I specifically linked where my files were and where they were moved to.
haploeb14_ESO wrote: »You could try one of these ways to move the folder or My Documents to another drive.
Redirect a folder to a new location
Windows 7
NTFS junction point
I'm not asking how to move the files, I did this. I'm asking for the game to recognize a location I specify.
I know, several of us would like this to be available, but it's currently not possible, and you're unlikely to get a response from Zenimax here - this forum is mostly users complaining (or having a go at one another) with no response.
If you have a comment, use \feedback in game to submit it.
mklink /d "S:\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live" "E:\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live"This will make it look like the files are still located at S:\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live even thou they are actually read from E:\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live. Since the game seems to be hard coded to read your files from "My Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\" this seems to be the only solution.
robert.jernbergnrb19_ESO wrote: »Open a command window (cmd) with administrator rights. (Right click and select run as Administrator)
Type the following.mklink /d "S:\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live" "E:\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live"This will make it look like the files are still located at S:\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live even thou they are actually read from E:\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live. Since the game seems to be hard coded to read your files from "My Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\" this seems to be the only solution.
This trick can also be used if you want to install the PTS client but don't have the space on the drive where you have the EU/NA client installed.