so then why would I continue to pay eso to pvp, when an hours pvp session involves about 10 relogs I *** you not.

    Won't mention them here, it's well documented. But the bugs in cryodiil are increasing not getting better.
  • Uisi
    I agree with some of the reasons post by OP, in particular the tehnical issues that ESO have and need to be fixed, because no matter if you have a very lovely game if you can not enjoy it. There are also some broken or uninspired mechanics that allow to segregate players and game content depending on weapon or build used. The grouping, again, is not friendly enough despite the fact that are regions and quests only group based, questing and leveling there being a group only activities.
    All in all the game has its problems (that we all hope to be resolved) but also has its unique features and assets that make him special. ESO is not like other mmo and we should not drag him to the way of common mmo, we should bring the problems (technical, conceptual, mechanics) to attention, but we should not try to change the game to became a clone or a half breed to other mmo out there.
    I like this game, i play it back from first open beta, it gives me a good fun, at least for now, but i will not continue to subscribe, also, if the developer not solve the critical tehnical and gameplay problems. I would like to see a more fluid game, without lag, fps drop, with balanced mechanics, without invisible barriers put on exploration instead of a large chunk of content periodic thrown to players (that inevitably break something).
    If something is not broke ... fix it!
  • Myrrdinn2014
    They can post just fine I cancelled about a month ago but still keeping a close watch on the game to see if things change that would interest me in coming back...
  • Turelus
    To be quite honest I am getting closer and closer to making the same choice and just closing my sub and going back to EVE Online.

    The biggest reasons for me on this are very different to your own though, mine mostly focus on the broken, terrible state of the PVP game and ZOS basic inability to fix anything on a regular basis.

    We still have PVP bugs which have been around since beta (why can't we use doors we repair already?), we have an NPC vendor missing for only one faction for 17days now, the campaigns are always full at peak times, they lag to hell, zergs of impulse are just boring, I could go on and on but there is an entire forums section full of issues.

    The reason I would go back to EVE Online is a simple one, CCP are not the most competent company in the world but when there is a bug added by a new expansion or patch, it's normally fixed within a week.
    They have downtime for 30mins every day which means we can get patches deployed into the game every day, issues like a missing NPC don't go on for over half a month, normally a couple of days at most. Here however even the most trivial of issues sits and waits for a point release before it's ever fixed, there are no weekly patches because ZOS bundle everything into their point release.

    I would be happy with the server being offline for an hour every day if it meant things were fixed at a more rapid pace.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • david271749
    Title needs to be "A Not So Tough Decision."
  • cuz_mike200
    ESO is a great game, but the levelling is just really slow and time consuming
  • Sou1defiler
    That's not the issue, the problem is that you can craft better gear than anything you can find in the world.

    I agree. Although I'm kind of stuck in the middle. While on one hand crafting your own gear being better than any gear you find in world may and really should encourage you to craft, on the other hand it defeats the purpose of having gear drops. As soon as my main crafter was able to craft in the Daedric style every single one of my alts, even brand new ones, are completely decked out in Daedric style gear I've crafted at set bonus crafting shrines. Now all gear does on all characters now is provide materials for crafting through breaking down any items I pick up in world or for researching. Having said that the crafting in ESO is quite enjoyable, (the new Dye stations make it even more attractive) and ultimately it is down to my personal preference to play in my crafted gear. I just wish that items you pick up after killing something or finishing a quest would make you think very hard about wether the piece you just earned is better than the piece you crafted yourself, because right now, no drops are currently making me do that.

    As for the Op's list of reasons, it's quite hard to disagree with any of them. I too have played since the beta and the full game since the official launch, including the free time for pre ordering. The main point I agree with is the end game issue. I too have felt a sense of "OK what now" after defeating Molag Bal, and the very long and soul destroying grind from V1 to V12 running the 2 other faction's storylines just seems to be a lazy and quick get out attempt at end content. Every time I go to select a character from the list I look at my V2 and V3 and think.... nah.. and go to a lower level alt, even though I probably should to get them to V12 the thought of how much time I will spend getting to that goal makes me wonder if ultimately it is worth it. I understand that ESO still has a very long way to go but short changing players with end content of a very long grind running through opposing faction storylines doesn't cut it. As has been touched on before, mass group content such as defeating a large Daedric Incursion with elite level boss encounters in a single multiplayer instance that needs a pre made group before it can be entered, along the lines of the WoW raid dungeon mechanic. WoW does it's instances very well, (just to annoy any WoW elitist raiders who may play ESO and be reading this, yes I include the LFR system in that) there is no shame in borrowing some of the mechanics to implement in ESO.

    But this next part is probably going to annoy a lot of people and will no doubt cause a little storm.

    ZOS. Please. and I'm begging you. Please do NOT start mixing PvP with PvE. They are too completely different game mechanics, so please do not start doing what most developers do and cave in to loud demands of PvPer's that the game structure and balance is decided upon by PvP balancing. Speaking as someone who finds PvP utterly boring and avoid it like the plague(that is MY choice) keep PvP in specific PvP areas. If one of your plans is to eventually develop PvP to be game wide and affecting PvE, that will signal the end of my subscription. PvP duelling, Arena style PvP, yes you can develop for that and I hope you do as PvP, even though I detest it, is a huge part of any MMO. It should however, not interfere with PvE.

  • Voodoo
    Didnt read everything but no doubt you touched on a few things that need tweaking/adding, ect.. BUT to me there is no other MMO out there or coming up that I want to play more than this game...not by a long shot so..i'll stay and support ZOS and give them a year and I have no doubt ESO will be solidified as one of the best MMO's to date:) ... with a subscription to boot!
  • ravenhartb14_ESO
    Hell, let me be honest. The fact that I'm not the only one cognizant and dissatisfied with some of the major issues has kept my sub current more than the limited joy I've been able to find between bank runs.
    I've logged more time on the forums than in game in the past 2 months waiting eagerly for a ZOS employee to copy/paste something to the effect of, "ZOS understands your concerns, and will take them into account for further development".
    If I can search the threads for major, game / fun breaking issues, a ZOS employee can. If I can post a reply 10 words or greater, so can a ZOS employee.
    I work in a government agency and can appreciate having your hands tied with a decision while you wait for those of higher rank to give a yay or nay decision.

    1) My job is secure and is not dependent on whether we go with x or y vendor.
    2) Voicing an acknowledgment of an issue with a vague and ambiguous statement regarding the current status of my agency's position at a minimum is within my power, and only takes seconds of my time. Still; I personally view this as a crucial part of the PR involved in my job.

    Just saying. Sometimes PR is more pivotal than development for success.
  • atomikrej
    Just a comment on crafting. I really don't know about everyone being master of every craft. Let's go through a few:
    Provisioning: until recently not many people had purple vr5 recipes. Even now making food for large groups is not easy as the rare ingredients for purple food are only given by hirelings. So you need a few alts to have a chance.
    Alchemy: good luck harvesting enough reagents to keep more than yourself satisfied. The area I'm in right now I'm using lots of potions. They're a bit like a get out of jail card but for every 4 you consume you have to run around hollow city for 10 mins to make up.
    Blacksmithing, clothing, woodworking: do you know that in order to craft v12 set gear you need all 8 traits researched for the item you want to craft? That's quite a long time. I'm currently researching 5th trait on cuirass and it takes something like 3.5 days. Imagine you have to do this for 16 items to fully master Blacksmithing. Now I'm sure there's people out there who have researched everything but there's more who haven't and who cannot make their own v12 set gear. Best you can do is v12 legendary gear with traits but no set, or you can hope to pickup some v11 set and upgrade that to legendary.
    Now you made a point that crafting economy is kind of non existent, which from my experience I tend to agree but I think it may be for other reasons than everyone being master of crafting. It's more likely due to people not wanting to buy stuff from others and just do it their own way
  • Navuri
    Seeing the PTS Patch Notes for 1.4, the reactions to VR14 and the negative topics that keep popping up everyday I think it might be wise for Zenimax to make a public announcement about the state of the game and the future it will have. Reading the reactions in all these different topics, there is a lot of frustration with players at the moment.
    Zenimax needs to put out some fires here and there to keep things under control otherwise I fear this isn't going in the right direction. The information at Quakecon was very postive (for me at least) and I thought that the game was finally moving in the right direction. However, the fact that people are creating negative topic after negative topic on these officials forums makes me think that there might be a shift towards 'we don't care anymore Zenimax'.

    I don't think ESO has the luxury of losing hunderds (or even thousands) of players each day. The shift towards the positive needs to come around really, really soon before this whole snowball of negative starts to roll over Tamriel and crush it.

  • maanemann
    Soul Shriven
    Orchish wrote: »
    Allowing us to master all crafts if we wish to do so is one of the best things about this MMO In my opinion.

    That's not the issue, the problem is that you can craft better gear than anything you can find in the world.

    Actually being able to craft gear I actually can use during vr leveling is one of the things I like most in this game, and is a nice variation to leveling.

    In so many MMO crafting is not useful when you are nearing end game.
    (I was Lw in WoW and after lvl40 I might just have made a couple of capes that was useful at end game as an example)

    It is also fun to make my character's weapons wether woodworking or blacksmithing and gear in clothing. So I am glad for that too. Though i do see the problem this causes to the game economy.

    Edited by maanemann on August 20, 2014 11:59AM
  • Xeres14
    I like that you can craft very good gear. IMO that's a big plus for the game. Not so big when ZO keeps increasing the max level but that's another topic for another 4853940 threads. ;)

    WoW comes up a bit here. Do you really think WoW is as popular as it is because of its leveling or PvP or crafting? No, sorry, it's not.

    ESO needs to give something progressive to do once you reach max level. And the VR system isn't it because it actually discourages people from making alts. No, right after adding authenticators and fixing bugs, progressive end game content should be top priority.
  • Frenkthevile

    LOL at who complain about endgame and it's not even VR12. The big ''raids'' are the Trials and PvE Dragonstar arena is just 2/3 weeks far what the hell ur talking about?!
    Edited by Frenkthevile on August 20, 2014 1:29PM
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